dCache uses Maven as a build system and as a repository of Maven artifacts. A top level aggregator project allows all Maven modules to be build in one operation:
mvn package
Generated artifacts are to be found in the target directories inside each component.
Specific modules can be build using the -am and -pl options of Maven, e.g.:
mvn package -am -pl packages/tar
will build the packages/tar module and all modules required by packages/tar.
It is not possible to cd into a subdirectory and execute Maven on a single module only. Such an attempt would fail because internal dependencies cannot be found in any Maven repository. Instead Maven must be invoked on the top-level aggregator project with the appropriate options to compile specific modules.
All generated files can be removed through the clean phase:
mvn clean
This phase can also be combined with other phases, e.g.:
mvn clean package
RPM and DEB packages can be build by compiling the packages/fhs module with the rpm and deb profiles, respectively, i.e.:
mvn clean package -am -pl packages/fhs -P rpm
mvn clean package -am -pl packages/fhs -P deb
The two profiles must not be invoked in the same run. Note that the platform native RPM and DEB build tools must be installed. For RPM, installing the rpm and rpmbuild tools suffices. For DEB, the dpkg-dev, debhelper, quilt, and fakeroot packages must be installed.
The package revision number can be customized by defining the build.number property, e.g.:
mvn clean package -am -pl packages/fhs -P deb -Dbuild.number=2
RPM packages of the srmclient can be created by running the package phase with the rpm profile on modules/srmclient module, i.e.:
mvn clean package -am -pl modules/srmclient -P rpm
DEB packages have not been defined for srmclient.
The generated packages can be found in the target directory of the respectively module. RPMs are in the RPMS subdirectory.
The dCache tarball package is build by packaging the packages/tar module:
mvn clean package -am -pl modules/tar
It is a separate module from the RPM and DEB packages because the file layout is significantly different in the tarball.
The packages/system-test module generates a ready-to-run single domain dCache instance suitable for testing. It is configured to use an embedded database and thus to run without postgresql. To build it simply run:
mvn clean package -am -pl packages/system-test
This entires a completely self-contained dCache instance in
. It can be started using:
packages/system-test/target/dcache/bin/dcache start
To use GSI and TLS protocols, you may have to copy the test CA
certificates into your /etc/grid-security/certificates/
directory. Follow the instructions shown at the end of the build.
A test script is provided in
to execute various test
transfers. This script is not intended for automatic testing. It
requires that various grid-related tools are available on the host.
By default Maven executes all unit tests while building. This can be
time consuming and will fail if no internet connection is
available. The unit tests can be disabled by appending the -DskipTests
option to any mvn command.