diff --git a/src/languages/en.js b/src/languages/en.js index babfe4f6a1b1..82794e595b44 100755 --- a/src/languages/en.js +++ b/src/languages/en.js @@ -15,23 +15,23 @@ export default { add: 'Add', resend: 'Resend', save: 'Save', - saveChanges: 'Save Changes', + saveChanges: 'Save changes', password: 'Password', profile: 'Profile', payments: 'Payments', preferences: 'Preferences', view: 'View', not: 'Not', - signIn: 'Sign In', + signIn: 'Sign in', continue: 'Continue', - firstName: 'First Name', - lastName: 'Last Name', - phoneNumber: 'Phone Number', + firstName: 'First name', + lastName: 'Last name', + phoneNumber: 'Phone number', email: 'Email', and: 'and', details: 'Details', privacy: 'Privacy', - privacyPolicy: 'Privacy Policy', + privacyPolicy: 'Privacy policy', delete: 'Delete', deleted: 'deleted', contacts: 'Contacts', @@ -41,20 +41,20 @@ export default { pin: 'Pin', unPin: 'Unpin', back: 'Back', - saveAndContinue: 'Save & Continue', + saveAndContinue: 'Save & continue', settings: 'Settings', - termsOfService: 'Terms of Service', + termsOfService: 'Terms of service', people: 'People', invite: 'Invite', here: 'here', - dob: 'Date of Birth', - ssnLast4: 'Last 4 Digits of SSN', - personalAddress: 'Personal Address', - companyAddress: 'Company Address', - noPO: '(PO Boxes and mail drop addresses are NOT allowed)', + dob: 'Date of birth', + ssnLast4: 'Last 4 digits of SSN', + personalAddress: 'Personal address', + companyAddress: 'Company address', + noPO: '(PO boxes and mail drop addresses are NOT allowed)', city: 'City', state: 'State', - zip: 'Zip Code', + zip: 'Zip code', isRequiredField: 'is a required field', whatThis: 'What\'s this?', iAcceptThe: 'I accept the ', @@ -75,14 +75,14 @@ export default { genericErrorMessage: 'Oops... something went wrong and your request could not be completed. Please try again later.', }, attachmentPicker: { - cameraPermissionRequired: 'Camera Permission Required', + cameraPermissionRequired: 'Camera permission required', expensifyDoesntHaveAccessToCamera: 'This app does not have access to your camera, please enable the permission and try again.', - attachmentError: 'Attachment Error', + attachmentError: 'Attachment error', errorWhileSelectingAttachment: 'An error occurred while selecting an attachment, please try again', errorWhileSelectingCorruptedImage: 'An error occurred while selecting a corrupted attachment, please try another file', - takePhoto: 'Take Photo', - chooseFromGallery: 'Choose from Gallery', - chooseDocument: 'Choose Document', + takePhoto: 'Take photo', + chooseFromGallery: 'Choose from gallery', + chooseDocument: 'Choose document', attachmentTooLarge: 'Attachment too large', sizeExceeded: 'Attachment size is larger than 50 MB limit.', }, @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ export default { problemGettingImageYouPasted: 'There was a problem getting the image you pasted', }, baseUpdateAppModal: { - updateApp: 'Update App', + updateApp: 'Update app', updatePrompt: 'A new version of this app is available.\nUpdate now or restart the app at a later time to download the latest changes.', }, iOUConfirmationList: { @@ -100,14 +100,14 @@ export default { whatsItFor: 'What\'s it for?', }, iOUCurrencySelection: { - selectCurrency: 'Select a Currency', + selectCurrency: 'Select a currency', allCurrencies: 'ALL CURRENCIES', }, optionsSelector: { nameEmailOrPhoneNumber: 'Name, email, or phone number', }, videoChatButtonAndMenu: { - tooltip: 'Video Chat', + tooltip: 'Video chat', zoom: 'Zoom', googleMeet: 'Google Meet', }, @@ -121,24 +121,24 @@ export default { }, reportActionCompose: { addAction: 'Actions', - sendAttachment: 'Send Attachment', - addAttachment: 'Add Attachment', + sendAttachment: 'Send attachment', + addAttachment: 'Add attachment', writeSomething: 'Write something...', blockedFromConcierge: 'Communication is barred', youAppearToBeOffline: 'You appear to be offline.', - fileUploadFailed: 'Upload Failed. File is not supported.', + fileUploadFailed: 'Upload failed. File is not supported.', roomIsArchived: 'This chat room has been deleted', localTime: ({user, time}) => `It's ${time} for ${user}`, emoji: 'Emoji', }, reportActionContextMenu: { - copyToClipboard: 'Copy to