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[{"body": "<p>19999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999delete</p>\n", "username": "RosLuP", "title": "Permutapalindromic numbers", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T17:48:18.000Z", "site_id": 76, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T17:49:32.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Post - Contains 6 unique characters", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37277, "score": 1, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 236, "upvote_count": 1, "id": 44168, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>jjjhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh</p>\n", "username": "user7049483", "title": "HTML5 jQuery select all date fields 'input:date'", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T17:46:09.000Z", "site_id": 1, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T17:47:29.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Body - Position 1-67: <p>jjjhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh</p>\n\nPost - Contains 2 unique characters\nPost - Repeated character: *hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh*", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37276, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44166, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>jjjhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh</p>\n", "username": "user7049483", "title": "HTML5 jQuery select all date fields 'input:date'", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T17:46:09.000Z", "site_id": 1, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T17:47:29.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Body - Position 1-67: <p>jjjhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh</p>\n\nPost - Contains 2 unique characters\nPost - Repeated character: *hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh*", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37276, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44166, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>Fuck you all idiots. I am <code>utkarsh and i am back. you all people made me cry so much that i comitted suicide. now i am rejuvenated</code> and alive again. i will come back and would <code>take revenge. wait people ... wait</code>\n<code>and my friend avinash raj</code>\nand <code>also, fuck you jokerdino</code> \n<code>hahahahhahahhahahhaaaaaaaaaaaa</code></p>\n", "username": "Aryan Nakshtra", "title": "YOU OLI WARNER JOURNEYMAN GEEK (RAVI MOHAN) AND THAT MOHAMMED", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T17:38:49.000Z", "site_id": 29, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T17:40:34.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Post - Offensive keyword: *Fuck you*", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37275, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44165, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>\u529e\u5317\u5361\u7f57\u6765\u7eb3\u5dde\u7acb\u5927\u5b66\u7f57\u5229\u6821\u533a\u5b66\u5386\u8ba4\u8bc1\uff0c\u6bd5\u4e1a\u8bc1\u6587\u51ed\uff1bQ\u2103\u5fae627212264\u5317\u5361\u7f57\u6765\u7eb3\u5dde\u7acb\u5927\u5b66\u7f57\u5229\u6821\u533a\u6bd5\u4e1a\u8bc1\u6210\u7ee9\u5355\u6559\u80b2\u90e8\u8ba4\u8bc1\u56de\u56fd\u4eba\u5458\u8bc1\u660e\nNorth Carolina State UniversityQ/\u5fae627212264\u529e\u7406\u56fd\u5916\u5927\u5b66\u6bd5\u4e1a\u8bc1\u6210\u7ee9\u5355\u771f\u5b9e\u6559\u80b2\u90e8\u8ba4\u8bc1\u3001\u4f7f\u9986\u516c\u8bc1\u2605\u8bda\u62db\u4ee3\u7406\u2605</p>\n\n<p>\u901a\u77e5\uff1a\u52a0\u6211\u5fae\u4fe1\u8bf7\u770b\u51c6Eric\u5b66\u5386\u8ba4\u8bc1 \n--------------------------------\u7559\u5b66\u4fe1\u606f\u54a8\u8be2 \u7559\u5b66\u670d\u52a1\u4e2d\u5fc3 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"\u529e\u5317\u5361\u7f57\u6765\u7eb3\u5dde\u7acb\u5927\u5b66\u7f57\u5229\u6821\u533a\u5b66\u5386\u8ba4\u8bc1\uff0c\u6bd5\u4e1a\u8bc1\u6587\u51ed\uff1bQ\u2103\u5fae627212264\u5317\u5361\u7f57\u6765\u7eb3\u5dde\u7acb\u5927\u5b66\u7f57\u5229\u6821\u533a\u6bd5\u4e1a\u8bc1\u6210\u7ee9\u5355\u6559\u80b2\u90e8\u8ba4\u8bc1\u56de\u56fd\u4eba\u5458\u8bc1\u660e North Carolina State University", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T17:17:47.000Z", "site_id": 249, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T17:19:21.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Title - Position 1-68: \u529e\u5317\u5361\u7f57\u6765\u7eb3\u5dde\u7acb\u5927\u5b66\u7f57\u5229\u6821\u533a\u5b66\u5386\u8ba4\u8bc1\uff0c\u6bd5\u4e1a\u8bc1\u6587\u51ed\uff1bQ\u2103\u5fae627212264\u5317\u5361\u7f57\u6765\u7eb3\u5dde\u7acb\u5927\u5b66\u7f57\u5229\u6821\u533a\u6bd5\u4e1a\u8bc1\u6210\u7ee9\u5355\u6559\u80b2\u90e8\u8ba4\u8bc1\u56de\u56fd\u4eba\u5458\u8bc1\u660e\nTitle - Position 26-38: Q\u2103\u5fae627212264\nBody - Position 29-41: Q\u2103\u5fae627212264", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37273, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44163, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>To connect to server while using a VPN on windows you must configure your Windows VPN accordingly and it is simple but you must do the right steps read here to get it done in a step by step simple way \n<a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>\n", "username": "katetaylor", "title": "Unable to Connect to Windows Server 2012 VPN using L2TP", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T15:26:31.000Z", "site_id": 3, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T15:32:33.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Body - Position 226-244:", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37266, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44156, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>To connect to server while using a VPN on windows you must configure your Windows VPN accordingly and it is simple but you must do the right steps read here to get it done in a step by step simple way \n<a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>\n", "username": "katetaylor", "title": "Unable to Connect to Windows Server 2012 VPN using L2TP", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T15:26:31.000Z", "site_id": 3, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T15:32:33.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Body - Position 226-244:", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37266, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44156, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>\u554a\u5b9e\u6253\u5b9e\u7684\u6492\u6253\u7b97\u6253\u7b97\u6253\u7b97\u6253\u7b97\u6253\u7b97\u6253\u7b97\u6253\u7b97\u6253\u7b97\u81ea\u884c\u8f66\u81ea\u884c\u8f66\u81ea\u884c\u8f66\u7684\u6492\u53d1\u751f\u7684\u554a\u5b9e\u6253\u5b9e\u7684\u963f\u8428\u5fb7\u624d\u9009\u62e9\u524d\u5f80</p>\n", "username": "\u554a\u5b9e\u6253\u5b9e\u5927\u58f0\u9053", "title": "Import email addresses to Hotmail contacts without inviting as friends", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T14:37:03.000Z", "site_id": 5, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T14:37:35.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Post - Text contains 49 non-Latin characters out of 51", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37264, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44154, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>GOD IS THE CREATOR AND MAN IS THE CREATION . MEANING GOD HAS POWER OVER CREATION AND MAN HAS NO POWER OVER THE CREATOR. GOD HOLDS THE PURPOSE OF MAN , WHILST MAN SHOULD EXECUTE GOD'S PURPOSE TO FULFIL THE MISSION BEHIND HIS CREATION. THERE ARE THINGS IN LIFE THAT MAN CANNOT CHANGE NOMATTER HOW HARD HE FORCES OR PRAYS , BECAUSE HE IS THERE TO FULFIL GOD'S PURPOSE , BUT GOD CAN CHANGE IF HE WANTS , SINCE HE HOLDS THE PURPOSE. MAN IS A LITTLE GOD , NOT GOD HIMSELF. FOR EXAMPLE MAN MADE A CHAIR TO SEAT ON IT , WHEN YOU HEAR A CHAIR REFUSING TO BE SAT ON , MEANING ITS FAILING ITS PURPOSE OF BEING MADE , WHICH THE CREATION SHOULD NOT DO , BUT COMPLYING TO THE CREATOR'S PURPOSE ... STAY BLESSED , AND MAY THE ALMIGHTY GOD HELP US IN UNDERSTANDING HIS HOLY WORD.</p>\n", "username": "ZENZO S HLABATHI", "title": "What are the differences between God and mankind?", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T14:00:52.000Z", "site_id": 118, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T14:01:18.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Post - All in caps", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37262, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44151, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>why i work with <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">Nitro mxs</a> You may have joining with different supplements, don't push over it since individuals if all else fails utilize other pharmaceutical surprising 'ol dealt with. You may be bit amazed of utilizing particular supplements which will be standard in results and should win style up , don't interface over it in light of the course that here you will locate a gigantic stunning condition which truly works and give you mind boggling happens of course with influencing character blowing thing\n<a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>\n", "username": "Notemonly", "title": "You may have joining with different supplements", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T12:24:19.000Z", "site_id": 156, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T12:24:36.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Title - Position 37-48: supplements\nBody - Position 40-48: garcinia, Position 48-56: cambogia, Position 618-626: garcinia, Position 626-634: cambogia, Position 688-696: garcinia, Position 696-704: cambogia\nBody - Position 149-160: supplements, Position 319-330: supplements\nBody - Position 40-63:, Position 618-641:\nPost - Link at end:</a>\n\nBody - Position 20-739: <a href=\" pharmaceutical surprising 'ol dealt with. You may be bit amazed of utilizing particular supplements which will be standard in results and should win style up , don't interface over it in light of the course that here you will locate a gigantic stunning condition which truly works and give you mind boggling happens of course with influencing character blowing thing\n<a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37256, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44145, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>why i work with <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">Nitro mxs</a> You may have joining with different supplements, don't push over it since individuals if all else fails utilize other pharmaceutical surprising 'ol dealt with. You may be bit amazed of utilizing particular supplements which will be standard in results and should win style up , don't interface over it in light of the course that here you will locate a gigantic stunning condition which truly works and give you mind boggling happens of course with influencing character blowing thing\n<a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>\n", "username": "Notemonly", "title": "You may have joining with different supplements", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T12:24:19.000Z", "site_id": 156, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T12:24:36.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Title - Position 37-48: supplements\nBody - Position 40-48: garcinia, Position 48-56: cambogia, Position 618-626: garcinia, Position 626-634: cambogia, Position 688-696: garcinia, Position 696-704: cambogia\nBody - Position 149-160: supplements, Position 319-330: supplements\nBody - Position 40-63:, Position 618-641:\nPost - Link at end:</a>\n\nBody - Position 20-739: <a href=\" pharmaceutical surprising 'ol dealt with. You may be bit amazed of utilizing particular supplements which will be standard in results and should win style up , don't interface over it in light of the course that here you will locate a gigantic stunning condition which truly works and give you mind boggling happens of course with influencing character blowing thing\n<a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37256, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44145, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">Ultimate Testo Explosion</a> :- There is no symptom of this testosterone sponsor however it ought not utilized by ladies and adolescents who are in hormonal development stage. Extreme Testo Explosion is the ideal supplement for the individuals who need expanded virility, testosterone for picking up muscles or to advance smoldering fat. It is completely checked and tried clinically. It is made by utilizing a blend of regular and strong fixings that contains no filler or unsafe substance.\nRead More==>> <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>\n", "username": "user169380", "title": "", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T11:55:39.000Z", "site_id": 7, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T11:56:02.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Title - Position 17-30:\nTitle - Position 1-31:\nBody - Position 348-356: virility\nBody - Position 29-42:, Position 617-630:\nBody - Position 587-739: ==>> <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>\n\nPost - Link at end:</a>\n\nBody - Position 4-739: <a href=\"http://newhealthsuppleme... are in hormonal development stage. Extreme Testo Explosion is the ideal supplement for the individuals who need expanded virility, testosterone for picking up muscles or to advance smoldering fat. It is completely checked and tried clinically. It is made by utilizing a blend of regular and strong fixings that contains no filler or unsafe substance.\nRead More==>> <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37255, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44144, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">Ultimate Testo Explosion</a> :- There is no symptom of this testosterone sponsor however it ought not utilized by ladies and adolescents who are in hormonal development stage. Extreme Testo Explosion is the ideal supplement for the individuals who need expanded virility, testosterone for picking up muscles or to advance smoldering fat. It is completely checked and tried clinically. It is made by utilizing a blend of regular and strong fixings that contains no filler or unsafe substance.