Brief outline of the installation of the base AWS image needed for to work.
- Install JBoss EAP 6.4.0
- Install EJBCA
- Install SoftHSM-EB from RPMs
- 443 for LetsEncrypt domain verification
- 8443 for EJBCA admin interface
- Download JBoss EAP installator
- Add jboss user
- chown
- Setup
script - Start JBoss after start
You can follow this installation-tutorial.
Enable PKCS#11 support in the JBoss. Edit the following file and add new entries below.
<path name="sun/security/x509"/>
<path name="sun/security/pkcs11"/>
<path name="sun/security/pkcs11/wrapper"/>
- Download EJBCA
- Copy installation to
chown -R jboss:jboss /opt/ejbca_ce_6_3_1_1
- Apply patches from this repository
. Quilt patch system is used for this.- Patch for automatic installation is included - password entry from command line (Python installer)
- Reinforced JBoss reload ant script with retry mechanism as it could fail due to JBoss CLI error.
export EJBCA_HOME=/opt/ejbca_ce_6_3_1_1
export JBOSS_HOME=/opt/jboss-eap-6.4.0
Redirecting /
context-root to the /ejbca
for the user friendliness.
<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:web:2.2" default-virtual-server="default-host" native="false">
<virtual-server name="default-host" enable-welcome-root="true">
<alias name="localhost"/>
<rewrite pattern="^/$" substitution="/test" flags="L,QSA,R" />
as a /usr/sbin/ebaws
Copy assets/motd/35-banner-eb
to /etc/update-motd.d/35-banner-eb
Botan is SoftHSM-EB dependency and can be installed from the EPEL.
The minimal version: botan.x86_64.1.10.13-1.el7
# deps
yum install gcc-c++ sqlite sqlite-devel
# Botan install
wget && \
tar -xzvf Botan-1.10.12.tgz && \
cd Botan-1.10.12 && \
./ --prefix=$HOME/botan && \
make && \
make install && \
echo -e "[\E[32m\033[1m OK \033[0m] Botan install Success" || \
(echo -e "[\E[31m\033[1mFAIL\033[0m] Botan install Failed" && \
exit 1)
# Botan lib reachable by dynamic loader
echo '/usr/local/lib' > /etc/
ldconfig # to refresh ld cache