diff --git a/BasicRotations/Tank/PLD_Beta.cs b/BasicRotations/Tank/PLD_Beta.cs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8c78224ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/BasicRotations/Tank/PLD_Beta.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+namespace DefaultRotations.Tank;
+[Rotation("Beta", CombatType.PvE, GameVersion = "7.15")]
+[SourceCode(Path = "main/BasicRotations/Tank/PLD_Beta.cs")]
+public sealed class PLD_Beta : PaladinRotation
+ #region Config Options
+ [RotationConfig(CombatType.PvE, Name = "Prevent actions while you have Passage of Arms up")]
+ public bool PassageProtec { get; set; } = false;
+ [RotationConfig(CombatType.PvE, Name = "Use Hallowed Ground with Cover")]
+ private bool HallowedWithCover { get; set; } = true;
+ [Range(0, 100, ConfigUnitType.Pixels)]
+ [RotationConfig(CombatType.PvE, Name = "Use Sheltron at minimum X Oath to prevent over cap (Set to 0 to disable)")]
+ private int WhenToSheltron { get; set; } = 100;
+ [Range(0, 1, ConfigUnitType.Percent)]
+ [RotationConfig(CombatType.PvE, Name = "Health threshold for Intervention (Set to 0 to disable)")]
+ private float InterventionRatio { get; set; } = 0.6f;
+ [Range(0, 1, ConfigUnitType.Percent)]
+ [RotationConfig(CombatType.PvE, Name = "Health threshold for Cover (Set to 0 to disable)")]
+ private float CoverRatio { get; set; } = 0.3f;
+ #endregion
+ private const ActionID ConfiteorPvEActionId = (ActionID)16459;
+ private new readonly IBaseAction ConfiteorPvE = new BaseAction(ConfiteorPvEActionId);
+ #region Countdown Logic
+ protected override IAction? CountDownAction(float remainTime)
+ {
+ if (remainTime < HolySpiritPvE.Info.CastTime + CountDownAhead
+ && HolySpiritPvE.CanUse(out var act)) return act;
+ if (remainTime < 15 && DivineVeilPvE.CanUse(out act)) return act;
+ return base.CountDownAction(remainTime);
+ }
+ #endregion
+ #region Additional oGCD Logic
+ [RotationDesc(ActionID.CoverPvE)]
+ protected override bool EmergencyAbility(IAction nextGCD, out IAction? act)
+ {
+ act = null;
+ if (PassageProtec && Player.HasStatus(true, StatusID.PassageOfArms)) return false;
+ if (Player.HasStatus(true, StatusID.Cover) && HallowedWithCover && HallowedGroundPvE.CanUse(out act)) return true;
+ if (HallowedGroundPvE.CanUse(out act)
+ && Player.GetHealthRatio() <= HealthForDyingTanks) return true;
+ if ((Player.HasStatus(true, StatusID.Rampart) || Player.HasStatus(true, StatusID.Sentinel)) &&
+ InterventionPvE.CanUse(out act) &&
+ InterventionPvE.Target.Target?.GetHealthRatio() < 0.6) return true;
+ if (CoverPvE.CanUse(out act) && CoverPvE.Target.Target?.DistanceToPlayer() < 10 &&
+ CoverPvE.Target.Target?.GetHealthRatio() < CoverRatio) return true;
+ return base.EmergencyAbility(nextGCD, out act);
+ }
+ [RotationDesc]
+ protected override bool MoveForwardAbility(IAction nextGCD, out IAction? act)
+ {
+ act = null;
+ if (PassageProtec && Player.HasStatus(true, StatusID.PassageOfArms)) return false;
+ if (IntervenePvE.CanUse(out act)) return true;
+ return base.MoveForwardAbility(nextGCD, out act);
+ }
+ [RotationDesc(ActionID.DivineVeilPvE, ActionID.PassageOfArmsPvE)]
+ protected override bool DefenseAreaAbility(IAction nextGCD, out IAction? act)
+ {
+ act = null;
+ if (PassageProtec && Player.HasStatus(true, StatusID.PassageOfArms)) return false;
+ if (DivineVeilPvE.CanUse(out act)) return true;
+ if (PassageOfArmsPvE.CanUse(out act)) return true;
+ return base.DefenseAreaAbility(nextGCD, out act);
+ }
+ [RotationDesc(ActionID.SentinelPvE, ActionID.RampartPvE, ActionID.BulwarkPvE, ActionID.SheltronPvE, ActionID.ReprisalPvE)]
+ protected override bool DefenseSingleAbility(IAction nextGCD, out IAction? act)
+ {
+ act = null;
+ if (PassageProtec && Player.HasStatus(true, StatusID.PassageOfArms)) return false;
+ // If the player has the Hallowed Ground status, don't use any abilities.
