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Releases: Dimencia/DU-Orbital-Hud

Release v4.837

18 Nov 18:45
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How to Install

  1. Scroll down the the Assets and click on ButtonHUD.conf, this should trigger a download for this file.
  2. Save the file to %ProgramData%\Dual Universe\Game\data\lua\autoconf\custom (or equivalent directory if you did not do default install), the filename does not matter (as long as it's still .conf)
  3. In-game, right click your seat and go to Advanced -> Update custom autoconf list - If you get a YAML error, you did not follow the above directions correctly.
  4. Again, right click your seat and select Advanced -> Run Custom Autoconfigure -> ButtonsHud - Dimencia and Archaegeo
  5. IMPORTANT: Right click the ship and set the user control scheme to Keyboard (Advanced -> Change Control Scheme -> Keyboard). This is necessary for the HUD to work, but you can change the actual control scheme in the next step - fear not virtual joystick aces!
  6. Right click the seat, choose Advanced -> Edit LUA Parameters. Change the userControlScheme to the actual control scheme you wish to use (e.g. Virtual Joystick). You may mouse over the other parameters and set them as you wish - there are many, you should familiarize yourself with them. You may also change control scheme using a Button while seated.
  7. If you have a Databank installed on your vehicle your parameters will save when you stand up. Saved parameters will be restored any time you upgrade the HUD to a new version. See Saving in the Readme for more information

At this point you should be ready to fly!

Latest Changes

Version 4.837

  • MANUAL CONTROL HOTKEY: Pressing Stop engines (Z by default) 2x within 1 second will clear ALL AP / special functions. You will be at 0 engine in throttle mode with brakes off. (normal Z behavior)
    but all special features like altitude hold, or brake landing or anything else will turn off. (Give me manual control key) Pressing it just once is normal vanilla stop all engines.
    NOTE: This will NOT turn off antigrav or stop a warp in progress. It does turn off emergency warp active.
  • LOCK PITCH FEATURE: Changed Alt-5 from Turn/Burn toggle (still available as button) to Lock Pitch toggle. Will lock your target pitch at current pitch and attempt to maintain that pitch (this is different from Altitude Hold) Most other AP features will cancel LockPitch.
  • Removed automatic braking from AGG operation, it was interfering too much with pilot desired braking.
    Will monitor for overshoot / yoyo and revisit if necessary, meantime toggle on brakes to prevent yoyo if at desired height.
  • Cleaned up static level bar in Artificial Horizon.

Release v4.836

17 Nov 23:20
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How to Install

  1. Scroll down the the Assets and click on ButtonHUD.conf, this should trigger a download for this file.
  2. Save the file to %ProgramData%\Dual Universe\Game\data\lua\autoconf\custom (or equivalent directory if you did not do default install), the filename does not matter (as long as it's still .conf)
  3. In-game, right click your seat and go to Advanced -> Update custom autoconf list - If you get a YAML error, you did not follow the above directions correctly.
  4. Again, right click your seat and select Advanced -> Run Custom Autoconfigure -> ButtonsHud - Dimencia and Archaegeo
  5. IMPORTANT: Right click the ship and set the user control scheme to Keyboard (Advanced -> Change Control Scheme -> Keyboard). This is necessary for the HUD to work, but you can change the actual control scheme in the next step - fear not virtual joystick aces!
  6. Right click the seat, choose Advanced -> Edit LUA Parameters. Change the userControlScheme to the actual control scheme you wish to use (e.g. Virtual Joystick). You may mouse over the other parameters and set them as you wish - there are many, you should familiarize yourself with them. You may also change control scheme using a Button while seated.
  7. If you have a Databank installed on your vehicle your parameters will save when you stand up. Saved parameters will be restored any time you upgrade the HUD to a new version. See Saving in the Readme for more information

At this point you should be ready to fly!

Latest Changes

Version 4.836

  • Added user variable ShowOdometer default true. If you toggle it off then the Odometer panel doesnt show up top.
  • Added Yaw to center of AH when in atmo and moving fast enough.

Release v4.835

17 Nov 16:43
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How to Install

  1. Scroll down the the Assets and click on ButtonHUD.conf, this should trigger a download for this file.
  2. Save the file to %ProgramData%\Dual Universe\Game\data\lua\autoconf\custom (or equivalent directory if you did not do default install), the filename does not matter (as long as it's still .conf)
  3. In-game, right click your seat and go to Advanced -> Update custom autoconf list - If you get a YAML error, you did not follow the above directions correctly.
  4. Again, right click your seat and select Advanced -> Run Custom Autoconfigure -> ButtonsHud - Dimencia and Archaegeo
  5. IMPORTANT: Right click the ship and set the user control scheme to Keyboard (Advanced -> Change Control Scheme -> Keyboard). This is necessary for the HUD to work, but you can change the actual control scheme in the next step - fear not virtual joystick aces!
  6. Right click the seat, choose Advanced -> Edit LUA Parameters. Change the userControlScheme to the actual control scheme you wish to use (e.g. Virtual Joystick). You may mouse over the other parameters and set them as you wish - there are many, you should familiarize yourself with them. You may also change control scheme using a Button while seated.
  7. If you have a Databank installed on your vehicle your parameters will save when you stand up. Saved parameters will be restored any time you upgrade the HUD to a new version. See Saving in the Readme for more information

At this point you should be ready to fly!

