For start use frontend
- install nodejs
- npm install
- bower install
Main file: bower.json
By default bower create folder with depend. /bower_components, if want change this directory create .bowerrc file in root directory and add next content:
"directory": "public/bower_components"
bower install package-name
By default to bower.json add bootstrup,lodash.
if need more js lib search in
GULP - streaming build system (
Main file: gulpfile.js
by default have 2 task
1) compile public/js/vendor.js, public/js/vendor.min.js
2) compile public/css/vendor.css, public/css/vendor.min.css
In console
gulp default
Clear folders public/js and public/css, run added task (by default compile vendors files), start watch added tasks (one of the task)
>gulp build
Clear folders public/js and public/css, run added task (by default compile vendors files)
>gulp watch
Start watch added tasks