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1104 lines (883 loc) · 73.6 KB

ChangeLog - Most recent changes at the top

Version 5.453

  • Fixed Autopilot from the ground not setting a takeoff height

Version 5.452

  • Autoroll now stops at +/-80 pitch instead of 85

Version 5.451

  • Autopilot to surface destination will now orbit if engaged in space below 100km
  • Fixed issue with Cruise not applying brakes if pointing very retrograde
  • Fixed issue with alt hold and agg scaling that caused it to go far too fast if used repeatedly
  • Added ability to adjust orbital height at any point during orbit with Alt+Space and Alt+C
  • Fixed issues with Alt-6-6 and Alt-4-4 interfering with eachother
  • Reentry no longer pitches down until the speed is appropriate
  • User Parameter: OrbitDefaultAltitude = 2000 -- export: (Default: 2000) The height above atmosphere that an orbit should try to reach by default

Version 5.450

  • Orbiting
    • Improved efficiency of achieving orbit
    • Improved accuracy with final orbit
    • When in space near a planet, Alt-6 now orbits you at the altitude you activated at.
    • When in space near a planet, Alt-6-6 now orbits you at 1km above atmosphere. This will take you into near planet orbit.
    • Limit for orbital hop using Alt-4 has been removed. Autopilot will recover if you overshoot your target.
    • When on ground in atmo, Alt-4-4 will perform orbital hop to target at 1000m above atmosphere.
    • Added space engine check for Alt-4-4 to be allowed.

Version 5.443

  • Orbiting
    • Improved efficiency of achieving orbit
    • Improved accuracy with final orbit
    • When in space near a planet, Alt-6 now orbits you at the altitude you activated at.
    • When in space near a planet, Alt-6-6 now orbits you at 1km above atmosphere. This will take you into near planet orbit.
    • Limit for orbital hop using Alt-4 has been removed. Autopilot will recover if you overshoot your target.
    • When on ground in atmo, Alt-4-4 will perform orbital hop to target at 1000m above atmosphere.
    • Added space engine check for Alt-4-4 to be allowed.
    • Using Alt-4 in space within 100k of target planet will place you in orbit 1km above atmosphere then ap to target.

Version 5.442

  • Orbiting
    • Adjusted tolerances. Should orbit better at tight orbits

Version 5.44

  • Orbiting (note: Trying to establish super low orbits (i.e. 7000m at Alioth) could result in achieving luminary status (burning up))
    • Alt-6 (Altitude Hold): If target altitude changed (alt-spacebar) to above the atmosphere will now establish orbit at that height.
    • Alt-6-6 while in space within a planet's influence: Will establish orbit at the height of activation in the direction you are facing.
    • Alt-4 (Autopilot) with a custom target over 0.5SU away on the same planet and set with target altitude above the atmosphere will now orbit to destination. (If you set height over atmosphere and your target is too close, normal climb and reentry will be used.)
    • Using the HUD button Engage Orbiting establishes orbit at height determined by your TargetOrbitRadius.
  • Glide Entry
    • When target is set to planet or not set, glide entry now glides in and holds altitude only.
    • When a custom target is selected, glide entry now lands your ship at your custom destination.
  • New user Variable: DisplayDeadZone, defaults true. If set to false, deadzone circle and line to cursor will not be drawn when in virtual joystick mode..
  • Bugfix
    • When using Alt-6 without a target selected (using Alt-1 or Alt-2) no longer gives an error.

Fixed script unloading when away from control unit. Note: We are now at our script limit even minimized. We are trying to clean up to give more room, but this might be the limit of everything in the hud meaning new features would remove old features or we might have to get creative on some things.

Version 5.43

  • Removed VertTakeOffMode user variable. Mode determined by checking to see if AGG is on prior to beginning ascent.
  • If AGG is on when doing a AutoTakeOff or Vertical takeoff, ship will go to singularity altitude and stop engines and engage brakes.
  • If AGG not present or off and do Vertical Takeoff, ship will vertically thrust to achieve Orbit.
  • Removed description of user variables from code to to free up code space and prevent unloading of script. File size reduced from 192k to 184k minimized.

Version 5.42 - VTO to Orbit or AGG Height, ATO to AGG, and Same Planet Orbital Hops.

  • Vertical Takeoff v3 - (VertTakeOffEngine must be set to True for the below to work)
    • When VertTakeOffMode is set to "AGG", it will now activate AGG and vertically fly up just above AGG Singularity height and stay in the air until the Singularity is at your height, then the engines are turned off and the brakes are engaged. Not available if you use ExternalAGG.
    • When VertTakeOffMode is set to "Orbit", it will vertically fly up and out of atmosphere. If there is not enough force to lift you out, Brake Landing is triggered. If you reach space, it will fly you forward using space engines to the distance set by TargetOrbitRadius and then cut off engines and you will be in orbit.
  • Auto Takeoff changes
    • When Altitude Hold is set above atmospheric height (alt-spacebar) and is in space, orbiting will engaged once out of atmosphere. Your ship will orbit at the altitude hold height. Set this with care, too low and you risk burning up or will yo-yo trying to achieve orbit
    • If Agg is turned on first (alt-g default) then autotakeoff (alt-6 default) will take you up to current singularity altitude, turn off engines, and engage brake.
  • Autopilot changes
    • While in space, activating autopilot when your target is the same nearby planet (not a custom waypoint), you will begin orbiting to height determined by TargetOrbitRadius.
    • On ground, if a custom target is selected and Altitude Hold is raised (alt-spacebar) above atmo height, autopilot will take off and orbit at the configred height. Once orbited, autopilot will reengage and reenter you close to your target. Recommended minimum distance for this feature is a waypoint at least 0.5SU away. Set this with care, too low and you risk burning up or will yo-yo trying to achieve orbit
    • Target locked when Autopilot is engaged (in space). Disengaging Autopilot allows you to select a new target.
  • Script cleanup
    • Cleaned up repetative functions and removed unused variables.

Version 5.41

  • Vertical Engines Detection developed
    • Currently for changing how Vertical Takeoff works, but can be extended in the future. You still need to enable VertTakeOffEngine to activate.
  • Vertical Takeoff v2
    • Now has three options set by VertTakeOffMode: "Orbit" to engage orbiting, and "AGG" to engage the AGG at AGG minimum height (1km or AGG Base Alt, whichever is higher), or higher if set (Not available when ExternalAGG set to true)
    • Protection against mispelling or wrong option in VertTakeOffMode. Does not enable if the option is wrong
    • Using Vertical Engine Detection, now makes use of vertical engines in space if equiped. If not, will pitch 35 deg up and will move forward. Will not activate Vertical Takeoff.
    • Saftey Net added to Vertical Takeoff. If you don't reach out of atmo and begin falling, BrakeLanding is enabled for a smooth fall back to ground
    • If you cancel Vertical Takeoff mid sequence, BrakeLanding is enabled

Version 5.4

  • Updates via ShadowMage, many thanks!: Initial Pass on Vertical Takeoff
    • Engage Vertical Takeoff button now available if you set VertTakeoffEngine to True (see below) This will lift you via VTO till upward velocity falls off or you clear atmosphere
    • User Parameter: VertTakeOffEngine = false --export: (Default: false) Set this to true if you have VTOL engines on your construct. New Button - Achieve Orbit
    • Button to achieve orbit, usable from space. Uses TargetOrbitRadius to determine the orbital height based on planet values (radius, atmosphere height, and TargetOrbitRadius)

Version 5.341

  • Fix no planet LUA error

Version 5.340 - PvP Distance flagging

  • Hud now monitors for PvP space or not. If in PvP Space, hud will change to PvP color (red default), if in safe space or atmo, Safe color (the pale blue default)
  • Added pvpHud colors. If you dont want the change, set them the same value as Safe.
  • Hud colors will update on the fly if you use the /G command while in seat (i.e. /G SafeB 0 will turn the hud green)
  • SafeR, SafeG, SafeB and PvPR, PvPG, PvPB are now the RGB definers for the two hud colors. You will need to change them if you do not use default colors.
  • FYI, you can use /addlocation SafeZoneCenter ::pos{0,0,13771471,7435803,-128971} to set a saved location of the center of the SafeZone.
  • Distance to PvP Boundary displayed above Radar Jammed / Radar Contacts in upper right if > 50km from boundary. (otherwise the vanilla game displays the distance top right if < 50km)
  • Removed extra function round declaration

Version 5.336

  • Added assistance to fix a DU bug with space engines engaging at low or no power
  • Adjusted speed limiting when leaving/exiting atmo to occur down to 0.5% atmo instead of 5%

Version 5.335

  • Fixed stupid version number

Version 5.334

  • Removed print leftover from 5.333

Version 5.333

  • User Parameter: minRollVelocity = 150 --export: (Default: 150) Min velocity, in m/s, over which advanced rolling can occur
  • Fixed excessive yawing during autopilot causing it to overshoot target angle and trigger stalls

Version 5.332

  • Fix for lateral strafe engines

Version 5.331

  • Fixed issue with space vertical thrusters introduced in 5.33

Version 5.33

  • Fixed vertical adjustments affecting yaw unnecessarily

Version 5.32 - Fix VTOL performance.

