diff --git a/Architecture/src/c1.puml b/Architecture/src/c1.puml index 25db10f..c0e525e 100644 --- a/Architecture/src/c1.puml +++ b/Architecture/src/c1.puml @@ -1,25 +1,16 @@ @startuml -!includeurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RicardoNiepel/C4-PlantUML/master/C4_Container.puml +!includeurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RicardoNiepel/C4-PlantUML/release/1-0/C4_Context.puml -LAYOUT_LEFT_RIGHT +LAYOUT_TOP_DOWN -Person(user, Consumer, "sport user") -Person(user2, Consumer, "sport user") +Person(user, Sportsman , "An amateur sportsman who wants to practice his favorite sport with other people") +System(webApp, "Internet Corporation Application", "Allows sportsman to subscribe to corporation, watch incoming events, subscribe and unsubscribe to events") +System(backend, "Corporation Application System", "Store all information about events and sportsmen") +System_Ext(bot, "Chat bot", "The google chat bot in charge to give information about events.") -Container(sport, "Any Sport", "Tennis, Paddle") +Rel(user, webApp,"Views incoming events, subscribe and unsubscribe to events") +Rel(webApp, backend,"Gets events information and manage subscription") +Rel(webApp, bot,"Send information using") +Rel(bot, user,"Show information to") -System_Boundary(corpo_app, "Corpo App") { - System(corpo, "Core App") - - ContainerDb(database, "Database", "postgresql Database", "Stores user registration, match, leaderboard, ... informations") -} - -System(match, "Consumers Match") - -Rel(user, sport, "Use") -Rel(user2, sport, "Use") -Rel(corpo, database, "Store") -Rel(sport, corpo, "Use") -Rel(corpo, match, "Generate") - -@enduml \ No newline at end of file +@enduml