The aim of this project is to create a 3D representation of the B3 (future building of ALGOSUP) that will be able to be visited using a VR headset. The building has to be arranged with furniture and be decorated.
Our team is composed of 5 members. Malo Archimbaud, Clémentine Curel, Élise Gautier, Salaheddine Namir and Victor Leroy.
We chose Clémentine Curel as Project Manager and Malo Archimbaud as Tech Leader.
Project Execution Plan (Trello)
1 - Imagine profiles of users (personae) and the way they interact with the school during the day
2 - Write a functional specification
3 - Figure out how to convert the bimx file into something usable with Unity
4 - Provide an architecture diagram and a technical specification
5 - Implement the technical specification and provide working code
6 - The product will be demoed during the oral exam
- Creation of a Trello
- Creation of a Slack Server
- Tasks distribution
- Choice of Project Manager and Team Leader
- Convert BIMX into Unity
- Creation of the Functionnal specification
- Find assets to use in Unity
- Finished Functionnal specification
- Finished Technical specification
- Finished Architecture design
- Create a unity project
- Set up .gitignore
- Set up GitHub pull request
- Set up GitHub action
- Put materials on floors and walls
- Add furnitures on the building
- Replace all doors
- Replace the floor
- Remove useless furnitures
- Optimization of the building
- Create hands for VR
- Add new furnitures
- Beautify the building
- Add hands to the main
- Put NPC on the buiding
- Acces to rooms thank to a card
- Prepare plan for the presentation
- Correction of all bugs
- preparation of the presention
- Try VR on big screen