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LINE for 3DS setup instructions



LINE for 3DS uses:

  • LINE BOT API (green one) to communicate with normal LINE user.
  • Google drive (red one) for storage (images, audio, etc...).
    • Google Spreadsheets for storage (chat logs).
    • Google Apps Script to send/receive messages to/from LINE server.
  • 3DS (pink one) to run LINE for 3DS application. Line_for_3DS_overview

As you can see, 3DS never talks with LINE server directly, instead 3DS will talk with Google Apps Script (i.e. Google server).

What you need

To set up LINE for 3DS, you need

  • PC and phone (at least one of them, having both of them are strongly recommended).
  • Unrestricted Internet connection to Google and LINE (and Apple if you are using iOS) servers.
  • Google account (and Apple account (iOS)) (and only in some country, SMS capable phone number).
  • MOST IMPORTANT ONE : Patience (at least enough to complete the setup steps without skipping any steps).

Create your LINE account

If you already have LINE account, move on to the next step.


If you haven't installed LINE app (iOS, Android) on your phone (or Android emullator), install it first.

  1. Open LINE app and tap on Sign up.
  2. Then select country.
    • As of January 2024, if you select Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea or Thailand you are required to verify phone number otherwise you need to log in with your Google account (Android) or Apple account (iOS).
  3. Then enter a phone number and continue or log in with Google or Apple.
  4. Set up your account (account name can be anything).
  5. Congratrations!!!!!, you've successfully made your account!!!!! Line_setup_0

Create your LINE BOT (3DS account)

Now, you have LINE account on your phone (or Android emulator), then you need to make a LINE BOT that will be your 3DS account.


Create your LINE developer account

If you already have LINE developer account, move on to the next step.

First, we need to make a LINE developer account.

  1. Go to LINE developer and click on Log in to Console.
  2. Then select Log in with LINE account to log in.
  3. If this is the first time to log in to LINE developer, you'll be prompted to make a business account, if so click on Create LINE Business ID to make it.
  4. Set up your account (developer name can be anything). Line_developer_setup_0
  5. Congratrations!!!!!, you've successfully made your LINE developer account!!!!! Line_developer_setup_1

Create your LINE BOT

If you already have a LINE BOT, move on to the next step.

Then, let's create a LINE BOT.

  1. Click on Create a new provider
  2. Enter provider name (any name) and click on Create.
  3. Next, you need to create a BOT channel, click on Create a Messaging API channel (If you can't create it, see Why Create a Messaging API channel is disabled?????). Line_bot_setup_0
  4. Fill the information and continue.
    • Country or region : Can be anywhere.
    • Channel icon : Can be anything, this will be your account icon (see green square).
    • Channel name : Can be anything, this will be your account name (see red square).
    • Channel description : Can be anything.
    • Category : Can be anything.
    • Subcategory : Can be anything. Line_bot_setup_1
  5. Click on Messaging API
  6. Go to bottom of the page and click on Issue to generate your access token. Also you can change account settings if you want (you can do it anytime).
    • Allow bot to join group chat : Whether your 3DS account can join group (not DM) chat (recommendation : enable).
    • Auto-reply messages : Whether your 3DS account automatically send a reply message when it receives messages (recommendation : disable).
    • Greeting messages : Whether your 3DS account automatically send a greeting message when someone follow (add as a friend) your 3DS account (recommendation : disable).
  7. Congratrations!!!!!, you've successfully made your BOT account!!!!! We'll use this page later so don't close this tab. Line_bot_setup_2

Set up your Google drive

In this step, we'll set up Google Sheets (acts as a chat logs storage) and Google Apps Script (acts as a server).


Create folder and files

First, let's create folder and files on your Google drive.

  1. Go to Google drive and log in to your Google drive (create a Google account if you don't have it).
  2. After logging in, click on New.
  3. Click on New folder to make a new folder then name it LINE_for_3DS.
  4. Open LINE_for_3DS folder
  5. Create Google Sheets and Google Apps Script and don't close opend tabs!!!!!
  6. If you get a warning when creating Google Apps Script, click on Create script.
  7. Optionally, you can rename (any name) your Google Sheets and Google Apps Script.
  8. Congratrations!!!!!, you've successfully prepared your Google drive!!!!! Google_drive_setup_0

Set up your Google Apps Script

Then, let's set up your Google Apps Script.