Clipboard', + copyToClipboard: 'Copy to clipboard', copied: 'Copied!', - copyLink: 'Copy Link', - copyURLToClipboard: 'Copy URL to Clipboard', - markAsUnread: 'Mark as Unread', - editComment: 'Edit Comment', - deleteComment: 'Delete Comment', + copyLink: 'Copy link', + copyURLToClipboard: 'Copy URL to clipboard', + markAsUnread: 'Mark as unread', + editComment: 'Edit comment', + deleteComment: 'Delete comment', deleteConfirmation: 'Are you sure you want to delete this comment?', }, reportActionsView: { @@ -153,23 +153,23 @@ export default { multipleUsers: 'Multiple users', }, sidebarScreen: { - fabAction: 'New Chat', - newChat: 'New Chat', - newGroup: 'New Group', + fabAction: 'New chat', + newChat: 'New chat', + newGroup: 'New group', headerChat: 'Chats', buttonSearch: 'Search', - buttonMySettings: 'My Settings', - fabNewChat: 'New Chat(Floating Action)', + buttonMySettings: 'My settings', + fabNewChat: 'New chat(Floating Action)', }, iou: { amount: 'Amount', participants: 'Participants', confirm: 'Confirm', - splitBill: 'Split Bill', - requestMoney: 'Request Money', - sendMoney: 'Send Money', + splitBill: 'Split bill', + requestMoney: 'Request money', + sendMoney: 'Send money', pay: 'Pay', - viewDetails: 'View Details', + viewDetails: 'View details', settleExpensify: 'Pay with Expensify', settleElsewhere: 'I\'ll settle up elsewhere', decline: 'Decline', @@ -183,8 +183,8 @@ export default { choosePaymentMethod: 'Choose payment method:', noReimbursableExpenses: 'This report has an invalid amount', error: { - invalidAmount: 'Invalid Amount', - invalidSplit: 'Splits amount does not equal total amount', + invalidAmount: 'Invalid amount', + invalidSplit: 'Split amounts do not equal total amount', other: 'Unexpected error, please try again later', }, }, @@ -202,29 +202,29 @@ export default { emailHasNotBeenValidated: 'The email has not yet been validated. Click the button to resend the validation link via text.', }, avatarWithImagePicker: { - uploadPhoto: 'Upload Photo', - removePhoto: 'Remove Photo', - editImage: 'Edit Photo', + uploadPhoto: 'Upload photo', + removePhoto: 'Remove photo', + editImage: 'Edit photo', }, profilePage: { profile: 'Profile', tellUsAboutYourself: 'Tell us about yourself, we would love to get to know you!', john: 'John', doe: 'Doe', - preferredPronouns: 'Preferred Pronouns', + preferredPronouns: 'Preferred pronouns', selectYourPronouns: 'Select your pronouns', selfSelectYourPronoun: 'Self-select your pronoun', - emailAddress: 'Email Address', + emailAddress: 'Email address', setMyTimezoneAutomatically: 'Set my timezone automatically', timezone: 'Timezone', growlMessageOnSave: 'Your profile was successfully saved', }, addSecondaryLoginPage: { - addPhoneNumber: 'Add Phone Number', - addEmailAddress: 'Add Email Address', + addPhoneNumber: 'Add phone number', + addEmailAddress: 'Add email address', enterPreferredPhoneNumberToSendValidationLink: 'Enter your preferred phone number and password to send a validation link.', enterPreferredEmailToSendValidationLink: 'Enter your preferred email address and password to send a validation link.', - sendValidation: 'Send Validation', + sendValidation: 'Send validation', }, initialSettingsPage: { about: 'About', @@ -246,9 +246,9 @@ export default { label: 'Desktop', }, }, - signOut: 'Sign Out', + signOut: 'Sign out', versionLetter: 'v', - changePassword: 'Change Password', + changePassword: 'Change password', readTheTermsAndPrivacyPolicy: { phrase1: 'Read the', phrase2: 'terms of service', @@ -257,37 +257,37 @@ export default { }, }, passwordPage: { - changePassword: 'Change Password', + changePassword: 'Change password', changingYourPasswordPrompt: 'Changing your password will update your password for both your Expensify.com\nand New Expensify accounts.', - currentPassword: 'Current Password', - newPassword: 'New Password', + currentPassword: 'Current password', + newPassword: 'New password', newPasswordPrompt: 'New password must be different than your old password, have at least 8 characters,\n1 capital letter, 1 lowercase letter, 1 number.', - confirmNewPassword: 'Confirm New Password', + confirmNewPassword: 'Confirm new password', }, addPayPalMePage: { enterYourUsernameToGetPaidViaPayPal: 'Enter your username