+ if (!Player.HasStatus(true, StatusID.HallowedGround))
+ {
+ // If Bulwark can be used, use it and return true.
+ if (BulwarkPvE.CanUse(out act, skipAoeCheck: true)) return true;
+ // If Oath can be used, use it and return true.
+ if (UseOath(out act)) return true;
+ // If Rampart is not cooling down or has been cooling down for more than 60 seconds, and Sentinel can be used, use Sentinel and return true.
+ if ((!RampartPvE.Cooldown.IsCoolingDown || RampartPvE.Cooldown.ElapsedAfter(60)) && SentinelPvE.CanUse(out act)) return true;
+ // If Sentinel is at an enough level and is cooling down for more than 60 seconds, or if Sentinel is not at an enough level, and Rampart can be used, use Rampart and return true.
+ if ((SentinelPvE.EnoughLevel && SentinelPvE.Cooldown.IsCoolingDown && SentinelPvE.Cooldown.ElapsedAfter(60) || !SentinelPvE.EnoughLevel) && RampartPvE.CanUse(out act)) return true;
+ // If Reprisal can be used, use it and return true.
+ if (ReprisalPvE.CanUse(out act, skipAoeCheck: true)) return true;
+ }
+ return base.DefenseSingleAbility(nextGCD, out act);
+ }
+ #endregion
+ #region oGCD Logic
+ [RotationDesc(ActionID.FightOrFlightPvE)]
+ protected override bool GeneralAbility(IAction nextGCD, out IAction? act)
+ {
+ act = null;
+ if (PassageProtec && Player.HasStatus(true, StatusID.PassageOfArms)) return false;
+ if (OathGauge >= WhenToSheltron && WhenToSheltron > 0 && UseOath(out act)) return true;
+ if (!RiotBladePvE.EnoughLevel && FightOrFlightPvE.CanUse(out act)) return true;
+ if (!RageOfHalonePvE.EnoughLevel && nextGCD.IsTheSameTo(true, RiotBladePvE) && FightOrFlightPvE.CanUse(out act)) return true;
+ if (!ProminencePvE.EnoughLevel && nextGCD.IsTheSameTo(true, RageOfHalonePvE) && FightOrFlightPvE.CanUse(out act)) return true;
+ return base.GeneralAbility(nextGCD, out act);
+ }
+ [RotationDesc(ActionID.SpiritsWithinPvE)]
+ protected override bool AttackAbility(IAction nextGCD, out IAction? act)
+ {
+ act = null;
+ if (PassageProtec && Player.HasStatus(true, StatusID.PassageOfArms)) return false;
+ if (BladeOfHonorPvE.CanUse(out act)) return true;
+ if (!RiotBladePvE.EnoughLevel && FightOrFlightPvE.CanUse(out act)) return true;
+ if (!RageOfHalonePvE.EnoughLevel && nextGCD.IsTheSameTo(true, RiotBladePvE) && FightOrFlightPvE.CanUse(out act)) return true;
+ if (!SwordOathTrait.EnoughLevel && nextGCD.IsTheSameTo(true, RoyalAuthorityPvE) && FightOrFlightPvE.CanUse(out act)) return true;
+ if (SwordOathTrait.EnoughLevel && Player.HasStatus(true, StatusID.AtonementReady) && FightOrFlightPvE.CanUse(out act)) return true;
+ if (IsLastAbility(true, FightOrFlightPvE) && ImperatorPvE.CanUse(out act)) return true;
+ if (IsLastAbility(true, FightOrFlightPvE) && RequiescatPvE.CanUse(out act)) return true;
+ if (FightOrFlightPvE.Cooldown.IsCoolingDown && CircleOfScornPvE.CanUse(out act)) return true;
