There are two well known blockchain these days, bitcoin and ethereum. and bitcoin has bitcoin script and ethereum has solidity for programming its own smart contract. Both have pros and cons:
In the case of bitcoin, it has no state concept and bitcoin script is basically low-level language and has little operation so the capability what it can do is restricted. On the other hand, because of its simplicity of how it works and for bitcoin has no state, we can easily do static analysis — how fast this script will run.
In the case of ethereum, it has state concept and solidity designed as high-level language, the solidity developer can program more intuitively, and ethereum smart contract can do a lot of things. (and yes this is also because ethereum has state) On the other hand, as it is designed as high-level language, developer can put infinite-loop by mistake on their smart contract which won’t finish forever and this can make bad effect on network. plus as ethereum has states it is difficulty to do static analysis.
This project is inspired by the simplicity and the ivy-bitcoin. Both are aim to high-level crypto-currency language. And “Simplicity” is focuses on functional language without states, loops which enables static analysis to calculate upper bound for computational resources needed easily.
The koa project is to create a high-level language that has more expressions
than the bitcoin script.
For example, in the diagram lexer take the source code; ‘func main() { return 0 }’, then lexer reads code character by character; ‘f’, ‘u’, ‘n’, ‘c’. At the time lexer read ‘c’ lexer knows ‘fun’ + ‘c’ is meaningful word, keyword for function, then lexer cut ‘func’ characters from text(code) and make token for that word. Lexer keep this work until we meet eof
. In a nutshell lexer group characters and make tokens.
What is token? We can see ‘func’ word as raw data, but without processing that data, those data cannot be easily used from other components. And token is doing that job for us, token is data structure which helps data to be expressed structurally.
type TokenType int
type Token struct {
Type TokenType
Val string
Column Pos
Line int
That’s our token defined in project. Type
is type for word, Val
for word value. With this Token
structure the other components like parser can do its job more efficiently and code will be much maintainable and scalable.
Our lexer design is greatly inspired by golang template package which use state an action concept. Actually go-ethereum also use this concept.
- State represents where the lexer is from the given input text and what we expect to see next.
- Action represents what we are going to do in current state with a piece of input
We can see lexer jobs — read character, generate token, move on to next character— as take the action with current state and move on to next state. After each action, you know where you want to be, the new state is the result of the action.
// stateFn determines how to scan the current state.
// stateFn also returns the stateFn to be scanned next after scanning the current state.
type stateFn func(*state, emitter) stateFn
This is our state function declaration. State function take current state and emitter, return another state function. Returned state function is based on the current state and knows what to do next. I know that state function definition is quite recursive but this helps keep things simple and clear
// emitter is the interface to emit the token to the client(parser).
type emitter interface {
emit(t Token)
And you may have curiosity, what does emitter
do for us. You may have noticed that we know how to lexing the given inputs, but don’t know how to pass the generated tokens to the client which is probably something like parser. This is why we need emitter
, emitter
simply pass the token to the client using one of go features, channel. We are going to see how emitter
works in a few seconds.
// run runs the state machine for the lexer.
func (l *Lexer) run(input string) {
state := &state{
input: input,
for stateFn := defaultStateFn; stateFn != nil; {
stateFn = stateFn(state, l)
This is our lexer run
method which takes the input string — source code — and make state
with our input. And in the for-loop state function call with the state as argument then return value of state function and this is the new state function. We can see lexer is passed to the state function as emitter
, don’t be nervous we see this later how lexer implements emitte
interface. From now, we just need to keep it mind how our state machine works:
take the current state, do action, walk over to next state.
What is the advantage of doing this? Well, first of all, we don’t have to check everytime what state we are in. That’s not our concern. We are always in the right place. The only thing to do in our machine is just run state function until we meet nil state function.
We don’t talk much about how to emit the token we generate to the client and I think this is the right time. The idea is we are going to run the lexer as a go routine with the client probably like parser so the two independent machines do their jobs, whenever the lexer has a new thing the client will lob it and do their own work. This mechanism can be done by go channel.
Channel is one of the greatest features in go language and yes complex, but in our lexer it is just a way to deliver data over to another program which may be running completely independent.
type Lexer struct {
tokench chan Token
func NewLexer(input string) *Lexer {
l := &Lexer{
tokench: make(chan Token, 2),
return l
// emit passes an token back to the client.
func (l *Lexer) emit(t Token) {
l.tokench <- t
That’s our lexer definition it has just token channel which are going to be used when emitting token to the client. And we can see in NewLexer
start to run machine using go-routine.
