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Support 3DHP_all service. #363
Have a very basic implementation based loosely on |
Good progress -- this will be the example. library(nhdplusTools)
AOI <- sf::st_as_sfc(sf::st_bbox(c(xmin = -89.56684, ymin = 42.99816,
xmax = -89.24681, ymax = 43.17192),
crs = "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs"))
# get flowlines and hydrolocations
flowlines <- get_3dhp(AOI = AOI, type = "flowline")
hydrolocation <- get_3dhp(AOI = AOI, type = "hydrolocation")
waterbody <- get_3dhp(AOI = AOI, type = "waterbody")
plot(sf::st_geometry(waterbody), col = "lightblue", border = "lightgrey")
plot(sf::st_geometry(flowlines), col = "blue", add = TRUE)
plot(sf::st_geometry(hydrolocation), col = "grey", pch = "+", add = TRUE) # given universamreferenceid (reachcodes), can query for them but only
# for hydrolocations. This is useful for looking up mainstem ids.
get_3dhp(universalreferenceid = unique(hydrolocation$universalreferenceid),
type = "hydrolocation")
#> Request failed [504]. Retrying in 1.4 seconds...
#> Request failed [504]. Retrying in 3.6 seconds...
#> No encoding supplied: defaulting to UTF-8.
#> Error in split.default(ids, ceiling(seq_along(ids)/chunk_size)): first argument must be a vector
# given mainstem ids from any source, can query for them in ids.
get_3dhp(ids = unique(flowlines$mainstemid), type = "flowline")
#> Request failed [504]. Retrying in 1 seconds...
#> Request failed [504]. Retrying in 2.2 seconds...
#> Getting features 0 to 1000 of 27874
#> Getting features 1000 to 2000 of 27874
#> Getting features 2000 to 3000 of 27874
#> Getting features 3000 to 4000 of 27874
#> Getting features 4000 to 5000 of 27874
#> Getting features 5000 to 6000 of 27874
#> Getting features 6000 to 7000 of 27874
#> Getting features 7000 to 8000 of 27874
#> Getting features 8000 to 9000 of 27874
#> Getting features 9000 to 10000 of 27874
#> Getting features 10000 to 11000 of 27874
#> Getting features 11000 to 12000 of 27874
#> Getting features 12000 to 13000 of 27874
#> Getting features 13000 to 14000 of 27874
#> Getting features 14000 to 15000 of 27874
#> Getting features 15000 to 16000 of 27874
#> Getting features 16000 to 17000 of 27874
#> Getting features 17000 to 18000 of 27874
#> Getting features 18000 to 19000 of 27874
#> Getting features 19000 to 20000 of 27874
#> Getting features 20000 to 21000 of 27874
#> Getting features 21000 to 22000 of 27874
#> Getting features 22000 to 23000 of 27874
#> Getting features 23000 to 24000 of 27874
#> Getting features 24000 to 25000 of 27874
#> Getting features 25000 to 26000 of 27874
#> Getting features 26000 to 27000 of 27874
#> Getting features 27000 to 27874 of 27874
#> Simple feature collection with 27874 features and 35 fields
#> Geometry type: LINESTRING
#> Dimension: XY
#> Bounding box: xmin: -124.2935 ymin: 25.37482 xmax: -66.77981 ymax: 50.88568
#> Geodetic CRS: WGS 84
#> # A tibble: 27,874 × 36
#> id3dhp featuredate mainstemid gnisid gnisidlabel featuretype
#> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <int> <chr> <int>
#> 1 100SO 1694649600000 https://geoconnex.us/us… NA <NA> 5
#> 2 104AU 1694649600000 https://geoconnex.us/us… NA <NA> 5
