Start migrating to MixinBooter method of registering mixins
Start migrating to MixinBooter method of registering mixins
Add all the loggers because who the hell cares
Add all the loggers because who the hell cares
Combined sourcesets due to realization of useless Common/Forge split
Combined sourcesets due to realization of useless Common/Forge split
Update SpongeImplHooks to use newest EntityList impls
Update SpongeImplHooks to use newest EntityList impls
Update SpongeProxyBlockAccess to the newest IBlockAccess
Update SpongeProxyBlockAccess to the newest IBlockAccess
Fix a few of the forge specific mixins
Fix a few of the forge specific mixins
Stub out some info in MixinErrorHandler
Stub out some info in MixinErrorHandler
Fix IRecipe and CraftingRecipe method conflicts
Fix IRecipe and CraftingRecipe method conflicts
Soft implement conflicted recipe methods and fix shadowing visibility
Soft implement conflicted recipe methods and fix shadowing visibility
Turn change_minecraft_sources on by default
Turn change_minecraft_sources on by default
Stripping final AT does not work: introduced workaround
Stripping final AT does not work: introduced workaround
Remove java version checker and removed loading of the AT transformer
Remove java version checker and removed loading of the AT transformer
Remove AT transformer as the file will be provided as metadata
Remove AT transformer as the file will be provided as metadata
Pull code over from the archived SpongeForge repo
Pull code over from the archived SpongeForge repo
Setup initial dependencies + Include SpongeCommons
Setup initial dependencies + Include SpongeCommons