Everyone who has ever programming before maybe heard about parser, if not you can guess parser do parsing at least :) Yes everyone know that. Then what is parsing exactly? Wikipedia explains what is parsing quite intuitively.
A parser is a software component that takes input data (frequently text) and builds a data structure — often some kind of parse tree, abstract syntax tree or other hierarchical structure — giving a structural representation of the input, checking for correct syntax in the process.
Parsing is process which builds data structure with its input data.
Syntax analysis reads the stream of token
which is generated by lexer
, then make AST(Abstract Synstax Tree) which is passed to compiler. Koa parser is 'Pratt parser' which is easy to make, modulable and scalable. The main idea of 'Pratt parser' is each token
has its own parsing functions. (infix parsing function, prefix parsing function). In the above diagram Contract
denotes root node of AST and AST consists of slice of FunctionLiteral
Most of interpreter and compiler use AST to represent source code. But as you know, AST is data structure so there’s not one true, the concept is the same, but they differ in details for each programming language. I think that diagram is not enough so I brought real one.
# source code
let a = 1;
"type": "Program",
"body": [
"type": "VariableDeclaration",
"declarations": [
"type": "VariableDeclarator",
"id": {
"type": "Identifier",
"name": "a"
"init": {
"type": "Literal",
"value": 1,
"raw": "1"
"kind": "let"
"sourceType": "module"
Once again, javascript. There’s lots of online AST generator, so you can make it and test it on your own. As you can see some informations are omitted such as semicolon, assign operator. That’s why we call it “abstract” syntax tree, we only left what we need.
AST is tree so let’s create node which consists of our ASTree.
// Node represent ast node
type Node interface {
String() string
What are these? What is difference between two? Before explaining about what is this, these are statements and expressions in our programming language.
- int a = 1
- return foo
- if (a == 1) {} else {}
- func foo() {}
- add(1, 2)
- 1 * (2 +3)
- a++
You may get the hint what is it and what is difference. Statement do not produce a value itself but do something whereas Expression produce valueitself. But what exactly an expression is or a statement, depends on the programming language.
And these are our statement node and expression node.
// Represent Statement
type Statement interface {
// Represent Expression
type Expression interface {
We’ve done to create our nodes of tree. Before we move on to next level, I’ll show you how our Smart Contract looks like.
contract {
func sendMoneyTo(id string) {
// logic here
func receiveMoney(id string) {
// logic here
As you can see, our contract starts with contract
keyword and inside the block, there are set of functions client can use.
I show you how our Smart Contract looks like first because I hope this can help you to understand our root node of AST; Contract.
// Represent Contract.
// Contract consists of multiple functions.
type Contract struct {
Functions []*FunctionLiteral
func (c *Contract) do() {}
func (c *Contract) String() string { /* return strings */ }
Quite intuitive, isn’t it? Contract
implements Statement and Contract
has Functions
which represents functions in contract like sendMoneyTo
and receiveMoney
. And this is our FunctionLiteral
// FunctionLiteral represents function definition
// e.g. func foo(int a) string { ... }
type FunctionLiteral struct {
Name *Identifier
Parameters []*ParameterLiteral
Body *BlockStatement
ReturnType DataStructure
func (fl *FunctionLiteral) do() {}
func (fl *FunctionLiteral) String() string { /* return strings */ }
represent function name, Parameters
for function parameters, Body
for function body which contains function logic, ReturnType
for return type fo function, quite straightforward.
When designing a parser we discussed that it would be better if parser don’t keep the pointer of tokens. Because I thought it is not the responsibility of parser, just reading the token from something and parsing it is the only thing parser should do.
So created ‘TokenBuffer’ concept. TokenBuffer keeps tokens pointer and client can read or peek the token from it. With TokenBuffer we can make our parser much compact, we see this later.
// TokenBuffer provide tokenized token, we can read from this buffer
// or just peek the token
type TokenBuffer interface {
// Read retrieve token from buffer. and change the
// buffer states
Read() Token
// Peek take token as many as n from buffer but not change the
// buffer states
Peek(n peekNumber) Token
And this is our TokenBuffer
interface. It has two methods Read()
and Peek(n peekNumber)
, our parser will use it to retrieve tokens to parsing.
