diff --git a/napalm/nxos/nxos.py b/napalm/nxos/nxos.py
index 9ae058c00..f14338f35 100644
--- a/napalm/nxos/nxos.py
+++ b/napalm/nxos/nxos.py
@@ -793,7 +793,7 @@ def get_facts(self):
         facts["serial_number"] = None
         for row in show_inventory_table:
-            if row["name"] == "Chassis":
+            if row["name"] == '"Chassis"' or row["name"] == "Chassis":
                 facts["serial_number"] = row.get("serialnum", "")
diff --git a/napalm/nxos_ssh/nxos_ssh.py b/napalm/nxos_ssh/nxos_ssh.py
index fe2b81bd3..530dd4315 100644
--- a/napalm/nxos_ssh/nxos_ssh.py
+++ b/napalm/nxos_ssh/nxos_ssh.py
@@ -591,7 +591,7 @@ def get_facts(self):
             show_inventory_table = [show_inventory_table]
         for row in show_inventory_table:
-            if row["name"] == "Chassis":
+            if row["name"] == '"Chassis"' or row["name"] == "Chassis":
                 serial_number = row.get("serialnum", "")
diff --git a/test/nxos/mocked_data/test_get_facts/N9000/expected_result.json b/test/nxos/mocked_data/test_get_facts/N9000/expected_result.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b812dd27a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/nxos/mocked_data/test_get_facts/N9000/expected_result.json
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+    "uptime": 4066631, 
+    "vendor": "Cisco", 
+    "hostname": "nxos-spine1", 
+    "fqdn": "nxos-spine1.domain.com", 
+    "os_version": "7.3(1)D1(1) [build 7.3(1)D1(0.10)]", 
+    "serial_number": "TM6017D760B", 
+    "model": "NX-OSv Chassis", 
+    "interface_list": [
+        "mgmt0", 
+        "Ethernet2/1", 
+        "Ethernet2/2", 
+        "Ethernet2/3", 
+        "Ethernet2/4", 
+        "Ethernet2/5", 
+        "Ethernet2/6", 
+        "Ethernet2/7", 
+        "Ethernet2/8", 
+        "Ethernet2/9", 
+        "Ethernet2/10", 
+        "Ethernet2/11", 
+        "Ethernet2/12", 
+        "Ethernet2/13", 
+        "Ethernet2/14", 
+        "Ethernet2/15", 
+        "Ethernet2/16", 
+        "Ethernet2/17", 
+        "Ethernet2/18", 
+        "Ethernet2/19", 
+        "Ethernet2/20", 
+        "Ethernet2/21", 
+        "Ethernet2/22", 
+        "Ethernet2/23", 
+        "Ethernet2/24", 
+        "Ethernet2/25", 
+        "Ethernet2/26", 
+        "Ethernet2/27", 
+        "Ethernet2/28", 
+        "Ethernet2/29", 
+        "Ethernet2/30", 
+        "Ethernet2/31", 
+        "Ethernet2/32", 
+        "Ethernet2/33", 
+        "Ethernet2/34", 
+        "Ethernet2/35", 
+        "Ethernet2/36", 
+        "Ethernet2/37", 
+        "Ethernet2/38", 
+        "Ethernet2/39", 
+        "Ethernet2/40", 
+        "Ethernet2/41", 
+        "Ethernet2/42", 
+        "Ethernet2/43", 
+        "Ethernet2/44", 
+        "Ethernet2/45", 
+        "Ethernet2/46", 
+        "Ethernet2/47", 
+        "Ethernet2/48", 
+        "Ethernet3/1", 
+        "Ethernet3/2", 
+        "Ethernet3/3", 
+        "Ethernet3/4", 
+        "Ethernet3/5", 
+        "Ethernet3/6", 
+        "Ethernet3/7", 
+        "Ethernet3/8", 
+        "Ethernet3/9", 
+        "Ethernet3/10", 
+        "Ethernet3/11", 
+        "Ethernet3/12", 
+        "Ethernet3/13", 
