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v3.3 upgrade: config loading error when loading admin page #4371

decentral1se opened this issue Sep 3, 2021 · 9 comments

v3.3 upgrade: config loading error when loading admin page #4371

decentral1se opened this issue Sep 3, 2021 · 9 comments
Status: Waiting for answer Waiting issue author answer


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decentral1se commented Sep 3, 2021

Describe the current behavior

When loading the admin page, there is an error shown. It looks to be a configuration breakage but I would expect a v3.2 -> v3.3 to not break configs.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Load
  2. See You provided 'undefined' where a stream was expected. You can provide an Observable, Promise, Array, or Iterable.
  3. Open console and see Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier, Cannot load config locally. Fallback to API., Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (), main.c9eac874d7bd3b1cbab9.js:3 Backend returned code 500, errorMessage is: relation "actorCustomPage" does not exist and then main.c9eac874d7bd3b1cbab9.js:3 Backend returned code 500, errorMessage is: relation "actorCustomPage" does not exist
  4. Hitting gives {"type":"","detail":"relation \"actorCustomPage\" does not exist","status":500,"code":"SequelizeDatabaseError","error":"relation \"actorCustomPage\" does not exist"}

Digging a bit further, I found that it is trying to load the following before it goes to the API:

<script type="application/javascript">window.PeerTubeServerConfig = '{"instance":{"name":"","shortDescription":"A self-organized space for the lumbung inter-lokal","isNSFW":false,"defaultNSFWPolicy":"do_not_list","defaultClientRoute":"/videos/local","customizations":{"javascript":"","css":""}},"search":{"remoteUri":{"users":true,"anonymous":true},"searchIndex":{"enabled":false,"url":"","disableLocalSearch":false,"isDefaultSearch":false}},"plugin":{"registered":[{"name":"auth-openid-connect","version":"0.0.5","description":"Add OpenID connect support to login form in PeerTube.","clientScripts":{}},{"name":"video-annotation","version":"0.0.6","description":"PeerTube plugin video annotation","clientScripts":{"dist/embed-client-plugin.js":{"script":"dist/embed-client-plugin.js","scopes":["embed"]},"dist/video-edit-client-plugin.js":{"script":"dist/video-edit-client-plugin.js","scopes":["video-edit"]},"dist/video-watch-client-plugin.js":{"script":"dist/video-watch-client-plugin.js","scopes":["video-watch"]}}}],"registeredExternalAuths":[{"npmName":"peertube-plugin-auth-openid-connect","name":"auth-openid-connect","version":"0.0.5","authName":"openid-connect","authDisplayName":""}],"registeredIdAndPassAuths":[]},"theme":{"registered":[],"default":"default"},"email":{"enabled":true},"contactForm":{"enabled":false},"serverVersion":"3.3.0","serverCommit":"","transcoding":{"hls":{"enabled":true},"webtorrent":{"enabled":false},"enabledResolutions":[240,480,720],"profile":"default","availableProfiles":["default"]},"live":{"enabled":true,"allowReplay":true,"maxDuration":18000000,"maxInstanceLives":20,"maxUserLives":3,"transcoding":{"enabled":true,"enabledResolutions":[480],"profile":"default","availableProfiles":["default"]},"rtmp":{"port":1935}},"import":{"videos":{"http":{"enabled":true},"torrent":{"enabled":true}}},"autoBlacklist":{"videos":{"ofUsers":{"enabled":false}}},"avatar":{"file":{"size":{"max":4194304},"extensions":[".png",".jpeg",".jpg",".gif",".webp"]}},"banner":{"file":{"size":{"max":4194304},"extensions":[".png",".jpeg",".jpg",".gif",".webp"]}},"video":{"image":{"extensions":[".png",".jpg",".jpeg",".webp"],"size":{"max":4194304}},"file":{"extensions":[".webm",".ogv",".ogg",".mp4",".mkv",".mov",".qt",".mqv",".m4v",".flv",".f4v",".wmv",".avi",".3gp",".3gpp",".3g2",".3gpp2",".nut",".mts",".m2ts",".mpv",".m2v",".m1v",".mpg",".mpe",".mpeg",".vob",".mxf",".mp3",".wma",".wav",".flac",".aac",".m4a",".ac3"]}},"videoCaption":{"file":{"size":{"max":4194304},"extensions":[".vtt",".srt"]}},"user":{"videoQuota":-1,"videoQuotaDaily":-1},"trending":{"videos":{"intervalDays":7,"algorithms":{"enabled":["best","hot","most-viewed","most-liked"],"default":"best"}}},"tracker":{"enabled":true},"followings":{"instance":{"autoFollowIndex":{"indexUrl":""}}},"broadcastMessage":{"enabled":true,"message":"Welcome to ****, bear with us as we're still setting everything up!","level":"info","dismissable":true},"homepage":{"enabled":false}}'</script>

I can't quite spot the error?