After we create TokenBuffer
and decided to pass this TokenBuffer
to parsing functions as parameter, there is no need to create parser struct
and there is one good advantage we could test each parsing function easily. If we make parsing function as method, every time we test the methods we should make parser structure first, and check whether parser states is not impact on its method logic. Yes, function is stateless only parameters can change its behavior, same inputs same results.
func Parse(buf TokenBuffer) (*ast.Contract, error) {
contract := &ast.Contract{}
contract.Functions = []*ast.FunctionLiteral{}
for buf.Peek(CURRENT).Type == Function {
fn, err := parseFunctionLiteral(buf)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
contract.Functions = append(contract.Functions, fn)
return contract, nil
This is the entry point to parsing function. Parse
takes TokenBuffer
as we talk before and in the for loop parsing Smart Contract’s functions.
One of the big problems when implementing parser is to decide how to parse expression. And we can solve this problem in a Pratt Parser way. It was first described by Vaughan Pratt in the 1973 paper “Top down operator precedence”.
Then what is Pratt Parser? why we decided to use it? One of the key features of this parsing is for each token we define several parsing functions. (there’s one more, I will show you in a few seconds)
Advantage of this parsing is easy to make, easy to understand, easy to scalewhich quite fits to our needs.
In our parser using Pratt Parsing way, we should define at most two parsing function for each token type. One is prefix parsing function for parsing token as prefix expression, the other is infix parsing function for parsing token as infix expression.
type (
prefixParseFn func(TokenBuffer) (ast.Expression, error)
infixParseFn func(TokenBuffer, ast.Expression) (ast.Expression, error)
var prefixParseFnMap = map[TokenType]prefixParseFn{}
var infixParseFnMap = map[TokenType]infixParseFn{}
These are declaration of type of prefix/infix parsing function and maps which store parsing functions for each token type.
func initParseFnMap() {
prefixParseFnMap[Int] = parseIntegerLiteral
prefixParseFnMap[Minus] = parsePrefixExpression
infixParseFnMap[Minus] = parseInfixExpression
In the case of ‘minus’, ‘minus’ can be used as infix or prefix (we saw it as example above) so define parsePrefixExpression
in the prefixParseFnMap
and parseInfixExpresion
in the infixParseFnMap
type precedence int
const (
_ precedence = iota
SUM // +
CALL // function(X)
var precedenceMap = map[TokenType]precedence{
Plus: SUM,
Asterisk: PRODUCT,
Lparen: CALL,
And as I mentioned before, each token type has its own precedence which tell us which token type should be grouped first. In the code above, we can see that Asterisk
has higher precedence than the Plus
and Lparen
has higher precedence than Asterisk
What we are going to parse is this.
- 1 + 2 * 3 == after parsing ==> ((-1) + (2 * 3))
And you may remember that parser fed tokens from TokenBuffer. So we can imagine that parser will receive tokens like this.
parser <- | - | 1 | + | 2 | * | 3 | ; |
Then… Let’s start parsing expression!
parser <- | - | 1 | + | 2 | * | 3 | ; |
func parseExpression(buf TokenBuffer, pre precedence) (ast.Expression, error) {
// pre: LOWEST
exp, err := makePrefixExpression(buf) <-- done prefix parsing#1
exp, err = makeInfixExpression(buf, exp, pre)
return exp, nil
Enter into makePrefixExpression
, later done prefix parsing#1
will be used as mark.
parser <- | - | 1 | + | 2 | * | 3 | ; |
func makePrefixExpression(buf TokenBuffer) (ast.Expression, error) {
curTok := buf.Peek(CURRENT) <-- [ - ]
fn := prefixParseFnMap[curTok.Type] <-- fn: parsePrefixExpression
exp, err := fn(buf)
return exp, nil
Peeked token is ‘minus’ and its prefix parse function is parsePrefixExpression
I’ll not show you the whole function, but what we need.
