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Vector Data



The Vector tile format allows streaming of vector datasets including points, polylines, and polygons. Points can be represented with a combination of billboard, label, and point graphics primitives.

Each point, poyline, and polygon is a feature in the 3D Tiles specification language.


A tile is composed of two sections: a header immediately followed by a body.

Figure1: Vector tile layout.


The 44-byte header contains the following fields:

Field name Data type Description
magic 4-byte ANSI string "vctr". This can be used to identify the arraybuffer as a Vector tile.
version uint32 The version of the Vector Data format. It is currently 1.
byteLength uint32 The length of the entire tile, including the header, in bytes.
featureTableJSONByteLength uint32 The length of the feature table JSON section in bytes.
featureTableBinaryByteLength uint32 The length of the feature table binary section in bytes. If featureTableJSONByteLength is zero, this will also be zero.
batchTableJSONByteLength uint32 The length of the batch table JSON section in bytes. Zero indicates that there is no batch table.
batchTableBinaryByteLength uint32 The length of the batch table binary section in bytes. If batchTableJSONByteLength is zero, this will also be zero.
polygonIndicesByteLength uint32 The length of the polygon indices buffer in bytes.
polygonPositionsByteLength uint32 The length of the polygon positions buffer in bytes.
polylinePositionsByteLength uint32 The length of the polyline positions buffer in bytes.
pointPositionsByteLength uint32 The length of the point positions buffer in bytes.

If featureTableJSONByteLength equals zero, the tile does not need to be rendered.

The body section immediately follows the header section, and is composed, in order, of four fields: Feature Table, Batch Table, Indices, and Positions.

Code for reading the header can be found in Vector3DModelTileContent.js in the Cesium implementation of 3D Tiles.

Feature Table

Contains values for vctr semantics used to render features. The general layout of a Feature Table is described in the Feature Table specification.

The vctr Feature Table JSON schema is defined in vctr.featureTable.schema.json.


Per-feature semantics specific to a feature type are prefixed with the name of the feature type. e.g. POLYGON for pre-triangulated polygons, POLYLINE for polylines and POINT for points.

At least one global LENGTH semantic must be defined.

  • If POLYGONS_LENGTH is not defined, or zero, no polygons will be rendered.
  • If POLYLINES_LENGTH is not defined, or zero, no polylines will be rendered.
  • If POINTS_LENGTH is not defined, or zero, no points will be rendered.

Multiple feature types may be defined in a single Vector tile using multiple LENGTH semantics, and in that case, all specified feature types will be rendered.

If a semantic has a dependency on another semantic, that semantic must be defined as well.

Vector Semantics

Semantic Data Type Description Required
POLYGON_COUNTS uint32[] The number of vertices that belong to each polygon. This refers to the polygon section of the positions buffer in the body. Each polygon count refers to a contiguous number of vertices in the position buffer that represents the polygon. ✅ Yes, when the global POLYGONS_LENGTH is greater than zero.
POLYGON_INDEX_COUNTS uint32[] The number of indices that belong to each polygon. This refers to the indices buffer of the body. Each index count refers to a contiguous number of indices that represent the triangulated polygon. ✅ Yes, when the global POLYGONS_LENGTH is greater than zero.
POLYGON_MINIMUM_HEIGHTS float32[] The minimum height of each polygon in meters above the WGS84 ellipsoid. 🔴 No. If the minimum height for each polygon is not specified, the global MINIMUM_HEIGHT will be used.
POLYGON_MAXIMUM_HEIGHTS float32[] The maximum height of each polygon in meters above the WGS84 ellipsoid. 🔴 No. If the maximum height for each polygon is not specified, the global MAXIMUM_HEIGHT will be used.
POLYGON_BATCH_IDS uint16[] The batchId of the polygon that can be used to retrieve metadata from the Batch Table. 🔴 No
POLYLINE_COUNTS uint32[] The number of vertices that belong to each polyline. This refers to the polyline section of the positions buffer in the body. Each polyline count refers to a contiguous number of vertices in the position buffer that represents the polyline. From the first point on the polyline, each successive point creates a segment connected to the previous. ✅ Yes, when the global POLYLINES_LENGTH is greater than zero.
POLYLINE_WIDTHS uint16[] The width of each polyline in pixels. 🔴 No. The default width for every polyline is 2.0.
POLYLINE_BATCH_IDS uint16[] The batchId of the polyline that can be used to retrieve metadata from the Batch Table. 🔴 No
POINT_BATCH_IDS uint16[] The batchId of the point that can be used to retrieve metadata from the Batch Table. 🔴 No

Global Semantics

The semantics define global properties for all vector elements.

