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213 lines (136 loc) · 9.52 KB


spec_version: "0.2.0" title: Open extended Balance summary: 'Open a zero quantity extended balance for {{nowrap user}}'

{{ram_payer}} agrees to establish a zero quantity extended balance for {{user}} for the {{ext_symbol}} extended symbol.

If {{user}} does not have an extended balance for {{ext_symbol}}, {{ram_payer}} will be designated as the RAM payer of {{user}}'s extended balance for {{ext_symbol}}. As a result, RAM will be deducted from {{ram_payer}}’s resources to create the necessary records.

The authorization of {{ram_payer}} is required.


spec_version: "0.2.0" title: Close Extended Balance summary: 'Close {{nowrap user}}’s extended balance'

{{user}} agree to close their extended balance for {{ext_symbol}}.

If the extended balance is nonzero, it will be transfered to {{to}} before closing it, with a memo equal to {{memo}}. This transfer action corresponds to the contract of {{ext_symbol}}.

In order to function properly, it is necessary that the contract of {{ext_symbol}} permanently has a transfer action that satisfies the conditions (1), (2), (6) of the present contract's transfer action.

RAM will be refunded to the RAM payer of {{user}}'s extended balance for {{ext_symbol}}.

The authorization of {{user}} is required.


spec_version: "0.2.0" title: On transfer summary: 'Deposit or exchange upon a transfer from {{nowrap user}}'

This action is executed as a response to a notification of a transfer action with the input {{from}}, {{to}}, {{quantity}}, {{memo}} in that order.

The default response is to deposit {{quantity}} to {{from}}'s extended balance for the extended symbol formed by the tranfer's contract and the symbol {{asset_to_symbol quantity}}. This is only possible if such extended balance previously exists.

If {{memo}} starts with "deposit to:", the account {{from}} will be replaced by the subsequent content of {{memo}} whenever it is possible.

If {{memo}} starts with "exchange:", the subsequent content of the memo is expected to have the form "EVOTOKEN,min_expected_asset,optional memo". An exchange operation will be processed with this data, following the same conversion rules as in the exchange action for the input {{from}}, {{EVOTOKEN}}, {{quantity}}, {{min_expected_asset}}. If the output asset is at least equal to {{min_expected_asset}}, it will be transfered from this contract to {{user}}, with {{optional memo}} as memo.

In order to function properly, it is necessary that both pool contracts associated to {{EVOTOKEN}}, permanently have a transfer action that satisfies the conditions (1), (2), (6) of the present contract's transfer action.


spec_version: "0.2.0" title: Withdraw summary: 'Withdraw funds from extended balance'

{{user}} agree to withdraw the extended asset {{to_withdraw}} from their account.

In order to function properly, it is necessary that the contract of {{to_withdraw}} permanently has a transfer action that satisfies the conditions (1), (2), (6) of the present contract's transfer action.


spec_version: "0.2.0" title: Initialize token summary: 'Initializes an evotoken by setting initial pair of token pools'

{{user}} agrees to initialize a pair token with symbol {{new_symbol}}, with the following initial parameters: pool1 = {{initial_pool1}}, pool2 = {{initial_pool2}}, fee = {{initial_fee}}, fee_contract = {{fee_contract}}. The extended assets {{initial_pool1}} and {{initial_pool2}} will be deducted from the corresponding extended balances of {{user}}.

RAM will be deducted from {{user}}’s resources to create the necessary records. Authorization of {{user}} is required.


spec_version: "0.2.0" title: Add liquidity summary: '{{nowrap user}} buys an evotoken by adding liquidity to pools'

{{user}} agrees to buy the asset {{to_buy}} by paying no more than {{max_asset1}} and {{max_asset2}} to be deducted from {{user}}'s extended balances and added to the token {{asset_to_symbol_code to_buy}} pools. The contracts of the assets that {{user}} pays will match the ones of the pools. The asset {{to_buy}} is minted by the contract.

The first asset to be paid by {{user}} is computed as x + y, where

x = pool1 * {{to_buy}} / supply, up to the precision of the symbol of pool1 rounded upward. y = x / 10000, up to the same precision as x, again rounded upward. The variables pool1 and supply denote the values pool1 and supply associated to the token {{asset_to_symbol_code to_buy}} respectively, at the moment of operation.

The second asset to be paid by {{user}} is computed analogously.

