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Multimodal RAG Langchain Example


Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) has become a popular paradigm for enabling LLMs to access external data and also as a mechanism for Grounding, to mitigate against hallucinations.

In this notebook, you will perform multimodal RAG by performing Q&A over a financial document filled with both text and images.

This example is an adapted version of the sample Generative AI notebook from the Google Cloud codebase. You can find the original example and other notebooks in the Google Cloud Platform Generative AI repository.

The main modifications to the original example include:

  • Adaptations to comply with Cloud Foundation Toolkit security measures.
  • Installation of additional libraries in the Conda environment.
  • Use of Vertex AI Workbench to run the notebook with a custom Service Account in a secure environment.
  • Implementation of Vector Search on Vertex AI with Private Service Connect.

For more information about the technologies used in this example, please refer to the following resources:

After ensuring all requirements are satisfied you can follow one of the two deployment options:

  1. Using Machine Learning Infra Pipeline: This is a robust option suitable for production environments and continuous deployment scenarios.
  2. Using Terraform Locally: This is a better option for one-time testing purposes where you know you will delete the example later.


Terraform Variables Configuration

  • Update the terraform.tfvars file with values from your environment.

    kms_key                   = "projects/KMS-PROJECT-ID/locations/REGION/keyRings/ML-ENV-KEYRING/cryptoKeys/ML-ENV-KEY"
    network                   = "projects/NETWORK-PROJECT-ID/global/networks/NETWORK-NAME"
    subnet                    = "projects/NETWORK-PROJECT-ID/regions/REGION/subnetworks/SUBNET-NAME"
    machine_learning_project  = "MACHINE-LEARNING-PROJECT-ID"
    vector_search_vpc_project = "NETWORK-PROJECT-ID"
  • Assuming you are deploying the example on top of the development environment, the following instructions will provide you more insight on how to retrieve these values:

    • NETWORK-PROJECT-ID: Run terraform -chdir="envs/development" output -raw restricted_host_project_id on gcp-networks repository at the development branch. Please note that if you have not initialized the environment you will need to run ./ init development on the directory.

    • NETWORK-NAME: Run terraform -chdir="envs/development" output -raw restricted_network_name on gcp-networks repository at the development branch. Please note that if you have not initialized the environment you will need to run ./ init development on the directory.

    • MACHINE-LEARNING-PROJECT-ID: Run terraform -chdir="ml_business_unit/development" output -raw machine_learning_project_id on gcp-projects repository, at the development branch. Please note that if you have not initialized the environment you will need to run ./ init development on the directory.

    • KMS-PROJECT-ID, ML-ENV-KEYRING, ML-ENV-KEY: Run terraform -chdir="ml_business_unit/development" output machine_learning_kms_keys on gcp-projects repository, at the development branch. Please note that if you have not initialized the environment you will need to run ./ init development on the directory.

    • REGION: The chosen region.

    • Optionally, you may follow the series of steps below to automatically cre the terraform.tfvars file:

      • IMPORTANT: Please note that the steps below are assuming you are checked out on the same level as terraform-google-enterprise-genai/ and the other repos (gcp-bootstrap, gcp-org, gcp-projects...).

      • Retrieve values from terraform outputs to bash variables:

        (cd gcp-networks && git checkout development && ./ init development)
        export restricted_host_project_id=$(terraform -chdir="gcp-networks/envs/development" output -raw restricted_host_project_id)
        export restricted_network_name=$(terraform -chdir="gcp-networks/envs/development" output -raw restricted_network_name)
        (cd gcp-projects && git checkout development && ./ init development)
        export machine_learning_project_id=$(terraform -chdir="gcp-projects/ml_business_unit/development" output -raw machine_learning_project_id)
        export machine_learning_kms_keys_json=$(terraform -chdir="gcp-projects/ml_business_unit/development" output -json machine_learning_kms_keys)
      • Extract the kms key from the json variable by using jq:

        export machine_learning_kms_keys=$(echo $machine_learning_kms_keys_json | jq -r ".\"$region\".id")
      • Create region environment variable (if you are not using us-central1, remember to change the value below):

        export region="us-central1"
      • Validate if the variables values are correct:

        echo region=$region
        echo restricted_host_project_id=$restricted_host_project_id
        echo restricted_network_name=$restricted_network_name
        echo machine_learning_project_id=$machine_learning_project_id
        echo machine_learning_kms_keys=$machine_learning_kms_keys
      • Populate terraform.tfvars with the following command:

        cat > terraform-google-enterprise-genai/examples/genai-rag-multimodal/terraform.tfvars <<EOF
        kms_key                   = "$machine_learning_kms_keys"
        network                   = "projects/$restricted_host_project_id/global/networks/$restricted_network_name"
        subnet                    = "projects/$restricted_host_project_id/regions/$region/subnetworks/sb-d-shared-restricted-$region"
        machine_learning_project  = "$machine_learning_project_id"
        vector_search_vpc_project = "$restricted_host_project_id"
      • Validate if all values are correct in terraform.tfvars

        cat terraform-google-enterprise-genai/examples/genai-rag-multimodal/terraform.tfvars

Deploying infrastructure using Machine Learning Infra Pipeline

Required Permissions and VPC-SC adjustments for pipeline Service Account

  • The Service Account that runs the Pipeline must have roles/compute.networkUser on the Shared VPC Host Project, you can give this role by running the command below:

    (cd gcp-projects && git checkout production && ./ init shared)
    SERVICE_ACCOUNT=$(terraform -chdir="./gcp-projects/ml_business_unit/shared" output -json terraform_service_accounts | jq -r '."ml-machine-learning"')
    gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding  $restricted_host_project_id --member="serviceAccount:$SERVICE_ACCOUNT" --role="roles/compute.networkUser"
  • Add the build service account in the development VPC-SC perimeter.

    • Retrieve the service account value for your environment:

      echo "serviceAccount:$SERVICE_ACCOUNT"
    • Add "serviceAccount:<YOUR_SA_HERE>" to perimeter_additional_members field in at gcp-networks repository on the development branch.

    • Commit and push the result by running the commands below:

      cd gcp-networks
      git add
      git commit -m "Add machine learning build SA to perimeter"
      git push origin development

Deployment steps

IMPORTANT: Please note that the steps below are assuming you are checked out on the same level as terraform-google-enterprise-genai/ and the other repos (gcp-bootstrap, gcp-org, gcp-projects...).

  • Retrieve the Project ID where the Machine Learning Pipeline Repository is located in.

    export INFRA_PIPELINE_PROJECT_ID=$(terraform -chdir="gcp-projects/ml_business_unit/shared/" output -raw cloudbuild_project_id)
  • Clone the repository.

    gcloud source repos clone ml-machine-learning --project=${INFRA_PIPELINE_PROJECT_ID}
  • Navigate into the repo and the desired branch. Create directories if they don't exist.

    cd ml-machine-learning
    git checkout -b development
    mkdir -p ml_business_unit/development
    mkdir -p modules
  • Copy required files to the repository.

    cp -R ../terraform-google-enterprise-genai/examples/genai-rag-multimodal ./modules
    cp ../terraform-google-enterprise-genai/build/cloudbuild-tf-* .
    cp ../terraform-google-enterprise-genai/build/ .
    chmod 755 ./
    cat ../terraform-google-enterprise-genai/examples/genai-rag-multimodal/terraform.tfvars >> ml_business_unit/development/
    cat ../terraform-google-enterprise-genai/examples/genai-rag-multimodal/ >> ml_business_unit/development/

    NOTE: Make sure there are no variable name collision for variables under terraform-google-enterprise-genaiexamples/genai-rag-multimodal/ and that your terraform.tfvars is updated with values from your environment.

  • Validate that variables under ml_business_unit/development/ are correct.

    cat ml_business_unit/development/
  • Create a file named under ml_business_unit/development path that calls the module.

    cat > ml_business_unit/development/ <<EOF
    module "genai_example" {
      source = "../../modules/genai-rag-multimodal"
      kms_key                   = var.kms_key
      network                   =
      subnet                    = var.subnet
      machine_learning_project  = var.machine_learning_project
      vector_search_vpc_project = var.vector_search_vpc_project
  • Verify if file exists at ml-machine-learning/ml_business_unit/development.

