Releases: DOI-USGS/nhdplusTools
HR URL Update
The URL for NHDPlusHR changed. This release includes a couple other minor things. See news.
Downloaders and minor updates to navigation behavior
This release combines 0.3.9 and 0.3.10 due to commit confusion.
- Added name alignment function
- Added ability to sort response of network navigation
- Added downloader functions for more hydrography datasets
- Change navigations to exclude requested catchment
CRAN Network Failure Fixes
nhdplusTools 0.3.8
- Modified vignettes and examples to avoid web-service calls breaking CRAN build.
- Added error handling to some web service requests.
- Added CITATION and NEWS.
Initial CRAN Release
is now available on CRAN!
Levelpath ID and Documentation
This minor release improves introduces levelpath and hydrosequence to the refactor workflow. LevelPath is not used to determine what the upstream mainstem is in collapsing flowlines in the upstream direction. LevelPath is also carried through the process in a way that it is preserved from the source NHDPlus. It is then used directly in the catchment aggregation functionality.
A number of issues with linguistic consistency were also fixed. Work remains to make sure words like flowline, flowpath, and catchment are used in a consistent and logical way.
Aggregate catchments.
This minor release adds a function that will collapse catchments into aggregate catchments based on a set of outlet catchment identifiers. The pkgdown site was also moved to a "dev" url to make it clear that this package is in heavy development. I expect that to be that to be the case until the next major release when the API and terminology used across the package will be revisited.
Add Catchment Join and Split Functionality
This minor release adds catchment polygon functionality to go along with the flowline refactor functionality released in v0.3.0. Some bug fixes and package cleanup was also taken care of. This introduces a dependency on the raster
The attached nhdplusTools_0.3.1.tar.gz contains package source and vignettes. See the package down site for full documentation.
The catchment functionality can perform the kind of transformation shown in this gif.
Initial Beta Release
This release marks the first beta release that should be considered serially complete. The package and documentation is by no means polished, but is ready for use and feedback from users is needed before knowing what should be next.
Please kick the tires, scale things up, test your favorite use cases, and register feedback in github issues.