This is a Spring boot application, created to develop the secured API's for NTS Application.
- Java: 17
- Maven: 3.8.6
- STS: 4(Recommend code editor, but mandatory)
- Git: latest version
- Create your own branch eg: develop/navaneeth.
- Clone from it.
- Run the db_setup.sql script in your local MySql instance.
- Update your local user name, password and spring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/nts_db in file (Don't push this changes to remote github)
- Do maven clean install (Use maven build, goal shoud be "clean install").
- Up the server.
- Hit localhost:8080/nts/demo (To test the installation)
- Don't copy any code from online, you can refer the online code.
- Don't merge your local branch to master branch without getting the peer review.
- Make sure you cover the necessary test cases before you push (code coverage expected is 80%).
- Have proper variable and function naming conventions.
- Have proper commit names to your code checkin.
Thanks for being part of Hugs for Bugs team. We will collaborate and learn together. Happy Coding!