  • Strengthened convergence of velocity vector to ship forward in atmosphere
  • Fixed issue allowing 'Finalizing Approach' to occur when the ship was not on target yet
  • Fixed erratic yaw behavior while rolling in atmosphere
  • User Parameter: ForceAlignment = false --export: (Default: false) Whether velocity vector alignment should be forced when in Altitude Hold

Version 5.31

  • Improved autopilot trajectory alignment weirdness that happened sometimes
  • Added ForceAlignment parameter to return to old AltitudeHold behavior of forcing the ship to face the velocity vector
  • Fixed cruise not swapping to throttled mode during reentry without a target
  • Fixed vertical/lateral engines firing against gravity at all times
  • 'Proceeding to Waypoint' only engages after reentry if you are at least 2km horizontally from the target, to give space to turn
  • Fixed atmospheric exit waypoints from being unable to use pitch properly when rolling in atmosphere

Version 5.300 - Surface-To-Surface Overhaul

  • Throttle Cruise system complete
    • Alt+Mousewheel changes max speed in atmosphere, with a maximum of AtmoSpeedLimit (user parameter)
    • Alt+Mousewheel changes shutoff velocity when in Autopilot in space
    • Max speed shown as Limit: beside throttle above current speed
  • Autopilot to waypoints on other planets overhauled
    • Aims at the correct yaw during takeoff
    • Aims the trajectory directly at the target
    • Begins autopilot as soon as there is line of sight to the target
    • Brakes just before it reaches atmosphere
    • Orbit to reach waypoints on the far sides of planets
  • Reentry Overhaul
    • Smooth reentry
    • Uses gravity for speed assist when high above atmosphere
    • Aims for a reentry height where atmosphere is at 10%
  • Autopilot no longer has to do the 'Aligning' phase, and chooses an orbit point closest to your velocity vector
  • Autopilot now uses waypoints to interactively show you its targets through each phase
  • Better Autopilot trajectory convergence
  • New indicator for atmospheric/planetary collisions
  • Safer rolling in atmosphere
  • PARAMETER MODIFIED: StallAngle is now YawStallAngle and PitchStallAngle. You will need to re-enter these

Version 5.233

  • Fixed issue with displaying cruise throttle while in prograde alignment
  • Waypoints now only brake based on horizontal speed until they are on target
  • Autotakeoff now only engages when hovers detect ground
  • Min roll speed increased to 150m/s
  • Surface to surface waypoints now have a more consistent approach - they should arrive at AutopilotTargetOrbit
  • Reentry now uses gravity for higher approach speeds and can be engaged further from the planet
  • Autoroll no longer applies when pitch is +/-85 degrees, where rolling becomes meaningless
  • Interplanetary waypoints now correctly aim at the edge of the planet if the waypoint is on the far side
  • Interplanetary waypoints to targets on the far side will orbit until close to the target
  • Yawing to waypoints now no longer bounces when the target is nearly directly above or below
  • Warning added to indicate when your ship is on a collision course with a planet or atmosphere
  • Added on-the-fly adjustment for AtmoSpeedLimit and MaxGameVelocity (during autopilot) with Alt+ScrollWheel
  • Improved Autopilot Convergence over short distances
  • Reentry throttle limiting can now happen at atmo values above 1% if descending
  • Reentry smoothed significantly
  • Atmo exits now pitch up when atmosphere gets low to prevent burning

Version 5.232

  • Fixed a potential issue with aligning prograde when not near a planet
  • Removed prints

Version 5.231

  • Autoroll in space has been dampened, and occurs when aligning prograde near a planet
  • Stalling is ignored when atmo is below 1%
  • Glide reentry button fixed to align prograde first
  • Stall axis is now independent so will avoid realigning pitch when yaw stalling, for example
  • Reentry to a waypoint should reenter in the correct direction for that waypoint
  • Reentry height is now always 11% atmosphere level
  • Reentry will now stabilize more completely before swapping to autopilot, if targeting a waypoint
  • Prograde/waypoint alignment on reentry cancels as soon as it is aligned rather than when speed is low enough

Version 5.23

  • Orbital adjustments can now occur even when not in an escape trajectory
  • Planet-To-Planet autopilot overhaul Aims at the correct yaw during takeoff Aims the trajectory directly at the target Begins autopilot as soon as there is line of sight to the target Brakes just before it reaches atmosphere

Version 5.224

  • Ensures Throttle is set to 0 after entering/exiting cruise
  • Speed and Brake limiting for AtmoSpeedAssist now applies up to 5% atmo instead of 10%, unless reentering at more than 80m/s vspeed (up from 5m/s previous)
  • When stalling in AltitudeHold, the pitch should now correctly try to point back at velocity vector to get out of the stall
  • Changed StallAngle into YawStallAngle and PitchStallAngle. WARNING: You will need to re-set these variables, though they defualt to a low 35

Version 5.223 - Major flight changes including new "Cruise control" mode when using autopilot, read changelog since 5.11

  • Adjusted Waypoints to really land immediately if you pass the location or distance starts getting higher
  • IMPORANT: For any waypoint to be most accurate and use faster brake landing, go to the waypoint and use the Update Position button.

Version 5.222

  • Increased minimum roll speed to 100m/s from 50/ms
  • Increased roll power to help converge on ships with no tailfins

Version 5.221

  • Allowed new waypoints entered from the ship to be considered safe for Extreme Landing

Version 5.22

  • Fixed issue causing Cruise to be unable to apply brakes
  • Adjusted Cruise mode to brake less aggressively when the velocity angle is far from ship front
  • Adjusted Cruise to brake more aggressively when total speed is too high - Beware testing glide reentry
  • If AtmoSpeedAssist is enabled, swaps to throttled mode when entering atmosphere from cruise mode
  • Adjusted Waypoints to land immediately if you pass the location or distance starts getting higher
  • Waypoints will no longer perform Extreme Brake Landings at positions entered on the map - you must land at location and Update Position for these Your old waypoints must be updated in this way for them to work with Extreme Landings

Version 5.21

  • Removed throttle limiting when atmosphere levels are below 10% for easier atmo escapes, and brake limiting when atmo levels are below 1% Note that throttle and brakes will still limit if your vspeed becomes less than -20m/s, to help with entries, and always when atmo is above 10%
  • Fixed bug causing no throttle control when in space

Version 5.2

  • Replaced Cruise with AtmoSpeedAssist (parameter to enable/disable), a throttled flight overhaul. Adjusts throttle to limit speed to AtmoSpeedLimit, brakes when necessary (such as reentry) without limiting throttle, and applies all wings to center the velocity vector like Cruise does. Unlike cruise, it will not cause you to brake just because you are facing the wrong direction - only if your total speed is too high for atmo This also means that when AtmoSpeedAssist is on, all Atmo Flight Modes no longer put you in Cruise And consequently and accidentally, the player's throttle is now remembered and re-set when swapping back to Throttle mode from Cruise (in atmo)

Version 5.11

  • Improved orbits and waypoints - waypoints may feather brakes again

Version 5.102

  • Adjusted pitch and yaw calculations to use a different formula, though it should be equivalent. Attempt to fix incorrect stall warnings

Version 5.101

  • Fixed issue with space waypoints causing an exception

Version 5.100 - INCREDIBLY improved space autopilot to orbit

  • Autopilot alignment improved, should now efficiently realign orbits, and more effectively get to the desired Projected Altitude
  • Autopilot widget now shows target orbit altitude
  • AtmoSpeedLimit no longer brakes upon reaching max speed, but goes into cruise. This saves fuel and works smoothly. As always, alt+r cancels cruise mode
  • Fixed a ship with active AGG to not do Takeoff on sitting into seat and activating alt-hold
  • Fixed startup sequence to recognize gear or no gear amoung other things.

Version 5.002

  • When activating autopilot, the on-screen waypoint is changed to show the autopilot destination. This is a show thing only, no effect on AP destination, so can be changed if wanted via normal waypoint usage.
  • Hitting alt-6 2x withing 1.5 seconds will set HoldAltitude to 50m below space engine min atmosphere height (generally 11% atmo density).

