# Use `just` tool to start dev server and open webpage in browser.
- Maximize
- Pin sticky
- Toggle edit/view mode button on sticky controls.
- Split view
- Redo/Undo
- Find a way to disable contextmenu when user pressing shift + right click. (works on ff by default)
- Context menu with focus element.
- Spotify sticky
- Color theme
- Sub menus
- Dock preference always on top.
- Sync
- {impossible} Spotify border radius adjust.
- Spotify embedded content already had border-radius, unless we can get the background color, we cannot get rid of that border.j
- Dropdown add sticky.
- Add nav for settings.
- Add javascript customization textarea.
- Add css customization textarea.
- Remove flexbox-based autoArrange
- Import document
- Undo/redo for movement and resizing.
- Drag bookmark dock item.
- zooming
- Separate the dock level to immune from sticky container scaling.
- :: NOTE: Debug zooming is hard, but I found that by comparing the arguments (width, height, x, y etc.) and their combination, it is more easy to find the correct formula.
- zooming reset by ctrl 0
- Zooming UI
- Fix the default position on top left instead of central problem.
- Toolbar for mobile.
- iframe sticky
- declarativeNetRequest -> unblock iframe
- Blockly
- Web extension version.
- Workspace
- Should looks like Arc's Space, switching between work, school etc. :: we have the workspace class now, but currently just one instance at time, but it provide the possiblity to implement this feature.
- Layout Managing
- easy: fixed layouts.
- moderate: adjusting size
- WYSIWYG text editor
- Idk I think user won't like/know markdown, they just want an easy-to-use ui for editing rich text. Candidates:
- Toggle quilljs toolbar
- A11y
- Create intro video and tutorial for end user.
- Grant user permission for custom js and css
- Persist zoom and canvas position, also the original size of maximized sticky.
- Context menu two-side icon to match browser convention.
- Add setting option for disabling script execution.
- Redesign dock api.
- divider breaks markdown sticky preview.
- It might overwrite the existing idb document if changed offline -> close tab -> back online, cuz we always read remote source first right now. We should compare two documents date.
- Bookmak looks inconsist for different title length
- Custom bookmark image bot working
- Auto arrange not working as expected, the container setting seems weird.
- Using navbar add sticky, the sticky position should at center instead of top-right.
- In moved viewport, create/copy sticky from command will not be center in user's point of view.
- Palette hue not reset when leaving without saving.
- Sometimes toggle the settings page, some stickies will reset position.
- Markdown extra whitespace
- Tab not working in markdown sticky
- Script and html not work as expected if use tab :: cannot reproduce :(
- If save maximized sticky, when restore from saved document, the original size will not available.
- Fix maximize not working as expected bug due to stickyContainer didn't have w and h
- Quill Editor undo should not trigger mencrouche undo.
- The background image cannot restore from localstorage.
- The sticky blob image cannot restore from localstorage.
- sticky out of bound when resizing window.
- create sticky on the bottom or right cuz the container size change.
- Context menu will not translate when language switched.
- When sticky is maximized, drag to shrink is working, but the center point is not correct.
- (::because the button trigger "drag to back to normal size", need to find a way to prevent "handle" trigger for it's button child.) When a maximize sticky turn back to normal size by click button, it will lose original y position.