Meta orders look like normal orders from trader's point of view (so they can be easily interchanged with limit and market orders) but from order book's point of view it is a sequence of elementary orders and requests. This behaviour is achieved by overriding processIn
It should be noted that border between a strategy and a meta order is quite blur: some strategies can be implemented as meta orders and vice versa.
Meta orders can be combined in quite wide range. For example,
creates limit orders with volume 10, price is taken as the best price (Peg order), sends them in portions of lotSize = 1
and cancels them after expiry = 10
units of time.
Iceberg order is initialized by an underlying order and a lot size. It sends consequently pieces of the underlying order of size equal or less to the lot size thus maximum lot size volume is visible at the market at any moment.
class Iceberg(_meta.OwnsSingleOrder):
def __init__(self, lotSize, proto):
_meta.OwnsSingleOrder.__init__(self, proto)
self._lotSize = lotSize
def onOrderDisposed(self, order):
if not self.cancelled:
_meta.OwnsSingleOrder.onOrderDisposed(self, order)
def _tryToResend(self):
self.send(self.proto.With(volume = min(self._lotSize, self.volumeUnmatched)))
def startProcessing(self):
This order sends an underlying order to the market and immediately sends a cancel request for it. It allows to combine market and limit order behaviour: the order is either executed immediately at price equal or better than given one either it is cancelled (and consequently never stored in the order queue).
class ImmediateOrCancel(_meta.OwnsSingleOrder):
def processIn(self, orderBook):
It can viewed as a version of Immediate-or-Cancel order where the cancel request is sent after some time interval.
class WithExpiry(_meta.OwnsSingleOrder):
def processIn(self, orderBook):
self._delay, _(self.orderBook,
This order is initialised by an underlying order and a maximal acceptable loss factor. It keeps track of position and balance change induced by trades of the underlying order and if losses from keeping the position exceed certain limit (given by maximum loss factor), the meta order clears its position.
It acts like a market order but the volume is implicitly given by a budget available for trades. Internally first it sends request.EvalVolumesForBudget
to estimate volumes and prices of orders to sent and then sends a sequence of order.ImmediateOrCancel
to be sure that cumulative price of trades to be done won't exceed the given budget.
class FixedBudget(_meta.Base):
def processIn(self, orderBook):
self.side, self.budget,
def _onEvaluated(self, pvs):
self._volumeUnmatched = sum([v for p,v in pvs])
for p,v in pvs:
self.send(_ioc.Order(_limit.Order(self.side, p, v)))
class FloatingPrice(_meta.OwnSingleOrder):
def _update(self, _): # called when price needs to be changed
if # if order is not cancelled
self._dispose() # cancel previous order
price = self._priceFunc() # calculate new price
if price is not None: # if defined
# send a new order with given price and unmatched volume
self.send(self.proto.With(price = price,
volume = self.volumeUnmatched))
This order is initialized by an order having a price and an observable that generates new prices. When the observable value changes the order is cancelled and a new order with new price is created and sent to the order book.
A peg order is a particular case of the floating price order with the price better at one tick than the best price of the order queue. It implies that if several peg orders are sent to the same order queue they start to race until being matched against the counterparty orders.
def Peg(order):
side = order.side
book = orderbook.OfTrader()
tickSize = observable.TickSize(book)
askPrice = observable.AskPrice(book)
bidPrice = observable.BidPrice(book)
price = observable.MinEpsilon(askPrice, tickSize)\
if side == Side.Sell else\
observable.MaxEpsilon(bidPrice, tickSize)
return FloatingPrice(order, price)