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Python external modules and intro to numpy
Intro to data science with Python

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Python external modules and introduction to NumPy

Jeremy R. Manning

PSYC 81.09: Storytelling with Data

What's a Python module?

  • A Python module is a package that provides access to functions, variables, and data within your workspace.
  • Modules extend the Python standard library.
  • Modules are kind of like Python's apps.
  • AKA: library, package, toolbox, toolkit

Which Python modules can you use?

  • There are two types of modules you can use in your Python programs: built-in modules and modules that you install using pip, which is like Python's app store.
  • A list of built-in modules may be found here.
  • There are hundreds of thousands of installable modules. Googling what you're looking for is a good place to start. Or you can do a search here.

How do you install new modules?

  • The easiest way to install Python modules on your local machine is using the pip command from within Terminal:
pip install --user hypertools
  • Within a Colaboratory notebook you can call Terminal commands (including pip) by putting a ! in front of the command in a code cell:
!pip install timecorr

Which modules are installed in your environment?

  • To get a list of the (many!) already-installed modules from within Colaboratory, type:
!pip freeze
  • In a "regular" Terminal session (e.g., on your local machine), just omit the !

Use import statements to gain access to new modules in your workspace

import itertools
import os, sys
import numpy as np
from math import log
from glob import glob as lsdir

Creating your own packages

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  • You probably won't write or publish your own packages in this course.
  • But, in case you want to see how packages are made, here is my lab's tutorial for writing one (and making it installable via pip).

Modules give Python its data science superpowers

  • Python is a nice language, but many others are nice too
  • Python's enormous library of installable packages is why Python stands out

Python has excellent libraries for...

  • Wrangling data: getting the data from the format it's in to the format you need it in

  • Analyzing data: carrying out statistical tests, machine learning

  • Modeling data: fitting existing models to your data and/or implementing your own models

  • Visualizing data: creating figures

  • ...and nearly anything else you can imagine!

(Part of the) Python data science computing stack


Storytelling with Data project template


Storytelling with Data project template


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Data wrangling

  • Real-world datasets are often messy:
    • Missing or inconsistent data
    • Organized in ways that are difficult or inefficient to work with
  • The point of data wrangling tools is to make data easier and more efficient to work with

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NumPy: efficiently storing and manipulating data

  • NumPy stands for NUMerical PYthon. It's the foundation of nearly every data science tool and analysis in Python.
  • Introduces a new type of object called an array (plus some others). These objects store n-dimensional tables of numbers (i.e., vectors, matrices, and tensors).

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NumPy: efficiently storing and manipulating data

  • Also introduces a bunch of functions for efficiently working with array objects, and with lots of other useful linear algebra and calculus functions, random number generators, etc.
  • Official tutorials and documentation may be found here.

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NumPy: basic usage

  • Open up a scratch notebook in Colaboratory and follow along!
import numpy as np

>>> a = np.array([1, 2, 3])
>>> a
array([1, 2, 3])
>>> a + 2
array([3, 4, 5])

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Some useful functions for querying array objects (try them!)

  • a.ndim: the number of axes (dimensions) of the array
  • a.shape: returns a tuple indicating the size of the array in each dimension
  • a.size: the total number of elements in the array
  • a.dtype: the data type of the array's elements


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Some useful functions for manipulating array objects (part 1)

  • a.reshape: reshapes the array into a new array of the given size
  • Slicing: array objects support slice notation similar to list objects. NumPy array objects may be sliced along each dimension simultaneously.
  • np.ravel: flattens the array into a 1-D vector

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Some useful functions for manipulating array objects (part 2)

  • np.repeat, np.tile: repeat elements of an array, or copy the entire array and merge with itself
  • np.vstack, np.hstack, np.stack, np.concatenate, np.block: combine multiple arrays
  • np.hsplit, np.vsplit, np.dsplit, np.split: split an array into parts
  • a.sort: returns a sorted copy of a

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Some other commonly used numpy functions (part 1)

  • np.arange: works like the range function, but returns an array object
  • np.linspace, np.logspace, np.mgrid, np.ogrid: create array of spaced out values

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Some other commonly used numpy functions (part 2)

  • np.zeros and np.ones: produce an array of the given size, filled with all 0s or 1s
  • np.zeros_like, np.ones_like: array of same size as input, filled with 0s or 1s

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Some other commonly used numpy functions (part 3)

  • Many standard math and stats functions you might expect
    • np.sin, np.cos, np.exp, np.sqrt,, np.outer, np.mean, np.std, etc.
    • These all operate on array objects, but can also be used for other built-in datatypes like int and float.