\nRead More==>> <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>\n", "username": "user169380", "title": "", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T11:55:39.000Z", "site_id": 7, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T11:56:02.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Title - Position 17-30:\nTitle - Position 1-31:\nBody - Position 348-356: virility\nBody - Position 29-42:, Position 617-630:\nBody - Position 587-739: ==>> <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>\n\nPost - Link at end:</a>\n\nBody - Position 4-739: <a href=\"http://newhealthsuppleme... are in hormonal development stage. Extreme Testo Explosion is the ideal supplement for the individuals who need expanded virility, testosterone for picking up muscles or to advance smoldering fat. It is completely checked and tried clinically. It is made by utilizing a blend of regular and strong fixings that contains no filler or unsafe substance.\nRead More==>> <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37255, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44144, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>Our first lifting-unique product is one which has been well-received, Pure Testosterone Booster. The product is made as being a natural alternative to steroids which numerous have learned about. Curiously, additional ramifications of this product are a growth in regulation and libido of moods along with more muscle development. Non-normal steroids happen to be illegitimate and are frowned upon by professional sports organizations.\n<a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>\n", "username": "jasmineshipman", "title": "What is Muscle Buildng?", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T11:51:05.000Z", "site_id": 29, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T11:51:28.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Title - Position 9-15: Muscle\nBody - Position 460-475:\nBody - Position 455-476:, Position 519-540:\nPost - Link at end:</a>", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37254, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44143, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>How can compadres bring to light economical Black Diamond Force books? That is a perfect fit. You aren't going to have to spend a big chunk of funds. Plain Jane! That only requires a little effort. Now, this was simple. </p>\n\n<p>This was music to my ears. I've been through hell or high water. It's a bit easier to trust your gut feelings. Not anymore\u2026 Do you know how to repair a broken natural male enhancement? I may be inarticulate germane to that. Male exercise for pe is a pleasing blueprint to decrease the amount of staminol gnc reviews. \n<a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>\n", "username": "lecynthiaek", "title": "Black Diamond Force Natural Really Works?", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T11:37:36.000Z", "site_id": 86, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T11:37:56.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Body - Position 400-412: male enhance, Position 573-581: garcinia, Position 641-649: garcinia\nBody - Position 573-590:\nPost - Link at end:</a>", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37253, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44142, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>How can compadres bring to light economical Black Diamond Force books? That is a perfect fit. You aren't going to have to spend a big chunk of funds. Plain Jane! That only requires a little effort. Now, this was simple. </p>\n\n<p>This was music to my ears. I've been through hell or high water. It's a bit easier to trust your gut feelings. Not anymore\u2026 Do you know how to repair a broken natural male enhancement? I may be inarticulate germane to that. Male exercise for pe is a pleasing blueprint to decrease the amount of staminol gnc reviews. \n<a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>\n", "username": "lecynthiaek", "title": "Black Diamond Force Natural Really Works?", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T11:37:36.000Z", "site_id": 86, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T11:37:56.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Body - Position 400-412: male enhance, Position 573-581: garcinia, Position 641-649: garcinia\nBody - Position 573-590:\nPost - Link at end:</a>", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37253, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44142, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>we can integrate code inside your form, if you still need any type of help please contact me - </p>\n\n<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>\n", "username": "Fajr", "title": "Need help to integrate payumoney payment gateway", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T11:35:04.000Z", "site_id": 1, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T11:35:26.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Body - Position 1-207: <p>we can integrate code inside your form, if you still need any type of help please contact me - </p>\n\n<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37252, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44141, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>we can integrate code inside your form, if you still need any type of help please contact me - </p>\n\n<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>\n", "username": "Fajr", "title": "Need help to integrate payumoney payment gateway", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T11:35:04.000Z", "site_id": 1, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T11:35:26.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Body - Position 1-207: <p>we can integrate code inside your form, if you still need any type of help please contact me - </p>\n\n<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37252, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44141, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>we can integrate code inside your form, if you still need any type of help please contact me - </p>\n\n<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>\n", "username": "Fajr", "title": "Need help to integrate payumoney payment gateway", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T11:35:04.000Z", "site_id": 1, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T11:35:26.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Body - Position 1-207: <p>we can integrate code inside your form, if you still need any type of help please contact me - </p>\n\n<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37252, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44141, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>Lux Allure A key to proper skin care is to be gentle with your skin. Hot water strips the natural oils in your skin, so take shorter showers and baths with warm water. When you get out of the tub, do not vigorously rub yourself down like your drying off a car. Gently pat yourself dry so some moisture remains on your skin.Do not use tanning booths. A lot of people want to get tan so that they can look younger, but it ends of having the opposite effect. Tanning creates premature aging and can damage the skin. Look somewhere else if you aim to appear younger.\n<a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>\n", "username": "LuisJohn", "title": "Lux Allure A key to proper skin care", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T11:29:39.000Z", "site_id": 228, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T11:30:26.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Title - Position 28-37: skin care\nTitle - Position 28-37: skin care\nBody - Position 31-40: skin care, Position 593-601: skincare, Position 651-659: skincare\nBody - Position 593-604:\nPost - Link at end:</a>", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37251, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44140, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>Lux Allure A key to proper skin care is to be gentle with your skin. Hot water strips the natural oils in your skin, so take shorter showers and baths with warm water. When you get out of the tub, do not vigorously rub yourself down like your drying off a car. Gently pat yourself dry so some moisture remains on your skin.Do not use tanning booths. A lot of people want to get tan so that they can look younger, but it ends of having the opposite effect. Tanning creates premature aging and can damage the skin. Look somewhere else if you aim to appear younger.\n<a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>\n", "username": "LuisJohn", "title": "Lux Allure A key to proper skin care", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T11:29:39.000Z", "site_id": 228, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T11:30:26.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Title - Position 28-37: skin care\nTitle - Position 28-37: skin care\nBody - Position 31-40: skin care, Position 593-601: skincare, Position 651-659: skincare\nBody - Position 593-604:\nPost - Link at end:</a>", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37251, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44140, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>Lux Allure A key to proper skin care is to be gentle with your skin. Hot water strips the natural oils in your skin, so take shorter showers and baths with warm water. When you get out of the tub, do not vigorously rub yourself down like your drying off a car. Gently pat yourself dry so some moisture remains on your skin.Do not use tanning booths. A lot of people want to get tan so that they can look younger, but it ends of having the opposite effect. Tanning creates premature aging and can damage the skin. Look somewhere else if you aim to appear younger.\n<a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>\n", "username": "LuisJohn", "title": "Lux Allure A key to proper skin care", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T11:29:39.000Z", "site_id": 228, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T11:30:26.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Title - Position 28-37: skin care\nTitle - Position 28-37: skin care\nBody - Position 31-40: skin care, Position 593-601: skincare, Position 651-659: skincare\nBody - Position 593-604:\nPost - Link at end:</a>", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37251, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44140, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>Merci pour le partage je vous invite \u00e0 visit\u00e9 ce site <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">La Rambox</a></p>\n", "username": "Pierre Santien", "title": "UV lamp to disinfect raw sushi fish slices", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T11:25:16.000Z", "site_id": 11, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T11:26:33.000Z", "downvote_count": 1, "why": "Body - Position 1-132: <p>Merci pour le partage je vous invite \u00e0 visit\u00e9 ce site <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">La Rambox</a></p>", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37250, "score": -1, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44139, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>Merci pour le partage je vous invite \u00e0 visit\u00e9 ce site <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">La Rambox</a></p>\n", "username": "Pierre Santien", "title": "UV lamp to disinfect raw sushi fish slices", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T11:25:16.000Z", "site_id": 11, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T11:26:33.000Z", "downvote_count": 1, "why": "Body - Position 1-132: <p>Merci pour le partage je vous invite \u00e0 visit\u00e9 ce site <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">La Rambox</a></p>", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37250, "score": -1, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44139, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>Merci pour le partage je vous invite \u00e0 visit\u00e9 ce site <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">La Rambox</a></p>\n", "username": "Pierre Santien", "title": "UV lamp to disinfect raw sushi fish slices", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T11:25:16.000Z", "site_id": 11, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T11:26:33.000Z", "downvote_count": 1, "why": "Body - Position 1-132: <p>Merci pour le partage je vous invite \u00e0 visit\u00e9 ce site <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">La Rambox</a></p>", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37250, "score": -1, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44139, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>Merci pour le partage je vous invite \u00e0 visit\u00e9 ce site <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">La Rambox</a></p>\n", "username": "Pierre Santien", "title": "UV lamp to disinfect raw sushi fish slices", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T11:25:16.000Z", "site_id": 11, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T11:26:33.000Z", "downvote_count": 1, "why": "Body - Position 1-132: <p>Merci pour le partage je vous invite \u00e0 visit\u00e9 ce site <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">La Rambox</a></p>", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37250, "score": -1, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44139, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>There are some of sporting activities that may be used for the triceps muscle tissue. The triceps press is one which has many unique variations that you may use for your workout. look for mendacity dumbbell triceps extensions, seated triceps press and triceps extensions to add range to your exercising. don't forget your palms when you are running out your arm muscle tissues. workout your arms with hand grippers. <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>\n", "username": "galia96", "title": "The triceps press is one which has many", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T11:24:20.000Z", "site_id": 29, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T11:24:57.