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Keelah edited this page Dec 25, 2021 · 6 revisions

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Steam CMD Settings panel

⚠️ DEPRECATED ⚠️ Install Directory allows you to set your SteamCMD install directory. Click on the folder icon to select the correct folder or fill the field manually.

Mod Staging Directory contains all your Steam Mods and Local Mods

User Name should be the login of your Steam account owning Arma to download and update mods

Password is, as you would expect, your steam password.

Quick Tip If you login through the SteamCMD exe manually at least once, you can remove the SteamCMD Password from FASTER. This way, you'll login automatically each time without needing to provide SteamGuard passwords

Arma 3 Settings panel

Install Directory allows you to set your Arma install directory. You can click on the folder icon or fill the field manually.

note : If you change your Arma directory, you might have to update each mod to make sure the symlink is working properly.

⚠️ DEPRECATED ⚠️ Version Allows you to select the Arma 3 branch to check when updating. Various options are available. As of 1.7a :

  • Stable : the standard branch, default option
  • Contact : Will install the specific Contact Only branch.
  • Creator DLC : Will install the specific Creator Only DLC
  • Legacy Ports : This is the Legacy Linux branch. Not sure why you would want it but here it is.
  • Development : The special dev branch. Unstable but with new features (usually)
  • Performance/Profiling : Special performance branch, usually faster (high framerate). Require Clients to use Performance branch too for better compatibility.

Profiling Switches from Standard and Profiling binaries

DLCs Select the DLCs to install in the folder

Update Button will check your Arma server integrity and will update it if necessary.

Steam CMD Output

This panel shows the output of Steam CMD. Not exactly in real time though : SteamCMD have a weird way of displaying content that cannot be catched by other applications properly. The system I use is the fastest system I found so far but is really not good enough.