+        "Ethernet3/14", 
+        "Ethernet3/15", 
+        "Ethernet3/16", 
+        "Ethernet3/17", 
+        "Ethernet3/18", 
+        "Ethernet3/19", 
+        "Ethernet3/20", 
+        "Ethernet3/21", 
+        "Ethernet3/22", 
+        "Ethernet3/23", 
+        "Ethernet3/24", 
+        "Ethernet3/25", 
+        "Ethernet3/26", 
+        "Ethernet3/27", 
+        "Ethernet3/28", 
+        "Ethernet3/29", 
+        "Ethernet3/30", 
+        "Ethernet3/31", 
+        "Ethernet3/32", 
+        "Ethernet3/33", 
+        "Ethernet3/34", 
+        "Ethernet3/35", 
+        "Ethernet3/36", 
+        "Ethernet3/37", 
+        "Ethernet3/38", 
+        "Ethernet3/39", 
+        "Ethernet3/40", 
+        "Ethernet3/41", 
+        "Ethernet3/42", 
+        "Ethernet3/43", 
+        "Ethernet3/44", 
+        "Ethernet3/45", 
+        "Ethernet3/46", 
+        "Ethernet3/47", 
+        "Ethernet3/48", 
+        "Ethernet4/1", 
+        "Ethernet4/2", 
+        "Ethernet4/3", 
+        "Ethernet4/4", 
+        "Ethernet4/5", 
+        "Ethernet4/6", 
+        "Ethernet4/7", 
+        "Ethernet4/8", 
+        "Ethernet4/9", 
+        "Ethernet4/10", 
+        "Ethernet4/11", 
+        "Ethernet4/12", 
+        "Ethernet4/13", 
+        "Ethernet4/14", 
+        "Ethernet4/15", 
+        "Ethernet4/16", 
+        "Ethernet4/17", 
+        "Ethernet4/18", 
+        "Ethernet4/19", 
+        "Ethernet4/20", 
+        "Ethernet4/21", 
+        "Ethernet4/22", 
+        "Ethernet4/23", 
+        "Ethernet4/24", 
+        "Ethernet4/25", 
+        "Ethernet4/26", 
+        "Ethernet4/27", 
+        "Ethernet4/28", 
+        "Ethernet4/29", 
+        "Ethernet4/30", 
+        "Ethernet4/31", 
+        "Ethernet4/32", 
+        "Ethernet4/33", 
+        "Ethernet4/34", 
+        "Ethernet4/35", 
+        "Ethernet4/36", 
+        "Ethernet4/37", 
+        "Ethernet4/38", 
+        "Ethernet4/39", 
+        "Ethernet4/40", 
+        "Ethernet4/41", 
+        "Ethernet4/42", 
+        "Ethernet4/43", 
+        "Ethernet4/44", 
+        "Ethernet4/45", 
+        "Ethernet4/46", 
+        "Ethernet4/47", 
+        "Ethernet4/48", 
+        "Vlan1"
+    ]
diff --git a/test/nxos/mocked_data/test_get_facts/N9000/show_hostname.json b/test/nxos/mocked_data/test_get_facts/N9000/show_hostname.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dc89abff9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/nxos/mocked_data/test_get_facts/N9000/show_hostname.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{"hostname": "nxos-spine1.domain.com"}
diff --git a/test/nxos/mocked_data/test_get_facts/N9000/show_interface.json b/test/nxos/mocked_data/test_get_facts/N9000/show_interface.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b191bc215
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/nxos/mocked_data/test_get_facts/N9000/show_interface.json
@@ -0,0 +1,12888 @@
+  "TABLE_interface": {
+    "ROW_interface": [
+      {
+        "interface": "mgmt0", 
+        "state": "up", 
+        "admin_state": "up", 
+        "eth_hw_desc": "Ethernet", 
+        "eth_hw_addr": "2cc2.6017.d760", 
+        "eth_bia_addr": "2cc2.6017.d760", 