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Body - Position 442-464:\nBody - Position 442-465:, Position 523-546:\nPost - Link at end:</a>", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37249, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44138, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>There are some of sporting activities that may be used for the triceps muscle tissue. The triceps press is one which has many unique variations that you may use for your workout. look for mendacity dumbbell triceps extensions, seated triceps press and triceps extensions to add range to your exercising. don't forget your palms when you are running out your arm muscle tissues. workout your arms with hand grippers. <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>\n", "username": "galia96", "title": "The triceps press is one which has many", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T11:24:20.000Z", "site_id": 29, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T11:24:57.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Body - Position 442-464:\nBody - Position 442-465:, Position 523-546:\nPost - Link at end:</a>", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37249, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44138, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>It is very easy to use as it effectively gets dissolved in human body to help rec center <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">nitro mxs</a> goers accomplishing genuine, strong an intense muscle building comes about. By regular utilization of Nitro mxs, you can see a change in your all through identity and general look. Nitro mxs-reactions What About The Ingredients Of Nitro mxs? To make Nitro mxs an intense supplement, two noteworthy components contribute a great deal which are to a great degree in charge of the speediest diminishment of fat furthermore destroyed muscle tissues. </p>\n\n<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>\n", "username": "parrottgenesist", "title": "In any case, work page of Nitro mxs does not give a specific", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T11:22:05.000Z", "site_id": 86, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T11:22:38.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Body - Position 114-122: garcinia, Position 122-130: cambogia, Position 662-670: garcinia, Position 670-678: cambogia, Position 732-740: garcinia, Position 740-748: cambogia\nBody - Position 114-137:, Position 662-685:\nPost - Link at end:</a>\n\nBody - Position 94-783: <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">nitro mxs</a> goers accomplishing genuine, strong an intense mus...lar utilization of Nitro mxs, you can see a change in your all through identity and general look. Nitro mxs-reactions What About The Ingredients Of Nitro mxs? To make Nitro mxs an intense supplement, two noteworthy components contribute a great deal which are to a great degree in charge of the speediest diminishment of fat furthermore destroyed muscle tissues. </p>\n\n<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37248, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44137, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>It is very easy to use as it effectively gets dissolved in human body to help rec center <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">nitro mxs</a> goers accomplishing genuine, strong an intense muscle building comes about. By regular utilization of Nitro mxs, you can see a change in your all through identity and general look. Nitro mxs-reactions What About The Ingredients Of Nitro mxs? To make Nitro mxs an intense supplement, two noteworthy components contribute a great deal which are to a great degree in charge of the speediest diminishment of fat furthermore destroyed muscle tissues. </p>\n\n<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>\n", "username": "parrottgenesist", "title": "In any case, work page of Nitro mxs does not give a specific", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T11:22:05.000Z", "site_id": 86, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T11:22:38.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Body - Position 114-122: garcinia, Position 122-130: cambogia, Position 662-670: garcinia, Position 670-678: cambogia, Position 732-740: garcinia, Position 740-748: cambogia\nBody - Position 114-137:, Position 662-685:\nPost - Link at end:</a>\n\nBody - Position 94-783: <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">nitro mxs</a> goers accomplishing genuine, strong an intense mus...lar utilization of Nitro mxs, you can see a change in your all through identity and general look. Nitro mxs-reactions What About The Ingredients Of Nitro mxs? To make Nitro mxs an intense supplement, two noteworthy components contribute a great deal which are to a great degree in charge of the speediest diminishment of fat furthermore destroyed muscle tissues. </p>\n\n<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37248, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44137, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>It is very easy to use as it effectively gets dissolved in human body to help rec center <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">nitro mxs</a> goers accomplishing genuine, strong an intense muscle building comes about. By regular utilization of Nitro mxs, you can see a change in your all through identity and general look. Nitro mxs-reactions What About The Ingredients Of Nitro mxs? To make Nitro mxs an intense supplement, two noteworthy components contribute a great deal which are to a great degree in charge of the speediest diminishment of fat furthermore destroyed muscle tissues. </p>\n\n<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>\n", "username": "parrottgenesist", "title": "In any case, work page of Nitro mxs does not give a specific", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T11:22:05.000Z", "site_id": 86, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T11:22:38.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Body - Position 114-122: garcinia, Position 122-130: cambogia, Position 662-670: garcinia, Position 670-678: cambogia, Position 732-740: garcinia, Position 740-748: cambogia\nBody - Position 114-137:, Position 662-685:\nPost - Link at end:</a>\n\nBody - Position 94-783: <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">nitro mxs</a> goers accomplishing genuine, strong an intense mus...lar utilization of Nitro mxs, you can see a change in your all through identity and general look. Nitro mxs-reactions What About The Ingredients Of Nitro mxs? To make Nitro mxs an intense supplement, two noteworthy components contribute a great deal which are to a great degree in charge of the speediest diminishment of fat furthermore destroyed muscle tissues. </p>\n\n<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37248, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44137, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>It is very easy to use as it effectively gets dissolved in human body to help rec center <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">nitro mxs</a> goers accomplishing genuine, strong an intense muscle building comes about. By regular utilization of Nitro mxs, you can see a change in your all through identity and general look. Nitro mxs-reactions What About The Ingredients Of Nitro mxs? To make Nitro mxs an intense supplement, two noteworthy components contribute a great deal which are to a great degree in charge of the speediest diminishment of fat furthermore destroyed muscle tissues. </p>\n\n<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>\n", "username": "parrottgenesist", "title": "In any case, work page of Nitro mxs does not give a specific", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T11:22:05.000Z", "site_id": 86, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T11:22:38.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Body - Position 114-122: garcinia, Position 122-130: cambogia, Position 662-670: garcinia, Position 670-678: cambogia, Position 732-740: garcinia, Position 740-748: cambogia\nBody - Position 114-137:, Position 662-685:\nPost - Link at end:</a>\n\nBody - Position 94-783: <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">nitro mxs</a> goers accomplishing genuine, strong an intense mus...lar utilization of Nitro mxs, you can see a change in your all through identity and general look. Nitro mxs-reactions What About The Ingredients Of Nitro mxs? To make Nitro mxs an intense supplement, two noteworthy components contribute a great deal which are to a great degree in charge of the speediest diminishment of fat furthermore destroyed muscle tissues. </p>\n\n<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37248, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44137, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>That isn't something you may expect as it touches on <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">Image Revive</a>. If you do this, the end result will be face cream. Maybe this is or I was alienated by face moisturizer. I have pretty much ignored the questions, but if you can't beat them, join them. I suspect that advisors who write concerning anti aging cream should take some time to proofread what they're writing as that regards to. Eye cream creates a strong impression on blokes. We're caught between a rock and a hard place. </p>\n\n<p>Don't you have questions? Do you have trouble occasionally understanding when compatriots talk in connection with cosmetics? That went from start to finish. I do hypothesize that I should like to give more news relevant to skin products. I have to get foot loose. Dark circles under eyes doesn't have to be that complicated. Whatever will be will be. </p>\n\n<p>You know the Image Revive I'm talking about. You have to enjoy what you do because there are a slew of visitors who will be pleased to read this. Aren't you worried? I, distressingly, have to know a lot referring to facial cleanser. It is old timey for you. Perhaps you couldn't use dark circles to increase in value. Good stuff? It wasn't fulfilling their fantasy. When it is on par with anti wrinkle cream, there actually is no difference in the quality of skin care. There are actually different types of best eye cream that are available and which you can use. Dark circles under eyes may be dangerous. This is what it takes to use Image Revive. </p>\n\n<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>\n", "username": "imagerevive", "title": "Image Revive Where to Buy", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T11:22:02.000Z", "site_id": 68, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T11:25:47.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Body - Position 183-193: face cream, Position 375-385: anti aging, Position 468-477: Eye cream, Position 1391-1400: skin care, Position 1445-1454: eye cream\nBody - Position 81-94:, Position 1615-1628:\nBody - Position 57-1712: <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">Image Revive</a>. If you do this, the end result will be face cream. Maybe this is or I was alienated by face moisturizer. I have pretty much ignored the questions, but if you can't beat th...ou couldn't use dark circles to increase in value. Good stuff? It wasn't fulfilling their fantasy. When it is on par with anti wrinkle cream, there actually is no difference in the quality of skin care. There are actually different types of best eye cream that are available and which you can use. Dark circles under eyes may be dangerous. This is what it takes to use Image Revive. </p>\n\n<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37247, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44136, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>When the part is done, lower the bed to zero while allowing the roller to retract excess parts of the sheet (rollers on both sides of the build plate will have to do this). At zero, lock down the rollers and move the bed to some negative Z position .</p>\n\n<p><strong>see more details <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></strong></p>\n", "username": "ew748311", "title": "printed part auto-eject (automatic part removal)", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T11:10:35.000Z", "site_id": 304, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T11:10:56.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Body - Position 314-323:, Position 351-360:\nBody - Position 1-378: <p>When the part is done, lower the bed to zero while allowing the roller to retract excess parts of the sheet (rollers on both sides of the build plate will have to do this). At zero, lock down the rollers and move the bed to some negative Z position .</p>\n\n<p><strong>see more details <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></strong></p>\nBlacklisted user - blacklisted for ( by", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37244, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44135, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>When the part is done, lower the bed to zero while allowing the roller to retract excess parts of the sheet (rollers on both sides of the build plate will have to do this). At zero, lock down the rollers and move the bed to some negative Z position .</p>\n\n<p><strong>see more details <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></strong></p>\n", "username": "ew748311", "title": "printed part auto-eject (automatic part removal)", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T11:10:35.000Z", "site_id": 304, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T11:10:56.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Body - Position 314-323:, Position 351-360:\nBody - Position 1-378: <p>When the part is done, lower the bed to zero while allowing the roller to retract excess parts of the sheet (rollers on both sides of the build plate will have to do this). At zero, lock down the rollers and move the bed to some negative Z position .</p>\n\n<p><strong>see more details <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></strong></p>\nBlacklisted user - blacklisted for ( by", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37244, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44135, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>When the part is done, lower the bed to zero while allowing the roller to retract excess parts of the sheet (rollers on both sides of the build plate will have to do this). At zero, lock down the rollers and move the bed to some negative Z position .</p>\n\n<p><strong>see more details <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></strong></p>\n", "username": "ew748311", "title": "printed part auto-eject (automatic part removal)", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T11:10:35.000Z", "site_id": 304, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T11:10:56.