parser <- | 1 | + | 2 | * | 3 | ; |
func parsePrefixExpression(buf TokenBuffer) (ast.Expression, error) {
tok := buf.Read() <-- [ - ]
op := operatorMap[tok.Type]
right, err := parseExpression(buf, PREFIX) <-- recursive#1
We can see that Pratt Parser recursive descent. Call parseExpression
parser <- | 1 | + | 2 | * | 3 | ; |
func makePrefixExpression(buf TokenBuffer) (ast.Expression, error) {
curTok := buf.Peek(CURRENT) <-- [ 1 ]
fn := prefixParseFnMap[curTok.Type] <-- fn: parseIntegerLiteral
exp, err := fn(buf)
return exp, nil
Peeked token is ‘integer’ and its prefix parse function is parseIntegerExpression
parser <- | + | 2 | * | 3 | ; |
func parseIntegerLiteral(buf TokenBuffer) (ast.Expression, error) {
token := buf.Read() <-- [ 1 ]
value, err := strconv.ParseInt(token.Val, 0, 64)
lit := &ast.IntegerLiteral{Value: value}
return lit, nil
Then we return twice, then our pc is now on the recursive#1
point, and return once again. And now we built (-1)
expression! and we are on the done prefix parsing#1
, move on to makeInfixExpression
parser <- | + | 2 | * | 3 | ; |
func makeInfixExpression(buf TokenBuffer, exp ast.Expression, pre precedence) (ast.Expression, error) {
expression := exp
for !curTokenIs(buf, Semicolon) && pre < curPrecedence(buf) {
token := buf.Peek(CURRENT) <-- [ + ]
fn := infixParseFnMap[token.Type] <-- parseInfixExpression#1
expression, err = fn(buf, expression)
return expression, nil
As ‘plus’ is not semicolon and has higher precedence than LOWEST
, so enter the loop, also ‘plus’ has parseInfixExpression
infix parsing function.
parser <- | 2 | * | 3 | ; |
func parseInfixExpression(buf TokenBuffer, left ast.Expression) (ast.Expression, error) {
curTok := buf.Read() <-- [ + ]
expression := &ast.InfixExpression{
Left: left, <-- [ (-1) ]
Operator: operatorMap[curTok.Type], <-- [ + ]
precedence := precedenceMap[curTok.Type] <-- [ SUM ]
expression.Right, err = parseExpression(buf, precedence) <-- recursive#2
return expression, nil
Recursive again, but at this time execute parseExpression
with precedence SUM
parser <- | 2 | * | 3 | ; |
func makePrefixExpression(buf TokenBuffer) (ast.Expression, error) {
curTok := buf.Peek(CURRENT) <-- [ 2 ]
fn := prefixParseFnMap[curTok.Type] <-- fn: parseIntegerLiteral
exp, err := fn(buf) <-- IntegerLiteral{2}
return exp, nil
parser <- | * | 3 | ; |
func parseIntegerLiteral(buf TokenBuffer) (ast.Expression, error) {
token := buf.Read() <-- [ 2 ]
value, err := strconv.ParseInt(token.Val, 0, 64)
lit := &ast.IntegerLiteral{Value: value}
return lit, nil
At this point we’ve created IntegerLiteral{Value:2}
and assigned it to exp
, then enter to makeInfixExpression
with precedence SUM
parser <- | * | 3 | ; |
func makeInfixExpression(buf TokenBuffer, exp ast.Expression, pre precedence) (ast.Expression, error) {
expression := exp <-- IntegerLiteral
for !curTokenIs(buf, Semicolon) && pre < curPrecedence(buf) {
/* we get into the loop! */
token := buf.Peek(CURRENT) <-- [ * ]
fn := infixParseFnMap[token.Type] <-- parseInfixExpression#2
expression, err = fn(buf, expression)
return expression, nil
Here is the KEY PART! Because we compare ‘plus’ precedence which is**SUM**
with ‘asterisk’ precedence which is **PRODUCT**
, we get into the loop!
parser <- | 3 | ; |
func parseInfixExpression(buf TokenBuffer, left ast.Expression) (ast.Expression, error) {
curTok := buf.Read() <-- [ * ]
expression := &ast.InfixExpression{
Left: left, <-- [ 2 ]
Operator: operatorMap[curTok.Type], <-- [ * ]
precedence := precedenceMap[curTok.Type] <-- [ PRODUCT ]
expression.Right, err = parseExpression(buf, precedence) <-- recursive#3
return expression, nil
I would skip a little bit, in recursive#3
, create IntegerLiteral{Value: 3}
and this is assigned to expression.Right
. Now we’ve done to group (2 * 3)
, before we group 1 + 2
! This is because PRODUCT
have higher precedence than SUM
so that we can get into for-loop and grouped.
