This is a list of slide presentations that we have had at the Denver Gopher meetups.
Click any of the presentations below to view the slide shows or pdf.
- Go Video Processing (link coming soon) - James Holmes
- Middleware - Austin Riendeau
- Genome Arithmetic in Go - Brent Pedersen
- GoLang Gotchas: Subtle Security Risks in GoLang - Don A. Baily
- See how a Microsoft engineer enabled Go on web apps in Azure Websites - WadeWegner
- Introduction to Go Programming written by Caleb Doxsey, presented by Cory LaNou August 28, 2014
- From Rails to Go - Will Mitchell
- Installing Go - Cory LaNou
- Experiences in Teaching Go by Aaron Ellis
- Modern Day File Uploads with Go by Levi Cook
- Coffe Shop Concurrency Demo by Vasko Zdravevski
This was a GopherConkickoff party. Here were the lightning talkes
- gen by Matt Sherman
- by Jiahua Chen
- Juju by Antonio Rosales - Juju team
- InfluxDB by Paul Dix
- IntelliJ plugin for Go by Florin Patan
- Streaming s3 client packag and CLI by Randall McPherson
- makex: a Go "make" clone for writing simpler build tools by Quinn Slack
- An introduction to Consul by Armon Dadgar
- Meet by José Carlos
- Intro to Go Lightning Talk presented by Cory LaNou - @supportlocal
- allegory to some unique/interesting parts of the language and stdlib - [Kevin Gillette] (
- Go framework for controlling hardware via a beaglebone - Craig Swank.
- Taking Back the Command Line with Go - Mike Gehard - @pivotallabs
- WebRTC presented by Caleb Doxsey.
- Interfaces in Go: Preparing for Change presented by Matt Self
- Keyvault presented by Kyle Isom.
- SupportLocal Technology Talk presented by Cory LaNou.
- CGO/Assembly presented by Caleb Doxsey.
- repo presented by Katrina Owen.
- Embdedded Types: Presentation by Matt Heidemann.
- Bookmarking Web App Demo: Presentation by Wayne Radinsky.
- Glitch by Levi Cook.
- Go Tips and Tricks by Cory LaNou.
- Elliptic Curve Cryptography by Kyle Isom
- Comparison of go lang testing libraries by Stephan Hagemann
- Go Templates by Kevin Gillette
- Go and Cryptography - Part 3: Presentation.
- Concurrency Metrics with Java Fork/Join, Akka Actors, and Goroutines
- Go, Can.js and JSON: Presentation.
- Tutorial and examples Passphrase-Protecting Symmetric Keys with go
- Tutorial and examples with mgo | Rich MongoDB driver for go
- 6:30 - Meet and Greet. Drink some beer and eat some pizza compliments of Creative Alignments.
- 7:00 - 7:15 - Go and Cryptography - Part 5: Presentation by Kyle Isom.
- 7:15 - 7:30 - Go Testing Frameworks - Stephan Hagemann
- 6:30 - Meet and Greet. Drink some beer and eat some pizza compliments of bwbacon group.
- 7:00 - 7:15 - Go and Cryptography - Part 4: Presentation by Kyle Isom.
- 7:15 - 7:30 - UPDATED: Concurrency Metrics with Java Fork/Join, Akka Actors, and Goroutines by Dean W. Schulze
- 6:30 - Meet and Greet. Drink some beer and eat some pizza compliments of bwbacon group.
- 7:00 - 7:15 - Go and Cryptography - Part 3: Presentation by Kyle Isom.
- 7:15 - 7:30 - Concurrency Metrics with Java Fork/Join, Akka Actors, and Goroutines by Dean W. Schulze
- 7:30 - 8:00 - Go, Can.js and JSON: Presentation by Levi Cook.
- 7:15 - 9:00 - Round Table / Pair Programming / Question and Answer
- 6:30 - Meet and Greet. Drink some beer and eat some pizza compliments of bwbacon group.
- 7:00 - 7:15 - Go and Cryptography - Part 2: Presentation by Kyle Isom.
- 7:15 - 7:30 - MGO - Rich MongoDB driver for Go: Levi Cook/Cory LaNou.
- 7:15 - 8:00 - Round Table / Pair Programming: We have a couple of topics that might be interesting to get people started on tonight. We'll discuss them, then decide where to dive in. If you have a specific topic/interest, let us know, and we can focus on that as well.
- 8:00 - 9:00 - Question and Answer session.
- 6:30 - Meet and Greet. Drink some beer and eat some pizza compliments of bwbacon group.
- 7:00 - 7:15 - Go and Cryptography - Part 1: Presentation by Kyle Isom.
- 7:15 - 8:00 - Round Table / Pair Programming: We have a couple of topics that might be interesting to get people started on tonight. We'll discuss them, then decide where to dive in. If you have a specific topic/interest, let us know, and we can focus on that as well.
- 8:00 - 9:00 - Question and Answer session.
- 6:30 - Meet and Greet. Drink some beer and eat some pizza compliments of bwbacon group.
- 6:40 - 6:45 - Brief introduction from our sponsors bwbacon group
Special thanks to them for the beer and pizza! - 6:45 - 7:00 - Continue eating/drinking. Meet/Greet/Introductions.
- 7:00 - 8:00 - Round Table: We had several topics to pick through, but looking at the attendess,
we are going to have people that know nothing about Go, and some that have some pretty good experience.
We had this format for our first meeting, and it went great. We will be doing adhoc programming on the
big screen to show examples of code, as well as we are open to helping with anyones project as well.
Feel free to bring your ideas/questions. There will be plenty of us to split into groups as well if we want to focus on different areas. - 8:00 - 9:00 - Question and Answer session.