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Body - Position 314-323:, Position 351-360:\nBody - Position 1-378: <p>When the part is done, lower the bed to zero while allowing the roller to retract excess parts of the sheet (rollers on both sides of the build plate will have to do this). At zero, lock down the rollers and move the bed to some negative Z position .</p>\n\n<p><strong>see more details <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></strong></p>\nBlacklisted user - blacklisted for ( by", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37244, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44135, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>Concerning my experience, I in light of present circumstances welcome this thing to every one in every one of my mates. <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">Alpha fuel testo</a> Give it a shot! Alpha fuel testo \u2013 secured or not? There isn't a variation from the norm that Alpha fuel testo is secured to use to update mass and sexual drive. It suits one and only hundred% clear parts which may be likely proclaimed to offer one of the best results. In like way, doesn't contain harming substance and fillers that are dangerous to your succeeding. </p>\n", "username": "Forienionly", "title": "Alpha fuel testo Notice: Muscles & Testosterone, Free Trial", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T11:06:43.000Z", "site_id": 156, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T11:07:00.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Title - Position 1-11: Alpha fuel\nTitle - Position 26-33: Muscles, Position 36-48: Testosterone\nBody - Position 192-202: Alpha fuel, Position 229-239: Alpha fuel, Position 307-317: Alpha fuel\nBody - Position 139-156: /", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37246, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44134, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>Concerning my experience, I in light of present circumstances welcome this thing to every one in every one of my mates. <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">Alpha fuel testo</a> Give it a shot! Alpha fuel testo \u2013 secured or not? There isn't a variation from the norm that Alpha fuel testo is secured to use to update mass and sexual drive. It suits one and only hundred% clear parts which may be likely proclaimed to offer one of the best results. In like way, doesn't contain harming substance and fillers that are dangerous to your succeeding. </p>\n", "username": "Forienionly", "title": "Alpha fuel testo Notice: Muscles & Testosterone, Free Trial", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T11:06:43.000Z", "site_id": 156, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T11:07:00.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Title - Position 1-11: Alpha fuel\nTitle - Position 26-33: Muscles, Position 36-48: Testosterone\nBody - Position 192-202: Alpha fuel, Position 229-239: Alpha fuel, Position 307-317: Alpha fuel\nBody - Position 139-156: /", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37246, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44134, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>The issue does not go away. It is severely under extruded. The nozzle is a 0.4 mm, if I extrude manually the extrusion is nice and clean but when printing its a mess.</p>\n\n<p><strong>see more details <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></strong></p>\n", "username": "leyokaja", "title": "I am experiencing some severe under extrusion", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T11:04:24.000Z", "site_id": 304, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T11:04:39.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Body - Position 230-239:, Position 267-276:\nBody - Position 1-294: <p>The issue does not go away. It is severely under extruded. The nozzle is a 0.4 mm, if I extrude manually the extrusion is nice and clean but when printing its a mess.</p>\n\n<p><strong>see more details <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></strong></p>\nBlacklisted user - blacklisted for ( by", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37244, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44133, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>The issue does not go away. It is severely under extruded. The nozzle is a 0.4 mm, if I extrude manually the extrusion is nice and clean but when printing its a mess.</p>\n\n<p><strong>see more details <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></strong></p>\n", "username": "leyokaja", "title": "I am experiencing some severe under extrusion", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T11:04:24.000Z", "site_id": 304, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T11:04:39.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Body - Position 230-239:, Position 267-276:\nBody - Position 1-294: <p>The issue does not go away. It is severely under extruded. The nozzle is a 0.4 mm, if I extrude manually the extrusion is nice and clean but when printing its a mess.</p>\n\n<p><strong>see more details <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></strong></p>\nBlacklisted user - blacklisted for ( by", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37244, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44133, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>You have to optimized your website in search engine. Then we search with your domain name automatically search engine gives result...</p>\n\n<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">Seo Services</a></p>\n", "username": "Aldenhussy", "title": "How to hide domain name in serach engines?", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T11:02:05.000Z", "site_id": 1, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T11:02:29.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Body - Position 1-217: <p>You have to optimized your website in search engine. Then we search with your domain name automatically search engine gives result...</p>\n\n<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">Seo Services</a></p>", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37245, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44132, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>You have to optimized your website in search engine. Then we search with your domain name automatically search engine gives result...</p>\n\n<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">Seo Services</a></p>\n", "username": "Aldenhussy", "title": "How to hide domain name in serach engines?", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T11:02:05.000Z", "site_id": 1, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T11:02:29.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Body - Position 1-217: <p>You have to optimized your website in search engine. Then we search with your domain name automatically search engine gives result...</p>\n\n<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">Seo Services</a></p>", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37245, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44132, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>You have to optimized your website in search engine. Then we search with your domain name automatically search engine gives result...</p>\n\n<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">Seo Services</a></p>\n", "username": "Aldenhussy", "title": "How to hide domain name in serach engines?", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T11:02:05.000Z", "site_id": 1, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T11:02:29.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Body - Position 1-217: <p>You have to optimized your website in search engine. Then we search with your domain name automatically search engine gives result...</p>\n\n<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">Seo Services</a></p>", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37245, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44132, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>Such answers would inevitably become outdated and obsolete as the linked resource disappears or changes .</p>\n\n<p><strong>see more details</strong></p>\n", "username": "leyokaja", "title": "DIY SLA 3d printer for jewelry", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T11:01:57.000Z", "site_id": 304, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T11:02:39.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Body - Position 153-162:", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37244, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44131, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>Such answers would inevitably become outdated and obsolete as the linked resource disappears or changes .</p>\n\n<p><strong>see more details</strong></p>\n", "username": "leyokaja", "title": "DIY SLA 3d printer for jewelry", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T11:01:57.000Z", "site_id": 304, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T11:02:39.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Body - Position 153-162:", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37244, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44131, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>Such answers would inevitably become outdated and obsolete as the linked resource disappears or changes .</p>\n\n<p><strong>see more details</strong></p>\n", "username": "leyokaja", "title": "DIY SLA 3d printer for jewelry", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T11:01:57.000Z", "site_id": 304, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T11:02:39.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Body - Position 153-162:", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37244, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44131, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>elmon elmon elmon elmone,mom I have herpes</p>\n", "username": "BOB", "title": "Inserting string at position x of another string", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T11:01:44.000Z", "site_id": 1, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T11:01:54.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Body - Position 40-46: herpes", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37243, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44130, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>elmon elmon elmon elmone,mom I have herpes</p>\n", "username": "BOB", "title": "Inserting string at position x of another string", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T11:01:44.000Z", "site_id": 1, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T11:01:54.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Body - Position 40-46: herpes", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37243, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44130, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>elmon elmon elmon elmone,mom I have herpes</p>\n", "username": "BOB", "title": "Inserting string at position x of another string", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T11:01:44.000Z", "site_id": 1, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T11:01:54.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Body - Position 40-46: herpes", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37243, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44130, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>I would like to suggest you some more temporary email id generator online tool which all tools will give you a separate inbox to receive you registration confirmation in instant check & valid your registration & your identity: <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">Best 15 Fake email address generator</a>\nI hope, it will be very useful for your integration testing purpose. Keep check on this page, will update regularly with latest fake email id generator tool online forever...</p>\n", "username": "Karthik Linga", "title": "Temporary e-mail accounts for integration tests", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T10:50:06.000Z", "site_id": 1, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T10:50:16.000Z", "downvote_count": 5, "why": "Post manually reported by user *DavidPostill* in room *Charcoal HQ*.\n", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37242, "score": -5, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44129, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>Raw Nitro A problem that people run into when trying to build muscles is that one group isn't as quick to grow as others. Doing a \"fill set\" can help to avoid this problem.Raw Nitro Building muscle is something that can happen and be beneficial without becoming ripped. There are various muscle-building exercises, and you should determine what your goals are before you decide which to do. Adding a supplement to your routine can help you gain muscle.Raw Nitro It is important to remember that certain groups of muscles are more difficult to build than others. In order to address certain problem groups, a great idea is to use a fill set. A small set that uses the muscle group necessary two to three days after another group was worked will do the trick.\n<a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>\n", "username": "HelenPerez", "title": "Raw Nitro A problem that people run into when trying to build muscles is that one group isn't as quick to grow as others", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T10:48:59.000Z", "site_id": 62, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T10:51:06.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Title - Position 63-70: muscles\nBody - Position 782-799:\nPost - Link at end:</a>", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37241, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44128, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>Raw Nitro A problem that people run into when trying to build muscles is that one group isn't as quick to grow as others. Doing a \"fill set\" can help to avoid this problem.Raw Nitro Building muscle is something that can happen and be beneficial without becoming ripped. There are various muscle-building exercises, and you should determine what your goals are before you decide which to do. Adding a supplement to your routine can help you gain muscle.Raw Nitro It is important to remember that certain groups of muscles are more difficult to build than others. In order to address certain problem groups, a great idea is to use a fill set. A small set that uses the muscle group necessary two to three days after another group was worked will do the trick.