  1. Open your Google Apps Script and DELETE ALL OF code to empty your script first.
  2. After emptying your script, copy & paste ALL OF this script on your Google Apps Script and save it (click on save icon or press CTRL + S).
  3. Next, check if script works fine by selecting Test_spot and click on Run.
  4. If you are prompted to review permission, grant access to your script (see Why Google Apps Script says "authorization required" or "review permission"????? if you don't know how to do that). Google_apps_script_setup_0
  5. Then, you shoud see version number and OK in the log box (if you don't see log box, click on Execution log), if you see something else such as ReferenceError: Copy_paste_checker is not defined it means you haven't copy & pasted ALL OF script code, in that case try again from step 1. Google_apps_script_setup_1
  6. Set account information to your Google Apps Script.
    • APP_USER_ACCESS_TOKEN : Access token for your LINE BOT account. Go back to LINE developer tab, copy channel access token (click on copy icon) and paste it.
    • APP_USER_GOOGLE_SHEET_ID : Google sheets ID for chat logs. Go back to Google sheets tab, copy sheet ID without / (slash).
    • APP_USER_CLIENT_NAME : Your BOT account name, this is only shown on your 3DS and can be different from your LINE BOT account name.
    • APP_USER_TIMEZONE : Timezone for chat logs, this is only shown on your 3DS and can be different from your actual timezone.
    • APP_USER_TIME_FORMAT : Time format for chat logs, this is only shown on your 3DS.
    • APP_USER_PASSWORD : Your password (make something new, can be anything except special (non-1byte) character).
  7. Click on Deploy and New deployment.
  8. Click on Settings icon and Web app.
  9. Set parameters as below then click on Deploy.
    • Execute as : Me so that script can access your Google Drive.
    • Who has access : Anyone so that your 3DS and LINE server can access.
  10. If you are prompted to review permission, grant access to your script (see Why Google Apps Script says "authorization required" or "review permission"????? if you don't know how to do that).
  11. Click on Copy to copy your script URL (we'll use it in next step), finally click on Done.
  12. Congratrations!!!!!, you've (almost) finished setting up your Google Apps Script!!!!! Google_apps_script_setup_2

Finalize your Google Apps Script setup

After deploying your script, check if everything goes fine until now first, then perform the final step of the Google Apps Script setup.

  1. Paste your script URL (see How do I check my Google Apps Script URL????? if you don't know how to check your Google Apps Script URL) to your browser, add ?op=setup to it (so your URL should be now) and open it. It may take a while to load the page, so be patient, don't close the tab!!!!!.
  2. If everything goes fine until now, you should only see an error for Webhook settings validation (we need to manually enable use of webhook because LINE DOES NOT PROVIDE SUCH API TO US!!!!!).
  3. Go back to LINE developer tab, and click on Use webhook to enable it.
  4. Go back to your script tab and reload it. You should see no errors (and you should see QR code instead).
  5. Congratrations!!!!!, you've successfully configure your Google Apps Script!!!!! We'll use this page later so don't close this tab. Google_apps_script_finalizing_0

Set up your 3DS

We are almost there, this is the final step of the setup.


  1. Install and open LINE for 3DS on your 3DS.
  2. Touch on LINE icon to open it.
  3. Type your Google Apps Script password (APP_USER_PASSWORD). Unlike older version (v1.x.x), you MUST type your Google Apps Script password or it will NOT work at all.
  4. Touch on Change GAS URL (or press X button) and select camera (if your camera is not working, see How do I set up Google Apps Script URL on my 3DS if camera is not working?????).
  5. Go back to Google Apps Script setup page (step 5) and scan the QR code.
  6. Be patient until Please wait message disappear (if you get any error messages, see Why do I get an error message while setting Google Apps Script on my 3DS?????). Line_for_3ds_setup_0
  7. Add your BOT account (3DS account) as a friend on your LINE account (if you don't know how to do that, see How do I (or let someone) add my 3DS account as a friend?????).
  8. Touch on IDs room.
  9. Touch on Receive then touch on Update logs (or press B button).
  10. You should see Touch to add this ID, touch on it.
  11. Touch on Confirm (right button) without editing text.
  12. New chat room should be added, touch on it.
  13. Touch on Receive then touch on Update logs (or press B button) (same as step 9).
  14. You should see followed message (and chat logs if you send something to your 3DS account).
  15. Touch on Send then touch on Send a message (or press A button) to send something from your 3DS.
  16. You should see message on both your 3DS and official LINE application.
  17. Congratrations!!!!!, you've successfully set up LINE for 3DS!!!!! Line_for_3ds_setup_1


How do I (or let someone) add my 3DS account as a friend?????

