diff --git a/Documentation/doc/biblio/geom.bib b/Documentation/doc/biblio/geom.bib index eb90c3c0d866..7f8a137413c5 100644 --- a/Documentation/doc/biblio/geom.bib +++ b/Documentation/doc/biblio/geom.bib @@ -695,7 +695,7 @@ @incollection{abbkw-pdb-87 , title = "Protein data bank" , editor = "F. H. Allen and G. Bergerhoff and R. Seivers" , booktitle = "Crystallographic Databases: Information Content, Software Systems, Scientific Applications" -, publisher = "Data Comission of the International Union of Crystallography" +, publisher = "Data Commission of the International Union of Crystallography" , address = "Bonn/Cambridge/Chester" , year = 1987 , update = "98.03 bibrelex" @@ -1691,7 +1691,7 @@ @inproceedings{aas-stl3d-95 , year = 1995 , pages = "267--276" , issn = "0-89791-724-3" -, keywords = "ray shooting, contrained triangulation, tetrahedra" +, keywords = "ray shooting, constrained triangulation, tetrahedra" , cites = "am-stl3s-95, as-tsbac-90, be-mgot-92i, b-ct-93, c-cpplb-84, ceg-ccc-89, cp-tncp-90, cs-bst-94, cw-qorss-89, dk-fdpi-82, dk-ladsc-85, e-t-91, hs-parss-95, m-ept-92, mms-qsrs-94, o-agta-87, rs-dt3dn-89, w-stlcn-92t, ZZZ" , update = "98.07 bibrelex, 98.03 bibrelex, 95.09 mitchell" } @@ -2353,7 +2353,7 @@ @article{ams-fnmst-92 @inproceedings{amv-nacbs-98 , author = "Pankaj K. Agarwal and T. Murali and J. Vitter" , title = "A new algorithm for constructing binary space partitions for orthogonal rectangles" -, booktitle = "Proc. European Sympos. Algortihms" +, booktitle = "Proc. European Sympos. Algorithms" , year = 1998 , update = "99.03 agarwal" } @@ -2942,7 +2942,7 @@ @article{af-wmsia-96 @article{a-lncg-88 , author = "A. Aggarwal" , title = "Lecture Notes in Computational Geometry" -, journal = "MIT Reserch Seminar Series MIT/LCS/RSS" +, journal = "MIT Research Seminar Series MIT/LCS/RSS" , volume = 3 , month = aug , year = 1988 @@ -4413,7 +4413,7 @@ @inproceedings{am-ppopp-92 @inproceedings{ahk-sgaan-87 , author = "S. B. Akers and D. Harel and B. Krishnamurthy" , title = "The Star Graph: An Attractive Alternative to the {$n$}-cube" -, booktitle = "Proc. Int. Conf. on Parrallel Processing" +, booktitle = "Proc. Int. Conf. on Parallel Processing" , year = 1987 , pages = "393--400" , update = "98.07 bibrelex" @@ -8161,7 +8161,7 @@ @inproceedings{as-sfr-94 , editor = "T. C. Waugh and R. G. Healey" , booktitle = "Proc. 6th Internat. Sympos. Spatial Data Handling" , site = "Edinburgh, Scotland" -, organization = "International Geographical Union Comission on Geographic Information Systems, Association for Geographical Information" +, organization = "International Geographical Union Commission on Geographic Information Systems, Association for Geographical Information" , month = sep , year = 1994 , pages = "190--208" @@ -9887,7 +9887,7 @@ @book{a-gg2-91 @incollection{a-rrm-91 , author = "J. Arvo" -, title = "Random rotation matrics" +, title = "Random rotation matrices" , editor = "J. Arvo" , booktitle = "Graphics Gems II" , publisher = "Academic Press" @@ -11248,7 +11248,7 @@ @article{ac-crbrp-01 @inproceedings{ac-opavs-89 , author = "M. J. Atallah and D. Z. Chen" -, title = "Optimal parallel algorithm for visibility of a simple polygon from a p oint" +, title = "Optimal parallel algorithm for visibility of a simple polygon from a point" , booktitle = "Proc. 5th Annu. ACM Sympos. Comput. Geom." , year = 1989 , pages = "114--123" @@ -11651,7 +11651,7 @@ @inproceedings{at-pdgp-89 @inproceedings{a-vgsls-96 , author = "Y. Atassi" -, title = "Visibility graph of a set of line sements: {A} dynamic sequential algorithm and its parallel version" +, title = "Visibility graph of a set of line segments: {A} dynamic sequential algorithm and its parallel version" , booktitle = "Proc. 8th