- 950. Reveal Cards In Increasing Order
- 2441 Largest Positive Integer that exists with its negative (Easy)
- 881 Boats to save people (Medium)
- 506 Relative Ranks (Easy)
- 3075 Maximize Happiness of Selected Children (Medium)
- 3068 Find the maximum sum of Node Values (Hard)
- 131 Palindrome Partitioning (Medium)
- 2597 The Number of Beautiful Subsets (Medium)
- 1608 Special Elements with X Elements greater than or equal X (Easy)
- 846 Hand of Straights (Medium)
- 1051 Height Checker (Easy)
- 1122 Relative Sort Array (Easy)
- 2037 Minimum number of moves to seat Everyone (Easy)
- 945 Minimum Increment to make array Unique (Medium)