is a flexible tool for simulation and statistical inference of epidemiological models, emphasizing renewal models. Built on top of the numpyro Python library, pyrenew
provides core components for model building, including pre-defined models for processing various types of observational processes. To start, visit the tutorials section on the project's website here.
The following diagram illustrates the composition of the HospitalAdmissionsModel
class. Notably, all components are modular and can be replaced with custom implementations.
flowchart LR
%% Elements
rt_proc["Random Walk Rt\nProcess (latent)"];
latent_inf["Latent Infections"]
latent_ihr["Infection to Hosp.\nrate (latent)"]
neg_binom["Observation process\n(hospitalizations)"]
latent_hosp["Latent Hospitalizations"];
i0["Initial infections\n(latent)"];
gen_int["Generation\ninterval (fixed)"];
hosp_int["Hospitalization\ninterval (fixed)"];
%% Models
admin_model(("Hospital Admissions\nModel"));
%% Latent infections
rt_proc --> latent_inf;
i0 --> latent_inf;
gen_int --> latent_inf;
latent_inf --> basic_model
%% Hospitalizations
hosp_int --> latent_hosp
neg_binom --> admin_model;
latent_ihr --> latent_hosp;
basic_model --> admin_model;
latent_hosp --> admin_model;
Install via pip with
pip install git+
- CDCgov/pyrenew-covid-wastewater: Models and infrastructure for forecasting COVID-19 hospitalizations using wastewater data with PyRenew.
- CDCgov/pyrenew-flu-light: An instantiation in PyRenew of an influenza forecasting model used in the 2023-24 respiratory season.
- The MSR Website provides general documentation and tutorials on using MSR.
- The Model Equations Sheet describe the mathematics of the renewal processes and models MSR supports.
- Additional reading on renewal processes in epidemiology
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