Canad. Conf. Comput. Geom." , year = 1996 , pages = "246--251" @@ -12787,7 +12787,7 @@ @article{af-beals-91 , number = 5 , year = 1991 , pages = "39--42" -, keywords = "linear programing, convex hull, oriented matroid" +, keywords = "linear programming, convex hull, oriented matroid" , update = "95.05 korneenko" } @@ -13344,7 +13344,7 @@ @article{amm-cgcap-93 , annote = "The author's notion of $S-$convex hull for an isothetic domain is in other words the minimal externally isothetically visible hull. An $O(rn^3)$ time $O(rn^2)$ space algorithm for $r-$vertex - $S-$convex approximation of miminal area of an $n-$vertex isothetic + $S-$convex approximation of minimal area of an $n-$vertex isothetic domain is given." , abstract = "Using generalizations of the concept of convexity, a technique is described for approximating polygonal domains by @@ -13454,7 +13454,7 @@ @article{beh-gms-79 @incollection{b-ssar-89 , author = "R. {Baeza-Yates}" -, title = "String searching algorthms revisited" +, title = "String searching algorithms revisited" , booktitle = "??" , series = "Lecture Notes Comput. Sci." , volume = 382 @@ -14012,7 +14012,7 @@ @inproceedings{bk-cmpgm-87 , year = 1987 , pages = "171--180" , keywords = "motion planning, algebraic geometry, design of algorithms, three-dimensional, CAD, robotics" -, comments = "full version appeared as Generation of configuration space obstacles:{II} The moving of algebraic surfaces, the internation journal of robotics research 9:1, feb 1990, 92-112" +, comments = "full version appeared as Generation of configuration space obstacles:{II} The moving of algebraic surfaces, the international journal of robotics research 9:1, feb 1990, 92-112" , cites = "a-hragr-76, ab-arpcs-87, ba-aprcs-86, ab-arpcs3-86, aa-ntsrm-76, bk-gcso2-86, bk-gcso3-87, bfh-sam-86, bcl-casac-82, c-cdmp-84, c-cpplb-84, c-cmpr-71, d-etqti-08, c-dgcs-76, d-mpsdf-84, fa-spbsg-84, f-past-75, grs-kfcg-83, gs-ccrs-86, hh-gabr-86, hk-crcs-85, h-rv-86, kw-gcsmm-79, l-spcsa-83, lw-apcfp-79, lmt-asfms-84, mmp-dgp-85, m-fspcp-85, osb-spps-85, p-mmp-78, r-rrso-80, rv-smcsr-83, ss-pmp2g-83, ss-spps-84, th-otdp-84, u-cdacc-77, w-ac-78, y-amp-85, ZZZ" , update = "98.03 bibrelex, 93.09 milone+mitchell" } @@ -16972,7 +16972,7 @@ @article{bk-nip-91 @article{b-sbbtd-72 , author = "R. Bayer" -, title = "Symmetric binary B-trees: data structure and maintenace algorithms" +, title = "Symmetric binary B-trees: data structure and maintenance algorithms" , journal = "Acta Inform." , volume = 1 , year = 1972 @@ -21144,7 +21144,7 @@ @article{bl-ecld-88 @book{b-ncma-72 , author = "P. Bezier" -, title = "Numerical Control - Mathematics and Aplications" +, title = "Numerical Control - Mathematics and Applications" , publisher = "John Wiley \& Sons" , address = "London, UK" , year = 1972 @@ -21199,7 +21199,7 @@ @inproceedings{bosswz-cpmmb-92 , booktitle = "Proc. 4th Canad. Conf. Comput. Geom." , year = 1992 , pages = "365--370" -, keywords = "convex polygons, meshes with muliple broadcasting, diameter, enclosing rectangle, inscribed triangle, time-optimal algorithms, image processing, computer vision" +, keywords = "convex polygons, meshes with multiple broadcasting, diameter, enclosing rectangle, inscribed triangle, time-optimal algorithms, image processing, computer vision" , cites = "cdr-ultbp-86, ds-gmmmc-79, dh-pcsa-73, fs-dmaer-75, l-ipaaa-92, l-spcsa-83, pl-pdavs-88, ps-cgi-85, rk-dpp-82, t-mss-85, ag-hpc-90, bb-cv-82, blosz-fsamb-92, bps-aamv-89, kr-icmmb-89, losz-sema-, l-cvdmc-85, ml-cascv-89, osz-tosam-92, p-cg-78, pr-apmb-87, v-mvavi-91, v-spa-91, ZZZ" , update = "98.07 bibrelex" } @@ -22381,7 +22381,7 @@ @article{bfs-ccsp-90 @article{bl-psmcf-81 , author = "L. J. Billera and C. W. Lee" -, title = "A Proof of the Suffiency of {McMullen}'s Conditions for $f$-vectors of Simplicial Polytopes" +, title = "A Proof of the Sufficiency of {McMullen}'s Conditions for $f$-vectors of Simplicial Polytopes" , journal = "J. Combin. Theory Ser. A" , volume = 31 , number = 3 @@ -24037,7 +24037,7 @@ @article{bcduy-clcst-00 , succeeds = "bcduy-clcst-96" , cites = "abosy-fmcnp-89, b-cspps-88, bcdy-csp-95, bg-aoscf-95, cegss-cfals-93, dj-cmcnp-90, bds-lric-95, dk-ladsc-85, egs-cmcap-90, ep-mps-88, f-spcrd-86, ka-dd-84, k-eccs-79, k-osps-83, ld-gvdp-81, mt-cppna-85, m-lpltw-84, ms-sapo-95, m-idssp-92, okm-ccs-86" , update = "01.11 devillers" -, abstract = "A circle $C$ separates two planar sets if it encloses one of the sets and its open interior disk does not meet the other set. A separating circle is a largest one if it cannot be locally increased while still separating the two given sets. An $\Theta(n \log n)$ optimal algorithm is proposed to find all largest circles separating two given sets of line segments when line segments are allowe d to meet only at their endpoints. In the general case, when line segments may intersect $\Omega(n^2)$ times, our algorithm can be adapted to work in $O(n \alpha(n) \log n)$ time and $O(n \alpha(n))$ space, where $\alpha(n)$ represents the extremely slowly growing inverse of the Ackermann function." +, abstract = "A circle $C$ separates two planar sets if it encloses one of the sets and its open interior disk does not meet the other set. A separating circle is a largest one if it cannot be locally increased while still separating the two given sets. An $\Theta(n \log n)$ optimal algorithm is proposed to find all largest circles separating two given sets of line segments when line segments are allowed to meet only at their endpoints. In the general case, when line segments may intersect $\Omega(n^2)$ times, our algorithm can be adapted to work in $O(n \alpha(n) \log n)$ time and $O(n \alpha(n))$ space, where $\alpha(n)$ represents the extremely slowly growing inverse of the Ackermann function." } @inproceedings{bcdy-csp-95 @@ -24943,7 +24943,7 @@ @book{bm-gta-76 @article{bp-adtaa-91 , author = "J. Bonet and J. Peraire" -, title = "An alternating digital tree (ADT) algortihm for $3$D geometric searching and intersection problems" +, title = "An alternating digital tree (ADT) algorithm for $3$D geometric searching and intersection problems" , journal = "Internat. J. Numer. Methods Eng." , volume = 31 , year = 1991 @@ -25610,7 +25610,7 @@ @article{behflmrrswz-vrg3d-98 @inproceedings{bew-pag-98 , author = "P. Bose and H. Everett and S. K. Wismath" -, title = "Properties of Arragement Graphs" +, title = "Properties of Arrangement Graphs" , booktitle = "Abstracts 14th European Workshop Comput. Geom." , nickname = "CG '98" , site = "Barcelona" @@ -26964,7 +26964,7 @@ @article{bk-udgrn-98 } @inproceedings{bbdltv-trodo-99 -, author = "Stina Bridgeman and Giuseppe Di Battista and Walter Didimo and Guiseppe Liotta and Roberto Tamassia and Luca Vismara" +, author = "Stina Bridgeman and Giuseppe Di Battista and Walter Didimo and Giuseppe Liotta and Roberto Tamassia and Luca Vismara" , title = "Turn-Regularity and Optimal Drawings of Orthogonal Representations" , booktitle = "Abstracts 15th European Workshop Comput. Geom." , nickname = "CG '99" @@ -29040,7 +29040,7 @@ @inproceedings{brs-phpsd-87 @book{b-pgisl-86 , author = "P. A. Burrough" -, title = "Principles of Geographical Information Systems for Land Resourses Assessment" +, title = "Principles of Geographical Information Systems for Land Resources Assessment" , publisher = "Oxford University Press" , address = "New York" , year = 1986 @@ -30545,7 +30545,7 @@ @article{c-cpoda-97 @inproceedings{c-ennsh-98 , author = "F. Cazals" -, title = "Effective nearest neighbors searching on the hyper-cube, with a pplications to molecular clustering" +, title = "Effective nearest neighbors searching on the hyper-cube, with applications to molecular clustering" , booktitle = "Proc. 14th Annu. ACM Sympos. Comput. Geom." , year = 1998 , pages = "222--230" @@ -31157,7 +31157,7 @@ @inproceedings{cc-afodp-97 @inproceedings{cc-eafdp-97 , author = "W.