Version 5.001

  • Readded autoRollThreshold parameter

Version 5.000 - Major Atmo autopilot overhaul including bank turns, smoother autotakeoff, and improved braking features

  • Factor for low FPS situations to help mechanics perform better due to the high element ships losing FPS while flying.
  • Smooth takeoffs that only pitch up once you have momentum and aren't stalled
  • Better yawing to target to not stall when at low speeds and proceeding to waypoint
  • Will now roll to turn when at high speeds (>100m/s) and proceeding to waypoint, respecting stall limits
  • Improved waypoint accuracy with better yaw/roll convergence
  • Further improved BrakeLanding + Waypoint. If you are going to a waypoint and it accurately gets within 100m of that waypoint, and that waypoint has a valid Altitude that's above 0, it will do an Extreme Brake Land. Since it knows the altitude it's landing at, it will descend in free-fall until 100m before it reaches the landing area.
  • New User Variable: CalculateBrakeLandingSpeed = false --export: (Default: false) Whether BrakeLanding speed at non-waypoints should be Calculated or use the existing BrakeLandingRate user value
  • Orbit Height is now calculated rather than set. This allows better support for different planets and moons
  • New User Variable: TargetOrbitRadius = 1.4 -- export: (Default: 1.4) How many planet radiuses you want Autopilot to orbit above any given planet. Values below 1 imply orbiting inside of the planet - do not do this. Default of 1.4 should result in Alioth orbit of 56699m. Atmosphere and mountains on moons are handled automatically

Version 4.935

  • Extremely dangerous BrakeLanding changes. Brakelanding is now, again, faster - but attempts to put you at effectively 0m above the ground. Please let me know if this breaks your ship so I can adjust it, but it works fine on all of mine. May cause issues if things are under your ship when landing and aren't detected by your hovers/vboosters

Version 4.934

  • More BrakeLanding and Waypoint improvements. Waypoint and space autopilot alignment should now be more aggressive when it is very close to the target. BrakeLanding should now be slightly safer and slower, particularly on ships that had a telemeter
  • BrakeLanding will end and lower you to the ground as soon as your vSpd is no longer negative, instead of waiting until you raise back up

Version 4.933

  • Further improved BrakeLanding + Waypoint. If you entered the ship while it was in atmo with hovers/boosters touching the ground, and if you are going to a waypoint and it accurately gets within 100m of that waypoint, and that waypoint has a valid Altitude that's above 0, it will do an Extreme Brake Land. Since it knows the altitude it's landing at, it will descend in free-fall until just before it reaches the landing area

Version 4.932

  • Changed Prograde and Retrograde from white/red dot to KSP markers
  • Changed when prograde is behind to change to Arrow pointing direction
  • Added ShouldCheckDamage = true --export: (Default: true) Whether or not damage checks are performed. Disable for performance on ships with 450+ elements (or if using external damage report)
  • Incorporated Hyperion data Atlas for more specifics for each planet, will allow better control on different planets (features coming soon).
  • Fixed incorrect calculation of rocket fuel tank % based on rocket fuel tank handling skills (its 10% per vice atmo/space 20% per)
  • Added ExternalAGG to databank save.

Version 4.93 - Databank copy and better brake landing

  • Added /copydatabank command To use, put a blank databank on vehicle with existing dbHud databank already linked to chair. Link from chair to blank. Rerun hud autoconf. You should see dbHud_1 and dbHud_2 on the slot list now. Sit in the chair, type /copydatabank in lua chat, wait for it to say its done, then stand and remove copied databank.
  • BrakeLanding will be faster and safer if you start on ground in atmosphere, otherwise will be like normal.
  • Fixed Brake values in atmo for BrakeLanding and VectorToTarget (flight to waypoint)
  • Adjusted flight to waypoint behavior to no longer feather the brakes when incoming - the calculations are now more accurate at high altitudes when starting from ground.
  • Adjusted BrakeLanding behavior to calculate an appropriate brakeLandingRate, if its hovers were in contact with the ground when you entered the seat (so it can measure them)

Version 4.927

  • Changed Landing Gear to always extend/retract regardless of height when G pressed. Note: Pressing G while flying will still initiate Brake Landing when appropriate.
  • Changed HUD startup brake status (when you sit in seat) only to be on if ground level is detected. This should prevent brakes being on when sitting returning from a disconnect.
  • Changed AGG to prevent target altitude going < 1000m
  • Fixed issues with Landing Gear and Dynamic Core Unit due type name change, landing gear and remote repair arrows should work better now.

Version 4.926

  • Fixed movement speed of mouse post 4.924 back to previous rate.
  • Added user preference ability to invert mouse Y axis for flight control. InvertMouse = false -- export: (Default: false) If true, then when controlling flight mouse Y axis is inverted (pushing up noses plane down) Does not affect selecting buttons or camera.
  • Prevent space speed limit activating when warping (had no effect, just cleanup)

Version 4.925 - Increased FPS when using full HUD

  • Changed overlay (hud) to update at 1/4 the speed of autopilot. This also moves hud stuff out of ap area. Gained 10 FPS with little visible impact.
  • Added user variable hudTickRate for those who want to fine tune it, default is 4 times slower than ap tick rate (15 times/sec vice 60 times/sec) hudTickRate = 0.0666667 -- export: (Default: 0.0666667) Set the tick rate for your HUD. Default is 4 times slower than apTickRate. hudTickRate should be >= apTickRate. The hudTickRate has the biggest impact on FPS as it determines how often the overlay is redrawn(updated). 0.25 gives a 20+ fps gain, but you get 4 fps hud update.

Version 4.924

  • Fixed time display for Days - Hours
  • Added default values to all user variables (Default: value)
  • Added SpaceSpeedLimit user parameter - When you hit the limit, and are not in autopilot mode, engines will turn off. Default is 30000 (so will never apply) SpaceSpeedLimit = 30000 -- export: (Default: 30000) Space speed limit in KM/H. If you hit this speed but are not in active autopilot, engines will turn off.
  • Added DisplayOrbit, OrbitMapSize, OrbitMapX, and OrbitMapY to user settings DisplayOrbit = true -- export: Show Orbit display when valid or not. May also be toggled with shift Buttons OrbitMapSize = 250 -- export: Size of the orbit map, make sure it is divisible by 4 OrbitMapX = 75 -- export: X postion of Orbit Display Disabled OrbitMapY = 0 -- export: Y position of Orbit Display

Version 4.923

  • Cleaned up autopilot performance for various conditions, fixed re-entry to saved location.
  • Added /G dump - shows all changable variables and current setting.
  • Restored torqueFactor export variable - Force factor applied to reach rotationSpeed (higher value may be unstable) Valid values: Superior or equal to 0.01
  • Slowed approach to 100k when doing autopilot from planet to off before aligning to target to allow more accuracy

Version 4.922 - Now with space! (Space waypoints and autopiloting to them) WARNING WARNING WARNING - Autopiloting to a point in space that has a physical object at it might end up with you smeared all over it. The AP endeavors to stop you in time. Recommend setting a waypoint nearby or wear a diaper AND brown pants buttercup.

  • Autopilot will now go to a saved location in space. If on arrival you are too far off, you can Alt-4 again and it will close in.
  • Added Space as a entry in the Atlas to allow for saving locations in space.
  • /addlocation now supports space waypoints. Save Locations: To make locations on planets, use either the Save Button or /addlocation Name Waypoint command To make locations in space, use only the /addlocation Name Waypoint command To rename a location, select it in the Interplanetary window, then use the /setname Name command To delete a location, select it in the interplanetary window, then click the Clear button Do not use Update button for space locations at this time. KNOWN ISSUES:
  • Autopilot from land to space save point may arrive off when first stops, just hit alt-4 again and it will zero in (works best starting in space)
  • Autopilot from space to land point SOMETIMES has issues when ready for re-entry, troubleshooting that. If happens alt-4 to cancel, brake, alt-4 to go on in.

Version 4.921

  • Fixed issue of converting ::pos to WorldCoordinates. /addlocation Name ::waypoint works now
  • Provided feedback when adding a waypoint save location.
  • Fixed comment on ExtraVerticalTags to say vertical (no change to performance)

Version 4.920 - Support for user input

  • Implemented user text input. To use, hit tab and hit enter to send messages to Lua Chat. (this will not cause tab fps slideshow if the chat tab is open first) Currently supported commands:
    • /commands - Shows command list and help
    • /setname name - renames the current selected saved postion to "name"
    • /G variablename value - changes the global variablename to new value, example /G AtmoSpeedLimit 1300 would set that user variable to 1300 or /G circleRad 100 would shrink the artifical horizon
    • /agg height - Sets the AGG target height to height. Note that it must still move to this height at 4m/s like normal.
    • /addlocation savename waypointpaste - Adds a new saved location based on waypoint. Not as accurate as going to location and using Save button.
  • Added three new user variables for engine control (NOTE: if you fill these in, only engines on that axis that have the extra tags will fire):
    • ExtraLongitudeTags = "none" -- export: Enter any extra longitudinal tags you use inside "" seperated by space, i.e. "forward faster major" These will be added to the engines that are control by longitude.
    • ExtraLateralTags = "none" -- export: Enter any extra lateral tags you use inside "" seperated by space, i.e. "left right" These will be added to the engines that are control by lateral.
    • ExtraVerticalTags = "none" -- export: Enter any extra longitudinal tags you use inside "" seperated by space, i.e. "up down" These will be added to the engines that are control by vertical.
  • Fixed buttons not working in remote mode.

