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Exam Generation Design Guide

A general reference guide for creating exam generation projects

Table of Contents


Main Software

  • Python 3.6+

For all projects, we are going to default to python 3.6.0 and above. If you do not have the up-to-date python version, you can update your python using homebrew ( or through Anaconda (

Note: it is recommended to get your python through homebrew because it will be placed directly in your /usr/local/bin/ directory, for Mac systems, which will not cause trouble when your OS is updated.

To check what python version you have, you can do:

python3 --version

if you're not sure if you have python3 installed, also try:

python --version

Other Software

There is no strict restriction on other software to stay compatible with everyone else; however, if you're using other kind(s) of software, please make sure to checkout Project Structure --> Packages for more detailed directions.

Project Structure

Since this project is written by students, we need to anticipate real events such as graduation, that would result in the loss of the code creator. As such, we're choosing possibly the easiest way to keep everyone's code relevant, with nearly zero maintenance, that will ensure the survival of each individual's work in case of any unexpected leave. Consequently, this will hopefully ensure the longevity of the overall endeavor. We're going to organize everyone's project through python modules (below)

Python Modules

If you haven't heard of python modules please check it out real quick (

In summary, python modules is the go-to for building large python projects. As the name implies, we can modularize each individual's project and easily integrate everyone's code together when we need to. There are also some added benefits of flexibility, and general compatibility which might come in handy down the road.

Python Modules Quick Tutorial

Let's say you're working on a project inside midterm-q1/ directory, and you'd like to convert your project into a python module. There are a few things you need to do.

First of all, create an empty file called at the top level of your directory. This file tells the python interpreter that this directory is meant to be a python module. For an additional functionality, please place your main script inside another file called, and within your, at the very bottom of the file, place the following block of code:

if __name__ == "__main__":

Lastly, you will need to place the main logic (entry point) within a function called main() somewhere above the code block.

project directory

Your project directory might look like:

         # your README
            packages/       # checkout #Packages
            docs/           # checkout #Docs
            .git            # created by git
            .gitignore      # you might need to create one

And inside your, the code might look like:

def main():

def parseFlags():

def doSomeStuff():

def outputJSON():

if __name__ == "__main__":

Having the clearly defines your program entry point. As a result, your program, e.g. midterm-q1 is directly callable like:

python3 midterm-q1 <arguments>

This way, future maintainers do not even need to open up your code and dig through project directory in order to use your code. To make your code more programmer-friendly, checkout Program Arguments.


In an attempt to future-proof the durability of your code, you can turn your into an executable in Linux based systems by:

Step 1

Add a python path to top of your On my computer, after downloading python 3.7+ using homebrew, my python3 path is: /usr/local/bin/python3 . So, at the top of my I can add: #!/usr/local/bin/python3 . You can find out the path to your python by doing:

which python3

Then just paste the path to the top of like:

Step 2

Once you've modified the top of your, you need to turn the file itself into an executable. To do it, navigate to the directory where your lives, then do:

chmod +x

doing this will give execution privileges to anyone with a copy of your file, and they will be able to execute your like:


without calling python3 for example.


It is highly recommended that you search for existing libraries or packages that will solve your problem instead of reinventing every wheel. As a result, you might need to download some libraries that are not part of the standard python libraries.

When you do need to download packages, please put them inside a directory called packages/. This makes it easy for future maintainers to understand what code is downloaded, and they can perform updates if necessary. The downloaded packages will also enable your program to run off-line, and be resistant to package updates.


Since this project is very distributed in personnel that consist of students, good documentation is key to enable others to properly use your program. For large programs, you might have multiple documentation files for different sections of your code, you should place these documentation files within a directory called docs/ for easy future access.

Note: your that is meant to explain your program should still be at the top level of your project directory (see project directory). Files within docs/ are files like help.txt, direction.txt, etc.

README Markdown File

You should write and actively maintain a file called that appears at the front page of your github repository. Besides introducing your program, what it is, what it does, etc.

