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225 lines (180 loc) · 15.1 KB

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225 lines (180 loc) · 15.1 KB

Version 4.1.0



  • Interceptor support for the Authenticator module [SDKS-2545]
  • Deep link support for mfauth scheme in Authenticator sample app [SDKS-2524]
  • Interface for access_token refresh [SDKS-2563]
  • Ability to process new JSON format of IG policy advice [SDKS-2239]


  • Fixed an issue on parsing issuer from combined MFA registration uri [SDKS-2542]
  • Added error message about duplicated accounts while performing combined MFA registration [SDKS-2627]



  • Support for passkeys [SDKS-2140]
  • DeviceBinding callback support [SDKS-1748]
  • DeviceSigningVerifier callback support [SDKS-2023]
  • Support for combined MFA in the Authenticator SDK [SDKS-1972]
  • Support for policy enforcement in the Authenticator SDK [SDKS-2166]
  • Interface for listing and deleting WebAuthn credentials from the device [SDKS-2279]
  • Interface for assigning device name during the WebAuthn registration process [SDKS-2297]
  • SwiftUI QuickStart Example [SDKS-2405]


  • Added error message description to the WebAuthnError enum [SDKS-2226]
  • Updated the order of presenting the registered WebAuthn keys on the device [SDKS-2251]
  • Updated Facebook SDK Version to 16.0.1 [SDKS-1839]
  • Updated Google SDK Version to 7.0.0 [SDKS-2426]


  • In WebAuthnRegistrationCallback: public func register(node: Node? = nil, onSuccess: @escaping StringCompletionCallback, onError: @escaping ErrorCallback) to public func register(node: Node? = nil, window: UIWindow? =, deviceName: String? = nil, usePasskeysIfAvailable: Bool = false, onSuccess: @escaping StringCompletionCallback, onError: @escaping ErrorCallback)
  • In WebAuthnAuthenticationCallback: public func authenticate(node: Node? = nil, onSuccess: @escaping StringCompletionCallback, onError: @escaping ErrorCallback) to public func authenticate(node: Node? = nil, window: UIWindow? =, preferImmediatelyAvailableCredentials: Bool = false, usePasskeysIfAvailable: Bool = false, onSuccess: @escaping StringCompletionCallback, onError: @escaping ErrorCallback)
  • In FacebookSignInHandler: public static func handle(_ application: UIApplication, _ url: URL, _ options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:]) -> Bool to public static func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey : Any]? = nil) -> Bool. It should now be called from application(_ application:, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: ) instead of application(_ app:, open url:, options:).
  • FRAClient.updateAccount() now throws AccountError.accountLocked upon attempt to update a locked account [SDKS-2166]
  • HOTPMechanism.generateCode() and TOTPMechanism.generateCode() now throws AccountError.accountLocked upon attempt to get an OATH token for a locked account [SDKS-2166]



  • Updated legacy encryption algorithm for iOS SE [SDKS-1994]
  • Fixed an issue related to push notifications timeout [SDKS-2164]
  • Fixed an unexpected error occurring during the decoding of some push notifications [SDKS-2199]



  • Dynamic SDK Configuration [SDKS-1760]
  • iOS 16 Support [SDKS-1932]


  • Fixed build errors on Xcode 14 [SDKS-2073]
  • Fixed bug where the state parameter value was not verified upon calling the Authorize endpoint [SDKS-2077]



  • Interface for log management [SDKS-1863]


  • Fixed memory leak in NetworkCollector [SDKS-1931]



  • Add PushType.biometric support and BiometricAuthentication class for biometric authentication. Updated sample app to handle new Push types [SDKS-1865]


  • Fixed the bug when refreshing the access token we return the old token [SDKS-1824]
  • Fixed bug when multiple threads are trying to access the same resource in the deviceCollector and ProfileCollector [SDKS-1912]



  • SSL Pinning Support [SDKS-1627]
  • Obtain timestamp from new Push Notification payload [SDKS-1665]
  • Add new payload attributes in the Push Notification [SDKS-1775]
  • Apple Sign In enhancements to get user profile info [SDKS-1632]


  • Remove "Accept: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" header from /authorize endpoint for GET requests [SDKS-1729]
  • Remove iPlanetDirectoryPro (or session cookie name) from the query parameter and inject it to the header instead [SDKS-1708]
  • Fix issue when expired push notification displayed as "Approved" in the notification history list [SDKS-1491]
  • Fix Issues with registering TOTP accounts with invalid period [SDKS-1405]



  • Updated GoogleSignIn library to the latest version '6.1.0'
  • Made FRGoogleSignIn available through SPM