to get paid back via PayPal.', payPalMe: 'PayPal.me/', yourPayPalUsername: 'Your PayPal username', - addPayPalAccount: 'Add PayPal Account', - editPayPalAccount: 'Update PayPal Account', + addPayPalAccount: 'Add PayPal account', + editPayPalAccount: 'Update PayPal account', growlMessageOnSave: 'Your PayPal username was successfully added', }, paymentsPage: { - paymentMethodsTitle: 'Payment Methods', + paymentMethodsTitle: 'Payment methods', }, paymentMethodList: { - addPaymentMethod: 'Add Payment Method', + addPaymentMethod: 'Add payment method', accountLastFour: 'Account ending in', cardLastFour: 'Card ending in', addFirstPaymentMethod: 'Add a payment method to send and receive payments directly in the app', }, preferencesPage: { - mostRecent: 'Most Recent', + mostRecent: 'Most recent', mostRecentModeDescription: 'This will display all chats by default, sorted by most recent, with pinned items at the top.', focus: '#focus', focusModeDescription: '#focus – This will only display unread and pinned chats, all sorted alphabetically.', receiveRelevantFeatureUpdatesAndExpensifyNews: 'Receive relevant feature updates and Expensify news', - priorityMode: 'Priority Mode', + priorityMode: 'Priority mode', language: 'Language', languages: { english: 'English', @@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ export default { pleaseFillOutAllFields: 'Please fill out all fields', enterYourTwoFactorAuthenticationCodeToContinue: 'Enter your two factor authentication code to continue', forgot: 'Forgot?', - twoFactorCode: 'Two Factor Code', + twoFactorCode: 'Two factor code', requiredWhen2FAEnabled: 'Required when 2FA is enabled', error: { incorrectLoginOrPassword: 'Incorrect login or password. Please try again.', @@ -334,19 +334,19 @@ export default { }, loginForm: { pleaseEnterEmailOrPhoneNumber: 'Please enter an email or phone number', - phoneOrEmail: 'Phone or Email', + phoneOrEmail: 'Phone or email', enterYourPhoneOrEmail: 'Enter your phone or email:', }, resendValidationForm: { linkHasBeenResent: 'Link has been re-sent', weSentYouMagicSignInLink: ({loginType}) => `We've sent a magic sign in link to your ${loginType}.`, - resendLink: 'Resend Link', + resendLink: 'Resend link', }, detailsPage: { - localTime: 'Local Time', + localTime: 'Local time', }, newGroupPage: { - createGroup: 'Create Group', + createGroup: 'Create group', }, notFound: { chatYouLookingForCannotBeFound: 'The chat you are looking for cannot be found.', @@ -356,18 +356,18 @@ export default { setPasswordPage: { enterPassword: 'Enter a password', confirmNewPassword: 'Confirm the password', - setPassword: 'Set Password', + setPassword: 'Set password', passwordsDontMatch: 'Passwords must match', newPasswordPrompt: 'Your password must have at least 8 characters,\n1 capital letter, 1 lowercase letter, 1 number.', passwordFormTitle: 'Welcome back to the New Expensify! Please set your password.', }, bankAccount: { - accountNumber: 'Account Number', - routingNumber: 'Routing Number', - addBankAccount: 'Add Bank Account', - chooseAnAccount: 'Choose an Account', - logIntoYourBank: 'Log Into Your Bank', - connectManually: 'Connect Manually', + accountNumber: 'Account number', + routingNumber: 'Routing number', + addBankAccount: 'Add bank account', + chooseAnAccount: 'Choose an account', + logIntoYourBank: 'Log into your bank', + connectManually: 'Connect manually', yourDataIsSecure: 'Your data is secure', toGetStarted: 'To get started with the Expensify Card, you first need to add a bank account.', plaidBodyCopy: 'Give your employees an easier way to pay - and get paid back - for company expenses.', @@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ export default { chooseAccountLabel: 'Account', }, attachmentView: { - unknownFilename: 'Unknown Filename', + unknownFilename: 'Unknown filename', }, pronouns: { heHimHis: 'He/him', @@ -426,28 +426,28 @@ export default { onfidoStep: { acceptTerms: 'By continuing with the request to activate your Expensify wallet, you confirm that you have read, understand and accept ', facialScan: 'Onfido’s Facial Scan Policy and Release', - tryAgain: 'Try Again', - verifyIdentity: 'Verify Identity', + tryAgain: 'Try again', + verifyIdentity: 'Verify identity', genericError: 