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Frontend Mentor - Hangman game solution


The challenge

Users should be able to:

  • Learn how to play Hangman from the main menu.
  • Start a game and choose a category.
  • Play Hangman with a random word selected from that category.
  • See their current health decrease based on incorrect letter guesses.
  • Win the game if they complete the whole word.
  • Lose the game if they make eight wrong guesses.
  • Pause the game and choose to continue, pick a new category, or quit.
  • View the optimal layout for the interface depending on their device's screen size.
  • See hover and focus states for all interactive elements on the page.
  • Navigate the entire game only using their keyboard.


My process

Built with

  • Semantic HTML5 markup
  • CSS custom properties
  • Flexbox
  • CSS Grid
  • Mobile-first workflow
  • SCSS - CSS preprocessor
  • React - JS library
  • Vite- Local dev server & bundler

What I learned


In this project I used my knowledge of the react-router-dom library to change different parts of the page, such as changing the menu to select categories, without having to create separate html files. Instead, this project works as a SPA. I also got good practice at creating react composition by dividing parts of the page into separate components. For example, the blocks of letters of a riddle word or the letter keyboard on a game page.

I also practiced using useReducer which gave options to change states without through a single function. It is very convenient for such projects where there are many updating components on one page.


I also think back to when I first started adding styles to the menu page. At first I couldn't get the right shadow effect on the container and the button. I tried to use pseudo elements and other things, but as it turned out all this matter is solved by border width, which I simply forgot about.

/* example: 8px is the border width */
.container {
  box-shadow: inset 0px -10px 0px 8px hsl(274, 91%, 57%)

Continued development

I need to continue to develop my component composition skills. I also tried to make the game understandable when using screen readers, but I'm still not quite sure about some things. For example, when I click on the wrong button, the number of attempts is not counted, although I seem to have set the right aria attributes on the progress tag. Also, How else can I clearly let the user know in which position of the word he guessed the letter ?

Useful resources

  • Net Ninja - A series of tutorials on react router dom. This series uses an older version of the library, but most of the principles are similar.
  • Михаил Непомнящий - React router dom v6 (video series in russian)