+        "eth_ip_addr": "", 
+        "eth_ip_mask": 24, 
+        "eth_ip_prefix": "", 
+        "eth_mtu": "1500", 
+        "eth_bw": 1000000, 
+        "eth_dly": 10, 
+        "eth_reliability": "171", 
+        "eth_txload": "1", 
+        "eth_rxload": "1", 
+        "medium": "broadcast", 
+        "eth_mode": "routed", 
+        "eth_duplex": "full", 
+        "eth_speed": "1000 Mb/s", 
+        "eth_autoneg": "on", 
+        "eth_mdix": "off", 
+        "eth_ethertype": "0x0000", 
+        "vdc_lvl_in_avg_bytes": 200, 
+        "vdc_lvl_in_avg_pkts": 0, 
+        "vdc_lvl_out_avg_bytes": 2744, 
+        "vdc_lvl_out_avg_pkts": 0, 
+        "vdc_lvl_in_pkts": 704, 
+        "vdc_lvl_in_ucast": 703, 
+        "vdc_lvl_in_mcast": 1, 
+        "vdc_lvl_in_bcast": 0, 
+        "vdc_lvl_in_bytes": 48773, 
+        "vdc_lvl_out_pkts": 1357, 
+        "vdc_lvl_out_ucast": 1342, 
+        "vdc_lvl_out_mcast": 13, 
+        "vdc_lvl_out_bcast": 2, 
+        "vdc_lvl_out_bytes": 723181
+      }, 
+      {
+        "interface": "Ethernet2/1", 
+        "state": "up", 
+        "admin_state": "up", 
+        "share_state": "Dedicated", 
+        "eth_hw_desc": "Ethernet", 
+        "eth_hw_addr": "2cc2.604f.feb2", 
+        "eth_bia_addr": "2cc2.601c.7b66", 
+        "eth_mtu": "1500", 
+        "eth_bw": 1000000, 
+        "eth_dly": 10, 
+        "eth_reliability": "255", 
+        "eth_txload": "1", 
+        "eth_rxload": "1", 
+        "medium": "broadcast", 
+        "eth_mode": "routed", 
+        "eth_duplex": "full", 
+        "eth_speed": "1000 Mb/s", 
+        "eth_beacon": "off", 
+        "eth_autoneg": "off", 
+        "eth_in_flowctrl": "off", 
+        "eth_out_flowctrl": "off", 
+        "eth_mdix": "off", 
+        "eth_swt_monitor": "off", 
+        "eth_ethertype": "0x8100", 
+        "eth_eee_state": "n/a", 
+        "eth_link_flapped": "2week(s) 2day(s)", 
+        "eth_clear_counters": "never", 
+        "eth_reset_cntr": 1, 
+        "eth_load_interval1_rx": 0, 
+        "eth_inrate1_bits": 0, 
+        "eth_inrate1_pkts": 0, 
+        "eth_load_interval1_tx": 0, 
+        "eth_outrate1_bits": 0, 
+        "eth_outrate1_pkts": 0, 
+        "eth_inrate1_summary_bits": "0 bps", 
+        "eth_inrate1_summary_pkts": "0 pps", 
+        "eth_outrate1_summary_bits": "0 bps", 
+        "eth_outrate1_summary_pkts": "0 pps", 
+        "eth_load_interval2_rx": 0, 
+        "eth_inrate2_bits": 0, 
+        "eth_inrate2_pkts": 0, 
+        "eth_load_interval2_tx": 0, 
+        "eth_outrate2_bits": 0, 
+        "eth_outrate2_pkts": 0, 
+        "eth_inrate2_summary_bits": "0 bps", 
+        "eth_inrate2_summary_pkts": "0 pps", 
+        "eth_outrate2_summary_bits": "0 bps", 
+        "eth_outrate2_summary_pkts": "0 pps", 
+        "eth_inucast": 0, 
+        "eth_inmcast": 0, 
+        "eth_inbcast": 0, 
+        "eth_inpkts": 0, 
+        "eth_inbytes": 0, 
+        "eth_jumbo_inpkts": 0, 
+        "eth_storm_supp": 0, 
+        "eth_runts": 0, 
+        "eth_giants": 0, 
+        "eth_crc": 0, 
+        "eth_nobuf": 0, 
+        "eth_inerr": 0, 
+        "eth_frame": 0, 
+        "eth_overrun": 0, 
