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File metadata and controls

executable file
210 lines (170 loc) · 6.9 KB


Small robust SDK for generating GraphQL queries.

Table of Contents


  • Infers a clear api of expected from the server data allowing easy serialization capability for caching in ORMs and data managing libraries, like ember-data.
  • Small in size and no runtime dependencies at all (not even graphql)
  • Works with any client
  • supports typescript
  • suports aliasing
  • supports static variables
  • supports typed variables
  • supports directives
  • no plugins or much configuration
  • supports generation of multiple operations for batching


Simply add the package to your repo and import from src. Installation via npm will be available soon.

Usage example

Let's see the following example:

import { compose, query, variable } from 'graphaella';

const { document, expectations } = compose(query({
  __operationName: 'UsersQuery',
  __variables: {
    token: variable('skajdhaskjdh-kjsdha-askdhsakldjh', 'String', true),
    addedDate: variable(, 'Date', false),
    includeFriends: variable(true, 'Boolean', false)
  __directives: [
      name: 'auth',
      args: {
        token: fromVariable('token')
  users: {
    __connection: true,
    edges: {
      node: {
        __toLocalType: 'User',
        __scalars: ['id', 'name', 'email', '__typename'],
        friendsConnection: {
          __alias: 'recentFriends',
          __args: {
            addedDate: fromVariable('addedDate')
          __directives: [
              name: 'inlcude',
              args: {
                if: fromVariable('includeFriends')
          edges: {
            node: {
              __scalars: ['id', 'name', 'email', '__typename'],
            __scalars: ['cursor']
          pageInfo: {
            __scalars: ['hasNextPage', 'hasPreviousPage'],

will return:

  "operationName": "UserQuery",
  "query": "query UsersQuery ($token: String!, $addedDate: Date, $includeFriends: Boolean) @auth(token: $token) {   users   {   edges   {   node   { id name email __typename  recentFriends: friendsConnection (addedDate: $addedDate) @inlcude(if: $includeFriends) {   edges   { cursor  node   { id name email __typename  } }  pageInfo   { hasNextPage hasPreviousPage  } } } } } }",
  "variables": {
    "token": "skajdhaskjdh-kjsdha-askdhsakldjh", 
    "addedDate": "1711795343609", 
    "includeFriends": true

For more examples see operations.ts in examples folder.


Offers following tools for GraphQL generation


Main composer function and starting point for document generation. It sets up a composer, and scrambles GraphQl source documents. Returns an array contianing operation objects; is batching ready;


Used as argument to compose, essentially wraps the passed declaration object into a query, mutation or subscription operation with respective operation variables and possible directives. accepts two arguments, the type of the operation (query, mutation or subscription) and the operation object.


Used as argument to compose, essentially composes a block fragment and makes it available to all operations of compose. In the operation __fragments flag can be used to list the fragment names to be included. Allows nesting fragments.


A function to declare a typed operation variables and programmatically map them to the queryParams or input. Has 3 arguments: (value: unknown, scalarTypeName: string, non_nullable: boolean). scalarTypeName is the string representation of the scalar type.


A function that accepts the variable name and uses the __variables declared on current level to properly map the variable name.


An expectation object has following type signature:

type Expectation = {
  responseKey: string; // the key on response: i.e. dataKey or alias
  key: FieldName; // the actual key
  path: (string | '#')[]; // for easy error retrival on response // TODO: DEPRECATE, was not necessary in serializer
  level: number;
  alias?: string;
} & (
    | {
      type: ExpectedType.node;
      localTypeName: string;
      params?: Record<string, unknown | ReturnType<typeof fromVariable>>;
    } | {
      type: ExpectedType.connection;
      localTypeName: string;
      params?: Record<string, unknown | ReturnType<typeof fromVariable>>;
    } | {
      type: ExpectedType.edges;
      localTypeName: string;
      params?: Record<string, unknown | ReturnType<typeof fromVariable>>;
    } | {
      type: ExpectedType.nodeList;
      localTypeName: string;
      params?: Record<string, unknown | ReturnType<typeof fromVariable>>;
    } | {
      type: ExpectedType.record;
      params?: Record<string, unknown | ReturnType<typeof fromVariable>>;
    } | {
      type: ExpectedType.scalar;
      localTypeName: string;
    } | {
      type: ExpectedType.negligible;

Available flags

Operation level

  • __operationName: allows customizing of the operation name will default to empty string.
  • __variables: an object containing a key value pair of variables, where values are declared using 'variable' function.
  • __diretcives: an array containing directive objects: a directive object must have a 'name' and may have 'args' object.

Field level

  • __directives: same as operation level directives.
  • __alias: a field alias.
  • __scalars: an array of field names to be included; as in GraphQL they need to be explicitly defined.
  • __args: an object containing field params;
  • __fragments: an array containing the names of fragments to be used in the operation.

Field level expectation related flags

  • __toLocalType: allows defining a typename on the expectation object for later usage in serialization. This can be used for easy mapping of the response to the client side different schema independently from server-side '__typename'.
  • __node, __list, __connection: allows to declarativly specify the expected structure type. __list is for fields that return flat array of nodes.


  • integration with newest ember-data
  • generator of queries, mutations and subscriptions from introspection
  • persisted generation of source and expectations
