First, create a fork of the project to your personal GitHub account.
Then install the tool as follows:
- Click on "Clone or download" and the click "Download zip"
- Open Chrome and click on setting
- click on “More tools” -> “Extensions”
- Turn on developer mode by checking the “Developer Mode” checkbox
- Click on “Load unpacked extension”
- Select the folder you saved the extracted file.
- Enable the extension and click “Update extensions now”
If you want to run the tool at this point, navigate to the page you wish to perform GenderMag on, and click the maroon bar GenderMag button at the bottom of the screen. (See the video at http://gendermag.org for examples of running it.)
To turn off the GenderMag extension navigate back to “Extensions” and uncheck the “Enable” box and uncheck “Developer Mode”.
To contribute:
- Now create a new branch to work on. Ex: The command git branch test creates a new branch called test.
- Use git checkout [name of branch] to switch to that branch.
- In the pop-up box navigate to the place you stored your local copy of the GenderMagsRecordersAssistant (the copy that you cloned to your local desktop)
To look for issues you can contribute to please navigate back to the original GenderMag repo (not your forked repo) and look at the issues under the issue tracker (Issues tab on the top).
Make any new changes or fixes on your branch and then push the branch to your remote repo.
Then make a pull request. You will hear back from us soon!