I am available for participate on communities for free, Check this -> https://github.com/Franc1sco/Franug-Communities
- Info about me
- For possible clients
- Pre configured servers for sale
- Private plugin list for sale
- Other services
- Contact with me
Here you can found all my private plugins that I sell but first the info for clients (see the plugin list more down)
- Age: 27/05/1992
- Profession: Apps Developer in a big enterprise.
- Experience: +11 years managing and developing game servers especially in Counter Strike Source, Counter Strike Global Offensive and now on Counter Strike 2.
- Other interesting information:
- I helped to a lot people and I have published +100 plugins so I am one of the most active and known sourcemod coders.
- I am the first on make a weapons paints plugin so I am the creator of the famous command "!ws".
- I have had more of 300 different clients, even I cooperated with some famous youtubers (specially in Spain) like Zorman, Nate gentile, BlackEspanolito, and others.
- I am a proffesional and real developer, I work in a big enterprise as developer.
- Payment via PayPal, Skrill, bank transfer, Bitcoin, steam game (overpay), or steam items like csgo skins (overpay).
- If you buy a plugin, you will have access to updates and support for free always (only 1 payment needed).
- You will have sourcecode access.
- You will need a account in https://github.com (register is free) for access to the private repositories where you will have access to updates, support (including others clients with that plugin) and more.
Pre-configured servers for sale (the best configuration with my +11 years of experience making game servers) for the old CS:GO, CS:S and i am porting it to CS2 too.
⚡⚡Note: full support included for help on installation, provide updates and do some changes by request without additional cost. And if the server setup that you want dont appear here, you can request me it and I will do it.⚡⚡
- Full Zombie Escape server
- Full executes server
- Full Jailbreak server
- Full Surf combat server
- Full Surf Skill server
- Full BunnyHop server
- Full Multi 1v1 server
- Full Battle Royal server
- Full Hunger Games server
- Full MultiMap server
- Full FunMaps (MultiMod) server
- Full ONLY AWP + DM server
⚡⚡Note: It worked on the old CS:GO and some plugins works on CS:S too, I have a list for CS2 too, ask me for info.⚡⚡
⚡⚡Note2: I don't have the full private plugin list here. If you want to know the full list (+25 extra private plugins not listed here), then contact with me.Also full support included for help on installation, provide updates and do some changes by request without additional cost.:zap::zap:
- Valve items menu: A menu with all the valve items availables in your server (ws, knife, sprays, ranks, music, gloves). Check video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I407YAmXRRI
- Special Thanos Round: A round where a random player is Thanos with special skills against everyelse -> https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1725631011
- Store Taunts: You can buy taunts sounds in the store.
- Special retakes allocator: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1412295191 IP
- DM weapons by time: A gamemode based on DM FFA that change weapons type (pistols, snipers, rifles, SMG, shotguns, etc) every X time. Included only HS every Y time. Also I added VIP support for weapons, dynamic stage configuration (name, duration) and countdown on chat. Ideal for practice with different weapons types.
- Valve Competitive Rank (Stamm version) plugin: Adapted to the Stamm vip plugin. Always updated and support for prevent bans in your server. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6XHoO3cE4Q
- Valve Competitive Rank (RankMe Edition): Players are ranking by RankMe points, plugin easily configurable, include rank overlays (all the rankme versions supported).
- Valve Competitive Rank and Coins: always updated and support for prevent bans in your server.
- Lights creator: with different colors, sizes, saved per map, etc, all easily configurable. Screenshot -> https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1476649178
- Soccer Day (with discount during the soccer World Cup!): Made for jailbreak server, you can make a soccer day where all the people are teleported to a soccer zone (easily configurable per map), the teams are balanced (1:1), and the first team that make a gol wins. Also the players cant go outside the soccer zone (they are teleported into the zone again if they leave the zone) and they have godmode for prevent die with the ball. You can start a vote with the command !soccer (available only for vips only every X minutes for dont abuse).
- Valve Music kits: always updated, flag for each music kit and support for prevent bans in your server.
