// CSS selectors for all elements //Simple Form Demo screen const inp1 = '.form-group > #user-message' const btn1 = '#get-input > .btn' const msg1 = '#display' const myinput = "Enter text" const num1 = '#sum1' const num2 = '#sum2' const num1value = 1000 const num2value = 2000 const getTotal = '#gettotal > .btn' const numSum = '#displayvalue' const mycheckbox = '#isAgeSelected' const checkboxmsg = '#txtAge' const checkbox1 = ':nth-child(3) > label > .cb1-element' const checkbox2 = ':nth-child(4) > label > .cb1-element' const checkbox3 = ':nth-child(5) > label > .cb1-element' const checkbox4 = ':nth-child(6) > label > .cb1-element' const AllCheckBox = '#check1' const radio1 = '.panel-body > :nth-child(2) > input' const radio2 = '.panel-body > :nth-child(3) > input' const getCheckValue = '#buttoncheck' const getCheckValueResult = '.radiobutton' const sexmaleoption = '.panel-body > :nth-child(2) > :nth-child(2) > input' const sexfemaleoption = '.panel-body > :nth-child(2) > :nth-child(3) > input' const age1option = ':nth-child(3) > :nth-child(2) > input' const age2option = ':nth-child(3) > :nth-child(3) > input' const age3option = ':nth-child(4) > input' const getValues = '.panel-body > .btn' const getValuesResult = '.groupradiobutton' const getCheckValueText1 = 'Radio button ' + "'Male'" + ' is checked' const getCheckValueText2 = 'Radio button ' + "'Female'" + ' is checked' const getValuesResultText1 = 'Sex : Male Age group: 0 - 5' const getValuesResultText2 = 'Sex : Male Age group: 5 - 15' const getValuesResultText3 = 'Sex : Male Age group: 15 - 50' const getValuesResultText4 = 'Sex : Female Age group: 0 - 5' const getValuesResultText5 = 'Sex : Female Age group: 5 - 15' const getValuesResultText6 = 'Sex : Female Age group: 15 - 50' const mydropdown = '#select-demo' const mydropdownselectedvalue ='.selected-value' const button1 = '#printMe' const button2 = '#printAll' const selectionarea = '#multi-select' const selectionResult ='.getall-selected' const firstName = ':nth-child(2) > .inputGroupContainer > .input-group > .form-control' const lastName = ':nth-child(3) > .inputGroupContainer > .input-group > .form-control' const email = ':nth-child(4) > .inputGroupContainer > .input-group > .form-control' const phone = ':nth-child(5) > .inputGroupContainer > .input-group > .form-control' const address = ':nth-child(6) > .inputGroupContainer > .input-group > .form-control' const city = ':nth-child(7) > .inputGroupContainer > .input-group > .form-control' const state ='.selectContainer > .input-group > .form-control' const zipCode = ':nth-child(9) > .inputGroupContainer > .input-group > .form-control' const websiteDomain = ':nth-child(10) > .inputGroupContainer > .input-group > .form-control' const doYouHaveHostingYes = ':nth-child(1) > label > input' const doYouHaveHostingNo = ':nth-child(2) > label > input' const projectDescription = ':nth-child(12) > .inputGroupContainer > .input-group > .form-control' const send = '.btn' const myname = '#title' const mycomment = '#description' const mySubmitButton = '#btn-submit' const mySubmitMessage = '#submit-control' const selectCountry = ':nth-child(2) > .panel > .panel-body > .select2 > .selection > .select2-selection' const selectCountrySearchField = '.select2-dropdown > .select2-search > .select2-search__field' const selectState = '.select2-search__field' const selectUSTerritories = ':nth-child(4) > .panel > .panel-body' const searchUSTerritories = '.select2-dropdown > .select2-search > .select2-search__field' const selectFile = '#files' const date1='#sandbox-container1 > .input-group > .form-control' const daterange1='[placeholder="Start date"]' const daterange2='[placeholder="End date"]' const datepick1='#from' const datepick2='#to' const tablePaginationNext='.next_link' const tablePaginationPrior='.prev_link' const taskSearch = '#task-table-filter' const userFilter = '.btn' const userNumber = ':nth-child(1) > .form-control' const userName = '.filters > :nth-child(2) > .form-control' const userFirstName = ':nth-child(3) > .form-control' const userLastName = ':nth-child(4) > .form-control' const greenButton='.btn-success' const orangeButton='.btn-warning' const redButton='.btn-danger' const allButton='.btn-default' const entriesNumberShow='select' const mySearch='input' const Asc='.sorting_asc' const Desc='.sorting_desc' const sortName ='[aria-label="Name: activate to sort column ascending"]' const sortPosition = '[aria-label="Position: activate to sort column ascending"]' const sortOffice='[aria-label="Office: activate to sort column ascending"]' const sortAge='[aria-label="Age: activate to sort column ascending"]' const sortDate='[aria-label="Start date: activate to sort column ascending"]' const sortSalary='[aria-label="Salary: activate to sort column ascending"]' const pageNext='#example_next' const pagePrior='#example_previous' export { inp1, btn1, msg1, myinput, num1, num2, num1value, num2value, getTotal, numSum, mycheckbox, checkboxmsg, checkbox1, checkbox2, checkbox3, checkbox4, AllCheckBox, radio1, radio2, getCheckValue, getCheckValueResult, getCheckValueText1, getCheckValueText2, sexmaleoption, sexfemaleoption, age1option, age2option, age3option, getValues, getValuesResult, getValuesResultText1, getValuesResultText2, getValuesResultText3, getValuesResultText4, getValuesResultText5, getValuesResultText6, mydropdown, mydropdownselectedvalue, button1, button2, selectionarea, selectionResult, firstName, lastName, email, phone, address, city, state, zipCode, websiteDomain, doYouHaveHostingYes, doYouHaveHostingNo, projectDescription, send, myname, mycomment, mySubmitButton, mySubmitMessage, selectCountry, selectCountrySearchField, selectState, selectUSTerritories, searchUSTerritories, selectFile, date1, daterange1, daterange2, datepick1, datepick2, tablePaginationNext, tablePaginationPrior, taskSearch, userFilter, userNumber, userName, userFirstName, userLastName, greenButton, orangeButton, redButton, allButton, entriesNumberShow, mySearch, Asc, Desc, sortName, sortPosition, sortOffice, sortAge, sortDate, sortSalary, pageNext, pagePrior }