Latest Changes

Version 4.835

  • With NQ concurrence - Modified AGG so that when you turn it OFF, the BaseAltitude will rapidly reach the TargetAltitude,
    allowing you to resume using your AGG without waiting for the Base Altitude to reach Target Altitude at 3.8m/s. Speed while AGG
    is on remains at intended vanilla rate.

Release v4.834

16 Nov 13:56
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How to Install

  1. Scroll down the the Assets and click on ButtonHUD.conf, this should trigger a download for this file.
  2. Save the file to %ProgramData%\Dual Universe\Game\data\lua\autoconf\custom (or equivalent directory if you did not do default install), the filename does not matter (as long as it's still .conf)
  3. In-game, right click your seat and go to Advanced -> Update custom autoconf list - If you get a YAML error, you did not follow the above directions correctly.
  4. Again, right click your seat and select Advanced -> Run Custom Autoconfigure -> ButtonsHud - Dimencia and Archaegeo
  5. IMPORTANT: Right click the ship and set the user control scheme to Keyboard (Advanced -> Change Control Scheme -> Keyboard). This is necessary for the HUD to work, but you can change the actual control scheme in the next step - fear not virtual joystick aces!
  6. Right click the seat, choose Advanced -> Edit LUA Parameters. Change the userControlScheme to the actual control scheme you wish to use (e.g. Virtual Joystick). You may mouse over the other parameters and set them as you wish - there are many, you should familiarize yourself with them. You may also change control scheme using a Button while seated.
  7. If you have a Databank installed on your vehicle your parameters will save when you stand up. Saved parameters will be restored any time you upgrade the HUD to a new version. See Saving in the Readme for more information

At this point you should be ready to fly!

Latest Changes

Version 4.834

  • More vertical engine modification, now they should only come on if you are holding spacebar/c or if you are brake landing and Brakes are engaged to help slow your decent.
    This should fix the problem with landing in low g environments with vertical engines.

Release v4.833

16 Nov 13:36
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How to Install

  1. Scroll down the the Assets and click on ButtonHUD.conf, this should trigger a download for this file.
  2. Save the file to %ProgramData%\Dual Universe\Game\data\lua\autoconf\custom (or equivalent directory if you did not do default install), the filename does not matter (as long as it's still .conf)
  3. In-game, right click your seat and go to Advanced -> Update custom autoconf list - If you get a YAML error, you did not follow the above directions correctly.
  4. Again, right click your seat and select Advanced -> Run Custom Autoconfigure -> ButtonsHud - Dimencia and Archaegeo
  5. IMPORTANT: Right click the ship and set the user control scheme to Keyboard (Advanced -> Change Control Scheme -> Keyboard). This is necessary for the HUD to work, but you can change the actual control scheme in the next step - fear not virtual joystick aces!
  6. Right click the seat, choose Advanced -> Edit LUA Parameters. Change the userControlScheme to the actual control scheme you wish to use (e.g. Virtual Joystick). You may mouse over the other parameters and set them as you wish - there are many, you should familiarize yourself with them. You may also change control scheme using a Button while seated.
  7. If you have a Databank installed on your vehicle your parameters will save when you stand up. Saved parameters will be restored any time you upgrade the HUD to a new version. See Saving in the Readme for more information

At this point you should be ready to fly!

Latest Changes

Version 4.833

  • Any engine tagged with hover will not fire in cruise control unless spacebar/c used. If they dont stop, tap c/spacebar (opposite direction) and they should.
  • Removed speed multiplier based on height when using re-entry to account for planets with very high atmosphere.
  • Modified userControlScheme to not care about upper/lowercase and to check for typos.
  • Validated all user LUA Parameter descriptions. Mouse over a name to see what it does.

