Property | Value | Description |
ClampToGround | 0 | Indicates to ignore an altitude specification and draw the graphic directly on the surface of the earth. |
RelativeToGround | 1 | Sets the altitude of the graphic relative to the actual ground elevation of a particular location. |
Absolute | 2 | Sets the altitude of the coordinate relative to sea level, regardless of the actual elevation of the terrain beneath the element. |
Property | Value | Description |
None | 0 | The keyframe value is ignored. |
Linear | 1 | Value changes at a constant (linear) rate to the end state. |
Stepped | 2 | Value switches to the end state at a specified point along the transition. |
Hop | 3 | Value increases, using a parabolic curve, beyond the end state before returning back to it. The height of the curve can be configured. |
FixedArc | 4 | Value changes along a tightly controlled curve to the end state. |
AdjustableArc | 5 | Value changes along a smooth curve to the end state. The tightness of the curve can be configured. |
Hold | 6 | Value remains constant, equaling the previous keyframe's value. |
Property | Value | Description |
Expression | 0 | Elevation defined by an expression. |
Surface | 1 | Elevation defined by a surface. |
Shape | 2 | Elevation defined by a shape. |
Property | Value | Description |
None | 0 | Not billboarded. |
SignPost | 1 | The symbol always faces toward the viewer as though spinning on a vertical signpost. Viewed from above, the symbol does not face you; you see the top of the symbol. |
FaceNearPlane | 2 | The symbol always faces the viewer directly, regardless of view angle. |
Property | Value | Description |
RGB | 0 | The RGB (red, green, blue) color space. |
CMYK | 1 | The CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) color space. |
Property | Value | Description |
Z | 0 | Dominant on the Z axis. |
X | 1 | Dominant on the X axis. |
Y | 2 | Dominant on the Y axis. |
Property | Value | Description |
BaseGlobeSurface | 0 | The ground or base surface. Only one ground per map or scene. |
CustomSurface | 1 | A custom surface. |
None | 2 | Not a surface. |
Property | Value | Description |
None | 0 | No extrusion. |
MinZ | 1 | Add an extrusion to each feature's minimum height. |
MaxZ | 2 | Add an extrusion to each feature's maximum height. |
Base | 3 | Add an extrusion to each feature's base height. |
Absolute | 4 | Add an extrusion by using it as an absolute value features are extruded to. |
Property | Value | Description |
Backface | 0 | Turns on back-face culling, eliminating those objects from view that face away from you. |
Frontface | 1 | Turns on front-face culling, eliminating those objects from view that face you. Use this option to see through the front of an object. |
None | 2 | Turns off culling so you view both sides. |
FromGeometry | 3 | Turns on the feature's built-in face culling. This option is only applicable for multipatch features. |
Property | Value | Description |
AcrossLine | 0 | A gradient across the line. |
AlongLine | 1 | A gradient along the line. |
Property | Value | Description |
Operational | 0 | An operational layer. This is the most common layer type. |
BasemapBackground | 1 | An basemap layer used a background information. This is the basic basemap layer type. |
BasemapTopReference | 2 | An basemap layer used for top reference information. This is the basemap layer type used for overlay of information like text. |
MapNotes | 3 | An layer containing map notes. Primarily used to identify how the layer will be shared to WebMaps. |
Property | Value | Description |
Map | 0 | A 2D map. |
SceneLocal | 1 | A scene (3D map) in local view mode. |
SceneGlobal | 2 | A scene (3D map) in global view mode. |
MapStereo | 3 | A 2D map in stereo mode. Applicable if map is configured for stereo mode. |
Property | Value | Description |
Square | 0 | Indicates the stroke will follow a straight path across the corner of a line. |
Mitered | 1 | Indicates the stroke will match the exact shape around a corner of the line. |
Bevelled | 2 | Indicates the stroke will follow the shortest straight path across a corner of the line. |
Rounded | 3 | Indicates the stroke will follow a path of equal distance around a corner of the line. |
Property | Value | Description |
Fast | 0 | Ignores complex geometries and applies a best fit to the stroke symbol. |
Accurate | 1 | Accommodates complex geometries and applies a true fit to the stroke symbol. |
Property | Value | Description |
Unknown | 0 | Unknown. |
Cone | 1 | A cone. |
Cube | 2 | A cube. |
Cylinder | 3 | A cylinder. |
Diamond | 4 | A diamond. |
Sphere | 5 | A sphere. |
Tetrahedron | 6 | A tetrahedron. |
Property | Value | Description |
TriangleStrip | 0 | A triangle strip. |
TriangleFan | 1 | A triangle fan. |
TriangleList | 2 | A triangle list. |
PointList | 3 | A point list. |
LineList | 4 | A line list. |
Property | Value | Description |
NearestNeighbor | 0 | Nearest neighbor. |
BilinearInterpolation | 1 | Bilinear interpolation. |
CubicConvolution | 2 | Cubic convolution. |
Majority | 3 | Majority. |
BilinearInterpolationPlus | 4 | Bilinear interpolation plus. |
BilinearGaussianBlur | 5 | Bilinear Gaussian blur. |
BilinearGaussianBlurPlus | 6 | Bilinear Gaussian blur plus. |
Average | 7 | Average. |
Minimum | 8 | Minimum. |
Maximum | 9 | Maximum. |
VectorAverage | 10 | Vector average. |
Property | Value | Description |
AreaOfView | 0 | Stretch stats from current area of view. |
Dataset | 1 | Stretch stats from current dataset being rendered. |
GlobalStats | 2 | Stretch stats from global stats definition. |
Property | Value | Description |
None | 0 | No raster stretch. |
DefaultFromSource | 1 | Default stretch from source. |
Custom | 2 | Custom stretch. |
StandardDeviations | 3 | Stretch by standard deviation. |
HistogramEqualize | 4 | Stretch histogram equalization. |
MinimumMaximum | 5 | Stretch by minimum and maximum. |
HistogramSpecification | 6 | Stretch by histogram specification. |
PercentMinimumMaximum | 7 | Stretch by percent minimum and maximum. |
Count | 8 | Stretch by count. |
ESRI | 9 | Esri's stretch. |
Property | Value | Description |
XYZ | 0 | Rotate in XYZ order. |
ZXY | 1 | Rotate in ZYX order. |
YXZ | 2 | Rotate in YXZ order. |