Version 4.914

  • Fix versioning issue from 4.913 for some reason
  • Major refactor of function definitions outside of script.onStart() (users ignore this)
  • Begin adding remarks to code to help explain things

Version 4.913

  • Added ContainerOptimization user setting in Edit LUA Parameters, default 0. (This is NOT Fuel Tank Handling, but instead the skill in Stock Control of Mining and Industry). To get accurate values of UNSLOTTED fuel tanks, you must set this, FuelTankOptimization and the appropriate fuelTankHandling skill for the person who PLACED the tanks.

Version 4.912 SPECIAL - Introduction of DU-ECU.CONF First DU emergency control unit version 1.0. Currently is vanilla ECU but with brake landing. To use, put in your custom directory and load it onto a placed ECU, the ARM the ECU. No interaction with databank at this time. Enhancements to follow.

Version 4.911

  • Changed atmosphere speed limit to not apply brakes if atmosphere is < 0.10 (i.e. space engines would kick in)
  • Added FuelTankOptimzation user setting in Edit LUA Parameters, default 0. (This is NOT Fuel Tank Handling, but instead the skill in Stock Control of Mining and Industry).
  • Fixed fuel tank calculation when tanks placed with FuelTankOptimization skill

Version 4.910

  • Resolution Refactor: Default postions in Edit LUA Parameters are set for 1920x1080 HUD resolution. Note: 1920x1080 works even if your game resolution is different (2560x1440), this lets you have bigger text on a higher resolution. If you change ResolutionX and ResolutionY, everything that does NOT have a X/Y setting in Edit LUA Parameters will shift based on your new resolution. All other values in Edit LUA Parameters must be shifted to where you want them. (Altitude, fuel, etc). This will of course save on your databank. i.e. if you set ResolutionX/Y to 2560/1440, you probably want to set centerX/Y to 1280/720, and the other X/Y locations to where you want them. For the other settable postions, a recommended approach is to take (default value X times Resolution X ) divided by 1920 and (default value Y times Resolution Y ) divided by 1080

Version 4.901

  • To help avoid burning up in atmosphere, New User Variable: AtmoSpeedLimit default (1050km/h) - If in atmo and in travel mode, brakes will toggle on and off if you attempt to exceed your atmo speed limit.
    If in cruise mode, brake will come on and can be toggled off to allow continued speed increase. NOTE: In cruise mode, DU controls brakes and engines, so Brake Engaged may not slow you or may not come on.

Version 4.900

  • Major refactoring of variables in to local unless a savable variable.
  • Due to the increased use of databanks on ships, the databank associated with this script must now be manually slotted one time.
    This mean, put down seat, put down databank, slot databank to seat, run hud autoconf like normal. You should not need to reslot existing databanks used in previous versions.
  • Fixed time display for days, hours, minutes, seconds.

Version 4.858

  • Added optional telemeter support. Telemeters are set for manual slotting like fuel tanks, meaning you must manually slot it to chair/remote one time, then run the hud autoconf.
    When you hit CTRL-L looking at control unit, you should see telemeter_1 in a slot. Telemeter has a range of 100m vice vBooster of 80m. Above Ground Level will show the lower of telemeter or hover or vBooster reading.
  • Modified hover height to account for ships having hover AND vbooster (before it used vBooster and then didnt check hover) so that if a hover is lower than vBooster and detects ground, it's height will be used.

Version 4.857

  • Added Above Ground Level (AGL) that will display when hover/vBooster that is slotted detects ground level (max about 80m)
  • Fixed LandedGroundHoverHeight to work. Set that user variable to 1m below the AGL shown when on ground.
  • Added support for SatNav to DU Orbital Hud - toggle on UseSatNav in Edit Lua Parameters and then you do not need to edit the HUD when using SatNav

Version 4.856

  • AGG will continue towards last set Target Height whether off or on. To stop AGG changing target height, set target height = singularity (basealtitude) height.
    NOTE: AGG will continue towards its last set target height whether you are in seat or not. If on, and in AGG control, ship will continue to height as well in seat or out.

Version 4.855

  • Added VanillaRockets to user parameter. If on, rockets will act like vanilla (toggle on/off with B by default)

Version 4.854

  • Sync AltitudeHold Target Height and AGG Target Height: If AltitudeHold is on and AGG is on, and Agg Target Altitude gets within 20m of AltitudeHold target altitude they will couple together and using alt-space or alt-c will change both Target AGG altitude and Altitude Hold target altitude to same value. Toggle off AGG to decouple target heights (or toggle off Altitude Hold).
  • Added more coroutine yeilds during startup every 250 elements processed to help with large ships (maybe, untested, but wont have a negative effect lower count ships)

Version 4.853

  • Removed Emergency Warp - ALT-J is hardcoded keybind now to initiate warp jump, no more lua call.

Version 4.852

  • Fixed fuel tanks, again (stop changing element names!)
  • Restored emergency warp.

Version 4.851

  • Fixed Rockets. Note that rockets will not work in Cruise mode now, thats vanilla. Normal operation: If speed > 85% of throttleSetting1100kph in atmo or > 85% of thottleSettingMaxVelocity user parameter in space, rockets will turn off.

Version 4.850 - fixes for 0.23 DU update

  • Removed emergency warp support
  • Moved agg target height adjustment while agg is off to

Version 4.846

  • Added support for manually linked switch and set to toggle. When you activate or deactivate control unit, it toggles any connected switch. This can be used to activate multiple forcefields or doors off a single slot. Link the items to a relay, link the relay to a manual switch unit, link the switch to your control unit (seat/remote).
  • Changed manually linked Forcefield and Door to toggle, so when you activate control unit or deactive, it toggles any connected forcefields or doors
  • Made localized functions available globally

Version 4.845

  • Changed Rocket Boost in atmo from 1050 max speed cutoff to ReentrySpeed max speed cutoff

Version 4.844

  • Fix in atmo max brake value, more reliable use of brake landing

Version 4.843

  • Fixed erroneous pitch when rolled hard.
  • Fixed max brake values to save highest seen in atmo (> 0.10) unless out of seat for more than 3 min. (So swapping seat to remote or remote back to seat wotn reset it)

Version 4.842

  • Fixed (I hope) the occasional DrawThrottle bug report.
  • Moved stall warning to not overlap AGG info

Version 4.841

  • Fixed Align Retrograde turning off if you dip into atmosphere
  • Minimized atmosphere calls to use a preset atmosphere check.

Version 4.84

  • Bug fix of Artificial Horizon error when entering planet area from space. Important bug fix (didnt notice it till approaching Feli)

Version 4.8395

  • Added ResolutionX and ResolutionY to user variables, default 1920x1080. You do NOT need to change these for normal aspect ratios.

Version 4.839

  • Fixed vector to target when doing autotakeoff. Ship will now swivel to target as soon as you hit alt-4 while on ground.
  • Fixed Interplanetary Helper infor when targeting Saved Locations. Note that time to target will show 0 when same planet autopilot.

Version 4.838

  • Updated Readme File - MANY thanks to THB for the effort on updating and cleaning up the file!
  • ExternalAGG = false -- export: Toggle On if using an external AGG system. If on will prevent this HUD from doing anything with AGG.

Version 4.837

  • MANUAL CONTROL HOTKEY: Pressing Stop engines (Z by default) 2x within 1 second will clear ALL AP / special functions. You will be at 0 engine in throttle mode with brakes off. (normal Z behavior) but all special features like altitude hold, or brake landing or anything else will turn off. (Give me manual control key) Pressing it just once is normal vanilla stop all engines. NOTE: This will NOT turn off antigrav or stop a warp in progress. It does turn off emergency warp active.
  • LOCK PITCH FEATURE: Changed Alt-5 from Turn/Burn toggle (still available as button) to Lock Pitch toggle. Will lock your target pitch at current pitch and attempt to maintain that pitch (this is different from Altitude Hold) Most other AP features will cancel LockPitch.
  • Removed automatic braking from AGG operation, it was interfering too much with pilot desired braking.
    Will monitor for overshoot / yoyo and revisit if necessary, meantime toggle on brakes to prevent yoyo if at desired height.
  • Cleaned up static level bar in Artificial Horizon.