#> 3 104C6 1694649600000 https://geoconnex.us/us… NA <NA> 1
#> 4 107GG 1694649600000 https://geoconnex.us/us… 1209828 Minister C… 5
#> 5 109C7 1694649600000 https://geoconnex.us/us… NA <NA> 1
#> 6 109I4 1694649600000 https://geoconnex.us/us… NA <NA> 1
#> 7 10CDG 1694649600000 https://geoconnex.us/us… NA <NA> 1
#> 8 10CE7 1694649600000 https://geoconnex.us/us… NA <NA> 1
#> 9 10DVV 1694649600000 https://geoconnex.us/us… NA <NA> 5
#> 10 10E2X 1694649600000 https://geoconnex.us/us… NA <NA> 3
#> # ℹ 27,864 more rows
#> # ℹ 30 more variables: featuretypelabel <chr>, lengthkm <dbl>,
#> # waterbodyid3dhp <chr>, flowdirection <int>, flowdirectionlabel <chr>,
#> # onsurface <int>, onsurfacelabel <chr>, catchmentid3dhp <chr>,
#> # flowpathid3dhp <chr>, streamlevel <chr>, startflag <chr>,
#> # terminalflag <chr>, streamorder <chr>, streamcalculator <chr>,
#> # hydrosequence <chr>, dnhydrosequence <chr>, uphydrosequence <chr>, …
CO <- get_3dhp(ids = "https://geoconnex.us/ref/mainstems/29559",
type = "flowline")
#> Getting features 0 to 1000 of 4395
#> Getting features 1000 to 2000 of 4395
#> Getting features 2000 to 3000 of 4395
#> Getting features 3000 to 4000 of 4395
#> Getting features 4000 to 4395 of 4395
plot(sf::st_geometry(CO), col = "blue") # get all the waterbodies along the CO river
CO_wb <- get_3dhp(ids = unique(CO$waterbodyid3dhp), type = "waterbody")
plot(sf::st_geometry(CO_wb[grepl("Powell", CO_wb$gnisidlabel),]),
col = "blue", border = "NA") Created on 2023-10-19 with reprex v2.0.2 |
Some additional reprex library(dataRetrieval)
#> Linking to GEOS 3.11.2, GDAL 3.7.2, PROJ 9.3.0; sf_use_s2() is TRUE
pc <- function(x) st_geometry(st_transform(x, 3857))
basin <- findNLDI(location = c(-89.441, 43.487),
find = "basin")
plot_box <- st_bbox(st_buffer(
st_transform(basin$basin, 5070),
dist = units::as_units(-11, "km")))
network <- get_3dhp(st_as_sfc(plot_box),
type = "flowline")
water <- get_3dhp(st_as_sfc(plot_box),
type = "waterbody")
par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
plot_nhdplus(bbox = plot_box,
plot_config = list(flowline = list(col = NULL)),
zoom = 13)
#> Spherical geometry (s2) switched off
#> although coordinates are longitude/latitude, st_intersects assumes that they
#> are planar
#> Spherical geometry (s2) switched on
#> Zoom set to: 13
plot(pc(network), col = "darkblue",
lwd = 1.5, add = TRUE)
plot(pc(water), col = "lightblue",
border = "blue", add = TRUE) Created on 2024-03-24 with reprex v2.0.2 library(nhdplusTools)
#> Linking to GEOS 3.11.2, GDAL 3.7.2, PROJ 9.3.0; sf_use_s2() is TRUE
pc <- function(x) st_geometry(st_transform(x, 3857))
outlet <- st_sfc(st_point(c(-89.441, 43.487)), crs = 4326)
flowline <- get_3dhp(outlet, type = "flowline", buffer = 10)
#> [1] "https://geoconnex.us/ref/mainstems/359842"
mainstem <- read_sf(unique(flowline$mainstemid))
downmain <- read_sf(mainstem$downstream_mainstem_id)
dplyr::glimpse(st_drop_geometry(mainstem), width = 55)
#> Rows: 1
#> Columns: 22
#> $ id <chr> "359842"
#> $ name_at_outlet_gnis_id <int> 1561153
#> $ outlet_rf1id <int> 18616
#> $ head_nhdpv2_comid <chr> "https://geoconn…
#> $ head_nhdpv1_comid <int> 13652654
#> $ fid <int> 11347
#> $ outlet_nhdpv2_comid <chr> "https://geoconn…
#> $ outlet_nhdpv1_comid <int> 13654326
