From 3938883c7859e17e38ac0404213503a333eba8ca Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alec Edgington <>
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2023 16:46:56 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] docs: Improve crate-level docs, including example code.

Closes #666 .
 src/ | 139 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 134 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 80a7b8edd..e7bffc98b 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,10 +1,139 @@
-//! `hugr` is the Hierarchical Unified Graph Representation of quantum circuits
-//! and operations in the Quantinuum ecosystem.
+//! Extensible, graph-based program representation with first-class support for linear types.
-//! # Features
+//! The name HUGR stands for "Hierarchical Unified Graph Representation". It is designed primarily
+//! as an intermediate representation and interchange format for quantum and hybrid
+//! classical–quantum programs.
-//! - `serde` enables serialization and deserialization of the components and
-//!   structures.
+//! Both data-flow and control-flow graphs can be represented in the HUGR. Nodes in the graph may
+//! represent basic operations, or may themselves have "child" graphs, which inherit their inputs
+//! and outputs. Special "non-local" edges allow data to pass directly from a node to another node
+//! that is not a direct descendent (subject to causality constraints).
+//! The specification can be found
+//! [here](
+//! This crate provides a Rust implementation of HUGR and the standard extensions defined in the
+//! specification.
+//! It includes methods for:
+//! - building HUGRs from basic operations;
+//! - defining new extensions;
+//! - serializing and deserializing HUGRs;
+//! - performing local rewrites.
+//! # Example
+//! To build a HUGR for a simple quantum circuit and then serialize it to a buffer, we can define
+//! a simple quantum extension and then use the [[builder::DFGBuilder]] as follows:
+//! ```
+//! use hugr::builder::{BuildError, DFGBuilder, Dataflow, DataflowHugr};
+//! use hugr::extension::prelude::{BOOL_T, QB_T};
+//! use hugr::hugr::Hugr;
+//! use hugr::type_row;
+//! use hugr::types::FunctionType;
+//! mod mini_quantum_extension {
+//!     use smol_str::SmolStr;
+//!     use hugr::{
+//!         extension::{
+//!             prelude::{BOOL_T, QB_T},
+//!             ExtensionId, ExtensionRegistry, PRELUDE,
+//!         },
+//!         ops::LeafOp,
+//!         type_row,
+//!         types::{FunctionType, PolyFuncType},
+//!         Extension,
+//!     };
+//!     use lazy_static::lazy_static;
+//!     fn one_qb_func() -> PolyFuncType {
+//!         FunctionType::new_linear(type_row![QB_T]).into()
+//!     }
+//!     fn two_qb_func() -> PolyFuncType {
+//!         FunctionType::new_linear(type_row![QB_T, QB_T]).into()
+//!     }
+//!     /// The extension identifier.
+//!     pub const EXTENSION_ID: ExtensionId = ExtensionId::new_unchecked("mini.quantum");
+//!     fn extension() -> Extension {
+//!         let mut extension = Extension::new(EXTENSION_ID);
+//!         extension
+//!             .add_op_type_scheme_simple(SmolStr::new_inline("H"), "Hadamard".into(), one_qb_func())
+//!             .unwrap();
+//!         extension
+//!             .add_op_type_scheme_simple(SmolStr::new_inline("CX"), "CX".into(), two_qb_func())
+//!             .unwrap();
+//!         extension
+//!             .add_op_type_scheme_simple(
+//!                 SmolStr::new_inline("Measure"),
+//!                 "Measure a qubit, returning the qubit and the measurement result.".into(),
+//!                 FunctionType::new(type_row![QB_T], type_row![QB_T, BOOL_T]).into(),
+//!             )
+//!             .unwrap();
+//!         extension
+//!     }
+//!     lazy_static! {
+//!         /// Quantum extension definition.
+//!         pub static ref EXTENSION: Extension = extension();
+//!         static ref REG: ExtensionRegistry = [EXTENSION.to_owned(), PRELUDE.to_owned()].into();
+//!     }
+//!     fn get_gate(gate_name: &str) -> LeafOp {
+//!         EXTENSION
+//!             .instantiate_extension_op(gate_name, [], &REG)
+//!             .unwrap()
+//!             .into()
+//!     }
+//!     pub fn h_gate() -> LeafOp {
+//!         get_gate("H")
+//!     }
+//!     pub fn cx_gate() -> LeafOp {
+//!         get_gate("CX")
+//!     }
+//!     pub fn measure() -> LeafOp {
+//!         get_gate("Measure")
+//!     }
+//! }
+//! use mini_quantum_extension::{cx_gate, h_gate, measure};
+//! //      ┌───┐
+//! // q_0: ┤ H ├──■─────
+//! //      ├───┤┌─┴─┐┌─┐
+//! // q_1: ┤ H ├┤ X ├┤M├
+//! //      └───┘└───┘└╥┘
+//! // c:              ╩═
+//! fn make_dfg_hugr() -> Result<Hugr, BuildError> {
+//!     let mut dfg_builder = DFGBuilder::new(FunctionType::new(
+//!         type_row![QB_T, QB_T],
+//!         type_row![QB_T, QB_T, BOOL_T],
+//!     ))?;
+//!     let [wire0, wire1] = dfg_builder.input_wires_arr();
+//!     let wire2 = dfg_builder.add_dataflow_op(h_gate(), vec![wire0])?;
+//!     let wire3 = dfg_builder.add_dataflow_op(h_gate(), vec![wire1])?;
+//!     let wire45 = dfg_builder.add_dataflow_op(cx_gate(), wire2.outputs().chain(wire3.outputs()))?;
+//!     let wire67 = dfg_builder.add_dataflow_op(measure(), wire45.outputs().last())?;
+//!     dfg_builder.finish_prelude_hugr_with_outputs(wire45.outputs().take(1).chain(wire67.outputs()))
+//! }
+//! let h: Hugr = make_dfg_hugr().unwrap();
+//! let serialized = serde_json::to_string(&h).unwrap();
+//! println!("{}", serialized);
+//! ```
+//! # Optional feature flags
+//! - `pyo3`: Enable Python bindings via [pyo3](