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Tatu Saloranta edited this page Jan 27, 2019 · 19 revisions

JSTEP-1: Major Version 3.x Upgrade Compatibility Details

Note: matching github issue: #34


Tatu Saloranta (@cowtowncoder)

Version history

2019-01-26: first revision


Jackson follows Semantic Versioning, and as such Major Version change planned from 2.x to 3.0 indicates major, backwards-incompatible changes. Such changes are made in order to improve Jackson in ways to would not otherwise be possible, including (but not limited to) things like:

  • Removal of deprecated methods in public API (note: Jackson minor versions allow more aggressive removal of internal methods)
  • Changes to required abstract methods (for abstract classes and interfaces)
  • Renaming of public API classes
  • Changes to default settings, behavior

Prior art

Jackson has already undergone one major version upgrade: from 1.9 to 2.0. We consider that upgrade largely successful and positive, due to changes taken to avoid class-loading collisions across 1.x and 2.x, which essentially allow 1.x and 2.x implementations to co-exist within same JVM. There are of course downsides -- there is no perfect way to upgrade; and it could be argued that need to do major upgrade is a sign of fundamental problems with upgrade -- main complaint being that upgrade process even for simplest cases is more involved than just upgraded dependency version number.

What was done with 1.9-to-2.0 upgrade was essentially

  1. Move root Java package from org.codehaus.jackson to com.fasterxml.jackson, to avoid class collisions
  2. Change Maven group id from org.codehaus.jackson to com.fasterxml.jackson[.core]
    • Some maven artifact ids were also changed (like jackson-mapper-asl to jackson-databind), but that was optional cleanup; change of group id would have sufficed for isolation.

Potential avoidable problems

Although upgrade from Jackson 1 to Jackson 2 seemed to go largely well for most users (when they chose to do that), one somewhat painful and potentially unnecessary part was handling of annotations. Since annotations are more of metadata, and since changes between 1.9 and 2.0 were minimal, it was possible to create value classes (POJOs with no Jackson dependency exception for annotations) that worked with both Jackson 1.x and 2.x -- but if any annotations were required, both 1.x and 2.x annotations were needed as neither could read "other" annotations (note: it is actually possible to implement Jackson AnnotationIntrospector that DOES understand both -- and such implementations were written by 3rd party developers). But it seems that it might have been possible to handle annotation package compatibility different from other packages: we will extend on this in sections below, suggesting another way to tackle version evolution for annotations.

High-level Proposal

We should follow footsteps of Jackson-1-to-Jackson-2 upgrade in most parts, renaming Maven group-id (and possibly some of artifact ids) as well as Java packages.

But one exception is that we should consider keeping jackson-annotations compatible across major versions. This would require keeping same Maven group and artifact ids, as well as Java package name. There are some trade-offs -- essentially, difference in versioning may seem confusing to users -- but there is some value in ability to use only a single set of annotations on (non-Jackson) POJOs, regardless of whether Jackson 2.x or 3.x is actually used for processing.

Proposal details

General naming

There is one general naming question to decide first. Should we make:

  1. Minimal name change, like "com.fasterxml.jackson" -> "com.fasterxml.jackson3", OR
  2. Bigger name change, like "com.fasterxml.jackson" -> "org.jackson" (or something)

If we wanted to do latter, we'd have to come up with a new reverse domain name (real or virtual), and probably the only reason to go with (2) would be to get rid of legacy fasterxml part. It may be that this would be tied to possible bigger changes like joining one of foundations (such as if Jackson was to join Apache or Eclipse foundation -- purely hypothetical at this point, but nevertheless possibility).

Maven coordinates

We have decide how to come with new group id names that differ from 2.x (as per above), but once decided, we should consistently use the same translation, with the possible exception of jackson-annotations (see below).

We should keep existing artifact ids, except for selected packages where we feel we can improve on naming.

List of artifact ids to rename:


Java packages

As with 2.x, I think we should use Maven group id, followed with (part of) artifact id as the root package name (omitting "jackson-" prefix from artifact id).

Handling of jackson-annotations

As indicated earlier, basic approach for all other components may not work as well for jackson-annotations. This because:

  1. Annotations are added as metadata on non-Jackson value types, and these should ideally be compatible across many Jackson versions (historically just across all 1.x or 2.x versions)
  2. Annotation evolution is slower, and so far they have been strictly backwards compatibility across both major versions -- unlike jackson-core, or, in particular jackson-databind. This means that keeping strict compatibility would likely be possible across (otherwise) major version boundary.

So. How about we actually KEEP existing Maven and Java package names for jackson-annotations? This would allow use of a single set of annotations during migration from 2.x to 3.x for processing; as well as exposing value libraries (by 3rd parties) that similarly work fine with both Jackson 2.x and Jackson 3.x

But there are some challenges/downsides too:

  • Difference in Maven group id between annotations and other components can be confusing to users.
  • If we are to publish more 2.x versions, concurrently with 3.0 (a possibility but not certainty), we will probably need to be bit more careful in ensuring version compatibility (probably need to limit or even prevent changes in 2.x series after 2.10, to make 3.x annotations a strict superset of all 2.x annotations)

These do not seem too significant downsides to prevent taking this approach.

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