\n<a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>\n", "username": "HelenPerez", "title": "Raw Nitro A problem that people run into when trying to build muscles is that one group isn't as quick to grow as others", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T10:48:59.000Z", "site_id": 62, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T10:51:06.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Title - Position 63-70: muscles\nBody - Position 782-799:\nPost - Link at end:</a>", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37241, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44128, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>I Think no..Because i'm Getting Trained at Proventures For pmiacp Course i think the exam is Tuf That to i'm Charging nearly 20000 for this Course and 3months of duration its better to get prepare well before giving exam for pmp or pmi acp for more details visit ::</p>\n\n<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">pmp certification training Hyderabad</a></p>\n", "username": "Ashlyn Alyssa", "title": "Can I go for PMP certification without having any project management experience?", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T10:39:58.000Z", "site_id": 80, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T10:42:25.000Z", "downvote_count": 1, "why": "Body - Position 333-351: training-hyderabad, Position 392-410: training Hyderabad\nBody - Position 299-314:", "stack_exchange_user_id": 36538, "score": -1, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44126, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>I Think no..Because i'm Getting Trained at Proventures For pmiacp Course i think the exam is Tuf That to i'm Charging nearly 20000 for this Course and 3months of duration its better to get prepare well before giving exam for pmp or pmi acp for more details visit ::</p>\n\n<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">pmp certification training Hyderabad</a></p>\n", "username": "Ashlyn Alyssa", "title": "Can I go for PMP certification without having any project management experience?", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T10:39:58.000Z", "site_id": 80, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T10:42:25.000Z", "downvote_count": 1, "why": "Body - Position 333-351: training-hyderabad, Position 392-410: training Hyderabad\nBody - Position 299-314:", "stack_exchange_user_id": 36538, "score": -1, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44126, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">pmp training in hyderabad madhapur</a></p>\n", "username": "Ashlyn Alyssa", "title": "Requirements for PMI's PMP course", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T10:39:58.000Z", "site_id": 80, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T10:42:19.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Body - Position 59-77: training-hyderabad, Position 104-125: training in hyderabad\nBody - Position 25-40:", "stack_exchange_user_id": 36538, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44125, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>Contrary to the way most affiliates see it, however, <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">Alpha Force Testo</a> rarely matters when it comes to Health Care. I could utter that I hate Alpha Force Testo. Usually, \"Go ahead, make my day.\" You need to follow your passions. This is their approach. I, seemingly, do get Alpha Force Testo. You have to begin by locating a very popular Alpha Force Testo is that it makes it simple for Alpha Force Testo. This is worthwhile. Oops! This is world famous. This was the largest Alpha Force Testo ever recorded. Unless you are someone who has a considerable amount of Alpha Force Testo and Alpha Force Testo, you cannot afford Alpha Force Testo as if it is how I get a couple of more Alpha Force Testo at times.\n<a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>\n", "username": "emilyibanks", "title": "", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T10:25:48.000Z", "site_id": 86, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T10:27:43.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Title - Position 8-19: maleenhance\nTitle - Position 8-32:\nTitle - Position 1-32:\nBody - Position 73-84: maleenhance, Position 808-819: maleenhance, Position 875-886: maleenhance\nBody - Position 73-97:, Position 808-832:\nPost - Link at end:</a>\n\nBody - Position 57-927: <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">Alpha For...popular Alpha Force Testo is that it makes it simple for Alpha Force Testo. This is worthwhile. Oops! This is world famous. This was the largest Alpha Force Testo ever recorded. Unless you are someone who has a considerable amount of Alpha Force Testo and Alpha Force Testo, you cannot afford Alpha Force Testo as if it is how I get a couple of more Alpha Force Testo at times.\n<a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37237, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44121, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>The ninth way of improving brain activity is to try new things. Don't just do one thing like reading, or dancing or taking supplements to improve brain functions. Try new things every time. A variety is important to improve brain functions. Reducing the amount of <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">Lash Serum Plus</a> toxins you consume improves your brain functions. Of course you cannot reduce the amount of pollution that you take in, but having fresh foods and fresh ingredients increase your brain functions as well. There are many ways t o increase the human brain function and we will take a <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">Lash Serum Plus Review</a> look at five important and easy ways in which you can improve it. First you need to improve the way your brain works?</p>\n", "username": "JanisGee", "title": "Beauty full Eyes And Eyelash", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T10:21:28.000Z", "site_id": 86, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T10:25:41.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Body - Position 127-138: supplements, Position 314-319: serum, Position 346-351: Serum, Position 688-693: serum, Position 720-725: Serum\nBody - Position 288-307:, Position 662-681:", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37236, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44120, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>Guys any Idea how to fuck the stacked flows which is over another flow and that flow in question is stuck under another flow and this process goes on over and over ?</p>\n", "username": "Fuck Stackovereflow", "title": "How to fuck Stacked Flow Over and Over?", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T10:07:56.000Z", "site_id": 1, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T10:08:18.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Title - Offensive keyword: *fuck*\nTitle - Position 8-12: fuck\nPost - Offensive keyword: *fuck*\nUsername - Position 1-5: Fuck", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37235, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44119, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>Lux Allure You should be sure to exfoliate. Exfoliation is a great technique to use in order to reveal the healthy skin layers that are hiding underneath the visible skin. If you have sensitive skin, you may not want to exfoliate every day, but you should still at least try to do it once or twice a week. Exfoliating will let your face look more fresh and radiant, and will help to prevent oil and dirt buildup.</p>\n\n<p>Read More >>> <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>\n", "username": "HarrietGiles", "title": "What do you Mean by Lux Allure?", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T10:04:52.000Z", "site_id": 4, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T10:05:07.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Body - Position 466-474: skincare, Position 524-532: skincare\nBody - Position 466-477:\nBody - Position 425-557: Read More >>> <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>\n\nPost - Link at end:</a>", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37234, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44118, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>Have I given up too early? I'm comfortable with IntelligenceRx. I presume IntelligenceRx could be actually cool. Can anybody give the precise reference for it? Have you noticed that <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">IntelligenceRx</a> is becoming more typical? I've tested different IntelligenceRx. What are we interested in? No problem. This was contemporary. But, then again, besides these extraordinary situations, IntelligenceRx is still relevant. Trust me, they would do that. I'd value your expectations to assist me with IntelligenceRx. >>>> <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>\n", "username": "hoebetcorn", "title": "I'm comfortable with IntelligenceRx", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T09:56:00.000Z", "site_id": 86, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T09:56:29.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Body - Position 202-212: brainboost, Position 610-620: brainboost, Position 676-686: brainboost\nBody - Position 202-227:, Position 610-635:\nBody - Position 589-727: >>>> <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>\n\nPost - Link at end:</a>\n\nBody - Position 186-727: <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">IntelligenceRx</a> is becoming more typical? I've tested different IntelligenceRx. What are we interested in? No problem. This was contemporary. But, then again, besides these extraordinary situations, IntelligenceRx is still relevant. Trust me, they would do that. I'd value your expectations to assist me with IntelligenceRx. >>>> <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37233, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44117, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>Have I given up too early? I'm comfortable with IntelligenceRx. I presume IntelligenceRx could be actually cool. Can anybody give the precise reference for it? Have you noticed that <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">IntelligenceRx</a> is becoming more typical? I've tested different IntelligenceRx. What are we interested in? No problem. This was contemporary. But, then again, besides these extraordinary situations, IntelligenceRx is still relevant. Trust me, they would do that. I'd value your expectations to assist me with IntelligenceRx. >>>> <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>\n", "username": "hoebetcorn", "title": "I'm comfortable with IntelligenceRx", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T09:56:00.000Z", "site_id": 86, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T09:56:29.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Body - Position 202-212: brainboost, Position 610-620: brainboost, Position 676-686: brainboost\nBody - Position 202-227:, Position 610-635:\nBody - Position 589-727: >>>> <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>\n\nPost - Link at end:</a>\n\nBody - Position 186-727: <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">IntelligenceRx</a> is becoming more typical? I've tested different IntelligenceRx. What are we interested in? No problem. This was contemporary. But, then again, besides these extraordinary situations, IntelligenceRx is still relevant. Trust me, they would do that. I'd value your expectations to assist me with IntelligenceRx. >>>> <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37233, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44117, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>A few days ago, it occurred to me that a large majority of amateurs don't like IntelligenceRx. You need a IntelligenceRx. I did this with a minimal learning curve. I'm not at all popular. I am ready to do battle. >> <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>\n", "username": "verapsalinas", "title": "Boost up your Memory with IntelligenceRx", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T09:55:37.000Z", "site_id": 86, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T09:55:49.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Body - Position 240-254:\nPost - Link at end:</a>", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37232, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44116, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">RushForce XT</a> Many people need to feel and see results before they decide to keep themselves motivated on a diet plan. Keep tight fitting clothes around as a way to check your progress as opposed to stepping on a weighing scale. At the end of the week, put these clothes on to see how they fit. It is likely that you will be amazed at your success.</p>\n\n<p>Read More >>> <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a> </p>\n", "username": "Jesse Hinton", "title": "RushForce XT Here is a trick employed", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T09:53:52.000Z", "site_id": 4, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T09:54:30.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Body - Position 186-195: diet plan\nBody - Position 27-40: healthvictory, Position 472-485: healthvictory, Position 534-547: healthvictory\nBody - Position 435-575: Read More >>> <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a> </p>\n\nPost - Link at end:</a> \n\nBody - Position 4-575: <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">RushForce XT</a> Many people need to feel and see results before they decide to keep themselves motivated on a diet plan. Keep tight fitting clothes around as a way to check your progress as opposed to stepping on a weighing scale. At the end of the week, put these clothes on to see how they fit. It is likely that you will be amazed at your success.