'There was an error while processing this step. Please try again.', }, additionalDetailsStep: { - headerTitle: 'Additional Details', + headerTitle: 'Additional details', helpText: 'We need to confirm the following information before we can process this payment.', helpLink: 'Learn more about why we need this.', - legalFirstNameLabel: 'Legal First Name', - legalMiddleNameLabel: 'Legal Middle Name', - legalLastNameLabel: 'Legal Last Name', + legalFirstNameLabel: 'Legal first name', + legalMiddleNameLabel: 'Legal middle name', + legalLastNameLabel: 'Legal last name', }, termsStep: { - headerTitle: 'Terms and Fees', + headerTitle: 'Terms and fees', haveReadAndAgree: 'I have read and agree to receive ', electronicDisclosures: 'electronic disclosures', agreeToThe: 'I agree to the', - walletAgreement: 'Wallet Agreement', - enablePayments: 'Enable Payments', + walletAgreement: 'Wallet agreement', + enablePayments: 'Enable payments', termsMustBeAccepted: 'Terms must be accepted', feeAmountZero: '$0', - monthlyFee: 'Monthly Fee', + monthlyFee: 'Monthly fee', inactivity: 'Inactivity', electronicFundsInstantFee: '1.5%', electronicFundsInstantFeeMin: 'Min $0.25', @@ -457,14 +457,14 @@ export default { standard: 'Standard', shortTermsForm: { expensifyPaymentsAccount: 'The Expensify Payments Account is issues by The Bancorp Bank.', - perPurchase: 'Per Purchase', - atmWithdrawal: 'ATM Withdrawal', - cashReload: 'Cash Reload', + perPurchase: 'Per purchase', + atmWithdrawal: 'ATM withdrawal', + cashReload: 'Cash reload', inNetwork: 'In-network', outOfNetwork: 'out-of-network', atmBalanceInquiry: 'ATM balance inquiry', inOrOutOfNetwork: 'In-network or out-of-network', - customerService: 'Customer Service', + customerService: 'Customer service', automatedOrLive: 'Automated or live agent', afterTwelveMonths: 'After 12 months with no transactions', weChargeOneFee: 'We charge 1 type of fee.', @@ -475,10 +475,10 @@ export default { }, longTermsForm: { listOfAllFees: 'All Expensify Payments account fees:', - typeOfFeeHeader: 'Type of Fee', - feeAmountHeader: 'Fee Amount', - moreDetailsHeader: 'More Details', - openingAccountTitle: 'Opening An Account', + typeOfFeeHeader: 'Type of fee', + feeAmountHeader: 'Fee amount', + moreDetailsHeader: 'More details', + openingAccountTitle: 'Opening an account', openingAccountDetails: 'There is no fee to create an account.', monthlyFeeDetails: 'There is no monthly fee', customerServiceTitle: 'Customer service', @@ -508,19 +508,19 @@ export default { }, }, activateStep: { - headerTitle: 'Enable Payments', + headerTitle: 'Enable payments', activated: 'Your Expensify Wallet is ready to use.', checkBackLater: 'We\'re still reviewing your information. Please check back later.', }, companyStep: { - headerTitle: 'Company Information', + headerTitle: 'Company information', subtitle: 'Provide more information about your company.', - legalBusinessName: 'Legal Business Name', - companyWebsite: 'Company Website', - taxIDNumber: 'Tax ID Number', - companyType: 'Company Type', - incorporationDate: 'Incorporation Date', - industryClassificationCode: 'Industry Classification Code', + legalBusinessName: 'Legal business name', + companyWebsite: 'Company website', + taxIDNumber: 'Tax ID number', + companyType: 'Company type', + incorporationDate: 'Incorporation date', + industryClassificationCode: 'Industry classification code', confirmCompanyIsNot: 'I confirm that this company is not on the', listOfRestrictedBusinesses: 'list of restricted businesses', incorporationDatePlaceholder: 'Start date (yyyy-mm-dd)', @@ -530,9 +530,9 @@ export default { confirmModalConfirmText: 'Got it', }, requestorStep: { - headerTitle: 'Requestor Information', + headerTitle: 'Requestor information', financialRegulations: 'Financial regulation and bank rules require us to validate the identity of any individual setting up bank accounts on behalf of a company. ', - learnMore: 'Learn More', + learnMore: 'Learn more', isMyDataSafe: 'Is my data safe?', onFidoConditions: 'By continuing with the request to add this bank account, you confirm that you have read, understand and accept ', onFidoFacialScan: 'Onfido’s Facial Scan Policy and Release', @@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ export default { }, validationStep: { headerTitle: 'Validate', - buttonText: 'Finish Setup', + buttonText: 'Finish setup', maxAttemptError: 'Validation for this bank account has been disabled due to too many incorrect attempts. Please contact us.', description: 'A day or two after you add your account to Expensify we send three (3) transactions to your account. They have a merchant line like "Expensify, Inc. Validation"', descriptionCTA: 'Please enter each transaction amount in the fields below. Example: 1.51', @@ -549,12 +549,12 @@ export default { forNextSteps: ' for next steps to finish setting up your bank account.', }, beneficialOwnersStep: { - beneficialOwners: 'Beneficial Owners', - additionalInformation: 'Additional Information', + beneficialOwners: 'Beneficial owners', + additionalInformation: 'Additional information', checkAllThatApply: '(check all that apply, otherwise leave blank)', iOwnMoreThan25Percent: 'I own more than 25% of ', someoneOwnsMoreThan25Percent: 'Somebody else owns more than 25% of ', - additionalOwner: 'Additional Beneficial Owner', + additionalOwner: 'Additional beneficial owner', removeOwner: 'Remove this beneficial owner', addAnotherIndividual: 'Add another individual who owns more than 25% of ', agreement: 'Agreement:', @@ -579,7 +579,7 @@ export default { workspace: 'Workspace', }, new: { - newWorkspace: 'New Workspace', + newWorkspace: 'New workspace', getTheExpensifyCardAndMore: 'Get the Expensify Card and more', genericFailureMessage: 'An error occurred creating the workspace, please try again.', }, @@ -587,34 +587,34 @@ export default { assignee: 'Assignee', genericFailureMessage: 'An error occurred removing a user from the workspace, please try again.', removeMembersPrompt: 'Are you sure you want to remove the selected people from your workspace?', - removeMembersTitle: 'Remove Members', + removeMembersTitle: 'Remove members', }, card: { - addEmail: 'Add Email', - tagline: 'The Smartest corporate card in the room.', + addEmail: 'Add email', + tagline: 'The smartest corporate card in the room.', publicCopy: 'In order to use the Expensify Card you must use your company\'s private domain. Go ahead and add your private email address as a secondary login.', privateCopy: 'Just swipe your Expensify card and your expenses are done, its that simple!', - getStarted: 'Get Started', - finishSetup: 'Finish Setup', - manageCards: 'Manage Cards', + getStarted: 'Get started', + finishSetup: 'Finish setup', + manageCards: 'Manage cards', cardReadyTagline: 'Your Expensify Cards are ready to go!', }, invite: { - invitePeople: 'Invite People', + invitePeople: 'Invite people', invitePeoplePrompt: 'Invite colleagues to your workspace.', - personalMessagePrompt: 'Add a Personal Message (Optional)', - enterEmailOrPhone: 'Emails or Phone Numbers', + personalMessagePrompt: 'Add a personal message (optional)', + enterEmailOrPhone: 'Emails or phone numbers', EmailOrPhonePlaceholder: 'Enter comma-separated list of emails or phone numbers', pleaseEnterValidLogin: 'Please ensure the email or phone number is valid (e.g. +15005550006).', pleaseEnterUniqueLogin: 'That user is already a member of this workspace.', genericFailureMessage: 'An error occurred inviting the user to the workspace, please try again.', systemUserError: ({email}) => `Sorry, you cannot invite ${email} to a workspace.`, - welcomeNote: ({workspaceName}) => `You have been invited to the ${workspaceName} Workspace! Download the Expensify mobile App to start tracking your expenses.`, + welcomeNote: ({workspaceName}) => `You have been invited to the ${workspaceName} workspace! Download the Expensify mobile app to start tracking your expenses.