parser <- | ; |
func makeInfixExpression(buf TokenBuffer, exp ast.Expression, pre precedence) (ast.Expression, error) {
expression := exp <-- IntegerLiteral
for !curTokenIs(buf, Semicolon) && pre < curPrecedence(buf) { <-- because of semicolon, we can't get into this loop
token := buf.Peek(CURRENT) <-- was [ * ]
fn := infixParseFnMap[token.Type] <-- parseInfixExpression#2
expression, err = fn(buf, expression)
return expression, nil
After make (2 * 3)
expression, we return to parseInfixExpession#2
, and we left semicolon in the TokenBuffer, so that we return from makeInfixExpression
parser <- | ; |
func makeInfixExpression(buf TokenBuffer, exp ast.Expression, pre precedence) (ast.Expression, error) {
expression := exp
for !curTokenIs(buf, Semicolon) && pre < curPrecedence(buf) {
token := buf.Peek(CURRENT) <-- was [ + ]
fn := infixParseFnMap[token.Type] <-- parseInfixExpression#1
expression, err = fn(buf, expression)
return expression, nil
Then at the recursive#2
we can see that (2 * 3)
expression becomes right expression of (-1) +
, then return to parseInfixExpression#1
. Finally we made ((-1) + (2 * 3))
Through this example we can feel that Pratt Parser is recursive — recursively call parseExpression
and make leaf node. And every time we get into for loop in makeInfixExpression
our AST is getting deeper.
Compiling produces a code by assembling information collected from other sources. Koa compiler reads the AST
made by parser
and generates a code called bytecode
. Bytecode
is a kind of assemble codes. This has an information how to execute a program.
is an output generated by compiler
. Through vm
executing this code, we can get result of the source code.
type Bytecode struct {
RawByte []byte
AsmCode []string
Abi abi.Abi
This is our Bytecode
structure. It has 3 fields. RawByte
is the program to execute. And RawByte
consists of hexadecimal code. AsmCode
is a collection of assemble codes which is more readable to human than bytes. Abi
is an interface needed to user for calling the functions.
The raw bytecode is structed like above. Load Calldata
is a code which loads the call data. Function Jumper
could find the position of each function. And, the functions of contract would be followed by the Function Jumper
. Each function bytecode has the function selector
, parameters, and logic.
Function Jumper and Function Selector will be explained later.
Opcode is an instruction which is assemble code. Koa opcode is the following.
// Ex)
// [a]
// [b] ==> [a+b]
// [x] [x]
Add Type = 0x01
// Ex)
// [a]
// [b] ==> [a*b]
// [x] [x]
Mul Type = 0x02
// Ex)
// [a]
// [b] ==> [a-b]
// [x] [x]
Sub Type = 0x03
// Ex)
// [a]
// [b] ==> [a/b]
// [x] [x]
Div Type = 0x04
// Ex)
// [a]
// [b] ==> [a%b]
// [x] [x]
Mod Type = 0x05
// Ex)
// [a]
// [b] ==> [a&b]
// [x] [x]
And Type = 0x06
// Ex)
// [a]
// [b] ==> [a|b]
// [x] [x]
Or Type = 0x07
, Mul
, Sub
, Div
, Mod
, And
, Or
opcodes have two operands. They pop two items in the stack and calcaulate the result with items for each operator. Then, push the result to the stack.
// Ex)
// [a]
// [b] ==> [a<b]
// [x] [x]
LT Type = 0x10
// Ex)
// [a]
// [b] ==> [a<=b]
// [x] [x]
LTE Type = 0x11
// Ex)
// [a]
// [b] ==> [a>b]
// [x] [x]
GT Type = 0x12
// Ex)
// [a]
// [b] ==> [a>=b]
// [x] [x]
GTE Type = 0x13
// Ex)
// [a]
// [b] ==> [a == b]
// [x] [x]
EQ Type = 0x14
, GT
, EQ
opcodes have two operands. They pop two items in the stack and check comparison with items. If that comparison is true, push True
to the stack. If not, push False
to the stack.
// Ex)
// [a] [~a]
// [x] [x]
NOT Type = 0x15
opcode has an operand. It pops an item in the stack. And reverses the sign and push it to the stack.