Version 4.836

  • Added user variable ShowOdometer default true. If you toggle it off then the Odometer panel doesnt show up top.
  • Added Yaw to center of AH when in atmo and moving fast enough.

Version 4.835

  • With NQ concurrence - Modified AGG so that when you turn it OFF, the BaseAltitude will rapidly reach the TargetAltitude, allowing you to resume using your AGG without waiting for the Base Altitude to reach Target Altitude at 3.8m/s. Speed while AGG is on remains at intended vanilla rate.

Version 4.834

  • More vertical engine modification, now they should only come on if you are holding spacebar/c or if you are brake landing and Brakes are engaged to help slow your decent. This should fix the problem with landing in low g environments with vertical engines.

Version 4.833

  • Any engine tagged with hover will not fire in cruise control unless spacebar/c used. If they dont stop, tap c/spacebar (opposite direction) and they should.
  • Removed speed multiplier based on height when using re-entry to account for planets with very high atmosphere.
  • Modified userControlScheme to not care about upper/lowercase and to check for typos.
  • Validated all user LUA Parameter descriptions. Mouse over a name to see what it does.

Version 4.832

  • Clean up some variable naming
  • Autopilot on arrival to orbit at new planet will only align prograde if proceeding to land
  • Vertically mounted engine performance (no gyro activated) changed (NOTE: For the moment, if in cruise control (ALT-Hold turns this on too) vertical engines will fire to help maintain altitude)
  1. Will always fire (or stop) if you hit spacebar/c (as appropriate for up/down mounted engines)
  2. If not in atmosphere, they will not fire unless you hit spacebar/c (this helps prevent them from autofiring in space and wrecking orbit)
  3. If in atmosphere, they will fire automagically if BrakeLanding and Brakes are on (assist brake landing) OR if < detectible hover height but > landinggear height +5 (assist landing)

Version 4.831

  • Only show weapons panel if radar is not jammed or if you have gear extended (landed) otherwise hide for clean screen.

Version 4.83

  • Autopilot to another planet now works starting from ground.
  • Autopilot to saved location on another planet now works starting ground or space. For both cases: Pick target like normal, hit autopilot (button or alt-4).
    Ship will tilt up at preset max angle (30 by default) and fly to 100km then engage autopilot to selected planet. Once it arrives it will establish orbit and align prograde. If saved location chosen, it will glide entry in and then autopilot to location. NOTE: It does not check to see if anything is in front of you on ground (like normal) nor if your target planet is behind current planet even 100km in space. DO NOT USE if your ship cannot power out of atmosphere at 30 deg with 100% engines. USE WITH CAUTION FIRST TIME. Tested Alioth to Sanct and Sanct to Alioth repeatedly.
  • Added check to help prevent autopilot to saved location in atmosphere causing stall if facing too many degrees out at start.
  • Added Stall Warning if your alignment drops below StallAngle (35 by default) - EVERY SHIP WILL BE DIFFERENT
  • Changed end of Autopilot to turn on Align to Prograde by default.
  • Credit for heading code to tomisunlucky
  • Change vSpd calculation, same results.
  • Removed 5 second delay on activation of Emergency Warp. If you turn it on, you want it to activate when any of the conditions are met.
  • Changed tilt on Follow Mode to 20 deg to allow better following. Note: Very light or single hover ships cannot utilize Follow Mode.
  • Changed default max pitch to 30 (most ships will handle this fine, change if needed, recommend not less than 20)
  • Added user variable StallAngle = 35 --export: Determines how much Autopilot is allowed to make you yaw/pitch in atmosphere. Also gives a stall warning. (default 35, higher = more tolerance for yaw/pitch/roll) Lower this value (or raise it) based on how well your ship handles yaw/roll/pitch without stalling.
  • Changed default Orbit Height to 50km (from 100km)

Version 4.823

  • Fix wrong landing height when hitting G

Version 4.822

  • Re-add currentGroundAltitudeStabilization back to up and down to see if fixes anything :)
  • Attempt to let vertical engines autofire in atmosphere like vanilla so they work to assist hover if installed.
  • Change G key to turn off throttle if pressed regardless if in hover height or not. (i.e. press it when landing)

Version 4.821

  • Fixed DrawThrottle bug not receiving throttle value if just starting up.
  • First try on fixing roll/pitch/yaw getting stuck on.

Version 4.82

  • Removed structural integrity - Too hard to caclulate due to how ships mass vs elements is updated, makes it think voxel damage when none.
  • Updated Emergency Warp to ignore any contact that is < IgnoreEmergencyWarpDistance
  • Updated Emergency Warp to ignore a target with a transponder that matches your transponder.
  • Added user option (IgnoreEmergencyWarpDistance) where targets within this distance are ignored for emergency warp purposes (500 by default)
  • Added user option (RequireLock) to only Emergency Warp if someone is within EmergencyWarpRange and has target lock on you (off by default) - NOT TESTED BUT SHOULD WORK. ANYONE WHO TESTS PLEASE TELL ME.

Version 4.811 - Change brake behavior

  • When you hit G already within hover distance, brake is applied assuming you want to extend gear and land. if you just want gear down, hit CTRL to toggle off brake.

Version 4.81 - Cleanup of hud performance in space

  • Hud now behaves/looks different in atmosphere, out of atmosphere but within planetary influence, and outside of planetary influence.

Version 4.80 - Updated HUD, now with a compass

  • Reformat HUD for a cleaner experience (F-16 style). cirleRad now sizeable from 100 to 400 with different looks < or > 200

Version 4.793

  • Reverted save change. ALT-7 will only wipe databank of saved variables. To fully wipe a databank, pick it up, right click it, Remove Dynamic Properties, then put it back down.
    This way you can wipe variables without wiping save location. Note: useTheseSettings button in Edit Lua Parameters makes the hud use the parameters vice what is on the databank. When you stand up, it will save those new settings.
  • Fixed useTheseSettings message when you sit down with it toggled on

Version 4.792

  • Fixed Update Position If you used Update Position previously, you need to clear your databank. Thus...
  • Alt+7 now fully clears the databank, since it's not really used anymore and databanks don't clear when you pick up and replace them anymore Important This means that pressing alt+7 is always a databank clear, not a save. Check the 'useTheseSettings' checkbox to save settings

Version 4.791 - Bugfixes and adjustments

  • Fixed hitting G not making you go up to max height if you are already within hover/vBooster range and not landed. G now performs: If on ground, takes you up to max hover height (TargetHoverHeight). If in air and within hover range, lands, if in air and above hover range, brake lands
  • More cleanup of AGG. Will not worry about yoyo in atmosphere (doesnt tend to happen). setBaseAltitude called during change of target height if it changes. While off, singularity will progress to last set target height.
  • Added parameter to show full HUD while in Remote Controller
  • Adjusted 'Update Position' to update planet and atmo levels
  • Fixed follow mode hover height to use parameter

Version 4.79 - AGG Performance cleanup (no more yoyo)

  • Removed fuelTankOptimization from user parameters since we dont care about it anymore when calculating unslotted tanks.
  • Fixed AGG to prevent yoyo'ing while going up or going down. Brakes will toggle to prevent passing the singularity unless under throttle power or outside range of singularity.
  • Changed displayed message while AGG is on to show both target height and singularity height. Message will be red if outside singularity range of attraction (5oom) (meaning no support from AGG)

An Explanation - The way the AGG works is by creating a singularity at a certain height. Once it is created at that height, it can only be moved up or down at a set pace from its current height. During normal vanilla operation the ship will begin moving towards the singularity, but if it passes it, it will then slow, stop, and reverse, creating a yo-yo effect as you go up or down using the AGG. In order to make this cleaner, the HUD will now apply brakes IF you are not using throttle or cruise control and if your ship starts to pass the current singluarity height in the direction the sigularity is heading. This will result in motion dropping to 0, but will prevent reversing. Rate of change is: 3.7m/s going up. Note: It is faster to go down via gravity unless using the AGG for high mass loads.