If you haven't set up your LINE developer account and LINE BOT, set up them first (see Create your LINE BOT (3DS account) if you don't know how to do it).

To add your 3DS account as a friend, you can use either QR code or ID.

  1. Go to LINE developer and log in to your developer account.
  2. Click on Messaging API.
    • Scan QR code on your device (or let someone scan it)
    • Add friend via BOT basic ID (include @ mark, e.g. @fdbnoi4) (or let someone add it). Line_bot_qr_and_id_0

How do I set up Google Apps Script URL on my 3DS if camera is not working?????

If you can't scan the QR code on your 3DS, you can use URL shortener such as and

  1. Shorten your Google Apps Script with URL shortener (see How do I check my Google Apps Script URL????? if you don't know how to check your Google Apps Script URL).
  2. Touch on Change GAS URL and keyboard.
  3. Type your short URL and touch on confirm.
  4. Be patient until Please wait message disappear (if you get any error messages, see Why do I get an error message while setting Google Apps Script on my 3DS?????). Line_for_3ds_setup_short_url_0

How do I check my Google Apps Script URL?????

If you haven't deployed your Google Apps Script, you need to deploy it first (see Set up your Google Apps Script (step 7-11) if you don't know how to do it).

If you forget your Google Apps Script URL after deploying it, you can check it with following steps.

  1. Open your Google Apps Script.
  2. Click on Deploy and Manage deployments.
  3. You should see your Google Apps Script URL under Web app section. Google_apps_script_url_0

Why do I get a auto reply message when sending message to my 3DS (or adding 3DS account as a friend)?????

This is because LINE BOT API has features called Auto-reply messages and Greeting messages and they are enabled by default.

You can disable them with following steps.

  1. Go to LINE developer and log in to your developer account.
  2. Click on Messaging API and scroll down.
  3. Disable Auto-reply messages and/or Greeting messages as you like. Line_bot_auto_reply_0

Why do I get an error message while setting Google Apps Script on my 3DS?????

If you get an error something like curl returned NOT success or curl_easy_perform() failed it most likely either:

  • Your Internet connection is unstable (or disconnected).
  • Using wrong short URL (typo) (If you are using short URL method).
    • If you are sure that URL is not wrong, try using different URL shortener.
  • Using wrong Google Apps script URL when creating short URL (if you are using short URL method).
    • If you are sure that you've specified correct Google Apps Script URL, try making different Google Apps Script and try again.

If you get an error something like jsmn returned NOT success it most likely either:

  • You haven't deployed or deployed your Google Apps Script with wrong permission (see Set up your Google Apps Script (step 7-11) for detail).
    • If you are sure that you've deployed your Google Apps Script with correct permissions, try making different Google Apps Script and try again.
  • Using wrong short URL (typo) (If you are using short URL method).
    • If you are sure that URL is not wrong, try using different URL shortener.
  • Using wrong Google Apps script URL when creating short URL (if you are using short URL method).
    • If you are sure that you've specified correct Google Apps Script URL, try making different Google Apps Script and try again.

Why Create a Messaging API channel is disabled?????

Some people report this problem while exact reason is still unknown, it seems Messaging API is not available in some country.

Possible workarounds:

Why Google Apps Script says "authorization required" or "review permission"?????

Some people report that if you log in with multiple account, this step fails.

Possible workarounds:

  • Use private browsing mode and log in with only 1 account then try again.
  • Use different browser and log in with only 1 account then try again.
  • Log out and remove all accounts and log in with only 1 account then try again.

If you get this message, you need to grant permissions to your Google Apps Script.

  1. Click on Review permissions,
  2. Select your Google account (select Google account that you used to create this script, otherwise it won't work as you expected)
  3. Click on Advanced (screenshot says Hide advanced because I already clicked it) and click on Go to {Your Google Apps Script name} (unsafe)
  4. Finally, click on Allow to grant permission to your script. Google_apps_script_review_permissions_0