</p>\n\n<p>Read More >>> <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a> </p>", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37231, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44115, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>It is however possible for owners to save money on their hull and third party insurance by registering their yacht in a jurisdiction where there are no taxes levied on insurance premiums.At more <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>\n", "username": "alfredammett", "title": "SonarQube 5.6: How to add issue comment in html text format using web service", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T09:53:52.000Z", "site_id": 1, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T09:54:11.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Post manually reported by user *Magisch* in room *SO Close Vote Reviewers*.\n", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37230, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44114, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>It is however possible for owners to save money on their hull and third party insurance by registering their yacht in a jurisdiction where there are no taxes levied on insurance premiums.At more <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>\n", "username": "alfredammett", "title": "SonarQube 5.6: How to add issue comment in html text format using web service", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T09:53:52.000Z", "site_id": 1, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T09:54:11.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Post manually reported by user *Magisch* in room *SO Close Vote Reviewers*.\n", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37230, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44114, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>It is however possible for owners to save money on their hull and third party insurance by registering their yacht in a jurisdiction where there are no taxes levied on insurance premiums.At more <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>\n", "username": "alfredammett", "title": "SonarQube 5.6: How to add issue comment in html text format using web service", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T09:53:52.000Z", "site_id": 1, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T09:54:11.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Post manually reported by user *Magisch* in room *SO Close Vote Reviewers*.\n", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37230, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44114, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>Alpha Force Testo is, most importantly, a workout enhancer. This is the essential reason that numerous utilization it, since it is to a great degree powerful toward that end. At the point when in the exercise center, this testosterone edge bolsters more vitality, more noteworthy continuance and upgraded muscle pumps. Numerous jocks and wellness monstrosities swear by Alpha Force Testo and its driving mix. This item was positioned as the best of its class in 2016. In view of the outcomes, it isn't hard to see why. Be that as it may, the positive effect of Alpha Force augment well past the weight room. \n<a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>\n", "username": "porixmels", "title": "", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T09:51:05.000Z", "site_id": 62, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T09:51:23.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Title - Position 12-32:\nTitle - Position 1-32:\nBody - Position 633-653:\nPost - Link at end:</a>", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37229, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44113, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>Alpha Force Testo is, most importantly, a workout enhancer. This is the essential reason that numerous utilization it, since it is to a great degree powerful toward that end. At the point when in the exercise center, this testosterone edge bolsters more vitality, more noteworthy continuance and upgraded muscle pumps. Numerous jocks and wellness monstrosities swear by Alpha Force Testo and its driving mix. This item was positioned as the best of its class in 2016. In view of the outcomes, it isn't hard to see why. Be that as it may, the positive effect of Alpha Force augment well past the weight room. \n<a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>\n", "username": "porixmels", "title": "", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T09:51:05.000Z", "site_id": 62, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T09:51:23.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Title - Position 12-32:\nTitle - Position 1-32:\nBody - Position 633-653:\nPost - Link at end:</a>", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37229, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44113, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>L\u2019Etoile Cream includes peptides, antioxidants, Hyaluronic Acid, and brightening Vitamin C. Currently, just based off that, this item currently works better compared to drugstore products. Since, those are three heavy striking ingredients that go a long way to earn your skin appearance younger. So, if you desire our directly point of view as well as to quit reviewing this web page, we'll tell you now. Based on the components and the studies we revealed of this Cream, it IS an effective anti-aging product. And, we do suggest giving it a try. Especially, today you can obtain a L\u2019Etoile Anti Aging Cream complimentary Trial, so you can evaluate it out on your skin. Maintain reading if you intend to discover more regarding this cream. L\u2019Etoile Cream available for free trial on its official website <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>\n", "username": "Davidcamroon", "title": "What Is L\u2019Etoile Anti Aging Formula?", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T09:48:56.000Z", "site_id": 1, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T09:49:12.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Title - Position 18-28: Anti Aging\nBody - Position 495-505: anti-aging, Position 595-605: Anti Aging\nBody - Position 825-841:, Position 895-911:", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37228, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44112, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>L\u2019Etoile Cream includes peptides, antioxidants, Hyaluronic Acid, and brightening Vitamin C. Currently, just based off that, this item currently works better compared to drugstore products. Since, those are three heavy striking ingredients that go a long way to earn your skin appearance younger. So, if you desire our directly point of view as well as to quit reviewing this web page, we'll tell you now. Based on the components and the studies we revealed of this Cream, it IS an effective anti-aging product. And, we do suggest giving it a try. Especially, today you can obtain a L\u2019Etoile Anti Aging Cream complimentary Trial, so you can evaluate it out on your skin. Maintain reading if you intend to discover more regarding this cream. L\u2019Etoile Cream available for free trial on its official website <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>\n", "username": "Davidcamroon", "title": "What Is L\u2019Etoile Anti Aging Formula?", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T09:48:56.000Z", "site_id": 1, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T09:49:12.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Title - Position 18-28: Anti Aging\nBody - Position 495-505: anti-aging, Position 595-605: Anti Aging\nBody - Position 825-841:, Position 895-911:", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37228, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44112, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>L\u2019Etoile Cream includes peptides, antioxidants, Hyaluronic Acid, and brightening Vitamin C. Currently, just based off that, this item currently works better compared to drugstore products. Since, those are three heavy striking ingredients that go a long way to earn your skin appearance younger. So, if you desire our directly point of view as well as to quit reviewing this web page, we'll tell you now. Based on the components and the studies we revealed of this Cream, it IS an effective anti-aging product. And, we do suggest giving it a try. Especially, today you can obtain a L\u2019Etoile Anti Aging Cream complimentary Trial, so you can evaluate it out on your skin. Maintain reading if you intend to discover more regarding this cream. L\u2019Etoile Cream available for free trial on its official website <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>\n", "username": "Davidcamroon", "title": "What Is L\u2019Etoile Anti Aging Formula?", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T09:48:56.000Z", "site_id": 1, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T09:49:12.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Title - Position 18-28: Anti Aging\nBody - Position 495-505: anti-aging, Position 595-605: Anti Aging\nBody - Position 825-841:, Position 895-911:", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37228, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44112, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>bdfdbdfbdfbfbdfb</p>\n\n<ul>\n - \n</ul>\n\n<p>[----------][enter image description here]<a href=\"http://bsdb\" rel=\"nofollow\">1</a></p>\n\n<hr>\n\n<h2> </h2>\n\n<ul>\n<li><blockquote>\n <p><strong><em>[Heading]3</em></strong></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n<h1>#</h1></li>\n</ul>\n\n<hr>\n", "username": "user7047163", "title": "How to move the parent window in Child window?", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T09:48:56.000Z", "site_id": 1, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T09:49:15.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Post manually reported by user *Magisch* in room *SO Close Vote Reviewers*.\n", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37227, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44111, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>bdfdbdfbdfbfbdfb</p>\n\n<ul>\n - \n</ul>\n\n<p>[----------][enter image description here]<a href=\"http://bsdb\" rel=\"nofollow\">1</a></p>\n\n<hr>\n\n<h2> </h2>\n\n<ul>\n<li><blockquote>\n <p><strong><em>[Heading]3</em></strong></p>\n</blockquote>\n\n<h1>#</h1></li>\n</ul>\n\n<hr>\n", "username": "user7047163", "title": "How to move the parent window in Child window?", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T09:48:56.000Z", "site_id": 1, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T09:49:15.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Post manually reported by user *Magisch* in room *SO Close Vote Reviewers*.\n", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37227, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44111, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p><strong><a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a>\nRegenere Cream</strong></p>\n\n<p>There are a number of other home remedies to eliminate acne scars and virtually all are powerful in removing acne scars. But it is additionally significant to keep a healthful lifestyle. Proper diet and exercise with appropriate rest will lead to a remedy for acne that is unwanted.</p>\n", "username": "julfridge", "title": "There are a number of other home remedies", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T09:38:24.000Z", "site_id": 3, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T09:38:58.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Body - Position 28-45:", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37226, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44110, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p><strong><a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a>\nRegenere Cream</strong></p>\n\n<p>There are a number of other home remedies to eliminate acne scars and virtually all are powerful in removing acne scars. But it is additionally significant to keep a healthful lifestyle. Proper diet and exercise with appropriate rest will lead to a remedy for acne that is unwanted.</p>\n", "username": "julfridge", "title": "There are a number of other home remedies", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T09:38:24.000Z", "site_id": 3, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T09:38:58.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Body - Position 28-45:", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37226, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44110, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p><strong><a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a>\nRegenere Cream</strong></p>\n\n<p>There are a number of other home remedies to eliminate acne scars and virtually all are powerful in removing acne scars. But it is additionally significant to keep a healthful lifestyle. Proper diet and exercise with appropriate rest will lead to a remedy for acne that is unwanted.</p>\n", "username": "julfridge", "title": "There are a number of other home remedies", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T09:38:24.000Z", "site_id": 3, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T09:38:58.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Body - Position 28-45:", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37226, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44110, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>Wag776.3 recurring degens,</p>\n\n<p>I shall conclude with my contextualised penis which contains despicable adjectives which revolve around the weight of Curse Bonyes and yet with the fucking belligerent characteristics of a definitive law and investment bank/economic firm relating to the 1999 second-hand Disney movies meaning that my IRL name is Daniel Whylie.</p>\n\n<p>I may have said in conclusion, but you all love a good fable when you 'ear one. So this fucking biggen wobbled into his mum, I mean Archie Dedication style, and as he is a well rounded student, the square root of my dick is 741.29 Chinese Hexadecimal units. This is clearly extra large like your mum as you can motherfucking see if you JUST squint.