`, }, editor: { - title: 'Edit Workspace', + title: 'Edit workspace', nameInputLabel: 'Name', - nameInputHelpText: 'This is the name you will see on your Workspace.', + nameInputHelpText: 'This is the name you will see on your workspace.', save: 'Save', genericFailureMessage: 'An error occurred updating the workspace, please try again.', avatarUploadFailureMessage: 'An error occurred uploading the avatar, please try again.', @@ -624,14 +624,14 @@ export default { }, }, requestCallPage: { - requestACall: 'Request a Call', + requestACall: 'Request a call', description: 'Need help with your account configuration? Our team of guides are on hand to help you each step of the way.', instructions: 'Type in your name and phone number, and we’ll give you a call back.', availabilityText: '*Our guides are available from Sunday at 5pm CT to Friday at 5pm CT. Any requests outside this window will be returned 9am - 5pm, Monday - Friday in your local time. Call time is based on the order the call was received.', - callMe: 'Call Me', + callMe: 'Call me', growlMessageOnSave: 'Call requested.', growlMessageInvalidPhone: 'That doesn’t look like a valid phone number. Try again with the country code.\ne.g. +15005550006', - growlMessageEmptyName: 'Please provide both a first and last name so our Guides know how to address you!', + growlMessageEmptyName: 'Please provide both a first and last name so our guides know how to address you!', growlMessageNoPersonalPolicy: 'I wasn’t able to find a personal policy to associate this Guides call with, please check your connection and try again.', needHelp: 'Help', needHelpTooltip: 'Get live help from our team', diff --git a/src/languages/es.js b/src/languages/es.js index c5c19c22fc67..419ddcd786ce 100644 --- a/src/languages/es.js +++ b/src/languages/es.js @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ export default { yes: 'Si', no: 'No', ok: 'OK', - attachment: 'Archivo Adjunto', + attachment: 'Archivo adjunto', to: 'A', optional: 'Opcional', new: 'NUEVO', @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ export default { pin: 'Fijar', unPin: 'Desfijar', back: 'Volver', - saveAndContinue: 'Guardar y Continuar', + saveAndContinue: 'Guardar y continuar', settings: 'Configuración', termsOfService: 'Términos de servicio', people: 'Personas', @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ export default { noPO: '(No se aceptan apartados ni direcciones postales)', city: 'Ciudad', state: 'Estado', - zip: 'Código Postal', + zip: 'Código postal', isRequiredField: 'es un campo obligatorio', whatThis: '¿Qué es esto?', iAcceptThe: 'Acepto los ', @@ -80,9 +80,9 @@ export default { attachmentError: 'Error al adjuntar archivo', errorWhileSelectingAttachment: 'Ha ocurrido un error al seleccionar un adjunto, por favor inténtalo de nuevo', errorWhileSelectingCorruptedImage: 'Ha ocurrido un error al seleccionar un adjunto corrupto, por favor intentalo con otro archivo', - takePhoto: 'Hacer una Foto', + takePhoto: 'Hacer una foto', chooseFromGallery: 'Elegir de la galería', - chooseDocument: 'Elegir Documento', + chooseDocument: 'Elegir documento', attachmentTooLarge: 'Archivo adjunto demasiado grande', sizeExceeded: 'El archivo adjunto supera el límite de 50 MB.', }, @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ export default { problemGettingImageYouPasted: 'Ha ocurrido un problema al obtener la imagen que has pegado', }, baseUpdateAppModal: { - updateApp: 'Actualizar App', + updateApp: 'Actualizar app', updatePrompt: 'Existe una nueva versión de esta aplicación.\nActualiza ahora or reinicia la aplicación más tarde para recibir la última versión.', }, iOUConfirmationList: { @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ export default { reportActionCompose: { addAction: 'Acción', sendAttachment: 'Enviar adjunto', - addAttachment: 'Agregar Archivo Adjunto', + addAttachment: 'Agregar archivo adjunto', writeSomething: 'Escribe algo...', blockedFromConcierge: 'Comunicación no permitida', youAppearToBeOffline: 'Parece que estás desconectado.', @@ -132,13 +132,13 @@ export default { emoji: 'Emoji', }, reportActionContextMenu: { - copyToClipboard: 'Copiar al Portapapeles', + copyToClipboard: 'Copiar al portapapeles', copied: '¡Copiado!', - copyLink: 'Copiar Enlace', - copyURLToClipboard: 'Copiar URL al Portapapeles', + copyLink: 'Copiar enlace', + copyURLToClipboard: 'Copiar URL al portapapeles', markAsUnread: 'Marcar como no leído', - editComment: 'Editar Commentario', - deleteComment: 'Eliminar Comentario', + editComment: 'Editar commentario', + deleteComment: 'Eliminar comentario', deleteConfirmation: '¿Estás seguro de que quieres eliminar este comentario?', }, reportActionsView: { @@ -153,21 +153,21 @@ export default { multipleUsers: 'Varios