// Ex)
// [a]
// [b] ==> [b]
// [x] [x]
Pop Type = 0x20
// Ex)
// [a]
// [b] ==> [b]
// [x] [x]
Push Type = 0x21
, Push
opcodes are related to the stack. Pop
pops an item in the stack. Push
pushes an 64 bits (8 bytes) item to the stack.
// Ex)
// [offset]
// [size] [memory[offset:offset+size]]
// [x] ==> [b]
// [y] [x]
Mload Type = 0x22
// Ex)
// [offset]
// [size]
// [value] ==>
// [y] [y]
// memory[offset:offset+size] = value
Mstore Type = 0x23
, Mstore
opcodes are related to the memory. Mload
loads a value in the memory. It pops two items in the stack. The first means the offset and the second means the size. And pushes the value in the memory to the stack. Mstore
stores a value to the memory. It pops three items in the stack. The first means the offset and the second means the size. And the third means the value. Then, the value is stored in the memory.
// Ex)
// [CallFunc.Func]
// [x] ==> [x]
// [y] [y]
// [x] is 8byte which encoded as function selector
LoadFunc Type = 0x24
// Ex)
// [index] ==> [Callfunc.Args[index]]
// [y] [y]
LoadArgs Type = 0x25
, LoadArgs
opcodes are related to the CallFunc
. CallFunc
is a function call. LoadFunc
gets the function selector information. Func
data is 8 bytes of Keccak(funcion(params))
with padding. LoadArgs
pops an item meaning an index of the argument. Then, gets the arguments information.
// Ex)
// [offset]
// ==> [size]
// [y] [y]
Returning Type = 0x26
opcode pushes the data which is stored in the memory to the stack. If the data is an integer or boolean, it is the value. If a string, the data is the offset and size of the value in the memory.
Jump Type = 0x27
JumpDst Type = 0x28
Jumpi Type = 0x29
, JumpDst
, Jumpi
opcodes are related to the instruction jumping. Jump
pops an item which presents specific pc
to jump and changes pc
to point the destination to jump. JumpDst
is the metadata to annotate possible jump destinations. Jumpi
is the conditional jump instruction. It pops two items. The first points to where to jump and the second is the condition. If the result of second is True
, jump to the first item. If False
, jump to the original pc
// Ex)
// [a]
// [a] ==> [a]
// [b] [b]
DUP Type = 0x30
opcode duplicates the data that exists at the top of the stack.
// Swap the first two items in the stack
// Ex)
// [a] [b]
// [b] ==> [a]
// [c] [c]
SWAP Type = 0x31
opcode swaps the two items in the stack.
The root of AST is a contract
. Contract
has some functions
. And, a function
has some statements
function compiles the contract. It compiles every function and adds Load Calldata
and jump selector
. compileFunction()
function compiles a function in the contract. It is called recursively and compiles each function. compileStatement()
function compiles a statement in the function. It is called recursively and compiles each statement.
All data that is pushed in the stack is encoded in 8 bytes. Integer should be encoded with left padding.
// example : 123
Push 000000000000007b
The boolean value is also encoded in 8 bytes similar to the integer. True
is compiled to 0000000000000001
. False
is compiled to 0000000000000000
. Boolean should be also encoded with left padding.