If you haven't seen files like this, or haven't used markdown before, no worries, it is not difficult to learn. For a quick summary, README is basically a file that a user to a program should read before proceeding to using the program. If you write your README in markdown, Github will automatically render it at the front page of your repository for others to see. And markdown is a simple popular markup language that lots of people have written tutorials and cheatsheets on. For example, the following link ( is one of those cheatsheets.

Your should explain how to interact with your program!

Consider your as a user manual for your program. It should include all essential commands, flags and options that your program consumes. It is okay to leave out the nitty-gritty details that's not essential to using your program to directories like docs/ (above). However, it is very important that your covers everything from Program Arguments that you did implement, including default arguments!

If you have custom outputs, checkout output rules, you should include these in the as well. And if necessary, notify the group that works on parsing outputs so that your custom output will be integrated.

As a side note: we encourage you to write manuals like these and upload them to Github; instead of writing them in Google Doc for example. Reason being the ease of maintenance and version control. If you create a document like this and wish to share with others, what access privilege do you give others? If you do view only, what happens if someone updates your program and need to update the manual itself? If you do writable, what happens if someone accidentally deletes important content without realizing or anyone knowing? And linking Google Docs as manual is especially dangerous, consider if you graduate and you delete your Google Drive, the link to your user manual will be invalid, and no one will be able to use your program 🙁


As a side note, if your project is rather complex and requires various data types, or even caches. It is recommended that you place your packages/ directory (above) along with docs/ directory (above) under a directory called assets/, this way, you don't clutter your top level directory with all kinds of stuff. For example, if you have pre-prepared images, your assets/ directory might look like:


Program Arguments

Many programs take arguments to let users interact with the program in many different ways, and your program should too.

Some common ways to pass arguments to your program involve flags and configuration files. Below points have outlined both.

Arguments and Flags

Flags refer to those dash (-) and english letter options you can pass to your program at startup. One example is your everyday ls like: ls -a -l or ls -al . In this example, -a and -l are flags that enable formatting of your ls program outputs. Arguments are those you can specify values instead of just turning something ON or OFF, like: gcc -o example example.c in this example, -o is the option, and example is the value.

You can make your program more dynamic and configurable through the use of arguments and flags.

To parse these arguments, python has a handful of standard libraries with nice APIs that you can import. One recommended parser is argparse and you can check it out here: ( It requires a bit of additional reading, but learning this will make your life much easier in the future. Additionally, many languages have powerful, built-in general purpose parsers like this one, learning one will make it easier to learn other parser in the future.

As a side note: it is worth the time to populate the description fields, as well as additional usage text so that when a user does python3 <program name> -h the help message might be enough to get the user started, instead of having to read through README on Github.

Configuration File

Very often, your program might be able to consume so many different configuration options, where some options might have hierarchies, it'd be easier to also accept configuration file to configure your program. For the purpose of this project, we're asking everyone to use JSON (javascript object notation) format files for your configuration file. We understand JSON might not be your top choice for configuration file; however, JSON is easy to understand and readable, and we're also using the same format for program outputs (see Output Rules), it will be easier for others to adopt and start using your program sooner.

To add configuration file option, you can use an argparse as described above to automatically and safely find the figuration file using a path, then open it.

Additionally, if you do have configuration file, you should outline what the options are, what they do, and how they affect the program output clearly in your file.

Default Argument(s)

To make your program more user friendly, you should consider default arguments. Very often, a user simply wants to start using the program without reading through configuration rules. As a result, you should put some thoughts into what the default values should be for your configurations. This will also be helpful if someone decides to not pass any arguments, or giving your program an empty configuration file, your program should not crash if no configuration is given.

One of the ways to organize your configuration options is through a python dictionary or even a class. When you receive configuration(s), simply update corresponding (key, value) pairs. This way, default values should seem more natural and intuitive. Additionally, you will be able to pass this configuration to other classes or functions freely and succinctly.

Output Rules

To make your life easier, while creating a good abstraction barrier, we're going to ask you to create JSON outputs.

Why JSON outputs?

  • JSON is a widely used and accepted form of output, many languages and systems and built-in support.
  • If everyone writes their output as a JSON object, with some standardization, we can create one parser, that consumes every program's JSON output, and format nicely to HTML. This way, you don't have to deal with HTML, CSS, or JS formatting, and you don't have to do any work if some backend API changes.