</p>\n\n<p>From the third world country of Armenia to the jungles of Harlow Town University, Jack O' Grady and his arthritis stuck himself up the statue of liberty with his torrented 4chan memes. As this relates to the extravagant Nostalrius vanilla WoW private server, may God have mercy on its soul, I can already recognise which Mikhail variable is associated with it by easily stating that my in game name is Oliver Norris. </p>\n\n<p>Translated from Essex on Google Translate, Donald Trump decided to build a wall around his online Geometry Dash level which he collaborated on with my main man Oliver Gay Newman. Since the latter is purely 24% Russian in heritage, the cube root of -10 is a jpeg file which can be found on a local and abandoned server on Craigslist, under the Manchester City grime subsection.</p>\n\n<p>Big up Jack Wilkinson on the Cam as I send this diss track to the main fucktard called Tigerhawk, who banned all of my Stack Overflow posts when I posted legit questions, I can't wait to visit you and your boyfriend tonight you stupid fucking peanut eggheaded CUNT! JKJK, me and TigerHawk are best buds and he know it, much love you piece of shit <3.</p>\n\n<p>Where was I? Oh yes... my dick decided to wobble into school one day holding a packet of torrented CSGO skins inside his fake Prada bag. This was, of course, deeper into your mum than my fake passport I used to cross the border from Germany. My dick was playing Pokemon Go the other day, looking at all of the local Leeds pokestops, when Mandy rode up in her 1999 Orange Second Hand Nissan Micra with full use of those exhaust fumes, she decided to expose herself to the monster that she was. My my, what an incredible sight as it displayed itself immediately upon Daniel Harvey's snapchat story. </p>\n\n<p>To see how Nid 'Chav Chav' rolled into Tescos with his Level 1 Sport BTEC obtained from the University of Mark Hall, you can find the full video on youtube on my youtube channel in glorious 144p recorded for 10 hours straight on my Cannon D7. Alongside this, you can enter a giveaway for a free Nike tracksuit, fake Gucci belt and to merge companies with Steven Bobby Bills, who spends his days sitting in his room torrenting old copies of Diablo 2, which was released in Wag2005.</p>\n\n<p>We decided to track down the location of Keemstar by tracking down his used receipts from his second hand condom orders from So if any of you fucking retarded cunts decide to downvote this post, I s2g I will track down your IP address and beat the fuck out of you with my metal baseball bats.</p>\n\n<p>Kindest dickheads,\nZach Retardislad.</p>\n\n<p>P.S. I belve using someones elses name is idetity theft?</p>\n", "username": "Zach Retardisland", "title": "Dickheads relating to the Mikhail variable defined in the Shared Documents of my cock", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T09:37:41.000Z", "site_id": 1, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T09:38:15.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Title - Offensive keyword: *Dickheads*\nBody - Position 2089-2102: fake passport\nBody - Position 79-84: penis\nPost - Offensive keywords: *fucking, fucking, motherfucking, fucktard, fucking, CUNT, fucking, cunts, fuck, dickheads*", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37225, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44109, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>Wag776.3 recurring degens,</p>\n\n<p>I shall conclude with my contextualised penis which contains despicable adjectives which revolve around the weight of Curse Bonyes and yet with the fucking belligerent characteristics of a definitive law and investment bank/economic firm relating to the 1999 second-hand Disney movies meaning that my IRL name is Daniel Whylie.</p>\n\n<p>I may have said in conclusion, but you all love a good fable when you 'ear one. So this fucking biggen wobbled into his mum, I mean Archie Dedication style, and as he is a well rounded student, the square root of my dick is 741.29 Chinese Hexadecimal units. This is clearly extra large like your mum as you can motherfucking see if you JUST squint.</p>\n\n<p>From the third world country of Armenia to the jungles of Harlow Town University, Jack O' Grady and his arthritis stuck himself up the statue of liberty with his torrented 4chan memes. As this relates to the extravagant Nostalrius vanilla WoW private server, may God have mercy on its soul, I can already recognise which Mikhail variable is associated with it by easily stating that my in game name is Oliver Norris. </p>\n\n<p>Translated from Essex on Google Translate, Donald Trump decided to build a wall around his online Geometry Dash level which he collaborated on with my main man Oliver Gay Newman. Since the latter is purely 24% Russian in heritage, the cube root of -10 is a jpeg file which can be found on a local and abandoned server on Craigslist, under the Manchester City grime subsection.</p>\n\n<p>Big up Jack Wilkinson on the Cam as I send this diss track to the main fucktard called Tigerhawk, who banned all of my Stack Overflow posts when I posted legit questions, I can't wait to visit you and your boyfriend tonight you stupid fucking peanut eggheaded CUNT! JKJK, me and TigerHawk are best buds and he know it, much love you piece of shit <3.</p>\n\n<p>Where was I? Oh yes... my dick decided to wobble into school one day holding a packet of torrented CSGO skins inside his fake Prada bag. This was, of course, deeper into your mum than my fake passport I used to cross the border from Germany. My dick was playing Pokemon Go the other day, looking at all of the local Leeds pokestops, when Mandy rode up in her 1999 Orange Second Hand Nissan Micra with full use of those exhaust fumes, she decided to expose herself to the monster that she was. My my, what an incredible sight as it displayed itself immediately upon Daniel Harvey's snapchat story. </p>\n\n<p>To see how Nid 'Chav Chav' rolled into Tescos with his Level 1 Sport BTEC obtained from the University of Mark Hall, you can find the full video on youtube on my youtube channel in glorious 144p recorded for 10 hours straight on my Cannon D7. Alongside this, you can enter a giveaway for a free Nike tracksuit, fake Gucci belt and to merge companies with Steven Bobby Bills, who spends his days sitting in his room torrenting old copies of Diablo 2, which was released in Wag2005.</p>\n\n<p>We decided to track down the location of Keemstar by tracking down his used receipts from his second hand condom orders from So if any of you fucking retarded cunts decide to downvote this post, I s2g I will track down your IP address and beat the fuck out of you with my metal baseball bats.</p>\n\n<p>Kindest dickheads,\nZach Retardislad.</p>\n\n<p>P.S. I belve using someones elses name is idetity theft?</p>\n", "username": "Zach Retardisland", "title": "Dickheads relating to the Mikhail variable defined in the Shared Documents of my cock", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T09:37:41.000Z", "site_id": 1, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T09:38:15.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Title - Offensive keyword: *Dickheads*\nBody - Position 2089-2102: fake passport\nBody - Position 79-84: penis\nPost - Offensive keywords: *fucking, fucking, motherfucking, fucktard, fucking, CUNT, fucking, cunts, fuck, dickheads*", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37225, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44109, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>SURYA ONLINE TRAINING Provides <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">ETL TESTING Online Training.</a> Our ETL TESTING Online training methodology is dealing with We use the best web conferencing technology to give the high Quality ETL TESTING Online training. This is very useful to get ultimate knowledge for better future. </p>\n\n<p><strong>Some of the ETL TESTING Course topics that covered by our professionals:</strong></p>\n\n<p>1.Introduction to ETL TESTING.\n2.Components in ETL Tool.\n3.Data Acquisition.\n4.Data Extraction.\n5.Data Warehousing.\n6.Functionality in different.\n7.SORTER Transformation.\n8.Different Types of testing.\n9.Techniques in ETL.\n10.ROUTER Transformation.</p>\n\n<p>And many sub topics are there for more details please go through the website.</p>\n\n<p>Please call us for the Demo Classes we have regular batches and weekend batches.</p>\n\n<p><strong>Contact Number:</strong> India: +91 9618546596,</p>\n\n<p><strong>Email:</strong> [email protected],</p>\n\n<p><strong>Web:</strong> <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>\n", "username": "amreen9988", "title": "ONLINE ETL TESTING TRAINING", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T09:25:37.000Z", "site_id": 1, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T09:25:52.000Z", "downvote_count": 2, "why": "Title - Position 1-28: ONLINE ETL TESTING TRAINING\nBody - Position 60-77:, Position 1094-1111:\nBody - Position 35-1230: <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">ETL TESTING Online Training.</a> Our ETL TESTING Online training methodology is dealing with We use the best web conferencing technology to give the high Quality ETL TESTING Online training. This is very useful to get ultimate knowledge for better future. </p>\n\n<p><s...ils please go through the website.</p>\n\n<p>Please call us for the Demo Classes we have regular batches and weekend batches.</p>\n\n<p><strong>Contact Number:</strong> India: +91 9618546596,</p>\n\n<p><strong>Email:</strong> [email protected],</p>\n\n<p><strong>Web:</strong> <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>\n\nPost - Keyword *TRAINING* with email [email protected]", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37224, "score": -2, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44108, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>SURYA ONLINE TRAINING Provides <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">ETL TESTING Online Training.</a> Our ETL TESTING Online training methodology is dealing with We use the best web conferencing technology to give the high Quality ETL TESTING Online training. This is very useful to get ultimate knowledge for better future. </p>\n\n<p><strong>Some of the ETL TESTING Course topics that covered by our professionals:</strong></p>\n\n<p>1.Introduction to ETL TESTING.\n2.Components in ETL Tool.\n3.Data Acquisition.\n4.Data Extraction.\n5.Data Warehousing.\n6.Functionality in different.\n7.SORTER Transformation.\n8.Different Types of testing.\n9.Techniques in ETL.\n10.ROUTER Transformation.</p>\n\n<p>And many sub topics are there for more details please go through the website.</p>\n\n<p>Please call us for the Demo Classes we have regular batches and weekend batches.</p>\n\n<p><strong>Contact Number:</strong> India: +91 9618546596,</p>\n\n<p><strong>Email:</strong> [email protected],</p>\n\n<p><strong>Web:</strong> <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>\n", "username": "amreen9988", "title": "ONLINE ETL TESTING TRAINING", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T09:25:37.000Z", "site_id": 1, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T09:25:52.000Z", "downvote_count": 2, "why": "Title - Position 1-28: ONLINE ETL TESTING TRAINING\nBody - Position 60-77:, Position 1094-1111:\nBody - Position 35-1230: <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">ETL TESTING Online Training.</a> Our ETL TESTING Online training methodology is dealing with We use the best web conferencing technology to give the high Quality ETL TESTING Online training. This is very useful to get ultimate knowledge for better future. </p>\n\n<p><s...ils please go through the website.</p>\n\n<p>Please call us for the Demo Classes we have regular batches and weekend batches.</p>\n\n<p><strong>Contact Number:</strong> India: +91 9618546596,</p>\n\n<p><strong>Email:</strong> [email protected],</p>\n\n<p><strong>Web:</strong> <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>\n\nPost - Keyword *TRAINING* with email [email protected]", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37224, "score": -2, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44108, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>Today IOT product development has become an integral part of overall <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">product development</a> process and devices; IoT allow devices to be controlled remotely.</p>\n", "username": "Whizz Systems", "title": "loginPost 302 redirect error when customer types a wrong password on checkout login form", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T09:19:17.000Z", "site_id": 1, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T09:19:47.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Username - Position 1-14: Whizz Systems", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37223, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44107, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>Today IOT product development has become an integral part of overall <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">product development</a> process and devices; 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The antioxidant selenium aids in skin elasticity, and can aid in the prevention of premature aging. In addition, it provides your skin with protection from the sun's UV rays and counteracts the damage that free radicals can cause. There are many foods rich in selenium, such as eggs, garlic, tuna, and more.</p>\n\n<p>Read More >>>> <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>\n", "username": "WillArthur", "title": "Raw Nitro You should ensure", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T09:09:00.000Z", "site_id": 7, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T09:10:09.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Body - Position 434-446: healthbuzzer, Position 489-501: healthbuzzer\nBody - Position 430-450:\nBody - Position 399-525: Read More >>>> <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>\n\nPost - Link at end:</a>", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37221, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44105, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>Raw Nitro You should ensure that you are getting enough selenium in your diet. The antioxidant selenium aids in skin elasticity, and can aid in the prevention of premature aging. In addition, it provides your skin with protection from the sun's UV rays and counteracts the damage that free radicals can cause. There are many foods rich in selenium, such as eggs, garlic, tuna, and more.</p>\n\n<p>Read More >>>> <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>\n", "username": "WillArthur", "title": "Raw Nitro You should ensure", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T09:09:00.000Z", "site_id": 7, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T09:10:09.