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File metadata and controls

52 lines (35 loc) · 1.73 KB


A Clojure library designed to read files from the Local filesystem, SFTP, S3, and github with a simple consistent interface.


Lein: [org.eag.file-access "0.1.1"]

Each reader takes a map of options the value of :source determines the type of file.

    {:source :file :filename "test/resources/test1.edn"}

    {:source :s3 :access-key <access-key> :secret-key <secret-key> :bucket <bucket> :file-key <filename>}

    {:source :github :user <user> :repository <repo> :path "" :branch <branch> :auth <name:password>}

    {:source :sftp :port 22 :host localhost }

There is a simple slurp-file function which is identical to core.slurp with the exception that it uses these special readers. There is also a slurp-file-cmdline function which takes a tree as generated by commandline parsing.

{:s3 {:access-key foo :secret-key bar :bucket mybucket :file myfile}}

It is also possible to use the reader directly and place the output on a channel. This is a much better method for larger files.

(require [org.eag.file-access :as fa] )

(defn importer->channel
  "Parse a csv file, turn it into records and put it on a channel.
  Wrap this with async/thread."
  [channel options columns]
  (let [headers (or columns
                    (get-headers options))]
    (with-open [rdr (fa/reader options)]
      (doseq [record (map #(line->headered-map % headers)
                          (if columns
                            (read-lines rdr options)
                            (rest (read-lines rdr options))))]
        (>!! channel record)))
    (a/close! channel)))


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