usuarios', }, sidebarScreen: { - fabAction: 'Nuevo Chat', - newChat: 'Nuevo Chat', - newGroup: 'Nuevo Grupo', + fabAction: 'Nuevo chat', + newChat: 'Nuevo chat', + newGroup: 'Nuevo grupo', headerChat: 'Chats', buttonSearch: 'Buscar', buttonMySettings: 'Mi configuración', - fabNewChat: 'Nuevo Chat', + fabNewChat: 'Nuevo chat', }, iou: { amount: 'Importe', participants: 'Participantes', confirm: 'Confirmar', - splitBill: 'Dividir Factura', - requestMoney: 'Pedir Dinero', - sendMoney: 'Enviar Dinero', + splitBill: 'Dividir factura', + requestMoney: 'Pedir dinero', + sendMoney: 'Enviar dinero', pay: 'Pagar', viewDetails: 'Ver detalles', settleExpensify: 'Pagar con Expensify', @@ -202,9 +202,9 @@ export default { emailHasNotBeenValidated: 'El email no está validado todavía. Haz click en el botón para reenviar el enlace de confirmación via email.', }, avatarWithImagePicker: { - uploadPhoto: 'Subir Foto', - removePhoto: 'Eliminar Foto', - editImage: 'Editar Foto', + uploadPhoto: 'Subir foto', + removePhoto: 'Eliminar foto', + editImage: 'Editar foto', }, profilePage: { profile: 'Perfil', @@ -214,14 +214,14 @@ export default { preferredPronouns: 'Pronombres preferidos', selectYourPronouns: 'Selecciona tus pronombres', selfSelectYourPronoun: 'Auto-selecciona tu pronombre', - emailAddress: 'Dirección de Email', + emailAddress: 'Dirección de email', setMyTimezoneAutomatically: 'Configura mi zona horaria automáticamente', timezone: 'Zona horaria', growlMessageOnSave: 'Tu perfil se ha guardado correctamente', }, addSecondaryLoginPage: { - addPhoneNumber: 'Agregar Número de Teléfono', - addEmailAddress: 'Agregar dirección de Email', + addPhoneNumber: 'Agregar número de teléfono', + addEmailAddress: 'Agregar dirección de email', enterPreferredPhoneNumberToSendValidationLink: 'Escribe tu número de teléfono y contraseña para recibir el enlace de validación.', enterPreferredEmailToSendValidationLink: 'Escribe tu email y contraseña para recibir el enlace de validación.', sendValidation: 'Enviar validación', @@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ export default { }, signOut: 'Desconectar', versionLetter: 'v', - changePassword: 'Cambiar Contraseña', + changePassword: 'Cambiar contraseña', readTheTermsAndPrivacyPolicy: { phrase1: 'Leer los', phrase2: 'términos de servicio', @@ -257,18 +257,18 @@ export default { }, }, passwordPage: { - changePassword: 'Cambiar Contraseña', + changePassword: 'Cambiar contraseña', changingYourPasswordPrompt: 'El cambio de contraseña va a afectar tanto a la cuenta de Expensify.com\ncomo la de Nuevo Expensify.', - currentPassword: 'Contraseña Actual', + currentPassword: 'Contraseña actual', newPassword: 'Nueva contraseña', newPasswordPrompt: 'La nueva contraseña tiene que ser diferente de la antigua, tener al menos 8 letras,\n1 letra mayúscula, 1 letra minúscula y 1 número.', - confirmNewPassword: 'Confirma la Nueva Contraseña', + confirmNewPassword: 'Confirma la nueva contraseña', }, addPayPalMePage: { enterYourUsernameToGetPaidViaPayPal: 'Escribe tu nombre de usuario para que otros puedan pagarte a través de PayPal.', payPalMe: 'PayPal.me/', yourPayPalUsername: 'Tu usuario de PayPal', - addPayPalAccount: 'Agregar Cuenta de PayPal', + addPayPalAccount: 'Agregar cuenta de PayPal', growlMessageOnSave: 'Su nombre de usuario de PayPal se agregó correctamente', editPayPalAccount: 'Actualizar cuenta de PayPal', }, @@ -282,12 +282,12 @@ export default { addFirstPaymentMethod: 'Añade un método de pago para enviar y recibir pagos directamente desde la aplicación', }, preferencesPage: { - mostRecent: 'Más Recientes', + mostRecent: 'Más recientes', mostRecentModeDescription: 'Esta opción muestra por defecto todos los chats, ordenados a partir del más reciente, con los chats destacados arriba de todo.', focus: '#concentración', focusModeDescription: '#concentración – Muestra sólo los chats no leídos y destacados ordenados alfabéticamente.', receiveRelevantFeatureUpdatesAndExpensifyNews: 'Recibir noticias sobre Expensify y actualizaciones del producto', - priorityMode: 'Modo Prioridad', + priorityMode: 'Modo prioridad', language: 'Idioma', languages: { english: 'Inglés', @@ -334,19 +334,19 @@ export default { }, loginForm: { pleaseEnterEmailOrPhoneNumber: 'Por favor escribe un email o número de teléfono', - phoneOrEmail: 'Número de Teléfono o Email', + phoneOrEmail: 'Número de teléfono o email', enterYourPhoneOrEmail: 'Escribe tu número de teléfono o email:', }, resendValidationForm: { linkHasBeenResent: 'El enlace se ha reenviado', weSentYouMagicSignInLink: ({loginType}) => `Hemos enviado un enlace mágico de inicio de sesión a tu ${loginType}.