+ if (FightOrFlightPvE.Cooldown.IsCoolingDown && ExpiacionPvE.CanUse(out act)) return true;
+ if (FightOrFlightPvE.Cooldown.IsCoolingDown && SpiritsWithinPvE.CanUse(out act)) return true;
+ if (!IsMoving && IntervenePvE.CanUse(out act, usedUp: HasFightOrFlight)) return true;
+ return base.AttackAbility(nextGCD, out act);
+ }
+ #endregion
+ #region GCD Logic
+ [RotationDesc(ActionID.ClemencyPvE)]
+ protected override bool HealSingleGCD(out IAction? act)
+ {
+ act = null;
+ if (PassageProtec && Player.HasStatus(true, StatusID.PassageOfArms)) return false;
+ if (ClemencyPvE.CanUse(out act)) return true;
+ return base.HealSingleGCD(out act);
+ }
+ [RotationDesc(ActionID.ShieldBashPvE)]
+ protected override bool MyInterruptGCD(out IAction? act)
+ {
+ act = null;
+ if (PassageProtec && Player.HasStatus(true, StatusID.PassageOfArms)) return false;
+ if (LowBlowPvE.Cooldown.IsCoolingDown && ShieldBashPvE.CanUse(out act)) return true;
+ return base.MyInterruptGCD(out act);
+ }
+ protected override bool GeneralGCD(out IAction? act)
+ {
+ act = null;
+ if (PassageProtec && Player.HasStatus(true, StatusID.PassageOfArms)) return false;
+ // Confiteor Combo
+ if (BladeOfValorPvE.CanUse(out act)) return true;
+ if (BladeOfTruthPvE.CanUse(out act)) return true;
+ if (BladeOfFaithPvE.CanUse(out act)) return true;
+ if (Player.HasStatus(true, StatusID.Requiescat) && ConfiteorPvE.CanUse(out act, usedUp: true)) return true;
+ if (GoringBladePvE.CanUse(out act)) return true;
+ if (SepulchrePvE.CanUse(out act)) return true;
+ if (SupplicationPvE.CanUse(out act)) return true;
+ if (AtonementPvE.CanUse(out act)) return true;
+ //AoE
+ if (Player.HasStatus(true, StatusID.DivineMight) && HolyCirclePvE.CanUse(out act)) return true;
+ if (ProminencePvE.CanUse(out act)) return true;
+ if (TotalEclipsePvE.CanUse(out act)) return true;
+ //Single Target
+ if (Player.HasStatus(true, StatusID.DivineMight) && HolySpiritPvE.CanUse(out act)) return true;
+ if (RoyalAuthorityPvE.CanUse(out act)) return true;
+ if (RageOfHalonePvE.CanUse(out act)) return true;
+ if (RiotBladePvE.CanUse(out act)) return true;
+ if (FastBladePvE.CanUse(out act)) return true;
+ //Ranged
+ if (HolySpiritPvE.CanUse(out act)) return true;
+ if (ShieldLobPvE.CanUse(out act)) return true;
+ return base.GeneralGCD(out act);
+ }
+ #endregion
+ #region Extra Methods
+ private bool UseOath(out IAction? act)
+ {
+ act = null;
+ if ((InterventionPvE.Target.Target?.GetHealthRatio() <= InterventionRatio) && InterventionPvE.CanUse(out act)) return true;
+ if (HolySheltronPvE.CanUse(out act)) return true;
+ if (SheltronPvE.CanUse(out act)) return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ #endregion
diff --git a/BasicRotations/Tank/PLD_Default.cs b/BasicRotations/Tank/PLD_Default.cs
index 659903a2e..3fb5f8a23 100644
--- a/BasicRotations/Tank/PLD_Default.cs
+++ b/BasicRotations/Tank/PLD_Default.cs