// example : True
Push 0000000000000001
// example : False
Push 0000000000000000
The String is compiled differently than integer or boolean. Because, string value is dynamic. So, we treat it with memory
. Now, we suppose that the string should be equal to or less than 8 bytes, but the string can be greater than 8 bytes in the future. String should be encoded with right padding. (Mstore
has 3 operands which are offset, size, value)
// example : "abc"
Push 0000000012345678
Push 0000000000000008
Push 6162630000000000
The expression means that the output of each expression can be expressed a value. Each expression are compiled for each type by compileExpression()
// example : 3 + 5 (Infix Expression)
Push 0000000000000003
Push 0000000000000005
// example : !True (Prefix Expression)
Push 0000000000000001
The statement is a collection of expressions. And Statements constructs a function. Each statement are compiled for each type by compileStatement()
// example : a = "abc" (Assgin Statement)
Push 6162630000000000
// Define an identifier with the memory tracer
Push 0000000000000008
Push 0000000012345686
// example : {
// int a = 2 (statement 1)
// int b = 3 (statement 2)
// int c = a + b (statement 3)
// } (Block Statement)
// statement 1
Push 0000000000000002
// Define an identifier with the memory tracer
Push 0000000000000008
Push 0000000012345694
// statement 2
Push 0000000000000003
// Define an identifier with the memory tracer
Push 0000000000000008
Push 0000000012345702
// statement 3
// Get the offset and size with the memory tracer
Push 0000000000000008
Push 0000000012345694
// Get the offset and size with the memory tracer
Push 0000000000000008
Push 0000000012345702
// Define an identifier with the memory tracer
Push 0000000000000008
Push 0000000012345710
Each function should have identifiers to distinguish each other. The function selector
is an identifier to distinguish each function. It is generated by Keccak algorithm (SHA-3). This algorithm generates a bytes with function name and parameter type. And the first 4 bytes of those bytes are the function selector
. For example, the function selector
of function foo(int a) bool
is 0x4ff9f498
. The keccak algorithm receives "foo(int)"
and generates some bytes. The first 4 bytes of those are 0x4ff9f598
and this is the function selector
The function jumper
includes a logic to find a function to call. If an user calls function a()
, program counter points function jumper
. Because of the static location of function jumper
, the program could know the position of function jumper
. This finds the function selector
corresponding with function a()
. Then, returns the bytes of function a()
's function selector
. Finally, VM
could know the position function a()
and execute it.
switch selector {
case 0x4ff9f498:
pc = 120
case 0x88t3odko:
pc = 1550
For example, suppose that we need to call function foo(int a) bool
. Fisrt, program counter
moves to the function jumper
. And, comparing function selecetor
with calldata
, finds out the pc
position of function foo(int a) bool
. Then, moves to where the pc
is 120. Finally, vm
can executes function foo
VM change the Bytecode
created by the Compiler
to the KOA-compliant assemble code and executes it. It then interprets Bytecode with the execution information of the function in CallFunc
contract and proceeds with operation using Stack
and Memory
Stack can accumulate a total of 1024 items, and each item can store 64bits of data. In the stack, the data is accumulated, and when the operator is encountered, the operation is done. The following example changes the human-readable code to Bytecode
, Assemble code
1 + 2
0x20 0x01 0x20 0x01 0x01
The above code works like the image below on the stack.
As you can see in the above process, the stack is not a space for storing data but a space for operations. Memory
and CallFunc
are the space for storing data.
is responsible for managing variables and return values. When a programmer assigns a value to a variable, the value is stored in memory, and the return value is also stored in memory. And when you want to use the saved variable, it will be taken out of memory.
The above image shows the structure of the memory. Unlike Stack, memory is not limited by size. That's why you can store dynamic type values such as strings and arrays.
is used when a programmer creates a contract and then calls a function inside a contract. To call a specific function, you need to know the name of the function and the parameter information of the function.
The name of the function is retrieved by the Function Selector
, and the parameter information is defined and stored by the ABI encoding
ABI is Application Binary Interface which can interact user with KOA.
The type supported by 0.1.0 version is string
, int
, bool
"name" : "foo",
"arguments" : [
"name" : "first",
"type" : "int256"
"name" : "second",
"type" : "string"
"name" : "third",
"type" : "byte[]"
"output" : {
"name" : "returnValue",
"type" : "int256"
"name" : "var",
"arguments" : [
"name" : "first",
"type" : "int256"
"name" : "second",
"type" : "string"
"name" : "third",
"type" : "byte[]"
"output" : {
"name" : "returnValue",
"type" : "int256"
ABI Encoding is used when user call function.
function parameters according to abi specification are encoded as byte. And bytes has a pointer, size, value.
Pointer : 4bytes Size : 4bytes Value : The static type is 8bytes, dynamic type is sized according to the size.
Example) function foo(int, string, int) parameters : (50, "HelloKOA", 256)
Pointer 1 -> 0x00 : 0000000C
Pointer 2 -> 0x04 : 00000011
Pointer 3 -> 0x08 : 0000001D
Size 1 -> 0x0C : 00000001
Value 1 -> 0x10 : 32
Size 2 -> 0x11 : 00000008
Value 2 -> 0x15 : 48656c6c6f4b4f41
Size 3 -> 0x1D: 00000002
Value 3 -> 0x21 : 0100