`, - resendLink: 'Reenviar Enlace', + resendLink: 'Reenviar enlace', }, detailsPage: { localTime: 'Hora local', }, newGroupPage: { - createGroup: 'Crear Grupo', + createGroup: 'Crear grupo', }, notFound: { chatYouLookingForCannotBeFound: 'El chat que estás buscando no se ha podido encontrar.', @@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ export default { setPasswordPage: { enterPassword: 'Escribe una contraseña', confirmNewPassword: 'Confirma la contraseña', - setPassword: 'Configura tu Contraseña', + setPassword: 'Configura tu contraseña', passwordsDontMatch: 'Las contraseñas deben coincidir', newPasswordPrompt: 'Su contraseña debe tener al menos 8 caracteres, \n1 letra mayúscula, 1 letra minúscula, 1 número.', passwordFormTitle: '¡Bienvenido de vuelta al Nuevo Expensify! Por favor, elige una contraseña.', @@ -515,14 +515,14 @@ export default { checkBackLater: 'Todavía estamos revisando tu información. Por favor, vuelva más tarde.', }, companyStep: { - headerTitle: 'Información de la Empresa', + headerTitle: 'Información de la empresa', subtitle: 'Dé más información sobre su empresa.', - legalBusinessName: 'Nombre Comercial Legal', - companyWebsite: 'Company Website', - taxIDNumber: 'Tax ID Number', - companyType: 'Página Web de la Empresa', - incorporationDate: 'Fecha de Incorporación', - industryClassificationCode: 'Código de Clasificación Industrial', + legalBusinessName: 'Nombre comercial legal', + companyWebsite: 'Página web de la empresa', + taxIDNumber: 'Número de identificación fiscal', + companyType: 'Tipo de empresa', + incorporationDate: 'Fecha de incorporación', + industryClassificationCode: 'Código de clasificación industrial', confirmCompanyIsNot: 'Confirmo que esta empresa no está en el', listOfRestrictedBusinesses: 'lista de negocios restringidos', incorporationDatePlaceholder: 'Fecha de inicio (aaaa-mm-dd)', @@ -543,7 +543,7 @@ export default { }, validationStep: { headerTitle: 'Validar', - buttonText: 'Finalizar Configuración', + buttonText: 'Finalizar configuración', maxAttemptError: 'Se ha inhabilitado la validación de esta cuenta bancaria, debido a demasiados intentos incorrectos. Por favor contáctenos.', description: 'Uno o dos días después de agregar su cuenta a Expensify, enviamos tres (3) transacciones a su cuenta. Tienen una línea comercial como "Expensify, Inc. Validation"', descriptionCTA: 'Ingrese el monto de cada transacción en los campos a continuación. Ejemplo: 1.51', @@ -581,9 +581,9 @@ export default { workspace: 'Espacio de trabajo', }, new: { - newWorkspace: 'Nuevo Espacio de trabajo', - getTheExpensifyCardAndMore: 'Consigue la Expensify Card y más', - genericFailureMessage: 'Se ha producido un error al intentar crear el Workspace. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo.', + newWorkspace: 'Nuevo espacio de trabajo', + getTheExpensifyCardAndMore: 'Consigue la Tarjeta Expensify y más', + genericFailureMessage: 'Se ha producido un error al intentar crear el espacio de trabajo. Por favor, inténtalo de nuevo.', }, people: { assignee: 'Persona asignada', @@ -595,9 +595,9 @@ export default { addEmail: 'Agregar correo electrónico', tagline: 'La tarjeta corporativa más inteligente de la habitación.', publicCopy: 'Para utilizar la Tarjeta Expensify debe utilizar el dominio privado de su empresa. Continúe y agregue su dirección de correo electrónico privada como inicio de sesión secundario.', - privateCopy: 'Simplemente deslice su tarjeta Expensify y sus gastos estarán listos, ¡es así de simple!', + privateCopy: 'Simplemente deslice su Tarjeta Expensify y sus gastos estarán listos, ¡es así de simple!', getStarted: 'Empezar', - finishSetup: 'Finalizar Configuración', + finishSetup: 'Finalizar configuración', manageCards: 'Administrar tarjetas', cardReadyTagline: 'Tus tarjetas Expensify están listas para usar!', },