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Welcome to the user manual for the CyVerse Discovery Environment (DE). Here you'll find all the how-to instructions for using the DE. To get you started, you may want to read through the introductory information in the Quick Links. Hints for how to use this manual are also on this page.
While much of the interface is intuitive and easy to use, there are a few tips to keep in mind as you move between windows in the DE.
At the top right of every DE screen are the main icons:
Lists status update notifications and information about data or analyses actions. | |
Links to setting preferences; viewing or editing the Collaborators list; viewing system messages, documentation, Introduction to DE, and release information; contacting CyVerse Support; and logging out of the DE. | |
Click to access the FAQs page or Ask CyVerse, and to submit feedback or contact Support. |
At the top right of each data, apps, or analyses window are icons to help you learn more about the DE, and manage the window's size and display.
The tabs that are displayed at the bottom of the Data, Apps, or Analyses screen are the apps, files, and windows that are currently open. Click a tab to quickly open the window.
Clikcing the Data desktop icon when multiple Data windows are open and minimized to a bottom tab opens the most recent window, cycling through each consecutive open Data window in the reverse order in which they were opened.
At the top right of each data, apps, or analyses window are icons to help you learn more about the DE, and manage the window's size and display.
.. toctree:: using_DEchildpages/logIn-out-DE using_DEchildpages/using-preferences-menu using_DEchildpages/Viewing-deleting-notifications using_DEchildpages/providing-feedback
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- Send feedback: [email protected]
- Live chat/help: Click on the |intercom| on the bottom-right of the page for questions on documentation