+        "eth_underrun": 0, 
+        "eth_ignored": 0, 
+        "eth_watchdog": 0, 
+        "eth_bad_eth": 0, 
+        "eth_bad_proto": 0, 
+        "eth_in_ifdown_drops": 0, 
+        "eth_dribble": 0, 
+        "eth_indiscard": 0, 
+        "eth_inpause": 0, 
+        "eth_outucast": 0, 
+        "eth_outmcast": 0, 
+        "eth_outbcast": 0, 
+        "eth_outpkts": 0, 
+        "eth_outbytes": 0, 
+        "eth_jumbo_outpkts": 0, 
+        "eth_outerr": 0, 
+        "eth_coll": 0, 
+        "eth_deferred": 0, 
+        "eth_latecoll": 0, 
+        "eth_lostcarrier": 0, 
+        "eth_nocarrier": 0, 
+        "eth_babbles": 0, 
+        "eth_outdiscard": 0, 
+        "eth_outpause": 0
+      }, 
+      {
+        "interface": "Ethernet2/2", 
+        "state": "up", 
+        "admin_state": "up", 
+        "share_state": "Dedicated", 
+        "eth_hw_desc": "Ethernet", 
+        "eth_hw_addr": "2cc2.604f.feb2", 
+        "eth_bia_addr": "2cc2.606f.3eb5", 
+        "eth_mtu": "1500", 
+        "eth_bw": 1000000, 
+        "eth_dly": 10, 
+        "eth_reliability": "255", 
+        "eth_txload": "1", 
+        "eth_rxload": "1", 
+        "medium": "broadcast", 
+        "eth_mode": "routed", 
+        "eth_duplex": "full", 
+        "eth_speed": "1000 Mb/s", 
+        "eth_beacon": "off", 
+        "eth_autoneg": "off", 
+        "eth_in_flowctrl": "off", 
+        "eth_out_flowctrl": "off", 
+        "eth_mdix": "off", 
+        "eth_swt_monitor": "off", 
+        "eth_ethertype": "0x8100", 
+        "eth_eee_state": "n/a", 
+        "eth_link_flapped": "5d08h", 
+        "eth_clear_counters": "never", 
+        "eth_reset_cntr": 1, 
+        "eth_load_interval1_rx": 0, 
+        "eth_inrate1_bits": 0, 
+        "eth_inrate1_pkts": 0, 
+        "eth_load_interval1_tx": 0, 
+        "eth_outrate1_bits": 0, 
+        "eth_outrate1_pkts": 0, 
+        "eth_inrate1_summary_bits": "0 bps", 
+        "eth_inrate1_summary_pkts": "0 pps", 
+        "eth_outrate1_summary_bits": "0 bps", 
+        "eth_outrate1_summary_pkts": "0 pps", 
+        "eth_load_interval2_rx": 0, 
+        "eth_inrate2_bits": 0, 
+        "eth_inrate2_pkts": 0, 
+        "eth_load_interval2_tx": 0, 
+        "eth_outrate2_bits": 0, 
+        "eth_outrate2_pkts": 0, 
+        "eth_inrate2_summary_bits": "0 bps", 
+        "eth_inrate2_summary_pkts": "0 pps", 
+        "eth_outrate2_summary_bits": "0 bps", 
+        "eth_outrate2_summary_pkts": "0 pps", 
+        "eth_inucast": 0, 
+        "eth_inmcast": 0, 
+        "eth_inbcast": 0, 
+        "eth_inpkts": 0, 
+        "eth_inbytes": 0, 
+        "eth_jumbo_inpkts": 0, 
+        "eth_storm_supp": 0, 
+        "eth_runts": 0, 
+        "eth_giants": 0, 
+        "eth_crc": 0, 
+        "eth_nobuf": 0, 
+        "eth_inerr": 0, 
+        "eth_frame": 0, 
+        "eth_overrun": 0, 
+        "eth_underrun": 0, 
+        "eth_ignored": 0, 
+        "eth_watchdog": 0, 
+        "eth_bad_eth": 0, 
+        "eth_bad_proto": 0, 
+        "eth_in_ifdown_drops": 0, 
+        "eth_dribble": 0, 
+        "eth_indiscard": 0, 
+        "eth_inpause": 0, 
+        "eth_outucast": 0, 