#> $ uri <chr> "https://geoconn…
#> $ head_nhdpv2huc12 <chr> "https://geoconn…
#> $ head_2020huc12 <chr> "070700040102"
#> $ featuretype <chr> "['https://www.o…
#> $ outlet_nhdpv2huc12 <chr> "https://geoconn…
#> $ outlet_2020huc12 <chr> "070700040406"
#> $ downstream_mainstem_id <chr> "https://geoconn…
#> $ lengthkm <dbl> 178.5
#> $ superseded <lgl> FALSE
#> $ encompassing_mainstem_basins <chr> "['https://geoco…
#> $ outlet_drainagearea_sqkm <dbl> 1676.1
#> $ new_mainstemid <chr> ""
#> $ name_at_outlet <chr> "Baraboo River"
#> $ head_rf1id <int> 18627
par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
plot_nhdplus(bbox = st_bbox(mainstem),
plot_config = list(flowline = list(col = NULL)))
#> Spherical geometry (s2) switched off
#> although coordinates are longitude/latitude, st_intersects assumes that they
#> are planar
#> Spherical geometry (s2) switched on
#> Zoom set to: 9
plot(pc(flowline), col = "darkblue", lwd = 4, add = TRUE)
plot(pc(mainstem), col = "blue", add = TRUE)
plot(pc(downmain), col = "blue", lwd = 2, add = TRUE) Created on 2024-03-24 with reprex v2.0.2 library(dplyr)
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#> filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
#> Attaching package: 'nhdplusTools'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:hydroloom':
#> make_node_topology
#> Linking to GEOS 3.11.2, GDAL 3.7.2, PROJ 9.3.0; sf_use_s2() is TRUE
pc <- function(x) st_geometry(st_transform(x, 3857))
outlet <- st_sfc(st_point(c(-90.387826, 43.602920)), crs = 4326)
flowline <- get_3dhp(outlet, type = "flowline", buffer = 10)
#> [1] "https://geoconnex.us/usgs/mainstems/4994552"
mainstem <- read_sf(unique(flowline$mainstemid))
invisible(hydroloom_names(c(id3dhp = "id")))
network <- make_attribute_topology(st_transform(mainstem, 5070),
min_distance = 10)
#> Loading required namespace: future
#> Loading required namespace: future.apply
outlet <- filter(mainstem,
id3dhp == network$id3dhp[network$toid == ""])
next_down <- get_3dhp(outlet, type = "flowline", buffer = 10)
#> st_as_s2(): dropping Z and/or M coordinate
downmain <- filter(next_down,
!mainstemid %in% mainstem$mainstemid)
#> [1] "https://geoconnex.us/usgs/mainstems/10208138"
downmain <- read_sf(unique(downmain$mainstemid))
par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0))
plot_nhdplus(bbox = st_bbox(c(st_geometry(mainstem),
plot_config = list(flowline = list(col = NULL)),
zoom = 13)
#> Spherical geometry (s2) switched off
#> although coordinates are longitude/latitude, st_intersects assumes that they
#> are planar
#> Spherical geometry (s2) switched on
#> Zoom set to: 13
plot(pc(flowline), col = "darkblue", lwd = 4, add = TRUE)
plot(pc(mainstem), col = "blue", add = TRUE)
plot(pc(downmain), col = "blue", lwd = 2, add = TRUE) Created on 2024-03-24 with reprex v2.0.2 |
Feature layers from: https://hydro.nationalmap.gov/arcgis/rest/services/3DHP_all/MapServer should be accessible with a new subset function.
It should support one or all layers and return in more or less the same format as the existing geoserver utility function.
This will end up being useful for accessing data for a variety of applications including indexing.
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