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Getting Started

ErichStyger edited this page Jan 5, 2013 · 20 revisions

It is assumed that

  • You are familiar with GIT :-)
  • You have Processor Expert (e.g. with CodeWarrior for MCU, Eclipse based, installed. The current version is 10.3. Things might be backward compatible, but it is recommended to use the latest and greatest one.
  • Processor Expert is enabled to create/change/edit components (CDE (Component Development Environment) (NOTE: working with Freescale to get a free license for this for CodeWarrior, right now you need either an evaluation license or a professional license).

The steps below are for CodeWarrior for MCU10.3:

  1. Start Eclipse/CodeWarrior with a new workspace
  2. Import the component project into the workspace (e.g. drag&drop the Components\LED folder into the workspace)
  3. Open the Processor Expert views with a menu: Processor Expert > Show Views
  4. In the 'Components' view you can edit the component properties and methods
  5. The driver code can be found in the 'CodeWarrior Projects' view, inside the Drivers > sw folder (the driver has *.drv extension)
  6. To export the component in a *.PEupd package: right click on project folder, then select 'Export > Component Development Environment > Export to Package' and follow the steps.
  7. A *.PEupd package can be imported into CodeWarrior using the menu 'Processor Expert > Import Package'

Have fun :-)

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