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ public class PLD_Default : PaladinRotation
#region Config Options
- [RotationConfig(CombatType.PvE, Name = "Prevent actions while you have Passage of Prms up")]
+ [RotationConfig(CombatType.PvE, Name = "Prevent actions while you have Passage of Arms up")]
public bool PassageProtec { get; set; } = false;
[RotationConfig(CombatType.PvE, Name = "Use Hallowed Ground with Cover")]
diff --git a/RotationSolver.Basic/Rotations/Basic/PaladinRotation.cs b/RotationSolver.Basic/Rotations/Basic/PaladinRotation.cs
index 33915c394..d5a1bf28e 100644
--- a/RotationSolver.Basic/Rotations/Basic/PaladinRotation.cs
+++ b/RotationSolver.Basic/Rotations/Basic/PaladinRotation.cs
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ partial class PaladinRotation
public override MedicineType MedicineType => MedicineType.Strength;
+ private const ActionID ConfiteorPvEActionId = (ActionID)16459;
@@ -86,7 +88,12 @@ public override void DisplayStatus()
ImGui.Text("HasDivineMight: " + HasDivineMight.ToString());
ImGui.Text("HasFightOrFlight: " + HasFightOrFlight.ToString());
ImGui.Text("CanHealAreaAbility: " + CanHealAreaAbility.ToString());
- ImGui.Text("CanHealSingleSpell: " + CanHealSingleSpell.ToString());
+ ImGui.Text("SupplicationReady: " + SupplicationReady.ToString());
+ ImGui.Text("SepulchreReady: " + SepulchreReady.ToString());
+ ImGui.Text("BladeOfFaithReady: " + BladeOfFaithReady.ToString());
+ ImGui.Text("BladeOfTruthReady: " + BladeOfTruthReady.ToString());
+ ImGui.Text("BladeOfValorReady: " + BladeOfValorReady.ToString());
+ ImGui.Text("BladeOfHonorReady: " + BladeOfHonorReady.ToString());
@@ -307,6 +314,7 @@ static partial void ModifyExpiacionPvE(ref ActionSetting setting)
static partial void ModifyBladeOfFaithPvE(ref ActionSetting setting)
+ setting.ActionCheck = () => BladeOfFaithReady;
setting.ComboIds = [ActionID.ConfiteorPvE];
setting.CreateConfig = () => new ActionConfig()
@@ -316,6 +324,7 @@ static partial void ModifyBladeOfFaithPvE(ref ActionSetting setting)
static partial void ModifyBladeOfTruthPvE(ref ActionSetting setting)
+ setting.ActionCheck = () => BladeOfTruthReady;
setting.ComboIds = [ActionID.BladeOfFaithPvE];
setting.CreateConfig = () => new ActionConfig()
@@ -325,6 +334,7 @@ static partial void ModifyBladeOfTruthPvE(ref ActionSetting setting)
static partial void ModifyBladeOfValorPvE(ref ActionSetting setting)
+ setting.ActionCheck = () => BladeOfValorReady;
setting.ComboIds = [ActionID.BladeOfTruthPvE];
setting.CreateConfig = () => new ActionConfig()
@@ -348,7 +358,7 @@ static partial void ModifyImperatorPvE(ref ActionSetting setting)
static partial void ModifyBladeOfHonorPvE(ref ActionSetting setting)
- setting.StatusNeed = [StatusID.BladeOfHonorReady];
+ setting.ActionCheck = () => BladeOfHonorReady;
setting.CreateConfig = () => new ActionConfig()
AoeCount = 1,