    • If there is a file, proceed with the next step (commit and push) and ignore the sub-steps below.
    • If there is no file, follow the sub-steps below:
      • Create the file by running the command below:

        cat > ml_business_unit/development/ <<EOF
        terraform {
          backend "gcs" {
            bucket = "UPDATE_APP_INFRA_BUCKET"
            prefix = "terraform/app-infra/ml_business_unit/development"
      • Run the command below to update UPDATE_APP_INFRA_BUCKET placeholder:

        export backend_bucket=$(terraform -chdir="../gcp-projects/ml_business_unit/shared/" output -json state_buckets | jq '."ml-machine-learning"' --raw-output)
        echo "backend_bucket = ${backend_bucket}"
        for i in `find -name ''`; do sed -i "s/UPDATE_APP_INFRA_BUCKET/${backend_bucket}/" $i; done
  • Commit and push

    git add .
    git commit -m "Add GenAI example"
    git push origin development

Deploying infrastructure using terraform locally

  • Only proceed with these steps if you have not deployed using cloudbuild.
  • Run terraform init inside this directory.
  • Run terraform apply inside this directory.


Allow file download from Google Notebook Examples Bucket on VPC-SC Perimeter

When running the Notebook, you will reach a step that downloads an example PDF file from a bucket, you need to add the egress rule below on the VPC-SC perimeter to allow the operation. You can do this by adding this rule to egress_rule variable on gcp-networks/envs/development/ on the development branch.

NOTE: If you are deploying this example on top of an existing foundation instance, the variable name might be egress_policies.

  "from" = {
    "identity_type" = ""
    "identities" = [
  "to" = {
    "resources" = ["projects/200612033880"]  # Google Cloud Example Project
    "operations" = {
        "" = {
        "methods" = [

IMPORTANT: If you are planning to delete the notebook-runner service account at any moment, make sure you remove this policy before deleting it.


Once all the requirements are set up, you can start by running and adjusting the notebook step-by-step.

To run the notebook, open the Google Cloud Console on Vertex AI Workbench (<MACHINE_LEARNING_PROJECT_ID>), click open JupyterLab on the created instance.

After clicking "open JupyterLab" button, you will be taken to an interactive JupyterLab Workspace, you can upload the notebook (multimodal_rag_langchain.ipynb) in this repo to it. Once the notebook is uploaded to the environment, run it cell-by-cell to see process of building a RAG chain. The notebook contains placeholders variables that must be replaced, you may follow the next section instructions to automatically replace this placeholders using sed command.

Optional: Use terraform output and bash command to fill in fields in the notebook

Infra Pipeline (Cloud Build)

If you ran using Cloud Build, proceed with the steps below to use terraform output.

  • Update file on ml-machine-learning/ml_business_unit/development and add the following values to it, if the file does not exist create it:

    output "private_endpoint_ip_address" {
      value       = module.genai_example.private_endpoint_ip_address
    output "host_vpc_project_id" {
      value       = module.genai_example.host_vpc_project_id
    output "host_vpc_network" {
      value       = module.genai_example.host_vpc_network
    output "notebook_project_id" {
      value       = module.genai_example.notebook_project_id
    output "vector_search_bucket_name" {
      value       = module.genai_example.vector_search_bucket_name
  • Run ./ init development on ml-machine-learning.

  • Run cd ml_business_unit/development && terraform refresh, to refresh the outputs.

  • Extract values from terraform output and validate. You must run the commands below at ml-machine-learning/ml_business_unit/development.

    export private_endpoint_ip_address=$(terraform output -raw private_endpoint_ip_address)
    echo private_endpoint_ip_address=$private_endpoint_ip_address
    export host_vpc_project_id=$(terraform output -raw host_vpc_project_id)
    echo host_vpc_project_id=$host_vpc_project_id
    export notebook_project_id=$(terraform output -raw notebook_project_id)
    echo notebook_project_id=$notebook_project_id
    export vector_search_bucket_name=$(terraform output -raw vector_search_bucket_name)
    echo vector_search_bucket_name=$vector_search_bucket_name
    export host_vpc_network=$(terraform output -raw host_vpc_network)
    echo host_vpc_network=$host_vpc_network
  • Search and Replace using sed command at terraform-google-enterprise-genai/examples/genai-rag-multimodal.

