diff --git a/demos/premade_run_directories/common_files/MOM_input b/demos/premade_run_directories/common_files/MOM_input index b1beab7c..8b4ccc70 100755 --- a/demos/premade_run_directories/common_files/MOM_input +++ b/demos/premade_run_directories/common_files/MOM_input @@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ TOPO_CONFIG = "file" ! ! Phillips - ACC-like idealized topography used in the Phillips config. ! dense - Denmark Strait-like dense water formation and overflow. ! USER - call a user modified routine. +TOPO_FILE = "bathymetry.nc" ! Name of the file containing bathymetry information. MINIMUM_DEPTH = 4.5 ! [m] default = 0.0 ! If MASKING_DEPTH is unspecified, then anything shallower than MINIMUM_DEPTH is ! assumed to be land and all fluxes are masked out. If MASKING_DEPTH is