Authorization of {{user}} is required. The operation is executed only if the amounts to be paid by {{user}} are at most those indicated by {{user}}.


spec_version: "0.2.0" title: Remove liquidity summary: '{{nowrap user}} sells an evotoken, removing liquidity from pools'

{{user}} agrees to sell the asset {{to_sell}} by receiving at least {{min_asset1}} and {{min_asset2}} to be added to {{user}}'s extended balances and removed from the token {{asset_to_symbol_code to_sell}} pools. The asset {{to_sell}} is retired from circulation by the contract.

The first asset to be received by {{user}} is computed as

pool1 * {{to_sell}} / supply, up to the precision of the symbol of pool1 rounded downward.

The variables pool1 and supply denote the parameters pool1 and supply associated to the token {{asset_to_symbol_code to_sell}} respectively, at the moment of operation.

The second asset to be received by {{user}} is computed analogously.

Authorization of {{user}} is required. The operation is executed only if the amounts to be received by {{user}} are at least those indicated by {{user}}.


spec_version: "0.2.0" title: Exchange summary: 'Exchange token through a specific pair'

{{user}} agree to substract {{ext_asset_in}} and to add at least {{min_expected}} to their extended balances. The extended symbol of {{ext_asset_in}} must match one of the pools associated to the token {{pair_token}}. The contract of {{min_expected}} is given by the other pool of that pair. These (possibly negative) extended assets will be respectively added to and substracted from the corresponding pools.

The extended asset (might be negative) to be added to {{users}}'s extended balance as a result of the exchange operation, is computed as x + y, where

x = pool_out * {{ext_asset_in}} / (pool_in + {{ext_asset_in}}), up to the precision of the symbol of pool_out rounded downward. y = x * fee / 10000, up to the same precision as x, again rounded downward.

The variable pool_in denotes the corresponding extended asset pool1 or pool2 associated to the token {{pair_token}}; namely, the one whose extended symbol matches that of {{ext_asset_in}}. The variable pool_out is the extended asset pool1 or pool2, the one that is not pool_in. The variable fee is the integer fee associated to the token {{pair_token}}. The values of these three variables must be taken at the moment of operation.

Authorization of {{user}} is required. The operation is executed only if the extended asset to be added to {{user}} is at least that indicated by {{user}}.


spec_version: "0.2.0" title: Change fee summary: 'Change the fee value associated to a pair'

The account fee_contract associated to the token {{pair_token}} authorizes to change the fee parameter associated to the same token, to the value {{newfee}}.


spec_version: "0.2.0" title: Close Token Balance summary: 'Close {{nowrap owner}}’s zero quantity balance'

{{owner}} agree to close their zero quantity balance for the {{symbol_to_symbol_code symbol}} token.

RAM will be refunded to the RAM payer of the {{symbol_to_symbol_code symbol}} token balance for {{owner}}.


spec_version: "0.2.0" title: Open Token Balance summary: 'Open a zero quantity balance for {{nowrap owner}}'

{{ram_payer}} agrees to establish a zero quantity balance for {{owner}} for the {{symbol_to_symbol_code symbol}} token.

If {{owner}} does not have a balance for {{symbol_to_symbol_code symbol}}, {{ram_payer}} will be designated as the RAM payer of the {{symbol_to_symbol_code symbol}} token balance for {{owner}}. As a result, RAM will be deducted from {{ram_payer}}’s resources to create the necessary records.


spec_version: "0.2.0" title: Transfer Tokens summary: 'Send {{nowrap quantity}} from {{nowrap from}} to {{nowrap to}}'

(1) {{from}} sends the asset {{quantity}} to {{to}}. {{to}} receives exactly {{quantity}}.The authorization of {{from}} is required.

(2) {{#if memo}} There is a memo attached to the transfer stating: {{memo}} {{/if}}

(3) If {{from}} is not already the RAM payer of their {{asset_to_symbol_code quantity}} token balance, {{from}} will be designated as such. As a result, RAM will be deducted from {{from}}’s resources to refund the original RAM payer.

(4) If {{to}} does not have a balance for {{asset_to_symbol_code quantity}}, {{from}} will be designated as the RAM payer of the {{asset_to_symbol_code quantity}} token balance for {{to}}. As a result, RAM will be deducted from {{from}}’s resources to create the necessary records.

(5) The account {{from}} is notified. (6) The account {{to}} is notified. (7) The account fee_contract corresponding to the token {{asset_to_symbol_code quantity}} is notified.