Version 4.78 - Goodbye speedy AGG, we barely knew ye

  • Per official request from NQ, AGG features in DU Orbital Hud now just provide easy method to change target height (Alt-C and Alt-Spacebar). All other AGG functionality is vanilla.
  • Changed damage report to show honeycomb damage (structural integrity) only when stopped. Update rate of construct mass is different timing than element mass, which is only way to get honeycomb mass, so was making it flash.
  • If fuelX and fuelY are both set to 0, the HUD will not show fuel tank status. Use if using an external fuel display system.
  • Added opacityTop (0.1 default) and opacityBottom (0.3 default) to allow control of AH background opacity 0.0 to 1.0

Version 4.77

  • Fixed AGG button showing wrong state...again, no really.
  • Changed AGG behavior so brake toggles on when you reach target height. Brake toggles off if you raise or lower target height. (you can always toggle brake with CTRL like normal)
  • Improved performance of AGG by helping keep singularity location near ship when AGG is off so that when turned on if you changed height without AGG you dont have to wait for it to catch up as much.
  • Fixed bug where some buttons could trigger while not visible
  • Fixed distance readout for autopilot
  • Reduced somersaults
  • Brake is now used to help redirect AP trajectory if fuel would be wasted thrusting backwards
  • AP drops to Cruise mode if you throttle down and shows cruise time for current speed (predicted times will be wrong if you go lower speed)

Version 4.76

  • Slightly reduced multiple for Parachute Re-Entry initial speed when > 15000m
  • Fixed AGG button showing wrong state action.
  • Fix structural integrity 99% flashing, i hope.

Version 4.75

  • Fine tuned emergency warp to not try if PLANET TOO CLOSE error condition. So - Must have Emergency Warp enabled, must not be too close to planet, must have a space radar contact within EmergercyWarpDistance, then it will try to warp if all other conditions met.
  • Parachute Re-Entry now with more butt-clenching goodness. Starts at higher speed based on initial height if > 20000m. (Still ends up at Re-Entry speed when you hit atmo)

Version 4.74 - MAJOR fix to wings and aerilons - Upgrade strongly recommended

  • It turns out that when we made the change to prevent vertical space engines firing randomly decaying orbits, we also removed Wing Engines. This has been restored and you should see vastly improved performance from your lift surfaces, especially if you hit spacebar. Ask Dimencia for more info.
  • Changed warp widget to show up if a target is selected and it is more than 2 SU away.
  • Added retrograde red dot to AH while in space. Smaller dots. Show prograde dot in atmo when going fast enough for it to matter.
  • Added support for Fuel Tank Handling talen for unslotted fuel tank calculation. Must use value of person who placed the tank, 1-5 for each type of tank. This is in addition to Fuel Tank Optimization. Unslotted fuel tank percentage will closely match slotted if values of Handling and Optimization are correct.
  • Fixed Elemental Damage sometimes reporting 99% when fully healed and no damaged componet total listed.
  • Moved throttle, default position, to right side of AH to make room for Roll value. Added throttle position x and y user parameters.
  • Updated formattime to show days and hours, or hours and min, or min and sec, or sec
  • Fixed issue with ships that had landing gear but no longer have it but databank still thought they did.

Version 4.73 - Atmosphere Rocket Engine assist

  • Changed landed ground target height to user variable instead of 0 if landing gear used. Set to hover height reported - 1 when you use alt-spacebar to just lift off ground from landed postion. 4 is M size landing gear, not countersunk, on bottom of ship. 14 appears to be Large landing gear setting.
  • Restored Glide Re-Entry as option to Parachute Re-Entry. Still will not work well for some ships.
  • Enhanced AGG when toggling on after already in use so it reacts faster.
  • Altimeter support for negative altitude, turns red when < 0 m and counts up as you go down
  • Added atmospheric rocket engine assist, code provided by Azraeil. Lets rockets assist in atmosphere while in throttle mode without firing constantly and wasting fuel, same as with cruise control already. Rocket will toggle off automatically when at 85% of target speed as determined by either throttle setting * max speed in atmo (1050) or MaxGameVelocity parameter. In cruise control mode it will toggle at 85% of desired cruise speed.
  • Added notification if Rockets are on down bottom.

Version 4.72 - Variable Updates

  • IMPORTANT: Databank Wipe is advised. (You will not lose saved locations)
  • Proper formatting of local and global variables for consistency.
  • Fixed databank wipe to not wipe saved locations.
  • Autopilot locations now in alphabetical order.
  • Changed new save locations to be named as PlanetName.# or PlanetName.# "Nearest Atmo Contact" to work with new sorting.
  • Reordered button locations to clean up around some that show conditionally.

Version 4.71 - Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Interplanetary display updating with change from custom to planet and atmo to space (again)
  • Changed upper Warning Messages to not be hidden when Buttons shown
  • Fixed script error when using button to cancel Parachute Re-Entry
  • Added planet.atmos = true/false and planet.gravity = X.XX (in g) to Atlas for calculations about planets when not there.
  • Changed Strongbrakes to StrongBrakes = ((planet.gravity * 9.80665 * core.getConstructMass()) < LastMaxBrake)
  • Fixed Landing Gear sensing and operation
  • Fixed emergency warp to cancel if Emergency Warp mode toggled off or cancellation key is pressed.
  • Fixed hover engines performing brake landing.

Version 4.70 - Updates And Bug Fixes

  • Changed Glide Re-Entry to Parachute Re-Entry. Recommend brown pants. Do NOT use if you have not performed a Brake Landing in Atmosphere
  • Fixed Interplanetary display when shifting atmo to space and custom to target
  • removed currentGroundAltitudeStabilization undefined variable
  • fuelX and fuelY user positions provided, sets fuel tank text location, (default 100, 350) setting both to 0 turns off fuel tank text display.
  • removed seconds from formattime strings to clean up displays
  • changed fueltankoptimization value from 20% per level to 5% per level to reflect actual skill effect (affects unslotted tank amounts only)
  • Fixed re-entry button not being able to initiate re-entry
  • Fixed issue with AGG Button display and with Repair Arrow button location.

Version 4.693 - Bugfix

  • Fixed Saving of Variables
  • Removed final references to AutoBrake

Version 4.692 - Bugfix

  • Repair arrows should now work for all size cores
  • Restored Navbal (Artifical Horizon) to center by default. Use centerX=700 and centerY=980 for lower left placement.

Version 4.691 - Bugfix

  • Fixed bug causing hovers to not fire when not using a landing mode
  • Synchronized AH to ticker

Version 4.69 - Cleaning up Local-Global declaration

  • Added support for BrightHUD toggle to prevent AH vanishing if toggled on
  • Modified Reentry button to engage re-entry vice needing to press G after button.\
  • Added E-Warp Engaged message to remind you if it is on

Version 4.68 - Clean up release conf generation

  • Update Readme
  • Fix version to be pulled from .conf
  • Fixes all remaining warnings using vscode

Version 4.67

  • Changed interpretation of Autopilot Throttle rate
  • Made interplaneterary panel update itself 10 times faster
  • Added variables for user to move vSpeed Meter, and Altimter/Speed indication

Version 4.63 - Cleared a lot of unused and misnamed variables.

Version 4.62 - HUD Redesign continued, KSP navball

  • The Artificial Horizon is more of a KSP Navball now. You may put it anywhere with centerX and centerY setting (use 1920x1080, it will scale). circleRad must either be 0 (off) or 100 right now. Resizing coming.
  • Added prograde dot to AH
  • Moved most HUD items out of center for cleaner view
  • No functionality has been lost. Just cleaned up the HUD and made the Artifical Horzion much more dynamic.

Version 4.61 - HUD Redesign - Update the hud to be more minimalist yet still provide all the information, shooting for a more KSP Navball

  • Moved placement of data to support new AH view
  • Replaced altimeter tape with rolling number altimeter
  • Replaced roll tape with rolling ticks on artificial horizon
  • Replaced pitch tape with pitch lines on artificial horizon
  • Moved fuel tank information from right side to left to avoid widget overwrite.
  • Fixed Orbit being displayed when stationary (plantets dont rotate here)
  • Fix AGG script error when setting value lower via holding alt-c

Version 4.60

  • Added AGG support. Engage AGG > 1000m with ALT-G or Button. Use alt-c and alt-space to change AGG target height. NOTE: turning on brake does not cancel agg for obvious reasons. You must toggle it off to cancel.
  • Updated Save mechanics. Please READ the SAVE section of the README
  • Changed emergency warp retry to every second if enabled
  • fixed autoroll setting issue
  • Brake Toggle or Default mode user variable restored to remember setting
  • Testing braking after emergency warp and re-engage of autopilo

Version 4.58

  • Change Emergency Warp to retry every 30 seconds if enabled.

Version 4.57

  • Glide ReEntry is on a Button now. Default is off. If enabled, hitting G will attempt to put you into a glide reentry to ReentryAltitude at ReentrySpeed (2500m and 1050km/hr default, user settable)

Version 4.56

  • Damaged components indicated by arrows while in Remote mode. Allows you to walk around and repair being shown where next one is located. Toggled on by Button while in remote mode (hold shift to see buttons)
  • Removed EmergencyWarp as a user variable. Now toggled by a Button. Default is off. If you toggle it on, then when conditions met, EmergencyWarp. EmergencyWarpRange remains a user variable.
  • Removed BrakeToggle as a user variable. Now toggled by a Button. Default is Toggle Brakes. Toggle to enable vanilla Brakes.
  • Removed DisplayOrbit as a user variable. Now toggled by a Button. Default is on.

