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Database building

LokeOhlin edited this page Oct 10, 2023 · 1 revision


GASSPY builds up a database of Cloudy models to cover all of the cells withing a supplied simulation snapshot. To reduce the amount of required models, each cell is not given a model, but rather cells are grouped in phase space, and for each group a model is run. Neighboring models are used to determine if the grouping is fine enough such that the deviation in output emission from a model and a given cell does not exceed user defined criterion. If a grouping is considered to course, a refinement strategy is used to divide the groups further in phase space.

The output is a HDF5 database containing the output emission and absorption spectra for each group, and the mapping from a cell to a group is saved using the Simulation_Reader class.


Template script can be found at GASSPY/gasspy/scripts/database_building/ The overall class that is used is the DatabaseCreator class. This needs to be coupled to a ModelRunner class that deals with running the actuall models. currently only one ModelRunner is available (gasspy.physics.sourcefunction_database.cloudy.CloudyModelRunner). Use the with the appropriate parameters or write your own as

import gasspy
from gasspy.physics.sourcefunction_database.cloudy import CloudyModelRunner

    Initialize simulation readers here.

# initialize the model_runner
model_runner = CloudyModelRunner(gasspy_config, args.rundir, fluxdef)

# initialize database creator
database_creator = gasspy.DatabaseCreator(gasspy_config, model_runner)

# Add snapshots
for sim_reader in sim_readers:

# Run models

where gasspy_config is the gasspy configuration, either as a dictionary or as a path to a yaml file, the same with the radiation field definition file fluxdef. is written to allow for mpi4py usage. To parallelize the running of the cloudy models execute using the command

mpirun -n $number_of_cores python3 /path/to/ --args 


The parameters taken from the gasspy_config yaml file are given below. For details of syntax and options see GASSPY/gasspy/templates/gasspy_config_all.yaml

- database_name         : name of the database

- gasspy_modeldir       : directory to save the database

- database_fields       : the fields of the simulation to use in the database

- refinement_fields     : the fields we refine on. Must be a subset of database_fields

- log10_field_limits    : limits of the fields in log space

- fields_lrefine        : mininum and maximum refinement levels of the fields

- convergence_criterions: Limits of the maximal difference between
                          neighboring models, that if exceeded causes refinement.

- line_labels           : specific Cloudy lines we want to save along with 
                          the emission/absorption spectra. 
                          Mainly used in convergence_criterions.

- populator_dump_time   : time intervalls at which the code saves the
                          cloudy models to the database. 

- est_model_time        : estimated model time in seconds. 
                          Used for memory management.

- max_walltime          : maximum wall time the code runs, 
                          after which it safely exits and allows for restarts.

- cloudy_ini            : path to the cloudy ini configuration file that
                          sets all the physical parameters common to all 
                          cells (included chemical models, dust physics etc.)

- cloudy_path : path to the cloudy main directory
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