    cd ../../../terraform-google-enterprise-genai/examples/genai-rag-multimodal
    sed -i "s/<INSERT_PRIVATE_IP_VALUE_HERE>/$private_endpoint_ip_address/g" multimodal_rag_langchain.ipynb
    sed -i "s/<INSERT_HOST_VPC_PROJECT_ID>/$host_vpc_project_id/g" multimodal_rag_langchain.ipynb
    sed -i "s/<INSERT_NOTEBOOK_PROJECT_ID>/$notebook_project_id/g" multimodal_rag_langchain.ipynb
    sed -i "s/<INSERT_BUCKET_NAME>/$vector_search_bucket_name/g" multimodal_rag_langchain.ipynb
    sed -i "s:<INSERT_HOST_VPC_NETWORK>:$host_vpc_network:g" multimodal_rag_langchain.ipynb

Terraform Locally

If you ran terraform locally, proceed with the steps below to use terraform output.

You can save some time adjusting the notebook by running the commands below:

  • Extract values from terraform output and validate.

    export private_endpoint_ip_address=$(terraform output -raw private_endpoint_ip_address)
    echo private_endpoint_ip_address=$private_endpoint_ip_address
    export host_vpc_project_id=$(terraform output -raw host_vpc_project_id)
    echo host_vpc_project_id=$host_vpc_project_id
    export notebook_project_id=$(terraform output -raw notebook_project_id)
    echo notebook_project_id=$notebook_project_id
    export vector_search_bucket_name=$(terraform output -raw vector_search_bucket_name)
    echo vector_search_bucket_name=$vector_search_bucket_name
    export host_vpc_network=$(terraform output -raw host_vpc_network)
    echo host_vpc_network=$host_vpc_network
  • Search and Replace using sed command.

    sed -i "s/<INSERT_PRIVATE_IP_VALUE_HERE>/$private_endpoint_ip_address/g" multimodal_rag_langchain.ipynb
    sed -i "s/<INSERT_HOST_VPC_PROJECT_ID>/$host_vpc_project_id/g" multimodal_rag_langchain.ipynb
    sed -i "s/<INSERT_NOTEBOOK_PROJECT_ID>/$notebook_project_id/g" multimodal_rag_langchain.ipynb
    sed -i "s/<INSERT_BUCKET_NAME>/$vector_search_bucket_name/g" multimodal_rag_langchain.ipynb
    sed -i "s:<INSERT_HOST_VPC_NETWORK>:$host_vpc_network:g" multimodal_rag_langchain.ipynb


  • Some, but not exclusively, of the billable components deployed are: Vertex AI Workbench Instance, Private Service Connect Endpoint and Vector Search Endpoint.

Known Issues

  • Error: Error creating Instance: googleapi: Error 400: value_to_check( is not found.
    • When creating the VertexAI Workbench Instance through terraform you might face this issue. The issue is being tracked on this link.
    • If you face this issue you will not be able to use terraform to create the instance, therefore, you will need to manually create it on Google Cloud Console using the same parameters.


Name Description Type Default Required
instance_location Vertex Workbench Instance Location string "us-central1-a" no
kms_key The KMS key to use for disk encryption string n/a yes
machine_learning_project Machine Learning Project ID string n/a yes
machine_name The name of the machine instance string "rag-notebook-instance" no
machine_type The type of machine to use for the instance string "e2-standard-2" no
network The Host VPC network ID to connect the instance to string n/a yes
service_account_name The name of the service account string "rag-notebook-runner" no
subnet The subnet ID within the Host VPC network to use in Vertex Workbench and Private Service Connect string n/a yes
vector_search_address_name The name of the address to create string "vector-search-endpoint" no
vector_search_bucket_location Bucket Region string "US-CENTRAL1" no
vector_search_ip_region The region to create the address in string "us-central1" no
vector_search_vpc_project The project ID where the Host VPC network is located string n/a yes


Name Description
host_vpc_network This is the Self-link of the Host VPC network
host_vpc_project_id This is the Project ID where the Host VPC network is located
notebook_project_id The Project ID where the notebook will be run on
private_endpoint_ip_address The private IP address of the vector search endpoint
vector_search_bucket_name The name of the bucket that Vector Search will use