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Steven Hoffman edited this page Sep 4, 2013 · 3 revisions

WebsocketRails comes with a number of configuration options that may be of interest to you. For most simple use cases, the default options will work just fine.

If you followed the installation instructions in the Installation and Setup Wiki, the installation generator will have generated your websocket_rails.rb initializer file which now comes with a configuration block that looks similar to the block below.

WebsocketRails.setup do |config|
  # Override defaults here
  config.setting = new_setting

Default Options

For those of you upgrading from prior versions, the complete list of configuration options is located below.

WebsocketRails.setup do |config|

  # Uncomment to override the default log level. The log level can be
  # any of the standard Logger log levels. By default it will mirror the
  # current Rails environment log level.
  # config.log_level = :debug

  # Uncomment to change the default log file path.
  # config.log_path = "#{Rails.root}/log/websocket_rails.log"

  # Set to true if you wish to log the internal websocket_rails events
  # such as the keepalive `` event.
  # config.log_internal_events = false

  # Change to true to enable standalone server mode
  # Start the standalone server with rake websocket_rails:start_server
  # * Requires Redis
  config.standalone = false

  # Change to true to enable channel synchronization between
  # multiple server instances.
  # * Requires Redis.
  config.synchronize = false

  # Uncomment and edit to point to a different redis instance.
  # Will not be used unless standalone or synchronization mode
  # is enabled.
  # config.redis_options = {:host => 'localhost', :port => '6379'}

  # By default, all subscribers in to a channel will be removed
  # when that channel is made private. If you don't wish active
  # subscribers to be removed from a previously public channel
  # when making it private, set the following to true.
  # config.keep_subscribers_when_private = false

  # Used as the key for the WebsocketRails.users Hash. This method
  # will be called on the `current_user` object in your controller
  # if one exists. If `current_user` does not exist or does not
  # respond to the identifier, the key will default to ``
  # config.user_identifier = :id