-T. Chan and F. Y. L. Chin" , title = "Efficient algorithms for finding disjoint paths in grids" -, booktitle = "Proc. 8th ACM-SIAM Sympos. Discrete Alogrithms" +, booktitle = "Proc. 8th ACM-SIAM Sympos. Discrete Algorithms" , year = 1997 , pages = "454--463" , update = "98.07 bibrelex" @@ -34628,10 +34628,10 @@ @article{c-afspm-86 @incollection{c-cses-67 , author = "S. S. Chern" -, title = "Curves and Surfaces in {E}ucidean Space" +, title = "Curves and Surfaces in {E}uclidean Space" , editor = "S. S. Chern" , booktitle = "Studies in Global Geometry and Analaysis" -, series = "MAA Studies in Mathmatics" +, series = "MAA Studies in Mathematics" , volume = 4 , publisher = "Math. Assoc. Amer." , year = 1967 @@ -34641,10 +34641,10 @@ @incollection{c-cses-67 @incollection{c-cses-89 , author = "S. S. Chern" -, title = "Curves and Surfaces in {E}ucidean Space" +, title = "Curves and Surfaces in {E}uclidean Space" , editor = "S. S. Chern" , booktitle = "Global Differential Geometry" -, series = "Studies in Mathmatics" +, series = "Studies in Mathematics" , volume = 27 , publisher = "Math. Assoc. Amer." , year = 1989 @@ -36716,7 +36716,7 @@ @article{c-fhccp-90 @article{c-psepg-92 , author = "R. J. Cimikowski" -, title = "Properties of some {Euclidian} proximity graphs" +, title = "Properties of some {Euclidean} proximity graphs" , journal = "Pattern Recogn. Lett." , volume = 13 , number = 6 @@ -38862,7 +38862,7 @@ @article{cclbwfodbt-avebp-80 @article{c-sscg-86 , author = "R. L. Cook" , title = "Stochastic sampling in computer graphics" -, journal = "ACM Trans. Grpah." +, journal = "ACM Trans. Graph." , volume = 5 , year = 1986 , pages = "51--72" @@ -39149,7 +39149,7 @@ @misc{cw-pi-90 @article{cghj-lwfm-93 , author = "Robert M. Corless and Gaston H. Gonnet and D. E. G. Hare and David J. Jeffrey" , title = "{Lambert's} {W} function in {Maple}" -, journal = "The Maple Techical Newsletter" +, journal = "The Maple Technical Newsletter" , volume = "Issue 9" , year = 1993 , pages = "12--22" @@ -41046,7 +41046,7 @@ @inproceedings{afl-rracg-98 } @inproceedings{dfl-rcems-98 -, author = "Fabrizio d'Amore and Paolo G. Franciosa and Guiseppe Liotta" +, author = "Fabrizio d'Amore and Paolo G. Franciosa and Giuseppe Liotta" , title = "Robust Computation of {Euclidean} Minimum Spanning Trees" , booktitle = "Abstracts 14th European Workshop Comput. Geom." , nickname = "CG '98" @@ -42218,7 +42218,7 @@ @article{d-pchat-88 @article{d-i2dch-90 , author = "A. M. Day" -, title = "The Implementation of a 2{D} Convex Hull Algorithm Using Pertubation" +, title = "The Implementation of a 2{D} Convex Hull Algorithm Using Perturbation" , journal = "Comput. Graph. Forum" , volume = 9 , number = 4 @@ -42562,7 +42562,7 @@ @incollection{fp-htbmt-92 @incollection{dp-scdta-89 , author = "L. {De Floriani} and E. Puppo" -, title = "A survey of constrained {Delaunay} triangulation algorithms for surface representaion" +, title = "A survey of constrained {Delaunay} triangulation algorithms for surface representation" , editor = "G. G. Pieroni" , booktitle = "Issues on Machine Vision" , publisher = "Springer-Verlag" @@ -44092,7 +44092,7 @@ @article{ds-rnmgc- @article{ds-embrr-92 , author = "H. Desaulniers and N. F. Stewart" -, title = "An extension of manifold boudary representations to the $r$-sets" +, title = "An extension of manifold boundary representations to the $r$-sets" , journal = "ACM Trans. Graph." , volume = 11 , number = 1 @@ -44789,7 +44789,7 @@ @techreport{dm-focm-98 , archive = "XXX:cs.CG/9909017" , precedes = "dm-focoh-99" , update = "00.03 devillers, 99.11 devillers" -, abstract = "Given a finite set of non-collinear points in the plane there exists a line that passes through exactly two points. Such a line is called an {\em ordinary line}. An efficient algorithm for computing such a line was proposed by Mukhopadhyay et al. In this note we extend this result in two directions. We first show how to use this algorithm to compute an {\em ordinary conic}, that is, a conic passing through exactly five points, assuming that all the points do not lie onthe same conic. Our proof of existence and the consequent algorithm is simpler than previous ones. We also show how to compute an ordinary hyperplane in three and higher dimensions." +, abstract = "Given a finite set of non-collinear points in the plane there exists a line that passes through exactly two points. Such a line is called an {\em ordinary line}. An efficient algorithm for computing such a line was proposed by Mukhopadhyay et al. In this note we extend this result in two directions. We first show how to use this algorithm to compute an {\em ordinary conic}, that is, a conic passing through exactly five points, assuming that all the points do not lie on the same conic. Our proof of existence and the consequent algorithm is simpler than previous ones. We also show how to compute an ordinary hyperplane in three and higher dimensions." } @inproceedings{dpt-wt-01 @@ -50466,7 +50466,7 @@ @inproceedings{dm-bcpo-89 @inproceedings{dc-hcpc-80 , author = "P. W. Dymon and S. A. Cook" -, title = "Hardware Complexity and Parallel Comuting" +, title = "Hardware Complexity and Parallel Computing" , booktitle = "Proc. 21st Annu. IEEE Sympos. Found. Comput. Sci." , year = 1980 , pages = "360--372" @@ -57053,7 +57053,7 @@ @inproceedings{fg-oaac-88i @inproceedings{fm-cpgcs-91 , author = "T. Feder and R. Motwani" -, title = "Clique partitions, graph compression, and speeding up algoithms" +, title = "Clique partitions, graph compression, and speeding up algorithms" , booktitle = "Proc. 27th Annu. ACM Sympos. Theory Comput." , year = 1991 , pages = "123--133" @@ -63102,7 +63102,7 @@ @article{go-copcg-95 @incollection{g-csg-89 , author = "Shmuel Gal" -, title = "Continous Search Games" +, title = "Continuous Search Games" , booktitle = "Search theory: some recent developments." , series = "Lecture Notes in pure and applied mathematics" , volume = 112 @@ -63116,7 +63116,7 @@ @incollection{g-csg-89 @book{g-sg-80 , author = "Shmuel Gal" , title = "Search Games" -, series = "Mathematics in Science and Engeneering" +, series = "Mathematics in Science and Engineering" , volume = 149 , publisher = "Academic Press" , address = "New York" @@ -63781,7 +63781,7 @@ @article{g-obip-72 @article{gjs-agcpc-76 , author = "M. Garey and D. Johnson and H. So" -, title = "An Apllication of Graph Coloring to Printed Circuit Testing" +, title = "An Application of Graph Coloring to Printed Circuit Testing" , journal = "IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst." , volume = "CAS-23" , number = 10 @@ -66056,7 +66056,7 @@ @incollection{gchhhr-irt-87 @article{gmhhwsbr-cads5-95 , author = "R. Glen and G. Martin and A. Hill and R. Hyde and P. Wollard and J. Salmon and J. Buckingham and A. Robertson" -, title = "Computer-aided design and sythesis of $5$-substituted tryptamines and their pharmacology at the $5-{HT}_{10}$ receptor: {Discovery} of compounds with potential anti-migraine properties" +, title = "Computer-aided design and synthesis of $5$-substituted tryptamines and their pharmacology at the $5-{HT}_{10}$ receptor: {Discovery} of