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Body - Position 434-446: healthbuzzer, Position 489-501: healthbuzzer\nBody - Position 430-450:\nBody - Position 399-525: Read More >>>> <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>\n\nPost - Link at end:</a>", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37221, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44105, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>HFTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG</p>\n", "username": "LOLFC D", "title": "How to build a portable windows virtual machine without admin permissions and with high performance?", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T09:03:34.000Z", "site_id": 3, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T09:04:20.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Post - All in caps\nBody - Position 1-84: <p>HFTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG</p>\n\nPost - Contains 4 unique characters\nPost - Repeated character: *TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG*", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37220, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44104, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>HFTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG</p>\n", "username": "LOLFC D", "title": "How to build a portable windows virtual machine without admin permissions and with high performance?", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T09:03:34.000Z", "site_id": 3, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T09:04:20.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Post - All in caps\nBody - Position 1-84: <p>HFTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG</p>\n\nPost - Contains 4 unique characters\nPost - Repeated character: *TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG*", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37220, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44104, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>HFTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG</p>\n", "username": "LOLFC D", "title": "How to build a portable windows virtual machine without admin permissions and with high performance?", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T09:03:34.000Z", "site_id": 3, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T09:04:20.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Post - All in caps\nBody - Position 1-84: <p>HFTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG</p>\n\nPost - Contains 4 unique characters\nPost - Repeated character: *TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG*", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37220, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44104, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>Real Love Spell To Get Your Ex Back Very Fast \nRead my testimony!!!Getting ex back after a breakup. Am Becker Harold 30 from UK, my boyfriend of a year just broke up with me and am 28 weeks pregnant.I have cried my self to sleep most of the nights and don\u2019t seem to concentrate during lectures sometimes I stay awake almost all night thinking about him and start to cry all over again.Because of this I end up not having energy for my next day\u2019s classes ,my attendance has dropped and am always in uni and on time.Generally he is a very nice guy ,he ended it because he said we were arguing a lot and not getting along.He is right we\u2019ve been arguing during the pregnancy a lot .After the break up I kept ringing him and telling him I will change.I am in love with this guy and he is the best guy I have ever been with.I\u2019m still hurt and in disbelief when he said he didn\u2019t have any romantic feelings towards me anymore that hurt me faster than a lethal syringe.He texts me now and then mainly to check up on how am doing with the pregnancy,he is supportive with it but it\u2019s not fair on me, him texting me as I just want to grieve the pain and not have any stress due to the pregnancy.i was really upset and i needed help, so i searched for help online and I came across a website that suggested that Dr Ahmed Utimate can help solve marital problems, restore broken relationships and so on. So, I felt I should give him a try. I contacted him and he told me what to do and i did it then he did a spell for me. 28 hours later, my boyfriend came to me and apologized for the wrongs he did and promise never to do it again. Ever since then, everything has returned back to normal. I and my boyfriend are living together happily again.. All thanks to Dr Ahmed Utimate. If you need a spell caster that can cast a spell that truly works, I suggest you contact him. He will not disappoint you.\nThis is his: E-mail: [email protected]\ncall and Add him up on Whats-app: +2348160153829</p>\n\n<p>Becker Harold<br>\nfrom UK,\nSAVE YOUR CRUMBLING RELATIONSHIP</p>\n", "username": "Beckerb Haroldh", "title": "Real Love Spell To Get Your Ex Back Very Fast", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T08:51:56.000Z", "site_id": 172, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T08:52:08.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Body - Position 9-1796: Love Spell To Get Your Ex Back Very Fast \nRead my testimony!!!Getting ex back after a breakup. Am Becker Harold 30 from UK, my boyfriend of a year just broke up with me and am 28 weeks pregnant.I have cried my self to sleep most of the nights and don\u2019t seem to concentrate during lectures sometimes I stay awake almost all night thinking about him and start to cry all over again.Because of this I end up not having energy for my next day\u2019s classes ,my attendance has dropped and am alw...ital problems, restore broken relationships and so on. So, I felt I should give him a try. I contacted him and he told me what to do and i did it then he did a spell for me. 28 hours later, my boyfriend came to me and apologized for the wrongs he did and promise never to do it again. Ever since then, everything has returned back to normal. I and my boyfriend are living together happily again.. All thanks to Dr Ahmed Utimate. If you need a spell caster\nPost - Keyword *Spell* with email [email protected]", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37218, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44102, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">Coal Cosmetic</a> :- Some detox specialists propose herbs and vitamins that reasonable for detox, a few uses detox foot fixes; some empowers veggie lover eating regimen or detox natural products abstain from food. Herbs utilized as a part of detox eating regimens are really intended to fortify the dispensing with organs so they work better. Herbs invigorate the organs with supplements. Detox foot patches get from normal trees roots are turned out to be non-harmful, they have no symptoms, not at all like substance medications. This detox foot patches are sticks under the foot, and overnight it works by means of drawing poisons far from our body to the patches, detox foot fixes likewise incorporate negative particles which can invigorates our body. Detox projects aren't for everybody.</p>\n\n<p>Find out more, please visit >>> <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>\n", "username": "Alice Randall", "title": "Some detox specialists propose herbs and vitamins?", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T08:48:07.000Z", "site_id": 86, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T08:48:16.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Body - Position 471-482: supplements\nBody - Position 27-38: healthguide, Position 952-963: healthguide, Position 1034-1045: healthguide\nBody - Position 24-42:, Position 949-967:\nBody - Position 925-1094: >>> <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>\n\nPost - Link at end:</a>\n\nBody - Po...ptoms, not at all like substance medications. This detox foot patches are sticks under the foot, and overnight it works by means of drawing poisons far from our body to the patches, detox foot fixes likewise incorporate negative particles which can invigorates our body. Detox projects aren't for everybody.</p>\n\n<p>Find out more, please visit >>> <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37216, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44100, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p><a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">Coal Cosmetic</a> :- Some detox specialists propose herbs and vitamins that reasonable for detox, a few uses detox foot fixes; some empowers veggie lover eating regimen or detox natural products abstain from food. Herbs utilized as a part of detox eating regimens are really intended to fortify the dispensing with organs so they work better. Herbs invigorate the organs with supplements. Detox foot patches get from normal trees roots are turned out to be non-harmful, they have no symptoms, not at all like substance medications. This detox foot patches are sticks under the foot, and overnight it works by means of drawing poisons far from our body to the patches, detox foot fixes likewise incorporate negative particles which can invigorates our body. Detox projects aren't for everybody.</p>\n\n<p>Find out more, please visit >>> <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>\n", "username": "Alice Randall", "title": "Some detox specialists propose herbs and vitamins?", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T08:48:07.000Z", "site_id": 86, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T08:48:16.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Body - Position 471-482: supplements\nBody - Position 27-38: healthguide, Position 952-963: healthguide, Position 1034-1045: healthguide\nBody - Position 24-42:, Position 949-967:\nBody - Position 925-1094: >>> <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>\n\nPost - Link at end:</a>\n\nBody - Po...ptoms, not at all like substance medications. This detox foot patches are sticks under the foot, and overnight it works by means of drawing poisons far from our body to the patches, detox foot fixes likewise incorporate negative particles which can invigorates our body. Detox projects aren't for everybody.</p>\n\n<p>Find out more, please visit >>> <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37216, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44100, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<h1>\u6bd5\u4e1a\u8bc1\u529e\u7406#,\u82f1\u56fdLSE\u6bd5\u4e1a\u8bc1\u529e\u7406,\uff08\u4e13\u4e1a-\u5fae*\u4fe1-28-32-14-072-\u9760\u8c31-\u5b9e\u60e0-\u5236\u4f5c\uff09\u4f26\u6566\u7ecf\u6d4e\u5b66\u9662\u6bd5\u4e1a\u8bc1\u529e\u7406,\u4f26\u6566\u653f\u7ecf\u6bd5\u4e1a\u8bc1\u6210\u7ee9\u5355\u529e\u7406,\u4f26\u6566\u5927\u5b66\u653f\u6cbb\u7ecf\u6d4e\u5b66\u9662\u6bd5\u4e1a\u8bc1\u6210\u7ee9\u5355\u529e\u7406,\u5de5\u4f5c\u5347\u804c\u53ef\u67e5-\u5b66\u5386\u8ba4\u8bc1,\u843d\u6237\u8d2d\u4e70\u514d\u7a0e\u8f66-\u7559\u5b66\u56de\u56fd\u4eba\u5458\u8bc1\u660e,\u6587\u51ed,\u5b66\u4f4d\u8bc1\u4e66,The London School of Economics and Political Science</h1>\n", "username": "douwei", "title": "#\u6bd5\u4e1a\u8bc1\u529e\u7406#,\u82f1\u56fdLSE\u6bd5\u4e1a\u8bc1\u529e\u7406,\uff08\u4e13\u4e1a-\u5fae\\*\u4fe1-28-32-14-072-\u9760\u8c31-\u5b9e\u60e0-\u5236\u4f5c\uff09\u4f26\u6566\u7ecf\u6d4e\u5b66\u9662\u6bd5\u4e1a\u8bc1\u529e\u7406,\u4f26\u6566\u653f\u7ecf\u6bd5\u4e1a\u8bc1\u6210\u7ee9\u5355\u529e\u7406", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T08:46:09.000Z", "site_id": 249, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T08:47:46.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Title - Position 2-74: \u6bd5\u4e1a\u8bc1\u529e\u7406#,\u82f1\u56fdLSE\u6bd5\u4e1a\u8bc1\u529e\u7406,\uff08\u4e13\u4e1a-\u5fae*\u4fe1-28-32-14-072-\u9760\u8c31-\u5b9e\u60e0-\u5236\u4f5c\uff09\u4f26\u6566\u7ecf\u6d4e\u5b66\u9662\u6bd5\u4e1a\u8bc1\u529e\u7406,\u4f26\u6566\u653f\u7ecf\u6bd5\u4e1a\u8bc1\u6210\u7ee9\u5355\u529e\u7406", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37215, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44099, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>Black Diamond Force Review \u2013 Does It Work or It's a Fraud? <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\"></a></p>\n", "username": "geraintjones", "title": "How To Buy Black Diamond Force?", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T08:41:57.000Z", "site_id": 29, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T08:42:46.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Body - Position 83-97: healthybooklet, Position 150-164: healthybooklet\nBody - Position 79-101:\nPost - Link at end:</a>", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37214, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44098, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>thankx bro i really needed it i am working on a project a i really need to know how to create an admin panel <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">Regards Adeel Ali </a></p>\n", "username": "adeel seo", "title": "An efficient database design for a simple forum using php and mysql", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T08:35:43.000Z", "site_id": 1, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T08:35:59.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Body - Position 1-186: <p>thankx bro i really needed it i am working on a project a i really need to know how to create an admin panel <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">Regards Adeel Ali </a></p>", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37212, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44096, "post_creation_date": null}, {"body": "<p>thankx bro i really needed it i am working on a project a i really need to know how to create an admin panel <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">Regards Adeel Ali </a></p>\n", "username": "adeel seo", "title": "An efficient database design for a simple forum using php and mysql", "is_fp": false, "created_at": "2016-10-20T08:35:43.000Z", "site_id": 1, "updated_at": "2016-10-20T08:35:59.000Z", "downvote_count": null, "why": "Body - Position 1-186: <p>thankx bro i really needed it i am working on a project a i really need to know how to create an admin panel <a href=\"\" rel=\"nofollow\">Regards Adeel Ali </a></p>", "stack_exchange_user_id": 37212, "score": null, "link": "//", "user_link": "//", "is_tp": true, "user_reputation": 1, "upvote_count": null, "id": 44096, "post_creation_date": null}]