+        "eth_outmcast": 0, 
+        "eth_outbcast": 0, 
+        "eth_outpkts": 0, 
+        "eth_outbytes": 0, 
+        "eth_jumbo_outpkts": 0, 
+        "eth_outerr": 0, 
+        "eth_coll": 0, 
+        "eth_deferred": 0, 
+        "eth_latecoll": 0, 
+        "eth_lostcarrier": 0, 
+        "eth_nocarrier": 0, 
+        "eth_babbles": 0, 
+        "eth_outdiscard": 0, 
+        "eth_outpause": 0
+      }, 
+      {
+        "interface": "Ethernet2/3", 
+        "state": "up", 
+        "admin_state": "up", 
+        "share_state": "Dedicated", 
+        "eth_hw_desc": "Ethernet", 
+        "eth_hw_addr": "2cc2.604f.feb2", 
+        "eth_bia_addr": "2cc2.6018.0c06", 
+        "eth_mtu": "1500", 
+        "eth_bw": 1000000, 
+        "eth_dly": 10, 
+        "eth_reliability": "255", 
+        "eth_txload": "1", 
+        "eth_rxload": "1", 
+        "medium": "broadcast", 
+        "eth_mode": "routed", 
+        "eth_duplex": "full", 
+        "eth_speed": "1000 Mb/s", 
+        "eth_beacon": "off", 
+        "eth_autoneg": "off", 
+        "eth_in_flowctrl": "off", 
+        "eth_out_flowctrl": "off", 
+        "eth_mdix": "off", 
+        "eth_swt_monitor": "off", 
+        "eth_ethertype": "0x8100", 
+        "eth_eee_state": "n/a", 
+        "eth_link_flapped": "06:06:06", 
+        "eth_clear_counters": "never", 
+        "eth_reset_cntr": 1, 
+        "eth_load_interval1_rx": 0, 
+        "eth_inrate1_bits": 0, 
+        "eth_inrate1_pkts": 0, 
+        "eth_load_interval1_tx": 0, 
+        "eth_outrate1_bits": 0, 
+        "eth_outrate1_pkts": 0, 
+        "eth_inrate1_summary_bits": "0 bps", 
+        "eth_inrate1_summary_pkts": "0 pps", 
+        "eth_outrate1_summary_bits": "0 bps", 
+        "eth_outrate1_summary_pkts": "0 pps", 
+        "eth_load_interval2_rx": 0, 
+        "eth_inrate2_bits": 0, 
+        "eth_inrate2_pkts": 0, 
+        "eth_load_interval2_tx": 0, 
+        "eth_outrate2_bits": 0, 
+        "eth_outrate2_pkts": 0, 
+        "eth_inrate2_summary_bits": "0 bps", 
+        "eth_inrate2_summary_pkts": "0 pps", 
+        "eth_outrate2_summary_bits": "0 bps", 
+        "eth_outrate2_summary_pkts": "0 pps", 
+        "eth_inucast": 0, 
+        "eth_inmcast": 0, 
+        "eth_inbcast": 0, 
+        "eth_inpkts": 0, 
+        "eth_inbytes": 0, 
+        "eth_jumbo_inpkts": 0, 
+        "eth_storm_supp": 0, 
+        "eth_runts": 0, 
+        "eth_giants": 0, 
+        "eth_crc": 0, 
+        "eth_nobuf": 0, 
+        "eth_inerr": 0, 
+        "eth_frame": 0, 
+        "eth_overrun": 0, 
+        "eth_underrun": 0, 
+        "eth_ignored": 0, 
+        "eth_watchdog": 0, 
+        "eth_bad_eth": 0, 
+        "eth_bad_proto": 0, 
+        "eth_in_ifdown_drops": 0, 
+        "eth_dribble": 0, 
+        "eth_indiscard": 0, 
+        "eth_inpause": 0, 
+        "eth_outucast": 0, 
+        "eth_outmcast": 0, 
+        "eth_outbcast": 0, 
+        "eth_outpkts": 0, 
+        "eth_outbytes": 0, 
+        "eth_jumbo_outpkts": 0, 
+        "eth_outerr": 0, 
+        "eth_coll": 0, 
+        "eth_deferred": 0, 
+        "eth_latecoll": 0, 
+        "eth_lostcarrier": 0, 
