Kinoptic Studio is a subsystem of Panoptic Studio, which is composed of 10 Kinect2 sensors.
Kinoptic Studio can be independently used from the Panoptic Studio.
See our PtCloudDB document for more details
Follow these steps to set up a simple example:
Assuming you want to donwload a sequence: named "160422_haggling1"
./scripts/ 160422_haggling1
This script will download the following files.
- 160422_haggling1/kinect_shared_depth/ksynctables.json #sync table
- 160422_haggling1/kinect_shared_depth/KINECTNODE%d/depthdata.dat #depth files
- 160422_haggling1/kcalibration_160422_haggling1.json #multiple kinects calibration files
- 160422_haggling1/kinectVideos/kinect_50_%d.mp4 #rgb video files
cd 160422_haggling1
matlab ./matlab/demo_kinoptic_gen_ptcloud.m
Note that you should set your "root_path" and "seqName" in this demo file.
matlab ./matlab/demo_kinoptic_projection.m
Similarly, note that you should set your "root_path" and "seqName" in this demo file.