Version 4.555

  • Fix Cruise text to not be huge.

Version 4.55

  • Transponder IFF. If any radar contacts have a matching transponder tag, they are listed at the top of the screen

Version 4.54

  • Emergency Warp support. Set EmergencyWarp to true (default false). Set EmergencyWarpRange to distance (default 320000 km, farthest default large ship lock range with large radar). If you have a radar, and a warp engine, and if a target gets within EmergencyWarpRange and all other conditions to warp are met, EmergencyWarp to target will activate. If it fails to activate, it will not retry. You can hit ALT-J to stop it within 5 seconds. NOTE: You can set EmergencyWarp to true and intentionally not put cells in its container and use it as a warning when someone gets within EmergencyWarpRange
  • Restored structural integrity (voxel damage). HUD assumes when you sit down your voxels are at 100% and reports any damage. Element damage report unchanged.
  • Added check for databank before allowing save of locations
  • Fixed display of integrity reports.
  • Added LastMaxBrake to saved variables to have initial brake value before brakes used if databank used.
  • Fixed interplanetary values display when normal planet shown after a local save location.

Version 4.53

  • Fixed HUD Color preference not loading from databank properly.

Version 4.52

  • Removed structural integrity - too unreliable at this time. Elemental Intregrity remains.
  • Added current acceleration in g's. Changed gravity reading to g. Currently these are based on 1g earth normal.
  • Moved acceleration, gravity, and atmosphere updates to once per second.

Version 4.51

  • Fix for display errors that might have caused control issues.
  • Coast Landing will only display if moving at high speed when using gear

Version 4.5 - Autopilot to saved location in atmosphere

  • Minified conf file to avoid overflow script limit. Added a readable version for editing/understanding.
  • Initial Pass: Autopilot to a presaved waypoint in atmosphere. Use: Go to location you wish to mark. In seat, hold shift and click Save Location. When wishing to return to a saved point, use ALT-1/2 or SHIFT T/R till you see saved location. If not on ground, be sure to be pointing in general direction to avoid yaw stall. Hit Alt-4 to engage. You may use yaw once brake landing begins to spin in place. Saved locations may be deleted by selecting it as target and the holding shift and choosing Clear Position. It is fairly accurate and you should arrive within 15m of marked location assuming good brakes (brake landing). If you see Coast Landing, be prepared to take over the arrival. If atmo radar installed, saved location will use nearest target for naming, otherwise will be named #.planet (i.e. 0.Alioth)

Version 4.37

  • Fixed damaged display to be visable and color shaded by % damage.

Version 4.36

  • Pulled fuel tank fixes
  • Pulled mass calculation fixes

Version 4.35

  • Initial Warpdrive support. Warp Widget hidden by default. Warp Hotkey (default Alt-J) will toggle the widget on if off, off if on, and initiate Warp Jump if conditions met or give message if not. Widget will autoshow if conditions met to jump.

Version 4.34

  • Moved Interplanetary Widget info to slower update (once per second) to save on performance.

Version 4.33

  • Fixed throttle arrow to always stay in range for positive and negative throttle. Throttle color changes to red if in reverse. Bar removed if in cruise.
  • Fixed alt key not to toggle freelook if using alt+# option. Tapping alt will toggle freelook like normal.

Version 4.32

  • Fixed new bug preventing Reentry from occurring

Version 4.31 - Bugfixes and Performance

  • On a planet with no atmo, re-rentry will no longer engage if below the designated reentry height (pressing G will enage brake-landing instead)
  • Attempt to resolve recent issues - forced garbage collection every second, moved screen drawing to Update instead of on a fixed tick

Version 4.3 - Now with re-entry

  • Hitting G while over a planet will attempt to do reentry to a designated altitude hold (default 2500m) at a designated max speed (default 1050km/hr) to avoid re-entry burnup. ReentrySpeed is user value for speed, ReentryAltitude for height.
  • interpret linebreaks for msgText

Version 4.22

  • Added MaxPitch as user variable, default value 20 degrees. Sets max pitch autopilot will use during takeoff and altitude changes while in altitude hold or for re-entry.
  • Fixed text display on Orbit panel

Version 4.21

  • Updated non-widget fuel tank display to use slotted tank values (more accurate) for slotted tanks.
  • Updated G key to always brake land if gear is up and within capacity of brakes. Otherwise gear down and manual landing required.

Version 4.2

  • Refactored display to more pure CSS for smaller filesize and more efficient frames
  • Show Orbit display only if speeds are within max speed and if periapsis and apoapsis exist.
  • Modified all automated landings to use brake landing. This is much safer than the previous autoland, but use under supervision. Hit G to initiate landing any time.

Version 4.181

  • Fixed script error
  • Fixed a minor inaccuracy in brake time calculation

Version 4.18

  • Added max mass on target planet to Interplanetary info. Note: If target planet has atmo, you must be in atmo to get an accurate reading. The formula is MaxBrakeNewtons / PlanetGravityAtSeaLevel, shown in tons. So if you are going to a planet with no atmosphere, you must get a reading while in no atmosphere.

Version 4.174

  • Added DU version number in lower right hand corner of screen.

Version 4.173

  • added displayOrbit user variable for those who do not want the KSP style orbit in upper corner. Default true (to show)

Version 4.172

  • Save autoroll preference when using Brake Landing
  • Fix shifting to Cruise Control on autotakeoff.

Version 4.171

  • Added safety check to Brake landing. If current mass * gravity at sea level > maxBrake power, it will not try an automatic Brake Landing.
  • Added user variable for loss of altitude rate, brakeLandingRate, when using brake landing. Default is 30 m/s

Version 4.17 - Brake Landing

  • While flying, if you have hover or vertical boosters, and you hit G, your ship will attempt to brake land. If you are at max load of low altitude lift, or of brakes, do not use. This does not replace hitting G for autoland while in altitude hold. To brake land you must cancel altitude hold first. As with most auto features, toggle brakes to turn off.

Version 4.162

  • localized Nav.control.isRemoteControlled() function in unit.start and apTick
  • Only show Follow Mode button if on a Remote. Alt-8 while on seat will give message only works when on remote.
  • Hide autopilot engage button in atmo, give message if use alt-4 in atmo.
  • Hide retrograde button if in atmo
  • Shift to cruise control once reach takeoff altitude.

Version 4.161

  • Updated new values to show n/a if out of gravity.

Version 4.16

  • Ship now shows Required forward thrust for current mass at current gravity and Max Mass for max available forward thrust in current gravity. Note this does not consider lift, just values if you pointed 90deg up.

Version 4.15

  • Gyro's autoconnect again. If you have a gyro on ship and run autoconf after it is placed, this will let you hit alt-9 the gyro will activate. This can be used to change your controls perceived orientation from Core orientation to Gyro orientation.

Version 4.146

  • Must press alt-7 2 times to wipe databank. A wiped databank prevents saving of flight status variable.
  • Attempt to fix calculation of fuelTankOptimization when setting up fuel tanks.

Version 4.145

  • Fixed bugs with dimming, more elements are now undimmed when in freelook, dimmed elements are dimmer, artifical horizon is not displayed in freelook
  • Fixed fuel display problem with remote control
  • Readded brighthud

Version 4.144

  • Track trip time and total run time on ship.

Version 4.143

  • More optimization refactoring
  • Fixed new DU bug with vertical engines firing constantly

Version 4.142

  • More optimization refactoring from Chronos.

Version 4.141

  • Fix for structural damage showing 99% when no voxels damaged. Damage report only appears if any damage.

Version 4.14

  • Updated damage report to show Structural Integrity (Voxel damage) and Element Integrity (Element damage). Element integrity still shows # of disabled and # of damaged elements. Max Voxel integrity is set when you sit in the seat and autosaved if you have a databank attached. To reset it you must perform normal save wipe (ALT-7) per Readme.

Version 4.13

  • Added maxBrake to odometer
  • Added maxThrust to odometer
  • Modified mass to use function call, no need for extraMass anymore.

Version 4.126

  • localized unit.getAtmosphereDensity

Version 4.125

  • Added to user variables: brightHud = false --export: Enable to prevent hud dimming when in freelook.

Version 4.12

  • Optimizations and fix save feature

Version 4.11

  • Optimaztions with function localizations

Version 4.1

  • Major change in how html text is formatted, should result in improved performance but report any bugs.

Version 4.065

  • Bug fixes.