compounds with potential anti-migraine properties" , journal = "J. Medical Chemistry" , volume = 38 , year = 1995 @@ -67844,7 +67844,7 @@ @techreport{g-ceps-95 , author = "M. T. Goodrich" , title = "Communication-Efficient Parallel Sorting" , type = "Technical {Report}" -, institution = "Dept. of Computer Science, Johns Hopkins Univeristy" +, institution = "Dept. of Computer Science, Johns Hopkins University" , year = 1995 , update = "96.09 orourke" } @@ -67963,7 +67963,7 @@ @inproceedings{g-gpmee-93 @inproceedings{g-ilspo-89 , author = "M. T. Goodrich" -, title = "Intersectin line segments in parallel with an output sensitive number of processors" +, title = "Intersecting line segments in parallel with an output sensitive number of processors" , booktitle = "Proc. 1st ACM Sympos. Parallel Algorithms Architect." , year = 1989 , pages = "127--137" @@ -69069,7 +69069,7 @@ @incollection{g-dirsc-94 @inproceedings{gkm-hzbv-93 , author = "N. Greene and M. Kass and G. Miller" -, title = "Hierachical Z-Buffer Visibility" +, title = "Hierarchical Z-Buffer Visibility" , booktitle = "Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annu. Conference Series, 1993" , year = 1993 , pages = "273--278" @@ -76990,7 +76990,7 @@ @incollection{hs-epsql-91 , author = "E. G. Hoel and H. Samet" , title = "Efficient processing of spatial queries in line segment databases" , editor = "O. G{\"u}nther and H. J. Schek" -, booktitle = "Proc. 2rd Sympos. Advances in Spatial Databases" +, booktitle = "Proc. 2nd Sympos. Advances in Spatial Databases" , publisher = "Springer-Verlag" , address = "Berlin, Germany" , year = 1991 @@ -80919,7 +80919,7 @@ @article{ii-gca-96 , volume = 3 , year = 1996 , pages = "183--186" -, note = "ICIAM95 Proc., Applied Stochastics and Optimzation" +, note = "ICIAM95 Proc., Applied Stochastics and Optimization" , update = "98.07 bibrelex" } @@ -81888,7 +81888,7 @@ @incollection{jc-pspmr-92 , title = "Planning Smooth Paths for Mobile Robots" , editor = "Z. Li and J. F. Canny" , booktitle = "Nonholonomic Motion Planning" -, publisher = "Kluwer Academic Pubishers" +, publisher = "Kluwer Academic Publishers" , address = "Norwell, MA" , year = 1992 , pages = "271--342" @@ -82189,7 +82189,7 @@ @inproceedings{j-pacca-82 @techreport{jp-wcp-93t , author = "R. Janaardan and F. P. Preparata" -, title = "Widest-corridor problemes" +, title = "Widest-corridor problems" , type = "Technical Report" , number = "TR-93-17" , institution = "Dept. of Computer Science, University of Minnesota" @@ -83207,7 +83207,7 @@ @techreport{j-wdmim-97 @article{j-episc-48 , author = "F. John" -, title = "Extremum problems with inequalities as subsidary conditions" +, title = "Extremum problems with inequalities as subsidiary conditions" , journal = "Courant Anniversary" , volume = "??" , year = 1948 @@ -86151,7 +86151,7 @@ @article{k-ira-91 @incollection{k-racpc-72 , author = "R. Karp" -, title = "Reducibility among combinatorical problems of computer computaions" +, title = "Reducibility among combinatorial problems of computer computations" , editor = "E. Miller and J. W. Thatcher" , booktitle = "Complexity of Computer Computations" , publisher = "Plenum Press" @@ -86649,7 +86649,7 @@ @techreport{kn-pso-96-t , institution = "INRIA" , year = 1996 , update = "02.03 devillers, 97.11 bibrelex" -, abstract = "A set of objects is $k$-pierceable if there exists a set of $k$ poin ts such that each object is pierced by (contains) at least one of these points. Finding the smallest integer $k$ such that a set is $k$-pierceable is NP-complete. In this technical report, we present efficient algorithms for findi ng a piercing set (i.e., a set of $k$ points as above) for several classes of convex objects and small values of $k$. In some of the