+        "eth_nocarrier": 0, 
+        "eth_babbles": 0, 
+        "eth_outdiscard": 0, 
+        "eth_outpause": 0
+      }, 
+      {
+        "interface": "Ethernet2/4", 
+        "state": "up", 
+        "admin_state": "up", 
+        "share_state": "Dedicated", 
+        "eth_hw_desc": "Ethernet", 
+        "eth_hw_addr": "2cc2.604f.feb2", 
+        "eth_bia_addr": "2cc2.6078.9a43", 
+        "eth_mtu": "1500", 
+        "eth_bw": 1000000, 
+        "eth_dly": 10, 
+        "eth_reliability": "255", 
+        "eth_txload": "1", 
+        "eth_rxload": "1", 
+        "medium": "broadcast", 
+        "eth_mode": "routed", 
+        "eth_duplex": "full", 
+        "eth_speed": "1000 Mb/s", 
+        "eth_beacon": "off", 
+        "eth_autoneg": "off", 
+        "eth_in_flowctrl": "off", 
+        "eth_out_flowctrl": "off", 
+        "eth_mdix": "off", 
+        "eth_swt_monitor": "off", 
+        "eth_ethertype": "0x8100", 
+        "eth_eee_state": "n/a", 
+        "eth_link_flapped": "never", 
+        "eth_clear_counters": "never", 
+        "eth_reset_cntr": 1, 
+        "eth_load_interval1_rx": 0, 
+        "eth_inrate1_bits": 0, 
+        "eth_inrate1_pkts": 0, 
+        "eth_load_interval1_tx": 0, 
+        "eth_outrate1_bits": 0, 
+        "eth_outrate1_pkts": 0, 
+        "eth_inrate1_summary_bits": "0 bps", 
+        "eth_inrate1_summary_pkts": "0 pps", 
+        "eth_outrate1_summary_bits": "0 bps", 
+        "eth_outrate1_summary_pkts": "0 pps", 
+        "eth_load_interval2_rx": 0, 
+        "eth_inrate2_bits": 0, 
+        "eth_inrate2_pkts": 0, 
+        "eth_load_interval2_tx": 0, 
+        "eth_outrate2_bits": 0, 
+        "eth_outrate2_pkts": 0, 
+        "eth_inrate2_summary_bits": "0 bps", 
+        "eth_inrate2_summary_pkts": "0 pps", 
+        "eth_outrate2_summary_bits": "0 bps", 
+        "eth_outrate2_summary_pkts": "0 pps", 
+        "eth_inucast": 0, 
+        "eth_inmcast": 0, 
+        "eth_inbcast": 0, 
+        "eth_inpkts": 0, 
+        "eth_inbytes": 0, 
+        "eth_jumbo_inpkts": 0, 
+        "eth_storm_supp": 0, 
+        "eth_runts": 0, 
+        "eth_giants": 0, 
+        "eth_crc": 0, 
+        "eth_nobuf": 0, 
+        "eth_inerr": 0, 
+        "eth_frame": 0, 
+        "eth_overrun": 0, 
+        "eth_underrun": 0, 
+        "eth_ignored": 0, 
+        "eth_watchdog": 0, 
+        "eth_bad_eth": 0, 
+        "eth_bad_proto": 0, 
+        "eth_in_ifdown_drops": 0, 
+        "eth_dribble": 0, 
+        "eth_indiscard": 0, 
+        "eth_inpause": 0, 
+        "eth_outucast": 0, 
+        "eth_outmcast": 0, 
+        "eth_outbcast": 0, 
+        "eth_outpkts": 0, 
+        "eth_outbytes": 0, 
+        "eth_jumbo_outpkts": 0, 
+        "eth_outerr": 0, 
+        "eth_coll": 0, 
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+      }, 
+      {
+        "interface": "Vlan1", 
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+      }
+    ]
+  }
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/nxos/mocked_data/test_get_facts/N9000/show_inventory.json
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+  "TABLE_inv": {
+    "ROW_inv": [
+      {
