This project shows how to create and access localized resources from inside an Excel-DNA add-in.
The project was created with the following steps:
- Create new Class Library
Install ExcelDna.AddIn package: PM> Install-Package ExcelDna.AddIn
Add a test function: public class Class1 { public static string locHello() { return "Hello from LocalizedResources"; } }
Add the resources:
Add new "Resources File"
In Resource1.rex, edit the String1 resource\
Copy and paste the Resource1.resx file, and rename the new copy to "".
Edit the French String1 to be "Première chaîne".
Copy and paste, rename to ""
Edit the Spanish String1 to be "Primera cadena"
Add an accessor function: public class Class1 { //...
public static string locGetString1(string cultureName)
return Resource1.ResourceManager.GetString("String1", CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(cultureName));
Add packing directives to the .dna file to include the localized resources:
Test and run: * Press F5 to build and load in Excel * =locHello() * =locGetString1() * =locGetString1("en") * =locGetString1("fr-FR") * =locGetString1("es-AR") (Note fallback to "es" resources)
TODO: * Implement and test packing for resources - expected for Excel-DNA v. 0.34.