- Valve Sprays/graffitis: Players had access to all Valve Sprays and you can easily add more extra sprays to the server. The Spray selection is saved for each player. Include support for set flag for each spray.
- Valve Gloves plugin: You can have all the valve gloves with this plugin. Plugin with full support and without bugs. Include methods for prevent bans in your server and you can use it always. Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hg-0Hn7lyDo Screeshot http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=838107494 and http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=840334783
- Weapon paints private version 6.x: fix console spam errors, fixes, optimizations include weapon paint attached to his corresponding weapon,multi-language support for all the paints, always updated with the new paints, full support, and methods for prevent bans in your server and you can use it always.
- Stattrak counter: Add the command !st for enable the Stattrack technology in your weapons that count each death in the server, MySQL and SQLITE (local database) supported, full support, and methods for prevent bans in your server and you can use it always.
- Nametag for weapons: Add the command !nametag for change the nametag of your weapons, MySQL and SQLITE (local database) supported, included a command for change the color of your nametag (!nametagcolors), full support.
- Knife plugin 4.0: Select 1 knife per team, fix console spam errors, flag support for each knife, always updated with the new knives, full support, and methods for prevent bans in your server and you can use it always.
- DevZones new third party plugins: Include a zombiereloaded spawn points creator, only knife zone, teleport zombies or humans zone (ZR), unlimit grenades ammo zone, grenade give zone, stop zombie reloaded respawn zone, etc.
- Block "sm plugins" commands: for prevent that people can see the plugin list from your server. Include logging the client that try to use that commands, multi-language messege, inmmunity for root admins.
- Idle server: plugin with all the basic for a Idle server that include autojoin, idle server configuration, auto respawn, afk manager, fast drop, and more.
- CCCTagChanger: Change your chat tag with a menu in-game (Easy configuration).
- CCCcolorChanger: Change your color tag and your color chat with a menu in-game (Easy configuration).
- Laser letters: you can use !write "your msg" for write something in the air.
- Push grenade: for zombie escape servers, you can use this grenade for cause a push effect under the grenade explosion.
- FreeRun: You can use this plugin for deathrun servers where the death can use it for allow to CTs to past the map freely.
- DeathRun shop: a shop for deathrun.
- Lazers with menu: a plugin for draw with lasers where you can choose your laser colors, and a cvar for set the laser lifetime.
- Freeday and pardon for jailbreak: a plugin that allow to the guarden to give freeday or pardon to a prisioner.
- UMC Maplister autogenerator: Autogenerate the maplist for the plugin "Ultimate MapChooser" separated by categories depending the map prexis.
- Delete maps menu: Allow to admins use a menu where all the maps in the server for delete it without go to the FTP server for delete it. This can be used with other plugin for download maps ingame.
- Zeph store raffle and zeph store winner team credits.
- Redie redux: with new features a fixes like give you noclip with the key G (DROP) and fixed bugs like footsteps sounds.
- Loot spawner with multiple items for the map: a plugin for get items from the map like Throwing Knives (Throwing Knives plugin without crashes and support included), store credits, and much more (I am listening requests of what items you want!). Screenshot: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1109489069
- Last Request: Throwingknives battle: Last request using throwingknives. Trail always enabled in the last request. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wENmZHhQkRo
- Access By Steam Group: Restric some commands (commands like !ws, !knife, etc because is configurable) only for people that join in your steam group. CS:GO panorama and others games supported.
- Slendermod: gamemode where you need to found 8 pages before slenderman catch you. With visual and sounds effect for keep you scared. Screenshots: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1543986460 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1537005256 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1537005134
- Scares command: You can scares people with multiple scare images and sounds. Configurable.
- The Darkness: You can turn off/on the lights on the map with a command or randomly. Configurable.
- Coding private plugins on request.
- Modifying existing plugins.
- Fixing broken plugins.
- Help writing your own plugins.
- Maintain and configure servers (any game mode), databases and machines.
- Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/franug
- Telegram: https://t.me/Franc1sco
- Discord: franug
Activity public channel to be updated about all my activity on public or private plugins, servers, absences, available time and more -> https://t.me/franug
Note: Negociable prices.