Semantic Data Type Description Required
POLYGONS_LENGTH uint32 The number of pre-triangulated polygons in the tile. 🔴 No
POLYLINES_LENGTH uint32 The number of polylines in the tile. 🔴 No
POINTS_LENGTH uint32 The number of points in the tile. 🔴 No
REGION float32[] An array of six numbers that define the bounding geographic region in WGS84 / EPSG:4326 coordinates with the order [west, south, east, north, minimum height, maximum height]. Longitudes and latitudes are in radians, and heights are in meters above (or below) the WGS84 ellipsoid. ✅ Yes
RTC_CENTER float32[] The center used for RTC rendering. 🔴 No. If no center is supplied, the center of the global REGION will be used.

Batch Table

The Batch Table contains application-specific metadata, indexable by batchId, that can be used for declarative styling and application-specific use cases such as populating a UI or issuing a REST API request.

See the Batch Table reference for more information.

Polygon Indices

The indices are a buffer of uint32 values. The byte length is given by polygonIndicesByteLength in the header. Each count in POLYGON_INDEX_COUNT represents a contiguous section of the array that represents a triangulated polygon. For example, let the first two polygons have 6 and 12 for their index counts. The first polygon has 3 indices starting at byte offset 0 and ending at byte offset 3 * sizeof(uint32) - 1. The second polygon has 6 indices starting at byte offset 3 * sizeof(uint32) and ending at 3 * sizeof(uint32) + 6 * sizeof(uint32) - 1.

Figure 2: Example index buffer.

The number of indices must be a multiple of three. Each consecutive list of three indices is a triangle that must be ordered counter-clockwise. Each index is from the start of the buffer, NOT from the offset of the first position of the polygon.


The positions buffer is a uint16 buffer that contains up to three sub-buffers for the polygons, polylines, and points.

The positions are represented by u, v, and height values that are quantized and delta encoded.

Field Meaning
u The horizontal coordinate of the vertex in the tile. When the u value is 0, the vertex is on the western edge of the tile. Then the value is 32767, the vertex is on the eastern edge of the tile. For other values, the vertex's longitude is a linear interpolation between the longitudes of the western and eastern edges of the tile.
v The vertical coordinate of the vertex in the tile. When the v value is 0, the vertex is on the southern edge of the tile. When the value is 32767, the vertex is on the northern edge of the tile. For other values, the vertex's latitude is a linear interpolation between the latitudes of the southern and northern edges of the tile.
height The height of the vertex of the tile. When the height value is 0, the vertex's height is equal to MINIMUM_HEIGHT from the feature table. When the value is 32767, the vertex's height is equal to MAXIMUM_HEIGHT from the feature table. For other values, the vertex's height is a linear interpolation of the minimum and maximum heights.

The values are then delta and ZigZag encoded. The delta encoding ensures the values are small integers. The ZigZag encoding ensures the values are positive integers. Example encoding code is listed below:

// `value` must be an integer. Otherwise, the decoded value won't neccessarily equal the encoded one.
function zigZag(value) {
    return ((value << 1) ^ (value >> 15)) & 0xFFFF;

var lastU = 0;
var lastV = 0;
var lastHeight = 0;

for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
    var u = uBuffer[i];
    var v = vBuffer[i];
    var height = heightBuffer[i];
    uBuffer[i] = zigZag(u - lastU);
    vBuffer[i] = zigZag(v - lastV);
    heightBuffer = zigZag(height - lastHeight);

    lastU = u;
    lastV = v;
    lastHeight = height;

Example decoding code is listed below:

function zigZagDecode(value) {
    return (value >> 1) ^ (-(value & 1));

var u = 0;
var v = 0;
var height = 0;

for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
    u += zigZagDecode(uBuffer[i]);
    v += zigZagDecode(vBuffer[i]);
    height += zigZagDecode(heightBuffer[i]);
    uBuffer[i] = u;
    vBuffer[i] = v;
    heightBuffer[i] = height;

Polygon positions

Figure 3: Polygon layout.

The number of positions for each polygon is determined by the value of its POLYGON_COUNT. For example, let the first polygon count be 5. The first polygon's u values start at offset 0 and end at 5 * sizeof(uint16). Its v values start at polygonPositionsByteLength / 2 and end at polygonPositionsByteLength / 2 + 5 * sizeof(uint16).

The positions of the polygons must be the outer ring positions listed in counter-clockwise order.

Polyline positions

Figure 4: Polyline layout.

The number of positions for each polyline is determined by the value of its POLYLINE_COUNT. From the first point on the polyline, each successive point creates a segment connected to the previous.

Point positions

Figure 5: Point layout.

Each u, v, height triple is a single point.

File Extension


The file extension is optional. Valid implementations ignore it and identify a content's format by the magic field in its header.


TODO, #60


Implementation Notes

In JavaScript, a TypedArray cannot be created on data unless it is byte-aligned to the data type. For example, a Float32Array must be stored in memory such that its data begins on a byte multiple of four since each float contains four bytes.

The string generated from the JSON and each array should be padded is necessary to ensure byte alignment.