  • Added custom implementation for HTTPCookie for iOS 11+ devices, in order to support NSSecureCoding for storing cookies. [SDKS-1366]
  • Changed all instances of Archiving/Unarchiving to use NSSecureCoding. [SDKS-1366]
  • SecuredKey initializer supports passing a Keychain accessibility flag. [SDKS-1334]
  • SecuredKey now has the same default Keychain accessibility flag as the KeychainService ".afterFirstUnlock". [SDKS-1334]



  • Fixed an issue where the MetadataCallback was overriding the stage property of a node [SDKS-1209]
  • Fixed an issue which was affecting the Centralized Login feature [SDKS-1157]
  • Various bug-fixes and enhancements for the Authenticator SDK [SDKS-1186], [SDKS-1238], [SDKS-1241]



  • ForgeRock iOS SDK now supports and available through Swift Package Manager. [SDKS-912]
  • ForgeRock iOS SDK now supports Social Login for Sign in with Apple, Google Sign-In, and Facebook Login. [SDKS-879]
  • New SDK modules, FRGoogleSignIn and FRFacebookSignIn, are now available to enable Social Login with AM using providers' native SDKs. [SDKS-879]
  • WebAuthnRegistrationCallback, and WebAuthnAuthenticationCallback are introduced to support AM's WebAuthn Registration Node and WebAuthn Authentication Node. [SDKS-782]
  • FRUser.revokeAccessToken() is introduced to revoke OAuth2 token only, and keep existing SSO token. [SDKS-979]
  • Account, OathTokenCode, PushNotification and all Mechanism classes now conform to Codable protocol, and introduce new method toJson() to return serialized JSON String value of the object. [SDKS-1004]
  • FRAClient.getAllNotifications() is introduced to retrieve all notifications across all mechanisms. [SDKS-1009]


  • SDK now persists SSO Token through FRSession instance without OAuth2 configuration. [SDKS-873]
  • All JailbreakDetector and DeviceCollector's initialization methods are now exposed as public methods to help developers more easily customize and utilize existing implementation. [SDKS-836]
  • PlatformCollector's attribute names were changed from timezone and jailbreakScore to timeZone and jailBreakScore respectively to align with AM and Android SDK. [SDKS-908]
  • Browser.validateBrowserLogin() is now available in Objective-c as well. [SDKS-975]
  • Jailbreak detection logic was updated to prevent Jailbreak detection bypass. [SDKS-840]


  • Removed public var value from SingleValueCallback [SDKS-910]
  • Removed FRURLProtocolResponseEvaluationCallback [SDKS-910]
  • Removed FRURLProtocol.validatedURLs [SDKS-910]
  • Removed deprecated (public func next) method [SDKS-910]



  • FRUser.browser() is introduced to support external user-agent authorization. Browser object can be constructed through BrowserBuilder, and BrowserBuilder allows to customize URL query parameter, and to choose which external user-agent to be used. [SDKS-328]


  • FRUser.logout() now also invalidates id_token, if exists, using OIDC end session endpoint after it invalidates SSO Token (using /sessions endpoint), and OAuth2 token(s) (using /token/revoke endpoint). [SDKS-328]
  • Fix Secure Enclave availability validation using CryptoKit for iOS 13 and above. [SDKS-673]
  • Fix inconsistent font size for TextField in login screen. [SDKS-675]
  • AuthorizationPolicy's validatingURL and delegate properties are now public properties. [SDKS-696]
  • Fix the issue that refresh_token is not persisted when refresh_token grant type does not return new refresh_token. [SDKS-648]
  • Change FRUser.getAccessToken to clear OAuth2 tokens and handle error more percisely to reflect the user authentication status. If refresh_token grant returns invalid_grant, SDK will resume with /authorize flow with SSO Token (other errors with refresh_token grant will throw an exception), and if the /authorize request fails with current SSO Token, SDK will clear all credentials and states assuming that there is no more valid credentials. [SDKS-700]
  • FRUser.currentUser.getAccessToken method will now validate SSO Token associated with AccessToken, and make sure that it is same as current FRSession.currentSession.sessionToken value. If two values are different, SDK will invalidate OAuth2 token, and try to authorize new OAuth2 token(s) with current SSO Token. [SDKS-700]
  • FRUser.currentUser.getUserInfo no longer thorws an exception for session renewal failure; instead SDK now invokes API without Authorization header if token renewal failed. [SDKS-644]




  • SuspendedTextOutputCallbackis now supported in iOS SDK for Email Suspend Node in AM. [SDKS-504]
  • Node now supports pageHeader, and pageDescription attributes from Page Node. [SDKS-517]
  • NumberAttributeInputCallback, and BooleanAttributeInputCallback are now supported for IDM integration Callback. [SDKS-494]
  • AbstractValidatedCallback supports updated Policies structures. [SDKS-460]
  • FRProximity.setLocationAccuracy is added to specify CLLocationManager.desiredAccuracy configuration used in LocationCollector. [SDKS-617]


