Releases: FirstGearGames/FishNet
Releases · FirstGearGames/FishNet
- Fixed NetworkTransform.SynchronizeParent sometimes unparenting objects.
- Fixed DDOL instance never being set. (#502)
- Fixed Prediction v2(experimental) objects not deinitializing on clients when unexpectedly destroyed.
- Fixed NetworkTransform not always deinitializing properly when an object was unexpectedly destroyed.
- Fixed Index Out of Range error on NetworkTransform caused by a release on the wrong commit.
- Improved XML for IsClient, IsServer, IsClientInitialized, IsServerInitialized, IsHost, IsServerOnly, and IsClientOnly.
- Fixed a harmless error caused by ServerManager attempting a kick.
- Fixed Multipass ClientTransformData caching (#471)
- Fixed NetworkTransform sometimes interpolating to last datas when being respawned from object pooling.
- Fixed nested NetworkObjects not being set global when their parents were. (#477)
- Fixed mobile sometimes reconnecting when app regains focus even though connection was not lost.
- Improved ClientManager has improved error handling for sudden disconnections.
- Fixed an instance where scenes with the same name in different paths could conflict with the SceneManager.
- Removed PausedSocketFix for Tugboat, which was previously used to timeout mobile connections rather than sit an unhandled state. ClientManager/ServerManager timeout has replaced this feature.
- Added DefaultScene.Enabled to toggle component state.
- Improved several checks related to SceneLookupData to provide better informative debug for developers.
- Fixed NetworkObject parent not setting during spawn if parent was updated from a client authoritative NetworkTransform.
- Fixed TrySendLODUpdate throwing NullReferenceException under rare conditions where owned objects were destroyed unexpectedly.
- Fixed BandwidthDisplay not unsubscribing from NetworkTrafficStatics.OnServerNetworkTraffic.
- Added some missing namespaces.
- Fixed NetworkTransform not synchronizing parents when the parent had transform data of and Quaterion.identity.
- Using networkObject.SetParent is now enforced for NetworkTransform to synchronize parent.
- Added Prediction V2(experimental) ReplicateState extensions.
- Fixed Prediction V2(experimental) server-owned inputs not sending.
- Added NetworkObject and NetworkBehaviour.ToString().
- Fixed warning about NetworkObject not being found when setting parent to an object spawned earlier in the same tick.
- Improved exposed NetworkObject.RigidbodyPauser.
- Added RigidbodyPauser.UpdateRigidbodies().
- Fixed the 'Ask Later' review button inccorrectly redirecting to our Discord.
- Fixed networkObject.SetParent causing NullReferenceException when called on an object not yet spawned.
- Fixed other instances of networkObject.SetParent not applying parent change for clients.
- Obsoleted several more areas where ListCache was declared.
- Obsoleted NetworkObject.ClientInitialized.
- Added NetworkObject/NetworkBehaviour.IsClientInitialized.
- Added NetworkObject/NetworkBehaviour.IsServerInitialized.
- Improved debug text when trying to call a RPC without permissions.
- Fixed NetworkObject/NetworkBehaviour.IsServer returning false as clientHost when the object was despawned on server before client received the spawn packet.
- Dev: Fixed RigidbodyPauser not properly unparenting childed rigidbodies before pausing.
- Changed ColliderRollback demo made simple to reduce package size.
- Fixed Prediction V2(experimental) excessive reconciles when a client initially joins the server or has low frame rates.
- Improved Prediction V2(experimental) spectator smoothing finalized.
- Added scene parameter to all Spawn methods which will move objects to specified scene prior to network spawning.
- Improved PlayerSpawner setting position and rotation of objects to accomodate more scenarios.
- Fixed NetworkAnimator not sending correct Play states when state was changed on tick.
- Fixed player settings defines missing from certain build platforms in Unity 2021+.
- Dev: Added Multipass rework as default.
- Improved experimental toggles now only show enable/disable when applicable.
- Fixed not being able to reparent a nested NetworkObject to it's previous parent, after being unparented.
- Fixed server sometimes incorrectly kicking clients due to timeout.
- Fixed HashGrid observer condition not updating for moving objects.
- Improved SceneProcessorBase scene lookup process for MovedObjectsHolder, etc.
- Improved RollbackManager no longer warns on start if bounding box is not set.
- Obsoleted RebuildObservers which used IEnumerable.
- Added RebuildObservers for IList.
- Fixed incorrect Obsolete message on RollbackManager.
- Improved ColliderRollback demo now uses new rollback methods.
- Dev: Added RigidbodyPauser able to now move child Rigidbodies(confirmed feature incomplete in this release).
- Improved SceneManager allocations.
- Dev: Changed reverted NetworkTransform.
- Improved latency on state reconciles.
- Improved Prediction v2(experimental) spectator smoothing.
- Added Release mode under the Fish-Networking menu.
- Added Fish-Networking developer define NetworkTransform ClientAuth Test.
- Changed Network Level of Detail is out of testing and now Pro only.
- Improved removed harmless debug log error from PredictedObject.
- Improved several debug messages.
- Fixed RPCs not splitting when sent as unreliable and while over the transport MTU.
- Fixed SyncVars not resetting values on the field when the object was being pooled.
- Changed NetworkTransform.SynchronizeParent is no longer Pro only.
- Added ClientManager.RemoteServerTimeout.
- Fixed scene paths not working with SceneManager when they contained a period.
- Obsoleted RollbackManager.PhysicsType in favor of RollbackPhysicsType.
- Fixed NetworkTransform sometimes stopping interpolation after receiving virtually unchanged values.
from Version 3.10.5 (released as Pro only)
- Fixed Prediction V2(experimental) causing infinite physics steps when owner did not have a replicate object.
- Added NetworkTransform.ScaleThreshold when teleport is enabled.
- Fixed RigidbodyPauser getting stuck in the kinematic scene when children rigidbodies were present.
- Improved ObserverManager.GetLevelOfDetailInterval is now static for performance.
- Changed ServerManager.RemoteClientTimeout default from Disabled to Development and improved it's timeout message.
- Changed all GetStableHash methods made public.
- Added Array type to Collection/ResettableCollectionCaches.
- Added RollbackManager only rolling back specified scenes.
- Added RollbackManager rollback option to test for bounding box.
- Added ColliderRollback.BoundingBox option to the component.
IMPORTANT: This requires you to delete your FishNet folder before importing. Restarting Unity after importing may be required.
- Changed kicks no longer occur for excessive pings but server will ignore them.
- Added SceneLookupData as a constructor for SceneUnloadData.
- Added Additive Scenes demo which features SceneCondition and DistanceCondition.
- Fixed scenes unloading on clientHost even while KeepUnused was true.
- Fixed TimeManager.OnPostPhysicsSimulation not invoking when using Unity physics mode.
- Fixed prediction v1 PredictedObject not replicating for non-owners.
- Changed moved Examples folder to Demos folder.