cases, our algorithms imply known as well as new Helly-type theorems, thus adding to previous results of Danzer and Gr{\"u}nbaum who studied the case of axis-parallel boxes. The problems studied here are related to the collection of optimization problems in which one seeks the smallest scaling factor of a centrally symmetric convex object $K$, so that a set of points can be covered by $k$ congruent homothets of $K$." +, abstract = "A set of objects is $k$-pierceable if there exists a set of $k$ points such that each object is pierced by (contains) at least one of these points. Finding the smallest integer $k$ such that a set is $k$-pierceable is NP-complete. In this technical report, we present efficient algorithms for findi ng a piercing set (i.e., a set of $k$ points as above) for several classes of convex objects and small values of $k$. In some of the cases, our algorithms imply known as well as new Helly-type theorems, thus adding to previous results of Danzer and Gr{\"u}nbaum who studied the case of axis-parallel boxes. The problems studied here are related to the collection of optimization problems in which one seeks the smallest scaling factor of a centrally symmetric convex object $K$, so that a set of points can be covered by $k$ congruent homothets of $K$." } @phdthesis{k-grdsc-85 @@ -91271,7 +91271,7 @@ @article{km-sgrhr-91 @article{kn-iscpi-90 , author = "J. Kratochvil and J. Ne{\v s}et{\v r}il" -, title = "Independend set and clique problems in intersection-defined classes of graphs" +, title = "Independent set and clique problems in intersection-defined classes of graphs" , journal = "Comment. Math. Univ. Carol." , volume = 31 , year = 1990 @@ -91584,7 +91584,7 @@ @article{ksw-frit-96 @inproceedings{kbs-csamc-91 , author = "H.-P. Kriegel and T. Brinkhoff and R. Schneider" , title = "The Combination of Spatial Access Methods and Computational Geometry in Geographic Database Systems" -, booktitle = "Proc. 2rd Sympos. Advances in Spatial Databases" +, booktitle = "Proc. 2nd Sympos. Advances in Spatial Databases" , series = "Lecture Notes Comput. Sci." , number = 525 , year = 1991 @@ -92644,7 +92644,7 @@ @article{lf-ppc-80 @article{l-ccsda-85 , author = "J. Lagarias" -, title = "The computational complexity of simultaneos {Diophantine} approximation problems" +, title = "The computational complexity of simultaneous {Diophantine} approximation problems" , journal = "SIAM J. Comput." , volume = 14 , year = 1985 @@ -96116,7 +96116,7 @@ @article{ls-pptmc-87 } @article{kl-bpss-78 -, author = "G. A. Kabatjansky ans V. Leven{\v s}te{\v i}n" +, author = "G. A. Kabatjansky and V. Leven{\v s}te{\v i}n" , title = "Bounds for packings of the sphere and in space" , journal = "Prob. 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For a set of disjoint rectilinear obstacles having $m$ edges, $t$ of which are ``extreme'' (locally -- having both adjacent edges on the same side of the line through the edge), they compute a shortest path in time $O(m\log t+ t\log^{3/2} t)$, using @@ -150723,7 +150723,7 @@ @incollection{yd-ecp-95 , address = "Singapore" , year = 1995 , pages = "452--492" -, keywords = "survey paper, numeral computing, exact compuation, fixed-precision, multiprecision number packages" +, keywords = "survey paper, numeral computing, exact computation, fixed-precision, multiprecision number packages" , update = "98.07 icking+vismara, 97.11 icking, 97.03 devillers+pocchiola" , abstract = "A survey of the approaches to non-robustness of geometric algorithms, and especially the exact computation approach. Also surveys available big-number packages." } @@ -151202,7 +151202,7 @@ @inproceedings{zl-mbt-93 @incollection{z-1aasp-92 , author = "A. Z. 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