Release v4.832

15 Nov 01:48
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How to Install

  1. Scroll down the the Assets and click on ButtonHUD.conf, this should trigger a download for this file.
  2. Save the file to %ProgramData%\Dual Universe\Game\data\lua\autoconf\custom (or equivalent directory if you did not do default install), the filename does not matter (as long as it's still .conf)
  3. In-game, right click your seat and go to Advanced -> Update custom autoconf list - If you get a YAML error, you did not follow the above directions correctly.
  4. Again, right click your seat and select Advanced -> Run Custom Autoconfigure -> ButtonsHud - Dimencia and Archaegeo
  5. IMPORTANT: Right click the ship and set the user control scheme to Keyboard (Advanced -> Change Control Scheme -> Keyboard). This is necessary for the HUD to work, but you can change the actual control scheme in the next step - fear not virtual joystick aces!
  6. Right click the seat, choose Advanced -> Edit LUA Parameters. Change the userControlScheme to the actual control scheme you wish to use (e.g. Virtual Joystick). You may mouse over the other parameters and set them as you wish - there are many, you should familiarize yourself with them. You may also change control scheme using a Button while seated.
  7. If you have a Databank installed on your vehicle your parameters will save when you stand up. Saved parameters will be restored any time you upgrade the HUD to a new version. See Saving in the Readme for more information

At this point you should be ready to fly!

Latest Changes

Version 4.832

  • Clean up some variable naming\
  • Autopilot on arrival to orbit at new planet will only align prograde if proceeding to land
  • Vertically mounted engine performance (no gyro activated) changed (NOTE: For the moment, if in cruise control (ALT-Hold turns this on too) vertical engines will fire to help maintain altitude)
  1. Will always fire (or stop) if you hit spacebar/c (as appropriate for up/down mounted engines)
  2. If not in atmosphere, they will not fire unless you hit spacebar/c (this helps prevent them from autofiring in space and wrecking orbit)
  3. If in atmosphere, they will fire automagically if BrakeLanding and Brakes are on (assist brake landing) OR if < detectible hover height but > landinggear height +5 (assist landing)

Release v4.831

13 Nov 19:26
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How to Install

  1. Scroll down the the Assets and click on ButtonHUD.conf, this should trigger a download for this file.
  2. Save the file to %ProgramData%\Dual Universe\Game\data\lua\autoconf\custom (or equivalent directory if you did not do default install), the filename does not matter (as long as it's still .conf)
  3. In-game, right click your seat and go to Advanced -> Update custom autoconf list - If you get a YAML error, you did not follow the above directions correctly.
  4. Again, right click your seat and select Advanced -> Run Custom Autoconfigure -> ButtonsHud - Dimencia and Archaegeo
  5. IMPORTANT: Right click the ship and set the user control scheme to Keyboard (Advanced -> Change Control Scheme -> Keyboard). This is necessary for the HUD to work, but you can change the actual control scheme in the next step - fear not virtual joystick aces!
  6. Right click the seat, choose Advanced -> Edit LUA Parameters. Change the userControlScheme to the actual control scheme you wish to use (e.g. Virtual Joystick). You may mouse over the other parameters and set them as you wish - there are many, you should familiarize yourself with them. You may also change control scheme using a Button while seated.
  7. If you have a Databank installed on your vehicle your parameters will save when you stand up. Saved parameters will be restored any time you upgrade the HUD to a new version. See Saving in the Readme for more information

At this point you should be ready to fly!

Latest Changes

Version 4.831

  • Only show weapons panel if radar is not jammed or if you have gear extended (landed) otherwise hide for clean screen.

Release v4.83

13 Nov 03:24
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How to Install

  1. Scroll down the the Assets and click on ButtonHUD.conf, this should trigger a download for this file.
  2. Save the file to %ProgramData%\Dual Universe\Game\data\lua\autoconf\custom (or equivalent directory if you did not do default install), the filename does not matter (as long as it's still .conf)
  3. In-game, right click your seat and go to Advanced -> Update custom autoconf list - If you get a YAML error, you did not follow the above directions correctly.
  4. Again, right click your seat and select Advanced -> Run Custom Autoconfigure -> ButtonsHud - Dimencia and Archaegeo
  5. IMPORTANT: Right click the ship and set the user control scheme to Keyboard (Advanced -> Change Control Scheme -> Keyboard). This is necessary for the HUD to work, but you can change the actual control scheme in the next step - fear not virtual joystick aces!
  6. Right click the seat, choose Advanced -> Edit LUA Parameters. Change the userControlScheme to the actual control scheme you wish to use (e.g. Virtual Joystick). You may mouse over the other parameters and set them as you wish - there are many, you should familiarize yourself with them. You may also change control scheme using a Button while seated.
  7. If you have a Databank installed on your vehicle your parameters will save when you stand up. Saved parameters will be restored any time you upgrade the HUD to a new version. See Saving in the Readme for more information

At this point you should be ready to fly!