Version 4.06

  • added player variables speedChangeLarge and speedChangeSmall so you can control the rate of throttle change. Large happens when you tap speed up or down, small happens when you hold speed up or down.
  • doors and ramps will not auto open when exiting seat/remote while in space

Version 4.05 - Odometers, Mass, and Rocket change

  • Added a Trip and Lifetime odometer. Note that trip resets if you get out of seat. Lifetime doesnt reset unless you clear databank (and only saves with databank)
  • Added Total Mass of ship, and a new user parameter extraMass because i cannot calculate honeycomb mass. set extraMass to honeycomb mass as shown in Builder info
  • Modified Rocket Engine performance. In Cruise Mode it will fire till you reach cruise speed and then again to keep you at that speed till toggled off. In Travel Mode it will fire continuous till you toggle it back off.

Version 4.04 - Cruise Control with Altitude Hold

  • Modified alt-6 to turn on cruise control and altitude hold at same time. Cruise speed set to current speed, altitude to current altitude.
  • Use ALT-C and ALT-SPACE to change set altitude height.
  • Hitting G while in altitude hold will start an autolanding like normal, but will also cancel cruise control for you. -- Reverted 4.05 due to issues with AutoLand caused by fixing vertical engine problems

Version 4.03 More cleanups

  • Cleaned up code
  • Removed vertical speed change if altitude is gone (200km)
  • Cleaned up time displays and fuel location to account for planet name when in space.

Version 4.02

  • Cleaned up comment lines to reduce code size.

Version 4.01

  • Fixed time remaining when using multiple tanks.
  • Fixed script limit issue where other players couldn't use the seat (and you had to reload it every time you relog)

Version 4.0 - More slots please
(NOTE: This change means the default vanilla fuel widgets will no longer be shown unless you manually link fuel tanks to control chair/remote)

  • Removed automatic slotting of all fuel tanks, freeing up slots for other items. Fuel percentages and time remaining are still shown. The value for 100% will be the larger of vanilla volume or your current fuel volume when you get in the seat.

  • Added fuelTankOptimization = 0 For accurate fuel levels, set this to the fuel tank optimization level * 0.05 (so level 1 = 0.05, level 5 = 0.25) of the PERSON WHO PLACED the tank. This will be 0 for most people for now.

  • Minor bugfix for when that DU bug starts your ship spinning, the ship should stop when you get out now

Version 3.97 -

  • Moved functions back to unit.start

Version 3.96 -

  • Changed altitude rate of change to meter vice just number
  • Moved functions to system.start() that are not affected by a reset

Version 3.95 - I love merges

  • Readded more things that got lost in the merge
  • Fixed altitude
  • Adjusted rate to be negative when toward the planet

Version 3.94 - Minor fixes

  • Remerged some things that got lost from 3.93
  • Adjusted vspeed to be in km/h like the rest of the readouts
  • Radar checks moved to a less demanding timer

Version 3.93 - I honestly don't remember anymore

  • Adjusted changing of altitude-hold (With Alt+C/Space while in Alt Hold or Takeoff) to be exponential to more easily altitude-hold to space
  • Better smoothing for altitude hold
  • Increased update rate of vertical speed and adjusted to use vector math
  • Added galaxy map to Remote Controller buttons screen
  • Lots of fixes for some of the buttons not enabling/disabling related programs
  • IDK a lot of stuff I've been holding on to for a while

Version 3.92

  • Radar periscope only opens when locked target
  • Added toggle that supports having hud and widgets open at same time

Version 3.91

  • Added constant damage check. Shows Structural Integrity (percentage of total of max hit points of all elements versus current hit points) and the number of disabled or damaged elements.
  • Added Radar: No Contacts message or total contacts shown under minimap above fuel status.

Version 3.90

  • Initial Damage reporting in place, currently does a check of all elements hp's when you get in seat and reports as a percent

Version 3.88

  • Moved fuel tank info under minimap

Version 3.87

  • Renamed fuel tanks will display their name on the fuel status (up to 12 characters)

Version 3.86

  • Added initial pass on rate of change of altitude
  • Fixed locations of tank information

Version 3.85

  • Added support for rocketfuel tanks
  • Fuel Tank Name blinks if < 5% fuel or less than 2 min burn time left

Version 3.84

  • Adjusted so keyboards have viewlock again so they can see the buttons. Woops.

Version 3.83 - Fixed altitude not showing when in space.

Version 3.82 -

  • Adjusted so keyboards no longer have their view locked when pressing alt
  • Fixed a potential issue that might have caused autopilot to abort before achieving orbit

Version 3.81 - Fixed BrakeToggle() error

  • Was unrelated to brake, assigning a nil value to targetGroundAltitude

Version 3.80 - Cleanup

  • Moved collectgarbage to end of unit.start
  • Consolidated widgets into ToggleWidgets (still alt-3 to show/hide hud/widgets)

Version 3.799 - Minor Tweaks

  • Tried changing a few miscellaneous things to try to find and address some users having script errors
  • Fixed an issue with remembering variables during autopilot

Version 3.79 - What do you think

  • Fixed an issue when brakeToggle was off
  • Changed brake button on HUD to be a Brake Toggle On/Off button so you can change this on the fly

Version 3.78 - More fixes

  • Fixed issues with the new buttons (that were unintentionally released early because other bugs were found)
  • Added parameter to set your target hover height when retracting landing gear
  • Added parameter to set your target throttle amount when engaging interplanetary autopilot
  • Adjusted Autopilot behavior to no longer lock the throttle; it will set it once for each stage, and you can then change it as desired

Version 3.77 - TurnBurn and Brake bugfixes

  • Fixed a problem where brake toggle wasn't being reliable
  • Fixed TurnBurn calculations (hopefully)
  • Removed buttons from Remote Controller again because they're just, not good like that. Investigating other options.

Version 3.76 - Fixes and cleanups

  • Fixed radar to only turn on if it senses someone

Version 3.75 - Fixes and requests

  • Allowed altimeter to show negative values (make your submarine, but i think you'll blow up)
  • Fixed altimeter to be same size as pitch bar (was blocking altitude and atmosphere)

Version 3.7 - Radar updates

  • Modified hud to hide space radar in atmo and atmo radar in space.

Version 3.61 - Fix for braking values disappearing

Version 3.6 - Optimisation

  • Resolved framerate issues entirely (excluding the tab-click-slideshow bug)
  • Created persistent state; ship remembers how you left it when you exit and re-enter, or swap to a remote controller
  • Resolved many problems with autotakeoff: You now control your speed and when to takeoff, and the ascent is much smoother
  • Increased descent rate on autolanding to -10degrees
  • Removed minor lines on meters (for FPS reasons), other minor HUD tweaks such as fonts
  • Ability to adjust Hold Altitude with Alt+C and Alt+Space while in Altitude Hold mode
  • Auto-landing will now cancel if you hit the brake while it's running, as will all Altitude Hold modes

Version 3.5 - Atmospheric Autopilot

  • Added Altitude Hold, Auto Takeoff, Auto Landing modes
  • Adjusted databank to no longer have to clear the entire bank
  • Adjusted LAlt-3 to toggle between HUD and normal widgets on one key

Version 3.0 - Follow her to school one day!

  • Added autofollow when on foot if using remote unit
  • Added ability to hide hud and still have all other features available. LALT-3
  • Moved AutoBrake to LAlt-9
  • LALT-6 now shows or hides all normal widgets (not radar, weapons, or periscope)
  • Added all variables shown in Advanced-Edit LUA Parameters to save values (25 now)

Version 2.07 - Hide Hude

  • Added ability to not show (or calculate) hud but still use autopilot
  • Added autoRoll and showHud to saved variables.

Version 2.06 - Follow Mode

  • Added follow mode to allow a remote controller to call their ship to them

Version 2.05 - Remote Controller

  • Updated HUD to recognize when a Remote Controller is used and move information out of the way

Version 2.04 - Altimeter

  • Updated altimeter to not be so spastic by changing its scale.

Version 2.03 - Save work

  • Updated saveable variables and ones that show in Edit LUA Parameters. You will need to hit alt-7 to delete current and restave them

Version 2.02 - Player Feedback

  • Added ability for messages to pop up on screen for limited time to provide user feedback.

Version 2.01 - Minor fixes

  • Fixed padding problems with orbit map
  • Fixed AutoBrake to use current brake instead of max brake

Version 2.0 - MAJOR change to code, please report any issues.

  • Moved all system.start() code to unit.start()
  • Made HUD update rate editable with apTickRate in Edit Lua Parameters
  • Added apTickRate to save variables to keep track of user preferred tick rate
  • Added PrimaryR, PrimaryG, PrimaryB to save to track preferred HUD color

Version 1.1

  • Added fix for nil error when processing total fuel tanks
  • Added ability to use default braking, plus added that to save variables.