Information from here on is SUPER important! Make sure you understand what you're reading, and ask questions if anything is confusing to you!

How to do JSON outputs?

Use python's default json library! Here are documentations and tutorial on how to use this library: (, (

import json
  • use json.loads() and json.dumps() to decode and encode your JSON objects. You can also use json.load() or json.dump() if you know what you're doing. You likely will not need to use json.loads() or json.load() since your program likely won't need to consume JSON.
  • output your JSON to standard out by default ! Normally, you can just call print(...).
    • you can output directly to some json file, like output.json, but this should only be enabled by argument or flag! Even then, your argument should take in a path, rather than simply writing to where the program is called <-- if this doesn't make sense to you, ask!
    • the idea behind this is to give called program the right to name and decide on where and how to create the output file(s).
    • it is very easy for the calling program to capture/redirect your program's standard out.

Note Keys in key/value pairs of JSON are always of the type str. When a dictionary is converted into JSON, all the keys of the dictionary are coerced to strings. As a result of this, if a dictionary is converted into JSON and then back into a dictionary, the dictionary may not equal the original one. That is, loads(dumps(x)) != x if x has non-string keys.

JSON Output Format

Note: this section is prong to changes. We will make our best effort to inform you of any changes, and we will try our best to only add changes instead of modifying past decisions to reduce your code change.

  • "multiple_choice" -> list<obj> : your program should be capable of generating more than 1 question at a time. Each question is represented as a JSON object, and all your questions are placed inside a list. Even if you only generate 1 question at a time, you should still place it inside a list.
  • "prompt" -> str : the prompt of your question. You can add HTML formatting if you need to, we also support basic LaTex syntax. With HTML formatting, it is not recommended to have size related tags because it is a breach in abstraction. However, feel free to use <strong>, <em>, etc. tags.
  • "choices" -> list<str> : a ordered list of choices, each choice is a string that can include HTML or basic Latex formatting.
  • "answers" -> (list<int> | int) : if this value is a list, the question will default to question type that's "select all that apply". If this value is an integer, the question type will be "select the right answer". The number is the index to "choices", basically indicating which choice(s) is correct. If you're creating a question type that has multiple correct answers, but there is only 1 correct answer, you should create a list with only 1 number in it.
  • "images" -> list<obj> : since we want to output everything to JSON, that includes images. We're using a list because JSON does not guarantee ordering of (key, value) pairs inside it's objects, and you might want your images ordered; luckily, it does preserve array/list ordering.
    • "<img title>" -> str : each image object only requires 1 (key, value) pair. The key will automatically be treated as caption/title of the image it corresponds to. The image itself has to be encoded as a string so that it can be stored within our JSON object. To convert any image to string and back, check out this link: ( Essentially, you will be using the standard library based64 ( For consistency, default encoding will be PNG images!
    • "type" -> str : for display purposes, the calling program might need to know the type of image you have. If you have something other than PNG, you should add the image type extension here, without the dot.

Term clarifications:

  • "basic Latex": anything you can enclose using double $$. Since $ also means "dollar", you must to enclose your mathematically expression with double $$. E.g. $$\frac{dx}{dy} = \sum_{i=1}^n (3x^2 + 2x) \cdot x$$
  • "JSON object": a JSON object looks very much like a python dictionary, but all key, value is represented as strings.

JSON Output Example

Below is an artificial example of a JSON output to give you a better idea of what the output might look like:

    "multiple_choice": [
            "prompt":"<b>what is $$1 + 1$$?</b>",
            "choices": [
                "<b>equals to 2</b>", "<b>equals to 0</b>", "<b>equals to 1</b>"
            "answers": 0
            "prompt":"<em>Who's the best Professor?</em>",
            "choices": [
                "Dan", "Denero", "Hug", "Hilfinger"
            "answers": [0, 1, 2, 3]
            "prompt":"Corporate needs you to the find differences between these 2 pictures.",
            "choices": [
                "image 1", "image 2"
            "answers": [1],
            "images": [
                    "first image": "<encoded PNG image string>"
                    "second image": "<encoded JPG image string>",