  • FRUI no longer asks for user's consent when DeviceProfileCallback is the only Callback in the Node. [SDKS-436]
  • FRAuth was mistakenly allowing other app's private Keychain Access storage when .entitlement is misconfigured. [SDKS-552]
  • FRProximity SDK's LocationCollector now requests for Location Authorization while collecting Device Profile information if the authorization has not been asked yet. [SDKS-617]




  • FRAuth introduces new dependency, FRCore which contains generic core functionalities that can be shared across other ForgeRock iOS SDK. [SDKS-241]
  • FRCore has been added to iOS SDK suite. FRCore is responsible to handle generic iOS tools and functionalities that are not relevant to ForgeRock products.
  • FRAuth is now able to handle AM's Transactional Authorization requests out of box for IG integration, and with a little bit of customization for custom REST Apps. FRAuth SDK can support Authentication by Service and Transaction - Authenticate to Tree in Policy environment. [SDKS-87]
  • MetadataCallback is now supported in FRAuth SDK. For AM 6.5.2, when MetadataCallback is returned with stage value, SDK automatically parses MetadataCallback into Node's stage property. Please refer this blog post for more details. [SDKS-304]
  • FRAuth now allows more flexible customization on server infomration. Custom URL paths can be configured through .plist config file, or ServerConfigBuilder. [SDKS-302]
  • FRAuth now supports Device Profile Node in AM 7.0.0. [SDKS-294]
  • FRCore introduces an ability to customize internal SDK requests through RequestInterceptor. Use FRCore.RequestInterceptor to implement the interceptor, and FRAuth.FRRequestInterceptorRegistryto register interceptors. [SDKS-250]
  • FRAuth now supports customizable cookie name to align with AM. Use .plist config file, or ServerConfigBuilder to change cookieName. [SDKS-382]
  • FRAuthenticator SDK is now available; use FRAuthenticator to implement OATH, and Push Authentication with AM in the application.


  • FRAuth now supports noSession parameter in Authentication Tree. If no SSO Token is returned with 200 status code, NodeCompletion returns nil for all three parameters. [SDKS-433]
  • ConfirmationCallback and TextOutputCallback's invalid MessageType error is fixed. SDK should now be able to support those callbacks received from AM.
  • Single Sign-On issue where it fails to decrypt the data from other applications is fixed. SDK should now be able to encrypt/decrypt and share the data across the apps within SSO group.


  • FRURLProtocol.validatedURLs and FRURLProtocol.refreshTokenPolicy are now deprecated; use TokenManagementPolicy and TokenManagementPolicyDelegate to perform Token Management feature. [SDKS-386]
  • ServerConfig(url:realm:timeout:) is now deprecated; use ServerConfigBuilder to construct ServerConfig. [SDKS-302]



  • FRSession is now added to replace SessionManager. Use FRSession to authenticate against Authentication Tree in AM, persist and manage Session Token. [SDKS-174]
  • FRSession.authenticate retrieves Session Token, and creates FRUser.currentUser without OAuth2 token set. Use FRUser.currentUser.getAccessToken to obtain OAuth2 token set if needed. [SDKS-174]
  • forgerock_enable_cookie option is now available; you can set Boolean value to indicate whether or not SDK to persist and manage Cookies from AM. [SDKS-183]
  • FRAuth iOS SDK adds security layer on Keychain Service to encrypt all stored data with SecuredKey (using Secure Enclave when available). [SDKS-192]


  • FRUser.login now returns AuthError.userAlreadyAuthenticated when there is already authenticated user session. [SDKS-174]
  • When Session Token is updated, or changed through FRSession.authenticate, or FRUser.login, previously granted OAuth2 token set will automatically be revoked. [SDKS-174]


  • is now deprecated; use FRSession.authenticate instead. [SDKS-174]
  • SessionManager is now deprecated and will become internal class. Use FRSession and FRUser instead. [SDKS-174]



  • SessionManager is now publicly accessible to retrieve SSO Token / AccessToken / FRUser object, and to revoke SSO Token [SDKS-174]
  • SessionManager is now accessible through SessionManager.currentManager singleton object after SDK initialization [SDKS-174]


  • FRAuth.start() stops validating OAuth2 value(s) in configuration and make OAuth2Client and TokenManager become optional properties [SDKS-174]



  • General Availability release for SDKs



  • Changed OAuth2 authorization request to POST [SDKS-125]
  • Added iOS 13 Dark Mode support to FRUI [SDKS-130]
  • Fixed CPU usage issue [SDKS-131]
  • Fixed FRProximity location collector issue [SDKS-124, SDKS-151]
  • Fixed cosmetic issues on sample apps [SDKS-124, SDKS-132]
  • Changed DropDown UI component in FRUI [SDKS-134]



  • Initial release for FRAuth SDK
  • Initial release for FRUI SDK
  • Initial release for FRProximity SDK
  • Initial Cocoapods deployment for beta version