+        "name": "\"Chassis\"",
+        "desc": "Nexus 6001 Chassis",
+        "productid": "N6K-C6001-64P",
+        "vendorid": "V01",
+        "serialnum": "TM6017D760B"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "Module 1",
+        "desc": "Nexus 64 Supervisor",
+        "productid": "N6K-C6001-64P",
+        "vendorid": "V01",
+        "serialnum": "FOC11111111"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "Module 2",
+        "desc": "Nexus 4xQSFP Ethernet Module",
+        "productid": "N6K-C6001-M4Q",
+        "vendorid": "V01",
+        "serialnum": "FOC11111111"
+      },
+      {
+        "name": "Fan 1",
+        "desc": "Chassis fan module",
+        "productid": "N6K-C6001-FAN-B",
+        "vendorid": "N/A",
+        "serialnum": "N/A"
+      }
+    ]
+  }
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/nxos/mocked_data/test_get_facts/N9000/show_version.json
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+    "header_str": "Cisco Nexus Operating System (NX-OS) Software\nTAC support: http://www.cisco.com/tac\nDocuments: http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/ps9372/tsd_products_support_series_home.html\nCopyright (c) 2002-2016, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.\nThe copyrights to certain works contained herein are owned by\nother third parties and are used and distributed under license.\nSome parts of this software are covered under the GNU Public\nLicense. A copy of the license is available at\nhttp://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html.\n\nNX-OSv is a demo version of the Nexus Operating System\n",
+    "loader_ver_str": "N/A",
+    "kickstart_ver_str": "7.3(1)D1(1) [build 7.3(1)D1(0.10)]",
+    "sys_ver_str": "7.3(1)D1(1) [build 7.3(1)D1(0.10)]",
+    "kick_file_name": "bootflash:///titanium-d1-kickstart.7.3.1.D1.0.10.bin",
+    "kick_cmpl_time": " 1/11/2016 16:00:00",
+    "kick_tmstmp": "02/22/2016 23:39:33",
+    "isan_file_name": "bootflash:///titanium-d1.7.3.1.D1.0.10.bin",
+    "isan_cmpl_time": " 1/11/2016 16:00:00",
+    "isan_tmstmp": "02/23/2016 01:43:36",
+    "chassis_id": "NX-OSv Chassis",
+    "module_id": "NX-OSv Supervisor Module",
+    "cpu_name": "Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2670",
+    "memory": 4002196,
+    "mem_type": "kB",
+    "proc_board_id": "TM6017D760B",
+    "host_name": "nxos-spine1",
+    "bootflash_size": 1582402,
+    "kern_uptm_days": 47,
+    "kern_uptm_hrs": 1,
+    "kern_uptm_mins": 37,
+    "kern_uptm_secs": 11,
+    "manufacturer": "Cisco Systems, Inc."
diff --git a/test/nxos_ssh/mocked_data/test_get_facts/N93180/show_inventory___json.txt b/test/nxos_ssh/mocked_data/test_get_facts/N93180/show_inventory___json.txt
index ad54a014c..3d65f8c45 100644
--- a/test/nxos_ssh/mocked_data/test_get_facts/N93180/show_inventory___json.txt
+++ b/test/nxos_ssh/mocked_data/test_get_facts/N93180/show_inventory___json.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
   "TABLE_inv": {
     "ROW_inv": [
-        "name": "Chassis",
+        "name": "\"Chassis\"",
         "desc": "Nexus 6001 Chassis",
         "productid": "N6K-C6001-64P",
         "vendorid": "V01",