Latest Changes

Version 4.83

  • Autopilot to another planet now works starting from ground.
  • Autopilot to saved location on another planet now works starting ground or space.
    For both cases: Pick target like normal, hit autopilot (button or alt-4).
    Ship will tilt up at preset max angle (30 by default) and fly to 100km then engage autopilot to selected planet.
    Once it arrives it will establish orbit and align prograde. If saved location chosen, it will glide entry in and
    then autopilot to location. NOTE: It does not check to see if anything is in front of you on ground (like normal) nor
    if your target planet is behind current planet even 100km in space. DO NOT USE if your ship cannot power out of
    atmosphere at 30 deg with 100% engines. USE WITH CAUTION FIRST TIME.
    Tested Alioth to Sanct and Sanct to Alioth repeatedly.
  • Added check to help prevent autopilot to saved location in atmosphere causing stall if facing too many degrees out at start.
  • Added Stall Warning if your alignment drops below StallAngle (35 by default) - EVERY SHIP WILL BE DIFFERENT
  • Changed end of Autopilot to turn on Align to Prograde by default.
  • Credit for heading code to tomisunlucky
  • Change vSpd calculation, same results.
  • Removed 5 second delay on activation of Emergency Warp. If you turn it on, you want it to activate when any of the conditions are met.
  • Changed tilt on Follow Mode to 20 deg to allow better following. Note: Very light or single hover ships cannot utilize Follow Mode.
  • Changed default max pitch to 30 (most ships will handle this fine, change if needed, recommend not less than 20)
  • Added user variable StallAngle = 35 --export: Determines how much Autopilot is allowed to make you yaw/pitch in atmosphere. Also gives a stall warning. (default 35, higher = more tolerance for yaw/pitch/roll)
    Lower this value (or raise it) based on how well your ship handles yaw/roll/pitch without stalling.
  • Changed default Orbit Height to 50km (from 100km)

Release v4.823

11 Nov 01:32
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How to Install

  1. Scroll down the the Assets and click on ButtonHUD.conf, this should trigger a download for this file.
  2. Save the file to %ProgramData%\Dual Universe\Game\data\lua\autoconf\custom (or equivalent directory if you did not do default install), the filename does not matter (as long as it's still .conf)
  3. In-game, right click your seat and go to Advanced -> Update custom autoconf list - If you get a YAML error, you did not follow the above directions correctly.
  4. Again, right click your seat and select Advanced -> Run Custom Autoconfigure -> ButtonsHud - Dimencia and Archaegeo
  5. IMPORTANT: Right click the ship and set the user control scheme to Keyboard (Advanced -> Change Control Scheme -> Keyboard). This is necessary for the HUD to work, but you can change the actual control scheme in the next step - fear not virtual joystick aces!
  6. Right click the seat, choose Advanced -> Edit LUA Parameters. Change the userControlScheme to the actual control scheme you wish to use (e.g. Virtual Joystick). You may mouse over the other parameters and set them as you wish - there are many, you should familiarize yourself with them. You may also change control scheme using a Button while seated.
  7. If you have a Databank installed on your vehicle your parameters will save when you stand up. Saved parameters will be restored any time you upgrade the HUD to a new version. See Saving in the Readme for more information

At this point you should be ready to fly!

Latest Changes

Version 4.823

  • Fix wrong landing height when hitting G

Release v4.822

11 Nov 01:04
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How to Install

  1. Scroll down the the Assets and click on ButtonHUD.conf, this should trigger a download for this file.
  2. Save the file to %ProgramData%\Dual Universe\Game\data\lua\autoconf\custom (or equivalent directory if you did not do default install), the filename does not matter (as long as it's still .conf)
  3. In-game, right click your seat and go to Advanced -> Update custom autoconf list - If you get a YAML error, you did not follow the above directions correctly.
  4. Again, right click your seat and select Advanced -> Run Custom Autoconfigure -> ButtonsHud - Dimencia and Archaegeo
  5. IMPORTANT: Right click the ship and set the user control scheme to Keyboard (Advanced -> Change Control Scheme -> Keyboard). This is necessary for the HUD to work, but you can change the actual control scheme in the next step - fear not virtual joystick aces!
  6. Right click the seat, choose Advanced -> Edit LUA Parameters. Change the userControlScheme to the actual control scheme you wish to use (e.g. Virtual Joystick). You may mouse over the other parameters and set them as you wish - there are many, you should familiarize yourself with them. You may also change control scheme using a Button while seated.
  7. If you have a Databank installed on your vehicle your parameters will save when you stand up. Saved parameters will be restored any time you upgrade the HUD to a new version. See Saving in the Readme for more information

At this point you should be ready to fly!

Latest Changes

Version 4.822

  • Re-add currentGroundAltitudeStabilization back to up and down to see if fixes anything :)
  • Attempt to let vertical engines autofire in atmosphere like vanilla so they work to assist hover if installed.
  • Change G key to turn off throttle if pressed regardless if in hover height or not. (i.e. press it when landing)