Here is our production deployment configuration: where we are using the env var substitution functionality. It seem the only change to that has been #4290? I made sure our custom-environment-variables.yml is up to date.

We upgraded from the v3.2.1-buster image

Describe the expected behavior

  1. Load https://$my_instance/admin/config/edit-custom#instance-homepage
  2. The page loads successfully

Additional information

  • PeerTube instance:

    • URL:
    • version: same as v3.3 docker
    • NodeJS version: same as v3.3 docker
    • Ffmpeg version: same as v3.3 docker
  • Browser name, version and platforms on which you could reproduce the bug: chrome latest stable

  • Link to browser console log if relevant: (provided above)

  • Link to server log if relevant (journalctl or /var/www/peertube/storage/logs/): no error seen

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decentral1se commented Sep 3, 2021

Oh yeah, here is our local-production.yaml file:

root@b5c9f675e1b4:/config# cat local-production.json 
  "instance": {
    "name": "",
    "short_description": "A self-organized space for the lumbung inter-lokal",
    "description": "Welcome to [](!\n\nThis is all a big work in progress.\n\nWe'll have more soon.",
    "is_nsfw": false,
    "default_nsfw_policy": "do_not_list",
    "terms": "No terms for now.",
    "code_of_conduct": "",
    "creation_reason": "",
    "moderation_information": "",
    "administrator": "",
    "maintenance_lifetime": "",
    "business_model": "",
    "hardware_information": "",
    "categories": [],
    "languages": [],
    "default_client_route": "/videos/local",
    "customizations": {
      "javascript": "",
      "css": ""
  "theme": {
    "default": "default"
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  "broadcast_message": {
    "enabled": true,
    "level": "info",
    "dismissable": true,
    "message": "Welcome to ****, bear with us as we're still setting everything up!"
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decentral1se commented Sep 3, 2021

Renaming /config/local-production.json to /config/local-production-bkup.json and restarting made the error go away but I am still not sure why this error was happening? It would be great to have a way to validate the config outside of the web interface.

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It seems there was an issue in 3.3 migration script: actorCustomPage should have been created by

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@Chocobozzz is there a way I can run that migration script myself via npm run ... or? To give some detail on my upgrade process, I simply changed the tag of the image in my compose configuration and then ran a docker stack deploy. I assume the entrypoint runs this script?

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Please check your logs about this migration

@Chocobozzz Chocobozzz added the Status: Waiting for answer Waiting issue author answer label Sep 6, 2021
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decentral1se commented Sep 8, 2021

[] 2021-09-03 11:42:58.926 info: Begin migrations.
[] 2021-09-03 11:42:58.930 info: Executing 0650-actor-custom-pages.js migration script.
[] 2021-09-03 11:42:58.951 info: Migrations finished. New migration version schema: 650
[] 2021-09-03 11:42:59.075 info: Database peertube is ready.

Feels to me that the potential bug is in the generation of the local-production.json from version to version? I can show you the config that the new version generated that is being accepted now? Maybe you can see the issue:

  "instance": {
    "name": "",
    "short_description": "...",
    "description": "...",
    "is_nsfw": false,
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    "customizations": {
      "javascript": "",
      "css": "_ngcontent-jkj-c171 {\n display: none;\n}\n\n.external-login-blocks > div.block-title {\n   display: none;\n}\n\n.title-page.title-page-single::after {\n    content: \"with\";\n}\n"
  "theme": {
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    "message": "..."
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      "users": true,
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      "url": "",
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      "is_default_search": false

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The migration seems to have been a success, and there is nothing wrong with the local configuration. Closing this issue since the homepage ( ) seems to work as expected.

I also fixed a config bug in b4c945f but I don't think it's related to your issue.

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rscmbbng commented Sep 9, 2021

The migration seems to have been a success, and there is nothing wrong with the local configuration. Closing this issue since the homepage ( ) seems to work as expected.

Hi @Chocobozzz, that is not completely true because we ended up setting the vanilla config and I just entered the values through the interface by hand since we needed to use the instance. So it might mean that the migration still does not work properly, just a fyi!

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