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Aside: broadcasting in numpy

  • Most NumPy functions automatically apply to every element in an array (without a loop!)
  • This can make for very efficient and clean code:
x = np.arange(10) ** 2


x = []
for i in range(10):
  x[i] = i ** 2

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Some other commonly used numpy functions (part 4)

  • np.random.rand, np.random.randn, np.random.randint: generate random numbers.
  • np.random.choice: choose random element(s) from a 1D array.

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Some other commonly used numpy functions (part 5)

  • a.all(): True iff every element of the array is True
  • a.any(): True iff any element of the array is True
  • a.argmax, a.argmin: return the max or min values (potentially along each dimension)
  • a.cumsum, a.cumprod: return an array of the same size as a, but storing the cumulative sum or product of each successive element of a along the given dimension

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Some strange NumPy stuff

  • When you slice an array, it returns a pointer to the original data, called a view.
  • If you change the data in the original array, the values in the slice will change too (and vice versa).
  • If you don't want this to happen, use copy:
    • a.copy(): creates a new array with the same data

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Some strange NumPy stuff

  • If you're finding that your data is being changed in strange ways, a good thing to check first is that you're dealing with array objects correctly.
  • Only copy data when you need too-- otherwise you'll be wasting memory by storing redundant copies of the same thing.

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Practicing NumPy: basics

  • Create an array of ones with 10 rows and 5 columns

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Practicing NumPy: basics

  • Create a 4 by 7 array of random ints between 6 and 30
    • Find the rows and columns of all values greater than 10 (np.where)

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Practicing NumPy: basics

  • Create a 4 by 7 array of random ints between 6 and 30
    • Write a function that checks if any of the values are equal to 30.
      • If so, the function should print "The array contains at least 1 30!"
      • If not, the function should print "No 30s were found"
      • Then return the number of times 30 appeared in the array

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Practicing NumPy: broadcasting and loops

  • Create an array containing the first 10 cubes starting from 1 (i.e., 1, 8, 27, etc.)
  • Create a function that returns an array containing the square roots of n evenly spaced values between to integers, x and y. (Your function should accept 3 inputs: x, y, and n.) Hint: np.linspace

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Practicing NumPy: broadcasting and loops

  • Create a 3 by 4 by 5 array of random numbers chosen uniformly between 0 and 1.
    • Sort the values in ascending order and reshape the array into a new 20 by 30 array
    • Print out the 10th row
    • Print out rows 5 through 9 (inclusive) of columns 20 through 25 (use slice notation!)

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Practicing NumPy: manipulating matrices

  • Create two array objects, each filled with random draws from the unit Gaussian distribution (np.random.randn):
    • a should be 5 by 7
    • b should be 10 by 7
  • Create a new array, c, comprising a stacked on top of b

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Practicing NumPy: manipulating matrices

  • Reshape c into a column vector. Hint: np.ravel.
  • Create a new array, d, comprising c stacked horizontally 5 times. Hint: np.tile.
  • Create a new array, e, that repeats each element of d 2 times in a row (it should have twice as many rows and columns as d). Hint: np.repeat.

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Closing thoughts and things to consider

  • Most (all?) data may be represented as matrices, so array objects are highly generalizable.
  • Suppose you had a dataset, like a huge spreadsheet of measurements. How could you use NumPy to start understanding your data?
  • Think about what is or isn't intuitive about NumPy. Why might things have been set up the way they are? Can you articulate any points of confusion?
  • Fluency with NumPy will help you understand and manipulate data easily.