On your first day, you’ll be joining an awesome crew at one of our offices - this checklist is for you and your manager to run through. See how much of it you can do yourself!
A CHECK to set up your direct deposit
That’s probably all you’ll need, but single-item lists are weird
Install your favorite IDE (xCode, Eclipse, IntelliJ, NetBeans are worth checking out if you’re not Tim Pope)
Install your favorite text editor (Atom? Sublime? Or maybe vim, since you are Tim Pope?)
Install Slack, join a few channels (#general, #onboarding, and find a few that look related to your area of expertise)
Install iTerm2
Install Docker Toolbox
Set up your VPN token with your local IT (you did get their name, right?)
Ensure you have access to Github, JIRA, Okta
Super duper double check you’ve got access to ADP
Install ZSH or fish, take some time to set it up in a way that makes sense to you
Install brew
Install node, npm
Install python, venvburrito