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Localized Resources

This project shows how to create and access localized resources from inside an Excel-DNA add-in.

The project was created with the following steps:

  • Create new Class Library

Install ExcelDna.AddIn package: PM> Install-Package ExcelDna.AddIn

Add a test function: public class Class1 { public static string locHello() { return "Hello from LocalizedResources"; } }

Add the resources:

  • Add new "Resources File"

  • In Resource1.rex, edit the String1 resource\

  • Copy and paste the Resource1.resx file, and rename the new copy to "".

  • Edit the French String1 to be "Première chaîne".

  • Copy and paste, rename to ""

  • Edit the Spanish String1 to be "Primera cadena"

Add an accessor function: public class Class1 { //...

    public static string locGetString1(string cultureName)
        return Resource1.ResourceManager.GetString("String1", CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(cultureName));

Add packing directives to the .dna file to include the localized resources:

Test and run: * Press F5 to build and load in Excel * =locHello() * =locGetString1() * =locGetString1("en") * =locGetString1("fr-FR") * =locGetString1("es-AR") (Note fallback to "es" resources)

TODO: * Implement and test packing for resources - expected for Excel-DNA v. 0.34.