You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 7
Configuration options for the request throttling system
limit: Maximum amounts of requests within the time span (default: 1000) - integer
timeSpan: Number of time units that will be considered for the limit (default: 1) - integer
timeUnit: Unit, that together with the timeSpan sets the time before the throttle resets (default: MINUTES) - enum [NANOSECONDS, MICROSECONDS, MILLISECONDS, SECONDS, MINUTES, HOURS, DAYS]
Configuration options for the HTTPS compontent
port: The port that the HTTPS server will listen to (default: 443) - integer
keyStore: Path to the key store (default: keyStore) - string
keyStorePassword: Key store password (default: password) - string
enable: Whether or not the HTTPS server is enabled (default: false) - boolean
Configuration options for the I/O buffers
in: Capacity for the input buffer (default: 100000) - integer
out: Capacity for the output buffer (default: 100000) - integer
Configuration options for the MongoDB driver dbMorphia: The database used for morphia objects (default: isites) - string
collectionSessions: The collection that the sessions will be stored in (default: sessions) - string
uri: The URI used to connect to the MongoDB server (default: mongodb://localhost:27017) - string
enabled: Whether or not this component is enabled (default: false) - boolean
Request limits
limitPostBasicSize: The maximum number of bytes allowed in a post request (default: 8190) - integer
limitRequestLineSize: The maximum number of lines allowed in a post request (default: 8190) - integer
Configuration options for the default middleware
loginRedirect: The path to where the login-required middleware should redirect (default: login) - string
cachedFilesExpiry: 86400
cachedAccountsMaxItems: 1000
cachedIncludesExpiry: 3600
cachedIncludesMaxItems: 1000
cachedAccountIdsExpiry: 86400
cachedAccountsExpiry: 1800
cachedBodiesMaxItems: 1000
cachedFilesMaxItems: 1000
cachedAccountIdsMaxItems: 1000
cachedSessionsMaxItems: 1000
cachedBodiesExpiry: 3600
enableDb: true
sessionTimeout: 86400
httpsBossGroupThreads: 0
md5Handlers: 2
gzipHandlers: 2
httpWorkerGroupThreads: 0
httpBossGroupThreads: 0
httpsWorkerGroupThreads: 0
engine: The templating engine used to handle requests (default: CRUSH) - enum [CRUSH, JWTIG, VELOCITY, NONE]
applyTemplates: The views that should be handled by the chosen template engine (default: ALL) - string list
runEveryMillis: 600000
disabled: []
logFormat: '&0[&c${applicationPrefix}&0]&0[&c${logPrefix}&0]&0[&c${thread}&0]&0[&c${timeStamp}&0]
Core application settings
databaseImplementation: The database implementation that be used internally (default: sqlite) - string/enum [sqlite, mongo]
logPrefix: The application prefix used in the log (default: Web) - string
gzip Whether or not responses should be GZIP compressed (when the request allows for it) (default: true) - boolean
verbose: Whether or not the server should be running in verbose mode (default: false) - boolean
loadWebJars: Whether or not web jar resources should be automatically loaded (default. true) - boolean
debug: Whether not not the server should run in debug mode (default: true) - boolean
port: Port that the HTTP server will be listening on (default: 80) - integer
webAddress: The root address of the web application running on the server (default: localhost) - string
*enableInputThread: - boolean
enableSecrityManager: - boolean
disableViews: Whether or not the (configurable) view system should be disabled (default: false) - boolean
autoDetectViews: Whether or not views should be automatically detected (default: false) - boolean
exitOnStop: Whether or not the JVM should be shutdown when the server stops (default: true) - boolean
enablePlugins: Whether or not the plugin system should be enabled (default: true) - boolean
Files can be found in .kvantum/config
- Getting Started
- View Patterns
- File Patterns
- server.yml
views.yml- socketFilters.yml
- translations.yml
- Getting Started
- Modules
- Hello World
- Plugins
- Events
- Account System
- Authorization
- Application System
- Sessions
- Create a view - OOP based
- Create a view - @Annotation based
- Middleware
- Extending Crush (Templating syntax)
- ViewReturn